Degrees & Certificates

Choose from over 100 areas of study and certificates, whether you are continuing your education or expanding your career options. Start your search below or view the full catalog.

  • Accelerated Advanced Emergency Medical Technician Technical Certificat... View in Catalog Preview

    Accelerated Advanced Emergency Medical Technician Technical Certificate

    For more information, contact the Health Sciences division at 615-230-3330.

    This program combines the one-semester Basic Emergency Medical Technician Technical Certificate and the Advanced Medical Technician Technical Certificate into a single semester. Students will learn valuable basic skills such as EMS operations, basic bandage, childbirth, and how to work as part of a first responder team. Students will then progress to more advanced skills, such as IV therapy and supraglottic airways, as well as more complex medication administration, all in this single-semester course. When students successfully complete the semester, they are eligible for both the basic and advanced national registry exams needed for state licensure.

    The Accelerated Advanced Emergency Medical Technician Technical Certificate is embedded within the Associate of Arts and the Associate of Science, General Studies area of emphasis.  Courses in this certificate may be used to award the area of emphasis.

    Program Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge, and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. The student will apply fundamental knowledge relative to the multiple determinants of professional roles and responsibilities of the emergency medical services system as well as emergency medical services system operations as a pre-hospital emergency care provider.
    2. The student will demonstrate fundamental knowledge in EMS Systems, Research, Workforce Safety and Wellness, Documentation, Communication,and Medical/Legal and Ethics.
    3. The student will identify the operational roles and responsibilities to ensure patient, public, and personnel safety in performing emergency care and operational aspects as a prehospital care provider.
    4. The student will apply a fundamental knowledge of anatomy and physiology, medical terminology, pathophysiology, and lifespan development relative to patient assessment in determining emergency medical care administration.
    5. The student will apply a fundamental knowledge in patient airway management, including oxygen administration, airway adjunct application, and artificial ventilation.
    6. The student will demonstrate fundamental knowledge of pharmacology, medication administration, and emergency medications interventions available to treat patients as a pre-hospital care provider in the pre-hospital emergency care setting.
    7. The student will apply scene information to guide emergency management of patients by using scene size-up information, patient findings related to primary and secondary assessment, patient history, and reassessment.
    8. The student will demonstrate a fundamental knowledge of age-related management of prehospital emergency care within the scope practice of a prehospital care provider caring for a medical patient, including, but not limited to, neurologic emergencies, gastrointestinal/urologic emergencies, immunologic emergencies, endocrine/hematologic emergencies, cardiovascular emergencies, respiratory emergencies, and toxicological emergencies. 
    9. The student will apply fundamental knowledge to perform age-related management of shock and resuscitation.
    10. The student will demonstrate a fundamental knowledge of environmental emergencies, EMS operations, transport operations, lifting and moving patients, vehicle extrication, special rescue, incident management, and terrorism response.
    11. The student will demonstrate critical thinking skills to develop the ability to analyze and develop the most effective means of caring for age-related patient management of prehospital care for patients.

    CIP Code:(31) 51.0904.04         SOC Code:29-2041

    Certificate Requirements - Credits (18)

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    • EMSX 1150 - *Basic EMTB/A Clinical Credits: (1)
    • EMSX 1250 - *EMT First Responder Credits: (2)
    • EMSX 1260 - *Basic EMTB/A Skills Lab Credits: (2)
    • EMSX 1350 - *Introduction to EMTB/A Credits: (3)
    • EMSX 2250 - *EMTB/A Field Internship Credits: (2)
    • EMSX 2260 - *Advanced EMTB/A Skills Credits: (2)
    • EMSX 2650 - *Advanced EMTB/A Credits: (6)
  • Administrative Professional Technology Technical Certificate View in Catalog Preview

    Administrative Professional Technology Technical Certificate

    For more information, visit the Business Department webpage or contact the Business and Technology division at 615-230-3301 or

    The Administrative Professional Technology Technical Certificate prepares students to succeed in entry-level administrative support positions in practically any sector of the economy.  Students will complete courses that align with popular industry certifications from Microsoft.  Graduates also will develop the knowledge and confidence to adapt to workplace requirements of the future.  Knowledge and skills gained in the program also provide students a strong foundation for further studies toward an Associate’s degree.

    The Administrative Professional Technology Technical Certificate is embedded within the Associate of Applied Science in Business, Marketing concentration, the Associate of Arts, and the Associate of Science, General Studies area of emphasis.  Courses in this certificate may be used to award the concentration and area of emphasis.

    Program Learning Outcomes

    1. Students will demonstrate skill development in software applications common to most modern business offices.
    2. Students will perform electronic and routine administrative office procedures.
    3. Students will prepare documents pertinent to an office environment.
    4. Students will develop decision-making and problem-solving skills.

    CIP Code: (32) 52.0401.00    SOC Code: 43-6014

    Certificate Requirements - Credits (18)

    • ADMN 1311 - *Word Processing I Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 1302 - *Keyboarding with Word Processing Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 1305 - *Introduction to Business Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 1310 - *Business Communications Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 1370 - *Spreadsheet Applications Credits: (3)
    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)

    Total Certificate Requirements - Credits (18)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    Fall Semester - Credits (9)

    • BUSN 1302 - *Keyboarding with Word Processing Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 1305 - *Introduction to Business Credits: (3)
    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)

    Spring Semester - Credits (9)

    • ADMN 1311 - *Word Processing I Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 1310 - *Business Communications Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 1370 - *Spreadsheet Applications Credits: (3)
  • Advanced Emergency Medical Technician Technical Certificate View in Catalog Preview

    Advanced Emergency Medical Technician Technical Certificate

    For more information, contact the Health Sciences division at 615-230-3330.

    The one-semester Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) Technical Certificate program is the required course of studies designed to prepare students for advanced positions as professional medical care providers in a pre-hospital setting such as an ambulance service.  These are prerequisite courses required by the State of Tennessee EMS rules and regulations for persons considering entry into the Paramedic Technical Certificate program.  The AEMT duties include the recognition, assessment, and management of medical, trauma, and environmental emergencies under the direction of the medical control physician or medical director.  The courses follow the current National Emergency Medical Services Education Standards.  Students who successfully complete the course work and clinical components of the program are eligible for the Tennessee Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) Licensing Examination.  The program has an application and selection process.  To be admitted to the program, students MUST be 18 years old, and submit an acceptable background check, a “passing” drug screen, and acceptable placement scores or completion of all Learning Support competencies in Reading.  Students should be physically able to perform heavy lifting or strenuous activity for extended periods and must demonstrate the ability to perform these tasks during classroom and clinical periods.  Students must have successfully completed the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) program or have a current Tennessee EMT license prior to enrollment in the AEMT program.

    Courses are offered at several off-campus locations that may include Nashville, Springfield, and Clarksville.  Up to twelve students are accepted into each section of the course each semester offered.  Students enrolled MUST successfully complete all didactic and clinical components of the program to be eligible to take professional licensing examinations.

    The Advanced Emergency Medical Technician Technical Certificate is embedded within the Associate of Arts and the Associate of Science, General Studies area of emphasis.  Courses in this certificate may be used to award the area of emphasis.

    Program Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. Student will safely and effectively perform the psychomotor skills relative to age-related management of a patient with an acute or chronic traumatic and non-traumatic emergency disorder.

    2. The student will apply the multiple determinants of professional roles and responsibilities of operating as an Advanced Emergency Medical Technician in the pre-hospital emergency care setting.  

    3. The student will apply the multiple determinants of medical and legal considerations of operating as an Advanced Emergency Medical Technician in the pre- hospital emergency care setting. 

    4. The student will demonstrate fundamental knowledge used in the skills associated with advanced level management of age-related patient presentations associated with care as an Advanced Emergency Medical Technician in the pre-hospital emergency care setting. 

    5. The student will apply fundamental knowledge in the multiple determinants of pharmacological interventions available to treat patients as an Advanced Emergency Medical Technician in the pre-hospital emergency care setting.

    6. The student will demonstrate critical thinking skills to develop the ability to analyze and develop the most effective means of caring for age-related patient management of prehospital care for patients as an Advanced Emergency Medical Technician.

    CIP Code: (31) 51.0904.03     SOC Code: 29-2041

    Certificate Requirements - Credits (16)

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    • EMSA 1111 - *Advanced EMT Clinical Credits: (1)
    • EMSA 1112 - *Advanced EMT Field Internship Credits: (1)
    • EMSA 1201 - *Advanced EMT Medical Skills Lab Credits: (2)
    • EMSA 1202 - *Advanced EMT Trauma and Medical Skills Lab Credits: (2)
    • EMSA 1501 - *Advanced EMT Medical Emergencies Credits: (5)
    • EMSA 1502 - *Advanced EMT Trauma and Medical Emergencies Credits: (5)
  • Advanced Mechatronics Technology Technical Certificate View in Catalog Preview

    Advanced Mechatronics Technology Technical Certificate

    For more information, visit the Business and Technology Division webpage or contact the Math and Science division at 615-230-3261 or

    The certificate program is offered for students interested in employment as a technician in an integrated multidisciplinary environment. Students enrolling in this certificate program should have either completed or transferred in credit (from a TCAT, for example) equivalent to the Mechatronics Technology Technical Certificate. Instruction in mechatronics provides students with the knowledge and hands-on training in electronics, mechanics, and computers to work in a variety of industrial and manufacturing related businesses. The certificate offers opportunities for employment preparation and skills enhancement.

    The Advanced Mechatronics Technology Technical Certificate is embedded within the Associate of Applied Science in Mechatronics Technology and within the Associate of Arts and the Associate of Science, General Studies areas of emphasis.  Courses in this certificate may be used to award these degrees.

    Program Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge, and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. The graduate will have demonstrated a thorough understanding of the electrical components, electric motors, and mechanical components in a mechatronics system.
    2. The graduate will demonstrate a thorough understanding of programmable logic controls (PLCs) in a mechatronics system. 
    3. The graduate will have demonstrated the ability to use troubleshooting techniques, correct malfunctions, perform systematic preventive maintenance and apply safety rules with respect to electrical components, mechanical components, electric motors, pneumatic and hydraulic controls, and PLCs used in a mechatronics system.
    4. The graduate will have demonstrated the ability to install, implement, and modify software tools used in mechatronic systems.

    CIP Code: (09)15.0403.01

    Certificate Requirements - Credits (18)

    • MECH 2320 - *Motor Control Credits: (3)
    • MECH 2440 - *Process Control Technologies Credits: (4)
    • MECH 2441 - *Introduction to Totally Integrated Automation Credits: (4)
    • Advanced Mechatronics Elective (Choose from the following list) Credits: (7)
      ENGR 101 - *Engineering Graphics with CAD I  Credits: (3)
      ENGR 102 - *Engineering Graphics with CAD II  Credits: (3)
      ENST 1350 - *Industrial Safety  Credits: (3)
      INFS 1010 - Computer Applications  Credits: (3)
      MATH 1130 - ^College Algebra  Credits: (3)
      MATH 1710 - ^Precalculus Algebra  Credits: (3)
      MECH 2000 (Choose from any 2000 level courses) Credits: (7)
    • NOTE:  Any course used to satisfy the requirements of the Mechatronics Technical Certificate may not be used to satisfy the requirements of the Advanced Mechatronics Technical Certificate. If one of the required courses listed above was used to satisfy the requirements of the Mechatronics Technical Certificate, the student in consultation with the chair of the Mechatronics program may choose another course or courses to substitute. This may require more than one course be used for substitution to reach the minimum requirement of 18 credit hours.

