Parents and Families

For many of our students, the journey into and through college is rarely done alone. Vol State values the important role parents and families play in the success of our students. To help you offer support, we suggest the following tips.

Tips on How to Support Your Student

Emphasize the Value of Education:

Know the personal and academic expectations your student has set for their college experience. Support and encourage your student as they work to meet those expectations.

Understand the Time Requirements of College Coursework:

Help your student understand that, although they will be spending less time in the classroom, more independent work is expected of them. Students should expect to spend two to three hours of studying for every hour spent in class. That means that a student enrolled for 12 credit hours should expect to spend an additional 24 to 36 hours outside of instruction time studying.

Be Flexible:

Between attending classes and preparing for them, college students have many demands on their time. Encourage your student to prioritize their commitments and find a balance between school, work, and other responsibilities.

Know Campus Resources:

Utilize our website to become familiar with life at Vol State and the resources available to students. Helping your student to navigate the college by referring them to the appropriate resources is one of the best ways for you to support your student.

Encourage Academic and Career Exploration:

Career exploration encourages students to be open to a variety of possibilities, investigate areas of interest, and to participate in career-related experiences. Encourage your student to meet regularly with an advisor who can help select programs of study, choose courses, create class schedules, and explore their options beyond Vol State.

Encourage Involvement in Campus Activities:

Campus activities are an important part of a students’ college experience. Show interest in your students’ participation in the campus community and don’t hesitate to ask them to share what that looks like for them.

Parent Access to Student Information

It is very important that parents understand that all information related to enrollment of students is protected by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). While parents understandably have an interest in a student’s academic process, they are not automatically granted access to a student’s records without a student’s prior consent. Parents are encouraged to consult with the student if academic information is needed. Please visit Family Educations Rights and Privacy Act to learn more about FERPA.