Introduction to the World of Digital Technology

Navigating the Digital Landscape: From Basics to Emerging Technologies

Join us at Vol State for our "Introduction to the World of Digital Technology" course, a collaborative effort with Amesite to provide learning on evolution of the internet and highlights current trends. This course is designed to meet the dynamic needs of Technical and non-technical professionals looking to learn about the evolution of digital technology from internet origins to current trends like data privacy and augmented reality.

2-hour course. Price: $150.00

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Key Features of the Introduction to the World of Digital Technology Course

  • Explore key concepts: Learn the basics and applications of Internet and IoT technologies.
  • Develop digital skills: Gain essential internet skills, including online safety and presence management.
  • Utilize IoT devices: Learn to integrate IoT devices for automation and efficiency.
  • Understand digital ethics: Focus on cybersecurity, privacy, and ethical internet use.

Target Audiences for the Introduction to the World of Digital Technology Course

Businesses aiming for innovation: Ideal for organizations looking to enhance efficiency and streamline operations, this course provides teams with the necessary skills to effectively use digital tools and technologies, improving productivity and interdepartmental service delivery.

Career-focused professionals: This course is crucial for professionals eager to stay competitive by mastering digital tools and technologies, thereby boosting their technical skills and opening new career opportunities.

Students and job seekers: Essential for those entering the workforce, this course offers insights into utilizing digital tools for crafting superior job applications and resumes, helping to expand their skills in a technology-driven market.

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