    Total Certificate Requirements - Credits (18)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, prerequisites, and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    All courses required for completion of this certificate are offered at both the Gallatin and the Cookeville Campuses during the day and all 1000 level MECH courses are also offered at the Gallatin campus during the evening.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (10-11)

    • MECH 2320 - *Motor Control Credits: (3)
    • MECH 2440 - *Process Control Technologies Credits: (4)
    • MECH 2441 - *Introduction to Totally Integrated Automation Credits: (4) Gallatin Campus Students OR Advanced Mechatronics Elective (Choose from list above) Credits: (3-4) Cookeville Campus Students

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (7-8)

    • MECH 2441 - *Introduction to Totally Integrated Automation Credits: (4) Cookeville Campus Students OR Advanced Mechatronics Elective (Choose from list above) Credits: (3-4) Gallatin Campus Students
    • Advanced Mechatronics Elective (Choose from list above) Credits: (3-4)
  • Business, A.A.S. - Accounting View in Catalog Preview

    Business, A.A.S. - Accounting

    Degree: Associate of Applied Science
    Major: Business
    Concentration: Accounting

    Visit the Business Department webpage or contact the Business and Technology division at 615-230-3301 or

    The Accounting Concentration is designed to prepare students for work in a supporting role within the accounting system. Duties performed by this person are generally in a paraprofessional capacity and include accounts receivable management, accounts payable management, tax preparation assistance, general ledger maintenance and cash control. The A.A.S. graduate could be expected to assume responsibilities represented by titles including full-charge bookkeeper, accounting office manager, assistant accountant, or general ledger manager.

    The Associate of Applied Science in Business, Accounting Concentration was developed in compliance with the Complete College Tennessee Act of 2010.  Students who begin this program at Volunteer State Community College and transfer to another Tennessee public community college are guaranteed their credits will transfer and be credited toward completion of the Associate of Applied Science degree in Business, Accounting Concentration at the receiving institution.

    The Entrepreneurship Technical Certificate is embedded within the Associate of Applied Science in Business, Accounting concentration.  Courses in the certificate may be used to award this concentration.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    Program Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. Explain the role of accounting in business and how accounting information systems are used to gather, summarize, report, and analyze financial data.
    2. Perform the steps in the accounting cycle, complying with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
    3. Demonstrate knowledge of local, state, and federal tax laws and competence in tax planning and compliance.
    4. Identify ethical issues and apply a value-based reasoning system to accounting issues.
    5. Demonstrate an understanding of cost accounting systems and the budgeting process.

    CIP Code: (32) 52.0201.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (15)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • ECON 2100 - ^Principles of Macroeconomics Credits: (3)
    • OR ECON 2200 - ^Principles of Microeconomics  Credits: (3)

    Major Core Course Requirements - Credits (18)

    • ACCT 1010 - Principles of Accounting I Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 1305 - *Introduction to Business Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 2300 - *Business Ethics Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 2360 - *International Business Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 2395 - *Business Applications Credits: (3)
    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)

    Concentration Course Requirements - Credits (15)

    • ACCT 1020 - Principles of Accounting II Credits: (3)
    • ACCT 2301 - *Payroll Accounting Credits: (3)
    • ACCT 2331 - *Tax Accounting Credits: (3)
    • ACCT 2341 - *Cost Accounting Credits: (3)
    • ACCT 2382 - *Accounting Systems Applications Credits: (3)

    Accounting Concentration Electives - Credits (12)

    • Accounting Concentration Electives (Choose from the following list) Credits: (12)
      ​Choose from any ACCT, BUSN, HMGT, LOGI, or WKBL Courses Credits: (0-12)
      CITC 1303 - *Database Concepts  Credits: (3)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ACCT 1010 - Principles of Accounting I Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 1305 - *Introduction to Business Credits: (3)
    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • ACCT 1020 - Principles of Accounting II Credits: (3)
    • Accounting Concentration Electives (See List Above) Credits: (6)
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • ECON 2100 - ^Principles of Macroeconomics Credits: (3)
    • OR ECON 2200 - ^Principles of Microeconomics  Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • ACCT 2301 - *Payroll Accounting Credits: (3)
    • Accounting Concentration Electives (See List Above) Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • BUSN 2300 - *Business Ethics Credits: (3)
    • ACCT 2341 - *Cost Accounting Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • ACCT 2331 - *Tax Accounting Credits: (3)
    • ACCT 2382 - *Accounting Systems Applications Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 2395 - *Business Applications Credits: (3)
    • Accounting Concentration Electives (See List Above) Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 2360 - *International Business Credits: (3)
  • Business, A.A.S. - Logistics and Supply Chain Management View in Catalog Preview

    Business, A.A.S. - Logistics and Supply Chain Management

    Degree: Associate of Applied Science
    Major: Business
    Concentration: Logistics and Supply Chain Management

    For more information, contact the Business and Technology division at 615-230-3301 or at

    This concentration is designed for career growth in the expanding area of Logistics, Transportation and Distribution Center/Warehouse Management. Employment in supervision and coordination roles in supply chain management, traffic management, entertainment touring, and order processing are the goals of the program.

    In addition to the AAS in Business - Logistics and Supply Chain Management program, VSCC offers a Professional Advancement Opportunity in Logistics and Supply Chain.

    The Transportation, Distribution, Warehousing, and Procurement Technical Certificate and the Entrepreneurship Technical Certificate are embedded within the Associate of Applied Science in Business, Logistics and Supply Chain Management concentration.  Courses in these certificates may be used to award this concentration.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    Program Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively, think critically, and develop problem solving skills utilizing quantitative data in business situations through physical or virtual presence in writing, speaking, listening, and electronic media.

    2. Describe practical applications that address real-life challenges and opportunities in logistics and supply chain management.

    3. Describe the latest professional concepts of transportation management and apply them in a global supply chain environment.

    4. Demonstrate knowledge of the role warehouses and distribution centers (DCs) play in the supply chain.

    5. Recognize the impact of purchasing and supply chain management on the competitive success and profitability of modern organizations.

    CIP Code: (32) 52.0201.01     SOC Code: 11-3071

    General Education Requirements - Credits (15)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • ECON 2100 - ^Principles of Macroeconomics Credits: (3)
    • OR ECON 2200 - ^Principles of Microeconomics  Credits: (3)

    Major Core Course Requirements - Credits (18)

    • ACCT 1010 - Principles of Accounting I Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 1305 - *Introduction to Business Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 2300 - *Business Ethics Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 2360 - *International Business Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 2395 - *Business Applications Credits: (3)
    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)

    Concentration Course Requirements - Credits (15)

    • LOGI 1000 - *Introduction to Logistics Management Credits: (3)
    • LOGI 1010 - *Transportation Credits: (3)
    • LOGI 1030 - *Distribution Center & Warehouse Management Credits: (3)
    • LOGI 2040 - *Sourcing & Procurement Credits: (3)
    • LOGI 2050 - *Logistics and Supply Chain Strategy Credits: (3)

    Logistics & Supply Chain Management Electives - Credits (12)

    • Logistics & Supply Chain Management Electives (Choose from the following list) Credits: (12)
      Choose from any ACCT, BUSN, HMGT, LOGI, OR WKBL Courses Credits: (0-12)
      CITC 1303 - *Database Concepts  Credits: (3)
      CITC 1334 - *Project Management I  Credits: (3)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • BUSN 1305 - *Introduction to Business Credits: (3)
    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)
    • LOGI 1000 - *Introduction to Logistics Management Credits: (3)
    • ACCT 1010 - Principles of Accounting I Credits: (3)
    • LOGI 2040 - *Sourcing & Procurement Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • LOGI 1030 - *Distribution Center & Warehouse Management Credits: (3)
    • LOGI 1010 - *Transportation Credits: (3)
    • ECON 2100 - ^Principles of Macroeconomics Credits: (3)
    • OR ECON 2200 - ^Principles of Microeconomics  Credits: (3)

    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • Logistics & Supply Chain Electives (See List Above) Credits: (6)
    • BUSN 2300 - *Business Ethics Credits: (3)
    • LOGI 2050 - *Logistics and Supply Chain Strategy Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • Logistics & Supply Chain Electives (See List Above) Credits: (6)
    • BUSN 2395 - *Business Applications Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • BUSN 2360 - *International Business Credits: (3)
  • Business, A.A.S. - Management View in Catalog Preview

    Business, A.A.S. - Management

    Degree: Associate of Applied Science
    Major: Business
    Concentration: Management

    For more information, contact the Business and Technology division at 615-230-3301 or at

    The A.A.S. degree in Business, with a concentration in Management, is designed to prepare students for employment or advancement in a business or organizational environment immediately following graduation.  Skills obtained in this program could be applied to a variety of settings including retail, office, hospitality and operations management, as well as sales and customer service.

    The Entrepreneurship Technical Certificate is embedded within the Associate of Applied Science in Business, Management concentration.  Courses in the certificate may be used to award this concentration.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    Program Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively, think critically, and develop problem solving skills utilizing quantitative data in business situations through physical or virtual presence in writing, speaking, listening, and electronic media.

    2. Demonstrate a basic understanding of the American free enterprise system.

    3. Demonstrate an understanding of the basic interaction of supply and demand.

    4. Apply business and management knowledge through employability of skills.

    5. Interpret accounting information, marketing practices, and economic data and be creative with business solutions.

    CIP Code: (32) 52.0201.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (15)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • ECON 2100 - ^Principles of Macroeconomics Credits: (3)
    • OR ECON 2200 - ^Principles of Microeconomics  Credits: (3)

    Major Core Course Requirements - Credits (18)

    • ACCT 1010 - Principles of Accounting I Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 1305 - *Introduction to Business Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 2300 - *Business Ethics Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 2360 - *International Business Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 2395 - *Business Applications Credits: (3)
    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)

    Concentration Course Requirements - Credits (15)

    • BUSN 1310 - *Business Communications Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 1330 - *Entrepreneurship Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 1380 - *Supervisory Management Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 2380 - *Principles of Marketing Credits: (3)
    • LOGI 1000 - *Introduction to Logistics Management Credits: (3)

    Management Concentration Electives - Credits (12)

    • Management Concentration Electives (Choose from the following list) Credits: (12)
      Choose from any ACCT, BUSN, HMGT, LOGI, or WKBL Courses Credits: (0-12)
      CITC 1303 - *Database Concepts  Credits: (3)
      CITC 1334 - *Project Management I  Credits: (3)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • BUSN 1305 - *Introduction to Business Credits: (3)
    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)
    • LOGI 1000 - *Introduction to Logistics Management Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 2380 - *Principles of Marketing Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 1330 - *Entrepreneurship Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 1310 - *Business Communications Credits: (3)
    • ACCT 1010 - Principles of Accounting I Credits: (3)
    • ECON 2100 - ^Principles of Macroeconomics Credits: (3)
    • OR ECON 2200 - ^Principles of Microeconomics  Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • Management Concentration Electives (See List Above) Credits: (6)
    • BUSN 2300 - *Business Ethics Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 1380 - *Supervisory Management Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • Management Concentration Electives (See List Above) Credits: (6)
    • BUSN 2395 - *Business Applications Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • BUSN 2360 - *International Business Credits: (3)
  • Business, A.A.S. - Marketing View in Catalog Preview

    Business, A.A.S. - Marketing

    Degree: Associate of Applied Science
    Major: Business
    Concentration: Marketing

    For more information, contact the Business and Technology division at 615-230-3301 or at

    This concentration is designed to prepare students with knowledge and skills that can assist their career growth in the growing field of marketing. Typical duties performed by career oriented marketing employees include management of retail departments and store settings, personal selling, management of customer service, purchasing assistance, and merchandise management. Marketing employment is expected to grow as a part of the workforce well into the next century. Solid opportunities exist for growth from entry level to career sustaining and management responsibilities. Representative job titles include retail department manager, assistant and store manager, sales representative, merchandise manager, and purchasing assistant.

