Add/Drop/Withdrawal From a Course

The Add/Drop period dates for all terms can be found in the Academic Calendar. Some dates are highlighted below.

We highly recommend you discuss your options with your advisor before making any changes to your schedule, especially if you want to add a late-start class to replace a dropped class.
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Last Day to ...

Add/Drop a Full-term Course
VS Blue

Deadline: January 25


Add/Drop a Full-term Course
Receive a Partial Refund
VS Blue

Deadline: February 16

View all refund deadlines

Receive a Partial Refund
Drop a Full-term Course
VS Blue

Deadline: March 28


Drop a Full-term Course

Helpful Definitions:

Drop: Dropping one or more courses but keeping at least one
Withdrawal: Dropping all courses and fully withdrawing from the semester

Late-start Terms

For late-start terms that have not yet begun (such as the 2nd 10-week and 2nd 7-week sessions), students are still able to add courses through the My Vol State portal until the respective deadlines, as noted in the Academic Calendar.

Receiving a Grade of W

Starting February 4, a grade of W will be recorded for any dropped full-term course. A grade of W does not affect your GPA; however, it could affect your financial aid.
(See the Academic Calendar for W dates for all other terms.)

Financial Aid

We highly recommend that you consult with the Office of Financial Aid before dropping or withdrawing to find out how it may affect your aid and whether or not you will owe money back.

How To Drop/Withdraw

To drop a course or withdraw from the semester, log in to the My Vol State portal with your Vol State email and password.

  • Click on Student Forms > Drop/Withdraw Form.
  • Fill out the form completely and submit it.

How to Drop or Withdraw from Classes
Drop/Withdrawal and Refund Deadlines

If you have questions, contact or (615) 230-3702.