Dental Assisting Program

Volunteer State Community College offers a 12-month Dental Assisting technical certificate program that includes classroom and clinical instruction. The goals are to prepare students to work in the field and qualify for national and state examinations.

assistant performing a dental x-rayGetting Into the Program

Admission is competitive. Only 24 students are admitted each year. Applicants must write an essay; watch a Dental Assistant at work, then complete an observation form; and answer questions in an interview. Those who have taken other academic courses at Volunteer State Community College get special consideration. Applicants need to submit high school transcripts or G.E.D. scores, ACT scores or take the college placement exam.

Students interested in one of Volunteer State Community Colleges Health Sciences programs must follow the A.S. in Health Sciences curriculum. You must contact an advisor in your preferred area of emphasis to identify appropriate general education and elective courses for admission into your selected program. For more information about specific program deadlines and requirements, please refer to the program's information packet.

The one-year certificate program includes classes in dental science, dental x-rays, office management, materials and labor procedures, and working with patients who have serious health problems. Many classes involve both lectures and lab hours. Clinical training on campus and in dentists’ offices give students real work experience and make graduates attractive job candidates. Volunteer State Community College has clinical agreements with dozens of dental practitioners throughout Middle Tennessee. By the time students finish the program, they’ll have had nearly 400 hours of clinical work.

The technical certificate option is a one-year, three-semester program. If the student wishes to pursue a two-year degree they can take the Associate of Applied Science - Health Sciences. Students wishing to pursue the A.A.S. Health Science Option must take English Composition I, Humanities or Fine Arts, Natural Science, Social Science, and either Communications or Math plus another 13 hours of electives.

Placement testing is necessary and preparation is available for Volunteer State Community College students through Learning Commons.

  • Instruction — Volunteer State Community College instructors have educational and clinical expertise to enhance the student’s learning experience.
  • Reputation — Volunteer State Community College has an excellent reputation in the health sciences and dental community.
  • Advisory Committee — The dental community is supportive of the program and has representatives on the Dental Assistant Advisory Committee.
  • Placement — All dental assisting graduates who wish employment find many opportunities within the surrounding area.
  • Accreditation — The program in Dental Assisting is accredited by the American Dental Association’s Commission on Dental Accreditation, a specialized accrediting body recognized by the Council on Post-Secondary Accreditation and the United States Department of Education.

Students who successfully complete this program are eligible for Registration as a Dental Assistant in Tennessee with state certifications in Dental Radiology, Sealant Application, Monitoring Nitrous Oxide, and Coronal Polishing. Graduates are also eligible to sit for the Dental Assisting National Board Examination (DANB) Examination to become a Certified Dental Assistant (CDA).


A license to practice Dental Assisting is not required in all states, but in Tennessee the dental assistant must be registered (RDA). Registration is granted by the Board of Dentistry. Students who successfully complete this program are eligible to apply for State Registration and/or National Certification Examinations.

Employment Opportunities

Private Practice-General, Group, or Specialty; Dental Office Receptionist/Manager; Health Departments; Veteran’s Administration; Dental Sales; Manufacturer’s Representative; Dental Insurance Claims; Dental Assistant.

ADA Commission on Accreditation Third Party Comments

If a student has a complaint about the effectiveness of the Dental Assisting Program's compliance with the accreditation standards set forth by the American Dental Association they have the opportunity to file a complaint with the Commission on Dental Accreditation.

The Commission on Dental Accreditation will review complaints that relate to the programs compliance with accreditation standards.  The commission is interested in the sustained quality and continued improvement of the dental and dental-related education programs, but does not intervene on behalf of individuals or acts a court of appeal for individuals in matters of admission, appointment, promotion or dismissal of faculty, staff or students.  A copy of the appropriate accreditation standards and/or the Commission's policy and procedure for submission of complaints may be obtained by contacting the Commission.

The VSCC Dental Assisting Education Program must retain a copy of all information regarding students' comments and complaints sent to the Commission.  A notebook is available in the classroom for recording any comments and/or complaints.

The address and phone number for the Commission is as follows:

ADA Commission on Dental Accreditation
211 East Chicago Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60611-2678

Bloodborne Pathogen Statement

This profession may expose the student to bloodborne pathogens.  Therefore, the Dental Assisting Program follows all rules and regulations set forth by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).  The student is required to be immunized against infectious diseases as required by the clinical affiliates and OSHA regulations or complete a refusal document with the guidelines of the regulations.  Clinical affiliates may refuse clinical rotation access to students who fail to obtain the required immunizations.