    The Entrepreneurship Technical Certificate and the Administrative Professional Technology Technical Certificate are embedded within the Associate of Applied Science in Business, Marketing concentration.  Courses in these certificates may be used to award this concentration.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    Program Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. Explain the concept of marketing and how marketing strategies are planned, implemented and controlled.

    2. Explain the process of marketing and how marketing strategies are planned, implemented and controlled.

    3. Explain the process of market segmentation and target marketing.

    4. Identify the elements of the marketing mix and how they are used to satisfy marketing opportunities.

    5. Analyze consumer behavior in specific situations against the framework of consumer behavior.

    6. Identify the marketing planning process and the development of the key elements of a marketing strategy.

    CIP Code: (32) 52.0201.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (15)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts    Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • ECON 2100 - ^Principles of Macroeconomics Credits: (3)
    • OR ECON 2200 - ^Principles of Microeconomics  Credits: (3)

    Major Core Course Requirements - Credits (18)

    • ACCT 1010 - Principles of Accounting I Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 1305 - *Introduction to Business Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 2300 - *Business Ethics Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 2360 - *International Business Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 2395 - *Business Applications Credits: (3)
    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)

    Concentration Course Requirements - Credits (15)

    • BUSN 1310 - *Business Communications Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 1330 - *Entrepreneurship Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 1350 - *Sales and Service Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 2380 - *Principles of Marketing Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 2389 - *Social Media Marketing Credits: (3)

    Marketing Concentration Electives - Credits (12)

    • Marketing Concentration Electives (Choose from the following list) Credits: (12)
      Choose from any ACCT, BUSN, HMGT, LOGI, or WKBL Courses Credits: (0-12)
      ADMN 1311 - *Word Processing I  Credits: (3)
      CITC 1300 - *Beginning HTML and CSS  Credits: (3)
      CITC 1303 - *Database Concepts  Credits: (3)
      CITC 1334 - *Project Management I  Credits: (3)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • BUSN 1305 - *Introduction to Business Credits: (3)
    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 1350 - *Sales and Service Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 2380 - *Principles of Marketing Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 1330 - *Entrepreneurship Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 1310 - *Business Communications Credits: (3)
    • ACCT 1010 - Principles of Accounting I Credits: (3)
    • ECON 2100 - ^Principles of Macroeconomics Credits: (3)
    • OR ECON 2200 - ^Principles of Microeconomics  Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • Marketing Concentration Electives (See List Above) Credits: (6)
    • BUSN 2300 - *Business Ethics Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • Marketing Concentration Electives (See List Above) Credits: (6)
    • BUSN 2395 - *Business Applications Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 2360 - *International Business Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 2389 - *Social Media Marketing Credits: (3)
  • Computer Information Technology Technical Certificate View in Catalog Preview

    Computer Information Technology Technical Certificate

    For more information, contact the Business and Technology division at 615-230-3301 or at

    The Computer Information Technology (CIT) Technical Certificate provides students a broad introduction to key knowledge and skills needed to support entry level work in IT and/or continued studies in the field.  Courses focus on skillsets identified by employers as essential in today’s workplace and include programming, computer repair and maintenance, networking, web-page design and common computer applications.  The courses prepare well-motivated students to sit for as many as three industry-recognized certification examinations.

    The Computer Information Technology Technical Certificate is embedded within the Associate of Applied Science in Computer Information Technology, Cyber Defense, Networking, and Programming concentrations and within the Associate of Arts and the Associate of Science, General Studies area of emphasis.  Courses in this certificate may be used to award these concentrations and areas of emphasis.

    Program Learning Outcomes

    1. Utilize diverse disciplines to enhance communication, research, business, and technology skills in the workplace.
    2. Execute programming languages in the process of design and implementation while developing and maintaining software.
    3. Develop effective problem-management and decision-making skills.
    4. Demonstrate various networking media and connections to explain the features and capabilities of networking software.
    5. Demonstrate skill and knowledge in preparation for industry-recognized certification examinations.

    CIP Code: (06) 11.0103.00    SOC Code: 15-1232;49-2011

    Certificate Requirements - Credits (18)

    • CITC 1300 - *Beginning HTML and CSS Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1301 - *Introduction to Programming and Logic Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1302 - *Introduction to Networking Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1310 - *Programming I Credits: (3)
    • OR CITC 2320 - *Windows Server I  Credits: (3)

    • CITC 1320 - *CompTIA A+ Credits: (3)
    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)

    Total Certificate Requirements - Credits (18)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    Fall Semester - Credits (9)

    • CITC 1320 - *CompTIA A+ Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1302 - *Introduction to Networking Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1301 - *Introduction to Programming and Logic Credits: (3)

    Spring Semester - Credits (9)

    • CITC 1300 - *Beginning HTML and CSS Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1310 - *Programming I Credits: (3)
    • OR CITC 2320 - *Windows Server I  Credits: (3)

    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)
  • Computer Information Technology, A.A.S. - Cyber Defense View in Catalog Preview

    Computer Information Technology, A.A.S. - Cyber Defense

    Degree: Associate of Applied Science
    Major: Computer Information Technology
    Concentration: Cyber Defense

    For more information, contact the Business and Technology division at 615-230-3301 or at

    The Associate of Applied Science degree in Computer Information Technology prepares students for positions in the workplace through the use of various systems, applications, languages and products. The program consists of a common core of General Education and Computer Information Technology major core courses, combined with subject-specific courses designed to address skills within the concentration area. These subject-specific courses focus on those skill-sets identified by employers as essential in today’s workplace and, where appropriate, will prepare students for industry-recognized certification examinations. The concentrations are designed to ensure that students have the proper experience, training, and skills to begin work in the chosen field upon successful completion of the chosen program of study.

    The Cyber Defense Concentration will focus on topics in cyber security and digital forensics.  The students will learn how to fortify computer networks in order to prevent security breaches from cyber terrorists or other intruders.  In addition, students will learn how to recover data using digital forensics techniques.  Students will also develop strong critical thinking skills and will learn by doing within a hands-on lab environment along with real-world internship experiences.  Required courses are: Digital Forensics, Network Security and Principles of Information Assurance.

    The Computer Information Technology Technical Certificate is embedded within the Associate of Applied Science in Computer Information Technology, Cyber Defense concentration.  Courses in the certificate may be used to award this concentration.

    Students earning a degree in a Computer Information Technology program are required to take the CIT Exit Exam in order to graduate. Please see your advisor for more details.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    Program Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. Utilize diverse disciplines to enhance communication, research, business and technology skills in the workplace.

    2. Execute programming languages in the process of design and implementation while developing and maintaining software.

    3. Develop effective problem-management and decision-making skills.

    4. Demonstrate various networking media and connections to explain the features and capabilities of networking software.

    5. Demonstrate skill and knowledge in preparation for industry-recognized certification examinations.

    CIP Code: (06) 11.0103.00

    General Education Requirements - Credits (15)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3)
    • OR MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics  Credits: (3)

    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (3) 

    Major Core Course Requirements - Credits (13)

    • CITC 1300 - *Beginning HTML and CSS Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1301 - *Introduction to Programming and Logic Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1302 - *Introduction to Networking Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1303 - *Database Concepts Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2190 - *Capstone Course in Computer Information Credits: (1)

    Concentration Requirements - Credits (33)

    • CITC 1320 - *CompTIA A+ Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1332 - *Unix/Linux Operating System Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1351 - *Principles of Information Assurance Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2320 - *Windows Server I Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2323 - *Windows Server II Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2326 - *Network Security Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2339 - *Windows Server III Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2352 - *Digital Forensics Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2356 - *Penetration Testing and Network Defense Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2367 - *Cloud Essentials Credits: (3)
    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (61)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1320 - *CompTIA A+ Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1302 - *Introduction to Networking Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1301 - *Introduction to Programming and Logic Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • CITC 1351 - *Principles of Information Assurance Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1300 - *Beginning HTML and CSS Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2320 - *Windows Server I Credits: (3)
    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • CITC 1332 - *Unix/Linux Operating System Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2323 - *Windows Server II Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2352 - *Digital Forensics Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1303 - *Database Concepts Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • CITC 2326 - *Network Security Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2339 - *Windows Server III Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2367 - *Cloud Essentials Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2356 - *Penetration Testing and Network Defense Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2190 - *Capstone Course in Computer Information Credits: (1)
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3)
    • OR MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics  Credits: (3)

  • Computer Information Technology, A.A.S. - Networking View in Catalog Preview

    Computer Information Technology, A.A.S. - Networking

    Degree: Associate of Applied Science
    Major: Computer Information Technology
    Concentration: Networking

    For more information, contact the Business and Technology division at 615-230-3301 or at

    The Associate of Applied Science degree in Computer Information Technology prepares students for positions in the workplace through the use of various systems, applications, languages and products. The program consists of a common core of General Education and Computer Information Technology major core courses, combined with subject-specific courses designed to address skills within the concentration area. These subject-specific courses focus on those skill-sets identified by employers as essential in today’s workplace and, where appropriate, will prepare students for industry-recognized certification examinations. The concentrations are designed to ensure that students have the proper experience, training, and skills to begin work in the chosen field upon successful completion of the chosen program of study.

    Students in the Networking Concentration will complete coursework and hands-on experiences in planning, design, implementation, and maintenance of networks of different sizes. In addition to networking skills, students will also complete Computer Science coursework in security, operating systems, server management, and programming, in combination with other technology courses. Certifications applicable to this concentration may include Network+, A+, and Cisco CCNA, among others. Required courses are A+ Hardware & Software, Windows Server Administration and Network Security.

    The Computer Information Technology Technical Certificate is embedded within the Associate of Applied Science in Computer Information Technology, Networking concentration.  Courses in the certificate may be used to award this concentration.

    Students earning a degree in a Computer Information Technology program are required to take the CIT Exit Exam in order to graduate. Please, see your advisor for more details.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    Program Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. Utilize diverse disciplines to enhance communication, research, business and technology skills in the workplace.

    2. Execute programming languages in the process of design and implementation while developing and maintaining software.

    3. Develop effective problem-management and decision-making skills.

    4. Demonstrate various networking media and connections to explain the features and capabilities of networking software.

    5. Demonstrate skill and knowledge in preparation for industry-recognized certification examinations.

    CIP Code: (06) 11.0103.00     SOC Code: 15-1232, 49-2011

    General Education Requirements - Credits (15)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3)
    • OR MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics  Credits: (3)

    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (3)

    Major Core Course Requirements - Credits (13)

    • CITC 1300 - *Beginning HTML and CSS Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1301 - *Introduction to Programming and Logic Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1302 - *Introduction to Networking Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1303 - *Database Concepts Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2190 - *Capstone Course in Computer Information Credits: (1)

    Concentration Requirements - Credits (33)

    • CITC 1320 - *CompTIA A+ Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1323 - *CCNA I Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1324 - *CCNA II Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1332 - *Unix/Linux Operating System Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2320 - *Windows Server I Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2321 - *CCNA III Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2323 - *Windows Server II Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2326 - *Network Security Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2339 - *Windows Server III Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2367 - *Cloud Essentials Credits: (3)
    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (61)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.  DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1320 - *CompTIA A+ Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1302 - *Introduction to Networking Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1301 - *Introduction to Programming and Logic Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • CITC 1323 - *CCNA I Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1300 - *Beginning HTML and CSS Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2320 - *Windows Server I Credits: (3)
    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • CITC 1324 - *CCNA II Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2323 - *Windows Server II Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1332 - *Unix/Linux Operating System Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1303 - *Database Concepts Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • CITC 2321 - *CCNA III Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2339 - *Windows Server III Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2367 - *Cloud Essentials Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2326 - *Network Security Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2190 - *Capstone Course in Computer Information Credits: (1)
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3)
    • OR MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics  Credits: (3)

  • Computer Information Technology, A.A.S. - Programming View in Catalog Preview

    Computer Information Technology, A.A.S. - Programming

    Degree: Associate of Applied Science
    Major: Computer Information Technology
    Concentration: Programming

    For more information, contact the Business and Technology division at 615-230-3301 or at

    The Associate of Applied Science degree in Computer Information Technology prepares students for positions in the workplace through the use of various systems, applications, languages and products. The program consists of a common core of General Education and Computer Information Technology major core courses, combined with subject-specific courses designed to address skills within the concentration area.  These subject-specific courses focus on those skill-sets identified by employers as essential in today’s workplace and, where appropriate, will prepare students for industry-recognized certification examinations. The concentrations are designed to ensure that students have the proper experience, training, and skills to begin work in the chosen field upon successful completion of the chosen program of study.

