college classes

New Professional Music Degree and Tuition-Free Classes this Fall

The big news for the fall semester at Volunteer State Community College is the tuition-free program for adults called Tennessee Reconnect. It’s designed for adults who don’t already have a college degree. They can take classes full or part-time in all of Vol State’s academic areas. It includes day, evening and online courses. There are some stipulations and additional eligibility requirements. For details, and a simple list of how to get started, people can visit

New Terms Allow Students to Take More Summer Classes

Summer classes at Volunteer State Community College are starting earlier this year, May 21. The change comes with new summer class terms. The college is offering three-week, six-week, and twelve-week classes. The reason is to have less overlapping of class terms, which allows students to take more classes, and earn more college credits over the summer. The different session lengths, and start dates, are designed to fit around family holidays and other summer events.