Vol State

High Exam Pass Rate for Mechatronics Students

Mechatronics students at Volunteer State Community College are showing an impressive pass rate in certification exams. Twenty-three of twenty-four students recently passed the Siemens Level One Certification exam. The technology company has training and certifications in many different areas. A Siemens Certified Mechatronic Systems Assistant could carry out their work at plant assembly sites or service operations which utilize complex mechatronic systems. The certification is recognized both locally and internationally as a mark of superior training.

Dearly Departed Comedy Theater

The struggles of the fictional Turpin family offer insight and laughs in the comedy “Dearly Departed” presented by the Volunteer State Community College theater program as part of the Spring 2019 Visual and Performing Arts Series. The popular play by authors David Bottrell and Jessie Jones is set in a small Southern town. The beleaguered Turpin family proves that living and dying in the South are seldom tidy and always hilarious.

Vol State Science and Math Expo for kids April 4

The Parris Powers Science and Math Expo at Volunteer State Community College is a hands-on learning experience for kids K-8 and their parents and grandparents. The Expo is coming up on April 4. It’s a fun day of science learning. There will be dozens of demonstrations and activities. Those exhibits are put together by Vol State students, who gain a new perspective on science and math education.

Author Ronda Rich at 2019 Educate a Woman Luncheon

Best-selling author and syndicated columnist, Ronda Rich, is the featured presenter at the 2019 Educate a Woman luncheon on April 26. The event supports scholarships for women at Volunteer State Community College. Rich began her career as a sportswriter covering NASCAR and came to national attention with the book What Southern Women Know (That Every Woman Should). The popularity of the book launched her as a storyteller, spinning tales of the South as seen through the eyes of its people.

Work-Based Learning for Vol State Students

College graduates face challenges if they try to enter the workforce without experience. The Work-Based Learning (WBL) program at Volunteer State Community sets up partnerships with area businesses to provide students with work opportunities while they are still in college.

Dunaway Hired as Financial Aid Director

Donna Dunaway has been hired as the director of Financial Aid at Volunteer State Community College. She had been assistant director of Financial Aid at Motlow State Community College in Smyrna for nearly nine years.

“I wanted to have the opportunity to have an impact on an institution as director and hopefully, help the college continue to move forward,” Dunaway said. “It’s a great opportunity.”

Landon Crowell Exhibit at Vol State Gallery

The work of Ohio artist Landon Crowell is on display at the Volunteer State Community College Art Gallery. Crowell is the Sculpture and Gallery technician at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio, where he also completed his B.F.A. in sculpture. Landon said he has spent more than 17 years traveling and living across the United States honing his technical skills and exploring the art making process.

Dean's List and Honor Roll for Fall 2018

Congratulations to these students for their academic achievement for the Fall 2018 Semester in being named to the Vol State Dean's List or the combined Dean's List and Honor Roll. The Dean’s List recognition is awarded to students that have completed a minimum of twelve collegiate-level hours with at least a 3.750 GPA during the awarding term.

Register Now for High School Music Day at Vol State

High School Music Day at Volunteer State Community College is an opportunity for high school students with musical interests to come together for a day of workshops and fun. Registration is open now. Vol State instructors will lead the sessions.