    This concentration is a preparation for a career as a programmer or software engineer. Emphasis is placed on issues related to knowing how to use the features of object programming languages like java, the design and implementation of classes and objects, the process of developing and maintaining software. Students will also develop strong critical thinking skills and will learn by doing along with real world internship experiences. This concentration may include preparation for the Oracle certified Associate (Java Programmer Certification). Required courses are Programming II OR Computer Science II, and one other approved geographically appropriate Programming course.

    The Computer Information Technology Technical Certificate is embedded within the Associate of Applied Science in Computer Information Technology, Programming concentration.  Courses in the certificate may be used to award this concentration.

    Students earning a degree in a Computer Information Technology program are required to take the CIT Exit Exam in order to graduate. Please, see your advisor for more details.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    Program Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. Utilize diverse disciplines to enhance communication, research, business and technology skills in the workplace.

    2. Execute programming languages in the process of design and implementation while developing and maintaining software.

    3. Develop effective problem-management and decision-making skills.

    4. Demonstrate various networking media and connections to explain the features and capabilities of networking software.

    5. Demonstrate skill and knowledge in preparation for industry-recognized certification examinations.

    CIP Code: (06) 11.0103.00     SOC Code: 15-1232, 49-2011

    General Education Requirements - Credits (15)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3)
    • OR MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics  Credits: (3)

    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (3)

    Major Core Course Requirements - Credits (13)

    • CITC 1300 - *Beginning HTML and CSS Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1301 - *Introduction to Programming and Logic Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1302 - *Introduction to Networking Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1303 - *Database Concepts Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2190 - *Capstone Course in Computer Information Credits: (1)

    Concentration Requirements - Credits (33)

    • CITC 1310 - *Programming I Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1311 - *Programming II Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1320 - *CompTIA A+ Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1334 - *Project Management I Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2340 - *Advance Database Concepts & Programming Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2347 - *Web Database Application Development Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2367 - *Cloud Essentials Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2376 - *Mobile Application Development Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2391 - *Special Topics in Computer Information Technology Credits: (3)
    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)
    • WEBT 2300 - *Client-Side Programming (JavaScript) Credits: (3)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (61)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1320 - *CompTIA A+ Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1301 - *Introduction to Programming and Logic Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1302 - *Introduction to Networking Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • CITC 1310 - *Programming I Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1300 - *Beginning HTML and CSS Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1303 - *Database Concepts Credits: (3)
    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • CITC 1311 - *Programming II Credits: (3)
    • WEBT 2300 - *Client-Side Programming (JavaScript) Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2340 - *Advance Database Concepts & Programming Credits: (3)
    • CITC 1334 - *Project Management I Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • CITC 2347 - *Web Database Application Development Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2376 - *Mobile Application Development Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2367 - *Cloud Essentials Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2391 - *Special Topics in Computer Information Technology Credits: (3)
    • CITC 2190 - *Capstone Course in Computer Information Credits: (1)
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3)
    • OR MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics  Credits: (3)

  • Correctional Officer Technical Certificate View in Catalog Preview

    Correctional Officer Technical Certificate

    For more information, contact the Social Science and Education division at 615-230-3231 or

    The Corrections Technical Certificate offers students a competitive edge when seeking employment for entry-level positions in the corrections field.  Students completing the certificate may apply some coursework toward the AAS or AS/AA degree in Criminal Justice. Online classes are available.

    Students are required to complete a forty-eight (48) contact hour course through TCI (Tennessee Corrections Institute), which will be embedded in the program in order to receive this certificate. 

    The Correctional Officer Technical Certificate is embedded within the Associate of Applied Science in Criminal Justice, the Associate of Science, Criminal Justice and General Studies area of emphasis, and the Associate of Arts, General Studies area of emphasis.  Courses in this certificate may be used to award these degrees.

    Program Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge, and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. Discuss the history of corrections, special populations in corrections, gangs, and PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act).
    2. Identify issues concerning mental illness, suicide prevention, officer wellness, and sexual harassment in corrections.
    3. Relate communication, report writing, and intelligence-gathering techniques to a corrections environment.
    4. Identify and cite laws concerning use of force, duty to intervene, and constitutional and civil rights laws for corrections populations.

    CIP Code:(27) 43.0104.01    SOC Code:33-3051.00

    Total Certificate Requirements - Credits (16)

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    • CRMJ 1010 - ^Introduction to Criminal Justice Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ 2010 - Introduction to Law Enforcement Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ 2020 - Introduction to Corrections Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ 2191 - Criminal Justice Practicum Credits: (1)
    • CRMJ Electives (Choose any CRMJ course - CRMJ 1325 , CRMJ 1340 , CRMJ 1341  Preferred) Credits: (6)
  • Criminal Justice Technical Certificate View in Catalog Preview

    Criminal Justice Technical Certificate

    For more information, contact the Social Science and Education division at 615-230-3231 or

    The Criminal Justice Technical Certificate is a multi-disciplinary program offering students a competitive edge when seeking employment for entry-level positions in the criminal justice field.  Students completing the certificate may apply some coursework toward the AAS or AS/AA degree in Criminal Justice.

    For additional information, go to

    The Criminal Justice Technical Certificate is embedded within the Associate of Applied Science in Criminal Justice, the Associate of Science, Criminal Justice and General Studies area of emphasis, and the Associate of Arts, General Studies area of emphasis.  Courses in this certificate may be used to award these degrees.

    Program Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge, and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. Students will demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary for an entry-level position in the criminal justice field.

    2. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the organizational structure, common legal terms, definitions, concepts, and roles of law enforcement, the courts, and corrections.

    CIP  Code: (27) 43.0104.00    SOC Code: 33-3051.00

    Certificate Requirements - Credits (16)

    • CRMJ 1010 - ^Introduction to Criminal Justice Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ 1020 - Introduction to the Legal Process Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ 2010 - Introduction to Law Enforcement Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ 2020 - Introduction to Corrections Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ TC Electives (Choose from the following list or consult with the Program Advisor for approved course options) Credits: (4)
    • ​ CITC 2352 - *Digital Forensics  Credits: (3)

      CRMJ 1311 - Criminal Law  Credits: (3)

      CRMJ 1325 - Issues and Ethics in Criminal Justice  Credits: (3)

      CRMJ 1340 - Criminal Investigation  Credits: (3)

      CRMJ 1350 - *Criminal Justice Career Planning  Credits: (3)

      CRMJ 1355 - Understanding Terrorism  Credits: (3)

      CRMJ 1360 - Introduction to Crime Scene Investigation  Credits: (3)

      CRMJ 1381 - *Interview and Interrogation  Credits: (3)

      CRMJ 2311 - Juvenile Justice  Credits: (3)

      CRMJ 2312 - ^Criminology  Credits: (3) 

      CRMJ 2340 - Investigative Report Writing  Credits: (3)

      CRMJ 2381 - Selected Topics in Criminal Justice  Credits: (1-6)

      CRMJ 2390 - Probation and Parole  Credits: (3)

      CRMJ 2396 - Criminal Justice Internship I  Credits: (3)

    Total Certificate Requirements - Credits (16)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    Traditional Schedule (One Semester)

    • CRMJ 1010 - ^Introduction to Criminal Justice Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ 2010 - Introduction to Law Enforcement Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ 2020 - Introduction to Corrections Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ 1020 - Introduction to the Legal Process Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ TC Elective (Choose from list above) Credits: (4)
  • Criminal Justice, A.A.S. View in Catalog Preview

    Criminal Justice, A.A.S.

    Degree:  Associate of Applied Science
    Major:  Criminal Justice

    For more information, contact the Social Science and Education division at 615-230-3231 or

    The Associate of Applied Science (AAS) Degree is for students wanting to complete an associate degree and find employment after graduation, with no intention of transferring to a four-year university or college. The AAS is a multi-disciplinary degree program with courses in criminal law, investigation, corrections, terrorism, policing, and report writing; preparing students for entry level careers in the criminal justice field. Fast track options available.  For additional information about this degree program, go to

    The Criminal Justice Technical Certificate and the Correctional Officer Technical Certificate are embedded within the Associate of Applied Science in Criminal Justice.  Courses in these certificates may be used to award this degree.

    All students graduating with an A.A.S. degree in Criminal Justice are required to take the Criminal Justice Exit Exam and the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    Program Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge, and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. Students will demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary for an entry level position in the criminal justice field.

    2. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the organizational structure, common legal terms, definitions, concepts, and roles of law enforcement, the courts, and corrections.

    3. Students will identify individual rights as they apply to government and law enforcement interaction.

    4. Students will be able to analyze evidentiary and investigative procedures.

    CIP Code: (27) 43.0104.00   SOC Code: 33-3011.00

    General Education Requirements - Credits (15-16)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  Credits: (3)
    • Mathematics  Credits: (3-4)
    • OR Natural Science  Credits: (3-4)

    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (3)

    Major Core Course Requirements - Credits (33)

    • CRMJ 1010 - ^Introduction to Criminal Justice Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ 1020 - Introduction to the Legal Process Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ 1311 - Criminal Law Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ 1340 - Criminal Investigation Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ 1355 - Understanding Terrorism Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ 1360 - Introduction to Crime Scene Investigation Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ 2010 - Introduction to Law Enforcement Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ 2020 - Introduction to Corrections Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ 2312 - ^Criminology Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ 2340 - Investigative Report Writing Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ 2390 - Probation and Parole Credits: (3)

    CRMJ Electives - Credits (12)

    • CRMJ Electives (Choose from the following list or consult with the Program Advisor for approved course options) Credits: (12)

    ​ CITC 2352 - *Digital Forensics  Credits: (3)
    CRMJ 1325 - Issues and Ethics in Criminal Justice  Credits: (3)
    CRMJ 1341 - Physical Defensive Tactics  Credits: (4)
    CRMJ 1381 - *Interview and Interrogation  Credits: (3)
    CRMJ 2311 - Juvenile Justice  Credits: (3)  
    CRMJ 2381 - Selected Topics in Criminal Justice  Credits: (1-6)
    CRMJ 2396 - Criminal Justice Internship I  Credits: (3)
    HED 200 - First Aid and Safety/CPR  Credits: (3)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60-61)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.

    See your advisor to create a degree plan. DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • CRMJ 2020 - Introduction to Corrections Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ 1340 - Criminal Investigation Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ 2010 - Introduction to Law Enforcement Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ Elective (Choose from list above - CRMJ 1325  and CRMJ 1341  Preferred) Credits: (6)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ 1010 - ^Introduction to Criminal Justice Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ 2340 - Investigative Report Writing Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ 1355 - Understanding Terrorism Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ 2312 - ^Criminology Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15-16)

    • CRMJ 1360 - Introduction to Crime Scene Investigation Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ 1311 - Criminal Law Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ Elective (Choose from list above - CITC 2352  Preferred) Credits: (3)
    • Mathematics  Credits: (3-4)
      OR Natural Science   (BIOL 1030   Preferred) Credits: (3-4)
    • CRMJ 2390 - Probation and Parole Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • CRMJ 1020 - Introduction to the Legal Process Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ Elective (Choose from list above - CRMJ 2311  Preferred) Credits: (3) 
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (ENGL 2860  or THEA 1030  Preferred) Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (PSYC 1030  Preferred Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

  • Dental Assisting Technical Certificate View in Catalog Preview

    Dental Assisting Technical Certificate

    For more information, contact the Health Sciences division at 615-230-3330.

