A Pathway to Nursing and More this Fall

The Vol State campus in Gallagtin

The fall semester is the start of a college career for many students. Volunteer State Community College has more than 100 areas of study for students to choose. One new path is the RN Nursing A.A.S. Degree program. Students can take Pre-Nursing as a major. It lays out exactly what classes students need to take in order to apply for the new Nursing program. 

Many adults who don’t already have a college degree will be using the Tennessee Reconnect program this fall. They can take classes tuition-free, either full or part-time, and in all of the Vol State academic areas. There are some stipulations and additional eligibility requirements. For details, and a list of how to get started, people can visit www.volstate.edu/reconnect.

One new Sociology class this fall is Marriage & Families. The course introduces the social, cultural, and personal factors relating to family life with an emphasis on families in the United States. There is a prerequisite of Sociology 1010. Vol State also has learning opportunities outside the classroom. The Speech and Debate Team had many wins, including statewide honors, last year. It is open to all students in all majors. Interested students can contact karen.johnson@volstate.edu.

Fall registration is open now. New students will need to apply first. Fall classes start on August 26. New and readmit students will need to fill out an application on the website at www.volstate.edu/apply . The Office of Admissions is located in the Ramer Building on the Gallatin campus at 1480 Nashville Pike. Students with questions can also call 615-230-3688.