If you would like to submit your creative works for consideration for the Pioneer Pen, please submit them in the form below. Please include the following:
- Signed copy of the Creative Works Waiver (separate document, only one per person, leave title of works blank) – You may place in file box outside of SRB 206C or SRB 314
- Your name (this will be removed for the anonymous submission voting process)
- The title for EACH work you’ve submitted If submitting a written work, your file must be saved as a .doc or .docx file
- If submitting a photograph, your file must be saved as a PDF or .jpeg file
- If submitting a piece of artwork, your file must be saved as a PDF or .jpeg file
- If submitting a song performance, cartoon, or short film, you must provide a YouTube link
- If submitting a poem, it should be typed in the finalized format that you would like to see it printed in
All submissions will remain anonymous until they are accepted for publication, then you will be notified.
The Creative Works Waiver only gives us permission to print your work; the waiver does not give our publication or Vol State ownership over your creative works.