    This technical certificate program is one year (twelve months) and is composed of didactic and clinical instruction. It is designed and organized to promote the personal and professional growth of each student. The main objectives of the program are to prepare the student to function in the dental setting and to academically qualify for the Dental Assistant National Board certification examination and the Tennessee Board of Dentistry registry examination. The program in Dental Assisting is accredited by the American Dental Association’s Commission on Dental Accreditation, a specialized accrediting body recognized by the Council on Post-Secondary Accreditation and the United States Department of Education.

    Students desiring entrance into the Dental Assistant program must have the following on file:

    Meet admission requirements for the College based on the admission or readmission status the applicant is seeking.

    1. Application to Health Sciences Careers
    2. Complete documents located in the Program Information Packet
    3. All students will be required to complete a criminal background check upon formal acceptance in a Health Sciences program. Please take a look at our Background Check Requirements and steps on how to get your results submitted.

    This profession may expose the student to blood borne pathogens.  Therefore, the Dental Assistant Program follows all rules and regulations set forth by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).  The student is required to be immunized against infectious diseases as required by the clinical affiliates and OSHA regulations or complete a refusal document with the guidelines of the regulations.  Clinical affiliates may refuse clinical rotation access to students who fail to obtain the required immunizations.

    The application deadline is May 15. Applicants are admitted into the program each August. Applicants are strongly encouraged to apply early. The Dental Assistant courses begin in August and end the following August. Any questions about the program or the admissions procedure should be directed to the Program Director.

    The Dental Assisting Technical Certificate is embedded within the Associate of Applied Science in Health Sciences, Dental Assisting concentration and within the Associate of Arts and the Associate of Science, General Studies areas of emphasis.  Courses in this certificate may be used to award these degrees.

    Program Learning Outcomes

    1. Students will demonstrate the basic skills to be a competent dental assistant.
    2. Students will define the terminology unique to dental assisting.
    3. Students will illustrate comprehension of professional, ethical standards for dental assisting.
    4. Students will apply and demonstrate the basic knowledge of dental assisting in the dental setting and the career options.
    5. Students will apply and demonstrate critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills within the parameters of dental assisting.

    CIP Code: (31) 51.0601.00    SOC Code: 31-9091.00

    Certificate Requirements - Credits (45)

    • DAST 1510 - *Dental Radiology Credits: (4)
    • DAST 1520 - *Dental Materials Credits: (4)
    • DAST 1530 - *Clinical Chairside I Credits: (4)
    • DAST 1540 - *Dental Science I Credits: (3)
    • DAST 1550 - *Dental Science II Credits: (3)
    • DAST 1560 - *Clinical Chairside II Credits: (4)
    • DAST 1570 - *Clinical Practicum I Credits: (1)
    • DAST 1580 - *Dental Office Management Credits: (3)
    • DAST 1590 - *Clinical Practicum II Credits: (3)
    • DAST 1600 - *Fundamentals of Dental Assisting Credits: (1)
    • DAST 1610 - *Advanced Radiology Credits: (3)
    • DAST 1620 - *Preventive Dental Assisting Credits: (3)
    • DAST 1630 - *The Compromised Patient Credits: (2)
    • DAST 1640 - *Capstone Course Credits: (3)
    • DAST 1650 - *Special Topics in Dental Assisting Credits: (3)
    • DAST 1660 - *Clinical Practice Credits: (1)

    Total Certificate Requirements - Credits (45)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning support, pre-requisites, and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (18)

    • DAST 1510 - *Dental Radiology Credits: (4)
    • DAST 1520 - *Dental Materials Credits: (4)
    • DAST 1530 - *Clinical Chairside I Credits: (4)
    • DAST 1540 - *Dental Science I Credits: (3)
    • DAST 1630 - *The Compromised Patient Credits: (2)
    • DAST 1660 - *Clinical Practice Credits: (1)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (18)

    • DAST 1550 - *Dental Science II Credits: (3)
    • DAST 1560 - *Clinical Chairside II Credits: (4)
    • DAST 1570 - *Clinical Practicum I Credits: (1)
    • DAST 1580 - *Dental Office Management Credits: (3)
    • DAST 1600 - *Fundamentals of Dental Assisting Credits: (1)
    • DAST 1610 - *Advanced Radiology Credits: (3)
    • DAST 1620 - *Preventive Dental Assisting Credits: (3)

    First Year - Summer Semester - Credits (9)

    • DAST 1590 - *Clinical Practicum II Credits: (3)
    • DAST 1640 - *Capstone Course Credits: (3)
    • DAST 1650 - *Special Topics in Dental Assisting Credits: (3)
  • Diagnostic Medical Sonography Technical Certificate View in Catalog Preview

    Diagnostic Medical Sonography Technical Certificate

    For more information, contact the Health Sciences division at 615-230-3330.

    The Diagnostic Medical Sonography technical certificate program is designed to prepare the student to become a diagnostic medical sonographer. Sonographers are skilled professionals who provide patient services using diagnostic ultrasound under the supervision of a physician. Upon completion of this competency based program, the student will be eligible to take multiple American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonography certification board examinations. The program of study includes didactic, laboratory, and clinical training in the fields of acoustic principles and safety, as well as abdominal, obstetrical, gynecological, vascular, breast, and small parts sonography.

    Admission to the program is limited and the deadline for applications, which can be found on the Diagnostic Medical Sonography website at, is May 1. The four-semester program begins in August. A personal interview is required and screening of applicants will take place in late May, early June. Applicants seeking admission to the program must meet admission requirements for the College based on the admission or readmission status the applicant is seeking and meet one of the following qualifications:

    Successful completion of a regionally accredited AMA recognized two-year program that is patient-care related (i.e., Radiologic Technology, Respiratory Care Technology, Nursing, Occupational/Physical Therapist Assistant, Ophthalmic Medical Technician, Sleep Diagnostics Technology) inclusive of the following prerequisites:  Human Anatomy and Physiology I, Anatomy and Physiology II, Medical Terminology, General Physics and College Algebra.


    Successful completion of any bachelor degree from an accredited program with the following prerequisites:  Human Anatomy and Physiology I, Anatomy and Physiology II, Medical Terminology, General Physics and College Algebra.


    Successful completion of Middle Tennessee State University’s 3+1 pre-Diagnostic Medical Sonography program inclusive of the following prerequisites:  Human Anatomy and Physiology I, Anatomy and Physiology II, Medical Terminology, General Physics, and College Algebra.

    The Diagnostic Medical Sonography Technical Certificate is embedded within the Associate of Applied Science in Health Sciences, Diagnostic Medical Sonography concentration and within the Associate of Arts and the Associate of Science, General Studies areas of emphasis.  Courses in this certificate may be used to award these degrees.

    Program Learning Outcomes

    1. Demonstrate knowledge in appropriate didactic areas.
    2. Integrate knowledge into competency-based clinical experiences.
    3. Apply skills to meet the standards of the profession.
    4. Analyze clinical data.
    5. Write effectively in more than one format as part of the writing across the professional curriculum initiative.
    6. Provide excellent quality care to enrich and support the community through active engagement.
    7. Engage and maintain personal professional relationships.

    CIP Code: (31) 51.0910.00     SOC Code: 29-2032

    Certificate Requirements - Credits (52)

    • SONO 2000 - *Introduction to Sonography and Patient Care Credits: (2)
    • SONO 2001 - *Physics and Instrumentation I Credits: (2)
    • SONO 2002 - *Obstetrics and Gynecology I Credits: (3)
    • SONO 2003 - *Abdomen and Small Parts I Credits: (3)
    • SONO 2004 - *Vascular I Credits: (4)
    • SONO 2006C - *Clinical Education I Credits: (4)
    • SONO 2010 - *Professional Research Inquiry Credits: (2)
    • SONO 2011 - *Physics and Instrumentation II Credits: (2)
    • SONO 2012 - *Obstetrics and Gynecology II Credits: (4)
    • SONO 2013 - *Abdomen and Small Parts II Credits: (4)
    • SONO 2014 - *Vascular II Credits: (4)
    • SONO 2016C - *Clinical Education II Credits: (4)
    • SONO 2020 - *Sonography Seminar Credits: (2)
    • SONO 2021 - *Physics and Instrumentation III Credits: (2)
    • SONO 2026C - *Clinical Education III Credits: (4)
    • SONO 2033 - *Breast Sonography Credits: (2)
    • SONO 2036C - *Clinical Education IV Credits: (4)

    Total Certificate Requirements - Credits (52)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning support, pre-requisites, and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (14)

    • SONO 2000 - *Introduction to Sonography and Patient Care Credits: (2)
    • SONO 2001 - *Physics and Instrumentation I Credits: (2)
    • SONO 2002 - *Obstetrics and Gynecology I Credits: (3)
    • SONO 2003 - *Abdomen and Small Parts I Credits: (3)
    • SONO 2006C - *Clinical Education I Credits: (4)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • SONO 2011 - *Physics and Instrumentation II Credits: (2)
    • SONO 2012 - *Obstetrics and Gynecology II Credits: (4)
    • SONO 2013 - *Abdomen and Small Parts II Credits: (4)
    • SONO 2016C - *Clinical Education II Credits: (4)

    First Year - Summer Semester - Credits (12)

    • SONO 2004 - *Vascular I Credits: (4)
    • SONO 2021 - *Physics and Instrumentation III Credits: (2)
    • SONO 2026C - *Clinical Education III Credits: (4)
    • SONO 2033 - *Breast Sonography Credits: (2)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (12)

    • SONO 2010 - *Professional Research Inquiry Credits: (2)
    • SONO 2014 - *Vascular II Credits: (4)
    • SONO 2020 - *Sonography Seminar Credits: (2)
    • SONO 2036C - *Clinical Education IV Credits: (4)
  • Early Childhood Education Technical Certificate View in Catalog Preview

    Early Childhood Education Technical Certificate

    For more information, contact the Social Science and Education division at 615-230-3231 or

    The Early Childhood Education Technical Certificate prepares the student for employment in the field of childcare and early education.  Students who receive CDA (Child Development Associate) credential through Tennessee Early Childhood Training Alliance (TECTA) are given an opportunity to strengthen their skills and knowledge in curriculum development for young children and receive necessary training for CDA renewal.

    The Early Childhood Education Technical Certificate is embedded within the Associate of Arts, and the Associate of Science, General Studies area of emphasis.  Courses in this certificate may be used to award the area of emphasis.

    Program Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. Students will demonstrate the knowledge and skill necessary to become a successful early childhood provider.

    2. Students will demonstrate and understanding of family relationships, child development, developmentally appropriate practice, observation and assessments, learning environment, health and safety, guidance, and orientation to professionalism in the field of early childhood education.

    CIP Code: (12) 19.0706.00     SOC Code: 25-2011, 25-9042

    Certificate Requirements - Credits (24)

    • ECED 1310 - Introduction to Early Childhood Education Credits: (3)
    • ECED 2310 - Safe, Healthy Learning Environments Credits: (3)
    • ECED 2315 - Early Childhood Curriculum Credits: (3)
    • ECED 2335 - Initial Practicum Credits: (3)
    • ECED 2340 - Family Dynamics and Community Involvement Credits: (3)
    • ECED 2380 - Language and Literacy in Early Childhood Credits: (3)
    • ECED 2385 - Math and Science in Early Childhood Credits: (3)
    • ECED Electives (Choose three credits from the following list) Credits: (3)
    • ECED 2312 - Administration of Early Childhood Programs  Credits: (3)

      ECED 2320 - Infant, Toddler, Child Development  Credits: (3)

      ECED 2330 - Infant and Toddler Care  Credits: (3)

      ECED 2360 - Development of Exceptional Children  Credits: (3)

      ECED 2370 - Developmental Assessment  Credits: (3)

      ECED 2386 - Special Topics  Credits: (1-3)

      ECED 2390 - Creative Development  Credits: (3)

    Total Certificate Requirements - Credits (24)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (12)

    • ECED 1310 - Introduction to Early Childhood Education Credits: (3)
    • ECED 2310 - Safe, Healthy Learning Environments Credits: (3)
    • ECED 2380 - Language and Literacy in Early Childhood Credits: (3)
    • ECED 2315 - Early Childhood Curriculum Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (12)

    • ECED 2385 - Math and Science in Early Childhood Credits: (3)
    • ECED 2335 - Initial Practicum Credits: (3)
    • ECED Elective (Choose from list above) Credits: (3)
    • ECED 2340 - Family Dynamics and Community Involvement Credits: (3)
  • Emergency Medical Technician Technical Certificate View in Catalog Preview

    Emergency Medical Technician Technical Certificate

    For more information, contact the Health Sciences division at 615-230-3330.

    The one-semester Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Technical Certificate program is the required course of studies designed to prepare students for entry-level positions as professional medical care providers in a pre-hospital setting.  These are prerequisite courses required by the State of Tennessee EMS rules and regulations for persons considering entry into the Advanced Emergency Medical Technician Technical Certificate program. EMT duties include the recognition, assessment, and management of medical, trauma, and environmental emergencies under the direction of the medical control physician or medical director. The courses follow the National Emergency Medical Services Education Standards.  Students who successfully complete the course work and clinical components of the program are eligible for the Tennessee EMT Licensing Examination. The program is open to all students meeting admission requirements for the College based on the admission or readmission status the applicant is seeking.  To be admitted to the program students MUST be 18 years old and submit an acceptable background check, a “passing” drug screen, and acceptable placement scores or completion of all Learning Support competencies in Reading. Students should be physically able to perform heavy lifting or strenuous activity for extended periods of time and must demonstrate the ability to perform these tasks during classroom and clinical periods.

    Courses are offered at several off-campus locations that may include Nashville, Springfield and Clarksville. Up to twelve students are accepted into each section of the course each semester offered. Students enrolled MUST successfully complete all didactic and clinical components of the program to be eligible to take professional licensing examinations.

    The Emergency Medical Technician Technical Certificate is embedded within the Associate of Applied Science in Fire Science and within the Associate of Arts and the Associate of Science, General Studies areas of emphasis.  Courses in this certificate may be used to award these degrees.

    Program Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. The student will utilize appropriate techniques to perform a patient assessment of an injured person of multi-system trauma and formulate a treatment plan for all conditions and injuries discovered.

    2. The student will utilize the appropriate techniques to obtain and document a medical history from a patient.

    3. The student will initiate basic interventions based on assessment findings.

    4. The student will demonstrate professional behavior including but not limited to integrity, empathy, self-motivation, appearance/personal hygiene, self-confidence, communication, time management, teamwork, diplomacy, respect, patient advocacy, and careful delivery of service. 

    5. The student will apply fundamental knowledge relative to the multiple determinants of professional roles and responsibilities of the emergency medical services system as well as emergency medical services system operations as a pre-hospital emergency care provider. 

    6. The student will identify the operational roles and responsibilities to ensure patient, public, and personnel safety in performing emergency care and operational aspects as a prehospital care provider.

    7. The student will be able to serve as an EMS team member on an emergency call with more trained personnel in the lead role.

    CIP Code: (31) 51.0904.02     SOC Code: 29-2041

    Certificate Requirements - Credits (16)

    Degree Works, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the Degree Works audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    Semester I - Credits (16)

    • EMSB 1101 - *EMT Medical Skills Lab Credits: (1)
    • EMSB 1102 - *EMT Trauma and Medical Skills Lab Credits: (1)
    • EMSB 1111 - *EMT Clinical Credits: (1)
    • EMSB 1112 - *EMT Field Internship Credits: (1)
    • EMSB 1601 - *EMT Medical Emergencies and EMS Operations Credits: (6)
    • EMSB 1602 - *EMT Trauma and Medical Emergencies Credits: (6)

    Total Certificate Requirements - Credits (16)

  • Entertainment Media Production, A.A.S. View in Catalog Preview

    Entertainment Media Production, A.A.S.

    Degree: Associate of Applied Science
    Major: Entertainment Media Production

    For more information, contact the Humanities division at 615-230-3200 or at

    The Associate of Applied Science - Entertainment Media Production program is designed for the media workplace and combines several areas with the same purpose: to get students trained for and connected to the entertainment industry in Tennessee and beyond. Suggested tracks include music production, music business, multimedia and web design, video production, and digital and broadcast media.

    This program provides students with a broad familiarity with the media production landscape.  With the help of knowledgeable faculty advisors, students build the course of study best suited to their individual career goals and industry needs.  Coursework will give students a comprehensive overview of the contemporary entertainment industry and also identify areas of interest for specialization or prepare for a more flexible interdisciplinary career path.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at or by talking with your advisor.

    Program Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge, and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. Apply knowledge of entertainment industry terminology and processes to real-world scenarios.

    2. Apply targeted marketing principles to effectively sell a product or artist

    3. Evaluate 2-dimensional visuals for use in entertainment marketing and communication.

    4. Design and manipulate digital images to create effective communications for the entertainment industry.

    5. Students will be able to work as a team to create an effective new artist presentation for industry representatives.

    CIP Code: (30) 50.0102.00

    General Education Core Requirements- Credits (15)

    • COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 2860 - ^Introduction to Film Credits: (3)
    • OR MUS 1030 - ^Introduction to Music  Credits: (3)

    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (3)

    Major Core Course Requirements- Credits (15)

    • ART 1340 - Foundations Studio I Credits: (3)
    • COMM 250 - Introduction to Social Media Credits: (3)
    • EMPR 1125 - *Introduction to Entertainment Business Credits: (3)
    • EMPR 1150 - *Introduction to Entertainment Business II Credits: (3)
    • EMPR 2299P - *Capstone Experience Credits: (2-3) (Must be taken as a 3 credit hour course)

    Entertainment Media Production Requirements - Credits (30)

    • In consultation with the Program Advisor, students will build a personalized course of study by selecting at least 18 credits from one or more of the suggested tracks below. The remaining credits can be chosen from the Entertainment Media Production courses listed.  Credits: (30)

    Suggested Tracks

    Digital and Broadcast Media

    This track is for students interested in Radio, Announcing, Sports Commentary, Podcasting, Instagram, Tik Tok or YouTube. This will service student’s needs and provide training, practice, and portfolio development through the curriculum.

    COMM 201 - Media Advertising and Sales   Credits: (3)      
    COMM 202 - Programming and Promotion  Credits: (3)
    EMPR 1212 - Digital Video Editing  Credits: (3
    EMPR 2285 - Cooperative Work Experience in Communication  Credits: (3
    EMPR 2286 - Radio Internship  Credits: (3
    COMM 1010 - Intro to Mass Communication  Credits: (3
    COMM 1020 - Media Writing  Credits: (3
    COMM 1030 - Introduction to Electronic Media  Credits: (3
    COMM 2010 - Production and Announcing for Radio and Podcast  Credits: (3
    COMM 2020 - Television Production  Credits: (3

    Multimedia and Web Design

    This track is designed to give students the skills they need to work with many different types of software and media. Graphic design and animation courses give students specific marketable skills. Project management helps students to understand the web and graphic design business process. Students work in the college Apple computer lab with a variety of design software.

    ART 155 - Introduction to Photography and Digital Imaging  Credits: (3)
    ART 253 - Graphic Design I  Credits: (3)
    ART 270 - Type and Image  Credits: (3)
    CITC 1300 - *Beginning HTML and CSS  Credits: (3)
    CITC 1301 - *Introduction to Programming and Logic  Credits: (3)
    COMM 1010 - Intro to Mass Communication  Credits: (3)
    COMM 1030 - Introduction to Electronic Media  Credits: (3)
    EMPR 1212 - Digital Video Editing  Credits: (3)
    EMPR 1222 - Field Production & Lighting  Credits: (3)
    EMPR 2225 - *Motion Graphics  Credits: (3)

    Music Business

    This track prepares students for work in the business sector of music entertainment. The track focuses on skills necessary for beginning and maintaining a professional career in the music entertainment industry.  The track has a strong emphasis on practical applications of classroom knowledge to the Nashville Business environment.

    BUSN 1350 - *Sales and Service  Credits: (3)
    BUSN 2300 - *Business Ethics  Credits: (3)
    BUSN 2380 - *Principles of Marketing  Credits: (3)
    COMM 201 - Media Advertising and Sales  Credits: (3)
    COMM 240 - Introduction to Public Relations  Credits: (3)
    OR  COMM 2010 - Production and Announcing for Radio and Podcast  Credits: (3)
    EMPR 1270 - *Audio for Media  Credits: (3)
    EMPR 2200 - *Music Tour Logistics I  Credits: (3)
    EMPR 2250 - *Music Tour Logistics II  Credits: (3)
    EMPR 2285 - Cooperative Work Experience in Communication  Credits: (3)
    MUS 1002 - Fundamentals of Music Theory  Credits: (3) Test-out Option

    Music Production

    This track prepares students for work in studios and with music industry companies. The subject areas include audio recording techniques, digital audio technology, and audio for multimedia. Courses are designed to round out studio skills with conceptual knowledge, such as media advertising and sales. Students work in the Vol State recording studio anchored by an Avid/Euphonix S5 Fusion digital audio console with Eucon technology.

    EMPR 1270 - *Audio for Media  Credits: (3)
    EMPR 1271 - *Introduction to Audio Recording Techniques  Credits: (3)
    EMPR 2200 - *Music Tour Logistics I  Credits: (3)
    EMPR 2250 - *Music Tour Logistics II  Credits: (3)
    EMPR 2272 - *Digital Audio Technology  Credits: (3)
    EMPR 2273 - *Live Sound Recording and Reinforcement  Credits: (3)
    EMPR 2295P - *Recording Practicum  Credits: (1-3) (Must be taken as 2 credits)
    MUS 226 - Music Technology I  Credits: (3)
    MUS 1002 - Fundamentals of Music Theory  Credits: (3)
    MUS 1057 - Music Theory I  Credits: (3)
    MUS 1058 - Ear Training I  Credits: (1)

    Video Production

    This track prepares students for work in studios and with video industry companies. The subject areas include television and video production, digital video editing, and field production and lighting. Courses are designed to round out studio skills with conceptual knowledge while working in the Vol State television studio.

    ART 253 - Graphic Design I  Credits: (3)
    COMM 2020 - Television Production  Credits: (3)
    EMPR 1212 - Digital Video Editing  Credits: (3)
    EMPR 1222 - Field Production & Lighting  Credits: (3)
    EMPR 2225 - *Motion Graphics  Credits: (3)
    EMPR 2230 - *Screenwriting  Credits: (3)
    EMPR 2235 - *Non-Fiction Film and Video Production  Credits: (3)
    EMPR 2236 - *Fiction Film and Video Production  Credits: (3)
    EMPR 2294P - *Communication Practicum: Video Production  Credits: (1-3) (Must be taken as 3 credits)
    THEA 1015 - Acting I  Credits: (3)

    Entertainment Media Production Courses

    ART 155 - Introduction to Photography and Digital Imaging  Credits: (3)
    ART 253 - Graphic Design I  Credits: (3)
    ART 270 - Type and Image  Credits: (3)
    BUSN 1330 - *Entrepreneurship  Credits: (3)
    BUSN 1350 - *Sales and Service  Credits: (3)
    BUSN 2300 - *Business Ethics  Credits: (3)
    BUSN 2380 - *Principles of Marketing  Credits: (3)
    BUSN 2389 - *Social Media Marketing  Credits: (3)
    CITC 1300 - *Beginning HTML and CSS  Credits: (3)
    CITC 1301 - *Introduction to Programming and Logic  Credits: (3)
    COMM 201 - Media Advertising and Sales  Credits: (3)
    COMM 202 - Programming and Promotion  Credits: (3)
    COMM 240 - Introduction to Public Relations  Credits: (3)
    COMM 280T - Special Topics in Communications  Credits: (3)
    COMM 1010 - Intro to Mass Communication  Credits: (3)
    COMM 1020 - Media Writing  Credits: (3)
    COMM 1030 - Introduction to Electronic Media  Credits: (3)
    COMM 2010 - Production and Announcing for Radio and Podcast  Credits: (3)
    COMM 2020 - Television Production  Credits: (3)
    EMPR 1206 - *Digital Radio Operations  Credits: (3)
    EMPR 1212 - Digital Video Editing  Credits: (3)
    EMPR 1222 - Field Production & Lighting  Credits: (3)
    EMPR 1270 - *Audio for Media  Credits: (3)
    EMPR 1271 - *Introduction to Audio Recording Techniques  Credits: (3)
    EMPR 2200 - *Music Tour Logistics I  Credits: (3)
    EMPR 2225 - *Motion Graphics  Credits: (3)
    EMPR 2230 - *Screenwriting  Credits: (3)
    EMPR 2235 - *Non-Fiction Film and Video Production  Credits: (3)
    EMPR 2236 - *Fiction Film and Video Production  Credits: (3)
    EMPR 2250 - *Music Tour Logistics II  Credits: (3)
    EMPR 2272 - *Digital Audio Technology  Credits: (3)
    EMPR 2273 - *Live Sound Recording and Reinforcement  Credits: (3)
    EMPR 2285 - Cooperative Work Experience in Communication  Credits: (3)
    EMPR 2286 - Radio Internship  Credits: (3)
    EMPR 2294P - *Communication Practicum: Video Production  Credits: (1-3) (Must be taken as 3 credits)
    EMPR 2295P - *Recording Practicum  Credits: (1-3) (Must be taken as 2 credits)
    MUS 224 - Songwriting I (Beginning)  Credits: (3)
    MUS 225 - Songwriting II (Advanced)  Credits: (3)
    MUS 226 - Music Technology I  Credits: (3)
    MUS 227 - Music Publishing Seminar  Credits: (3)
    MUS 1002 - Fundamentals of Music Theory  Credits: (3) Test-out Option
    MUS 1027 - Class Piano I  Credits: (1)
    MUS 1057 - Music Theory I  Credits: (3)
    MUS 1058 - Ear Training I  Credits: (1)
    MUS 1127 - Class Piano II  Credits: (1)
    MUS 1155 - Music Theory II  Credits: (3)
    MUS 2031 - *Music Performance Skills  Credits: (2)
    THEA 1015 - Acting I  Credits: (3)
    THEA 2015 - Acting II  Credits: (3)
    Music Ensembles (Choose any music ensemble courses) Credits: (9)

    Total Degree Requirements- Credits (60)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule.  Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    Degree Works, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the Degree Works audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year- Fall Semester- Credits (15)

    • Entertainment Media Production Requirement Courses (Choose from list above) Credits: (12)
    • EMPR 1125 - *Introduction to Entertainment Business Credits: (3)

    First Year- Spring Semester- Credits (15)

    • Entertainment Media Production Requirement Courses (Choose from list above) Credits: (6)
    • EMPR 1150 - *Introduction to Entertainment Business II Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ART 1340 - Foundations Studio I Credits: (3)

    Second Year- Fall Semester- Credits (15)

    • Entertainment Media Production Requirement Courses (Choose from list above) Credits: (6)
    • COMM 250 - Introduction to Social Media Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)

    Second Year- Spring Semester- Credits (15)

    • ENGL 2860 - ^Introduction to Film Credits: (3)
    • OR  MUS 1030 - ^Introduction to Music  Credits: (3)

    • Entertainment Media Production Requirement Courses (Choose from list above) Credits: (6)
    • EMPR 2299P - *Capstone Experience Credits: (2-3) (Must be taken as a 3 credit hour course)
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
  • Entrepreneurship Technical Certificate View in Catalog Preview

    Entrepreneurship Technical Certificate

    For more information, contact the Business and Technology division at 615-230-3301 or at

    The Entrepreneurship Technical Certificate provides students the key, foundational business knowledge and skills needed to effectively manage their own small business or support the goals and success of an employer’s small business.  The knowledge and skills developed in this program are also highly applicable to a broad range of business positions with diverse employers in virtually every sector of the economy.  Student learning in this program can also provide a strong foundation for continued studies in pursuit of an associate degree or beyond.

    The Entrepreneurship Technical Certificate is embedded within all Associate of Applied Science in Business concentrations and within the Associate of Arts and the Associate of Science, General Studies areas of emphasis.  Courses in this certificate may be used to award these degrees.

    Program​ Learning Outcomes

    1. Students will demonstrate initiative, self-direction, productivity, and accountability skills necessary to maintain their own business or effectively support the small business of an employer.
    2. Students will demonstrate a basic understanding of financial statements, budgets, and other documents necessary to plan, track and measure the financial well-being of a business.
    3. Students will demonstrate a basic understanding of the key principles and skills of entrepreneurship and marketing needed to develop and execute basic business capture strategies
    4. Students will demonstrate the ability to effectively utilize basic capabilities of several computer software programs widely utilized by most small businesses today.
    5. Students will develop decision-making and problem-solving skills.

    CIP Code: (32) 52.0701.00     SOC Code: 11-1021

    Certificate Requirements - Credits (18)

    • ACCT 1010 - Principles of Accounting I Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 1305 - *Introduction to Business Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 1330 - *Entrepreneurship Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 2300 - *Business Ethics Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 2380 - *Principles of Marketing Credits: (3)
    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)

    Total Certificate Requirements - Credits (18)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    Fall Semester - Credits (9)

    • BUSN 1305 - *Introduction to Business Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 2380 - *Principles of Marketing Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 2300 - *Business Ethics Credits: (3)

    Spring Semester - Credits (9)

    • BUSN 1330 - *Entrepreneurship Credits: (3)
    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)
    • ACCT 1010 - Principles of Accounting I Credits: (3)
  • Fine Arts, A.F.A. - Art (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    Fine Arts, A.F.A. - Art (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Fine Arts
    Major: Fine Arts
    Area of Emphasis: Art

    For more information, visit the Art Department webpage or contact the Humanities division at 615-230-3200 or

    This pathway is for students planning to complete a bachelor’s degree at a four-year school. The standard pre-professional degree for artists and designers is a Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.). Individuals majoring in art have a variety of career opportunities including, but not limited to, studio artist, graphic designer, photographer, web and/or multimedia designer, product and/or package designer, interior designer, craft artist including jewelry or textile designer, museum curator, art historian, and educator.

    Additionally, an art curriculum provides intensive education in problem-solving strategies, a skill both useful and desired in many occupations. For those students primarily interested in developing their problem-solving skills, Two-Dimensional Design, Three-Dimensional Design, and Graphic Design are recommended.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    Program Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. Student will demonstrate critical thinking to apply an artistic prompt.
    2. Students will demonstrate skills in artistic analysis.
    3. Students will demonstrate fundamental and technical artistic skills.
    4. Students will demonstrate knowledge of artistic functions, materials, and history.
    5. Students will present works in a variety of expressive platforms.

    CIP Code: (30) 50.0101.00

    General Education Core Requirements- Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • ART 2000 - ^Art History Survey I Credits: (3)
    • ART 2020 - ^Art History Survey II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must be a Literature course) Credits: (3)
    • History  (HIST 2310   and HIST 2320   Preferred) Credits: (6)
    • Mathematics  Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (6)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (21)

    • ART 1045 - Drawing I Credits: (3)
    • ART 1050 - Drawing II Credits: (3)
    • ART 1340 - Foundations Studio I Credits: (3)
    • ART 1350 - Foundations Studio II Credits: (3)
    • Studio Art Electives (Choose from the following list) Credits: (9)
      ​ ART 135 - Ceramics I  Credits: (3)
      ART 136 - Introduction to Printmaking  Credits: (3)
      ART 155 - Introduction to Photography and Digital Imaging  Credits: (3)
      ART 211 - Painting I  Credits: (3)
      ART 253 - Graphic Design I  Credits: (3)
      ART 260 - Special Studies in Art  Credits: (3)
      ART 280T - Individual Problems in Art  Credits: (1-6)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (62)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • ART 1045 - Drawing I Credits: (3)
    • ART 1340 - Foundations Studio I Credits: (3)
    • ART 2000 - ^Art History Survey I Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Core Requirements in Catalog HIST 2310  Preferred) Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • ART 1050 - Drawing II Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • ART 2020 - ^Art History Survey II Credits: (3)
    • ART 1350 - Foundations Studio II Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Core Requirements in Catalog HIST 2320  Preferred) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • Studio Art Electives (Choose from list above) Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Core Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Core Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course- See General Education Core Requirements in Catalog)  Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • Studio Art Electives (See list above) Credits: (3)
    • Studio Art Electives (See list above) Credits: (3)
    • Mathematics  (See General Education Core Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Core Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Core Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
  • Fine Arts, A.F.A. - Music (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    Fine Arts, A.F.A. - Music (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Fine Arts
    Major: Fine Arts
    Area of Emphasis: Music

    For more information, contact the Humanities division at 615-230-3200 or at

    This pathway prepares students for a career in many facets of music and music education. Our mission is to give students a solid foundation in music while providing them with a range of performance and creative opportunities. The pathway offers a diverse music theory curriculum that creates a dynamic, rich learning environment for students to pursue their passion for music and performing.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    Program Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. Apply a wide-range of styles and structures to music through performance.  
    2. Demonstrate competencies in theory and aural skills through sight-singing performance, generating and analyzing harmony, creating, and notating self-generated musical ideas, and the graphic dictation of aural sounds.
    3. Demonstrate cooperative learning and creative expression through performance as a member of performing ensembles.
    4. Demonstrate high level of performance attributes through private lessons and end of semester juries.

    CIP Code: 30.50.0101.00

    General Education Requirements - Credits (35)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • MUS 1030 - ^Introduction to Music Credits: (3)
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • Mathematics  Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (6)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (26)

    • MUS 1027 - Class Piano I Credits: (1)
    • MUS 1057 - Music Theory I Credits: (3)
    • MUS 1058 - Ear Training I Credits: (1)
    • MUS 1127 - Class Piano II Credits: (1)
    • MUS 1155 - Music Theory II Credits: (3)
    • MUS 1156 - Ear Training II Credits: (1)
    • MUS 2055 - Music Theory III Credits: (3)
    • MUS 2056 - Ear Training III Credits: (1)
    • Ensembles (Appropriate to Applied Area) Credits: (4)
    • Private Lessons (Appropriate to Applied Area) Credits: (8)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (61)


    Each student is required to complete an audition, the remaining six hours of humanities, and in most cases a placement assessment in music theory, ear training, musicology and piano when they transfer.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (13)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • MUS 1030 - ^Introduction to Music Credits: (3)
    • MUS 1027 - Class Piano I Credits: (1)
    • Ensembles (Appropriate to Applied Area)  Credits: (1)
    • Private Lessons (Appropriate to Applied Area) Credits: (2)
    • Mathematics  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • MUS 1058 - Ear Training I Credits: (1)
    • MUS 1057 - Music Theory I Credits: (3)
    • Private Lessons (Appropriate to Applied Area) Credits: (2)
    • Ensembles (Appropriate to Applied Area) Credits: (1)
    • MUS 1127 - Class Piano II Credits: (1)
    • COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication  Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (17)

    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • MUS 1156 - Ear Training II Credits: (1)
    • MUS 1155 - Music Theory II Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog)  Credits: (3)
    • Private Lessons (Appropriate to Applied Area) Credits: (2)
    • Ensembles (Appropriate to Applied Area) Credits: (1)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (17)

    • MUS 2055 - Music Theory III Credits: (3)
    • MUS 2056 - Ear Training III Credits: (1)
    • Private Lessons (Appropriate to Applied Area) Credits: (2)
    • Ensembles (Appropriate to Applied Area) Credits: (1)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog)  Credits: (3)
  • Fire Science Technical Certificate View in Catalog Preview

    Fire Science Technical Certificate

    For more information, contact the Health Sciences division at 615-230-3330.

    This technical certificate program is designed to prepare students in practical firefighting operations and fire service management. The emphasis in the curriculum is on history and theory, used when appropriate, to assist firefighters to cope with current problems in the field.

    The program offers training for professional fire service personnel to improve job performance and prepare for upward mobility. It is designed also to provide an avenue for area citizens to receive the training necessary for entry into a fire science career. All major courses meet the National Fire Academy standards.

    A student must complete the required major core courses and complete any two guided elective courses to earn the Fire Science Technology Technical Certificate.

    For those desiring an associate degree, the Technical Certificate may be used towards completion of the AAS in Fire Science Technology.

    Applicants wishing to enter the Technical Certificate program must complete the following process:

    • Meet admission requirements for the College based on the admission or readmission status the applicant is seeking
    • Submit any other requested documents

    The Fire Science Technical Certificate is embedded within the Associate of Applied Science in Fire Science and within the Associate of Arts and the Associate of Science, General Studies areas of emphasis.  Courses in this certificate may be used to award these degrees.

    Program Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. Demonstrate professionalism, ethics, and the ability to interact with others during academic studies and identify how the skills may be transferred to fire science occupations.
    2. Apply foundational fire science knowledge to “real world” scenarios and describe how the knowledge and skills can be applied to fire science related occupations.
    3. Identify “real world” scenarios in preparation for advancement in fire science related occupations through the application of prevention, response, and risk management knowledge and skills.
    4. Demonstrate professional communication skills in the academic setting and identify how the skills can be transferred to fire science occupations.
    5. Demonstrate the ability to apply problem-solving techniques or methods in a variety of settings to make informed decisions.

    CIP Code: (27) 43.0203.00     SOC Code: 33-2011

    Certificate Requirements - Credits (24)

    • FIRE 1310 - *Principles of Emergency Services Credits: (3)
    • FIRE 1320 - *Principles of Fire and Emergency Services Safety and Survival Credits: (3)
    • FIRE 1330 - *Fire Prevention Credits: (3)
    • FIRE 2310 - *Fire Protection Systems Credits: (3)
    • FIRE 2320 - *Building Construction for Fire Protection Credits: (3)
    • FIRE 2330 - *Fire Behavior and Combustion Credits: (3)
    • Fire Science Electives (Choose from the following list) Credits: (6)
    • EMSB 1101 - *EMT Medical Skills Lab  Credits: (1)

      EMSB 1102 - *EMT Trauma and Medical Skills Lab  Credits: (1)

      EMSB 1111 - *EMT Clinical  Credits: (1)

      EMSB 1112 - *EMT Field Internship  Credits: (1)

      EMSB 1601 - *EMT Medical Emergencies and EMS Operations  Credits: (6)

      EMSB 1602 - *EMT Trauma and Medical Emergencies  Credits: (6)

      FIRE 1315 - *Rescue Awareness   Credits: (3)

      FIRE 1325 - *Fire Investigation I  Credits: (3)

      FIRE 2315 - *Introduction to Homeland Security and Disaster Management  Credits: (3)

      FIRE 2325 - *Fire Protection Hydraulics and Water Supply  Credits: (3)

      FIRE 2335 - *Strategies and Tactics  Credits: (3)

      FIRE 2340 - *Leadership Development  Credits: (3)

      FIRE 2350 - *Principles of Fire and Emergency Services Administration  Credits: (3)

      FIRE 2355 - *Hazardous Materials I  Credits: (3) 

      FIRE 2360 - *Occupational Safety and Health for Emergency Services  Credits: (3)

      FIRE 2365 - *Hazardous Materials II  Credits: (3)

      FIRE 2370 - *Public Fire and Life Safety Education  Credits: (3)

      FIRE 2375 - *Hazardous Materials Chemistry  Credits: (3)

      FIRE 2380 - *Legal Aspects of Emergency Services  Credits: (3)

      FIRE 2385 - *Fire Investigation II  Credits: (3)

      FIRE 2399 - *Special Topics in Fire Science  Credits: (3)

    Total Certificate Requirements - Credits (24)

    Recommended Schedule

    Degree Works, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the Degree Works audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (12)

    • FIRE 1310 - *Principles of Emergency Services Credits: (3)
    • FIRE 1330 - *Fire Prevention Credits: (3)
    • FIRE 2310 - *Fire Protection Systems Credits: (3)
    • Fire Science Elective (Choose from list above) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (12)

    • FIRE 1320 - *Principles of Fire and Emergency Services Safety and Survival Credits: (3)
    • FIRE 2320 - *Building Construction for Fire Protection Credits: (3)
    • FIRE 2330 - *Fire Behavior and Combustion Credits: (3)
    • Fire Science Elective (Choose from list above) Credits: (3)
  • Fire Science, A.A.S. View in Catalog Preview

    Fire Science, A.A.S.

    Degree: Associate of Applied Science
    Major: Fire Science

    For more information, contact the Health Sciences division at 615-230-3330.

    The degree is designed to address the educational needs of Tennesseans who desire to enter or advance their career within the field of fire science.  The program offers both flexibility for those with prior experience and training while providing a clear path for those who are new to the field of study.  It was designed to incorporate the Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE) core courses and, therefore, meets current, accepted standards of practice within the field of study.

    The Fire Science Technical Certificate and the Emergency Medical Technician Technical Certificate are embedded within the Associate of Applied Science in Fire Science.  Courses in these certificates may be used to award this degree.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    Program​ Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. Demonstrate professionalism, ethics, and the ability to interact with others during academic studies and identify how the skills may be transferred to fire science occupations.
    2. Apply foundational fire science knowledge to “real world” scenarios and describe how the knowledge and skills can be applied to fire science related occupations.
    3. Identify “real world” scenarios in preparation for advancement in fire science related occupations through the application of prevention, response, and risk management knowledge and skills.
    4. Demonstrate professional communication skills in the academic setting and identify how the skills can be transferred to fire science occupations.
    5. Demonstrate the ability to apply problem-solving techniques or methods in a variety of settings to make informed decisions.

    CIP Code: (27) 43.0203.00     SOC Code: 33-2011

    General Education Requirements - Credits (15-16)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  Credits: (3)
    • Mathematics  Credits: (3-4)
      OR Natural Sciences  Credits: (3-4)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (3)

    Major Core Course Requirements - Credits (45)

    • FIRE 1310 - *Principles of Emergency Services Credits: (3)
    • FIRE 1320 - *Principles of Fire and Emergency Services Safety and Survival Credits: (3)
    • FIRE 1330 - *Fire Prevention Credits: (3)
    • FIRE 2310 - *Fire Protection Systems Credits: (3)
    • FIRE 2320 - *Building Construction for Fire Protection Credits: (3)
    • FIRE 2330 - *Fire Behavior and Combustion Credits: (3)
    • Fire Science Electives (Choose credits from the following list) Credits: (27)
      EMSB 1101 - *EMT Medical Skills Lab   Credits: (1)
      EMSB 1102 - *EMT Trauma and Medical Skills Lab  Credits: (1)
      EMSB 1111 - *EMT Clinical  Credits: (1)
      EMSB 1112 - *EMT Field Internship  Credits: (1)
      EMSB 1601 - *EMT Medical Emergencies and EMS Operations  Credits: (6)
      EMSB 1602 - *EMT Trauma and Medical Emergencies  Credits: (6)
      ​ FIRE 1315 - *Rescue Awareness  Credits: (3)
      FIRE 1325 - *Fire Investigation I  Credits: (3)
      FIRE 2315 - *Introduction to Homeland Security and Disaster Management  Credits: (3)
      FIRE 2325 - *Fire Protection Hydraulics and Water Supply  Credits: (3)
      FIRE 2335 - *Strategies and Tactics  Credits: (3)
      FIRE 2340 - *Leadership Development  Credits: (3)
      FIRE 2350 - *Principles of Fire and Emergency Services Administration  Credits: (3)
      FIRE 2355 - *Hazardous Materials I  Credits: (3)
      FIRE 2360 - *Occupational Safety and Health for Emergency Services  Credits: (3)
      FIRE 2365 - *Hazardous Materials II  Credits: (3)
      FIRE 2370 - *Public Fire and Life Safety Education  Credits: (3)
      FIRE 2375 - *Hazardous Materials Chemistry  Credits: (3)
      FIRE 2380 - *Legal Aspects of Emergency Services  Credits: (3)
      FIRE 2385 - *Fire Investigation II  Credits: (3)
      FIRE 2399 - *Special Topics in Fire Science  Credits: (3)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60-61)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    Degree Works, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the Degree Works audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts   (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • FIRE 1310 - *Principles of Emergency Services Credits: (3)
    • FIRE 1330 - *Fire Prevention Credits: (3)
    • Fire Science Elective (Choose from list above) Credits: (3)
    • Fire Science Elective (Choose from list above) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • FIRE 2320 - *Building Construction for Fire Protection Credits: (3)
    • Fire Science Elective (Choose from list above) Credits: (3)
    • Fire Science Elective (Choose from list above) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15-16)

    • Mathematics  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3-4)
    • OR Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3-4)

    • FIRE 2330 - *Fire Behavior and Combustion Credits: (3)
    • Fire Science Elective (Choose from list above) Credits: (3)
    • Fire Science Elective (Choose from list above) Credits: (3)
    • Fire Science Elective (Choose from list above) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • FIRE 1320 - *Principles of Fire and Emergency Services Safety and Survival Credits: (3)
    • FIRE 2310 - *Fire Protection Systems Credits: (3)
    • Fire Science Elective (Choose from list above) Credits: (3)
    • Fire Science Elective (Choose from list above) Credits: (3)
  • Health Information Management, A.A.S. View in Catalog Preview

    Health Information Management, A.A.S.

    Degree: Associate of Applied Science
    Major: Health Information Management

    For more information, contact the Health Sciences division at 615-230-3330.

    The Health Information Management program is a two year associate of applied science degree designed to prepare individuals to manage and code the medical information obtained in the medical records, organize the coded information for reimbursement purposes, abstract other data to meet administrative and governmental requirements, manage medical and legal inquiries for medical information calculate healthier statistics, perform data analytics, manage medical and legal inquires for medical information,  calculate health care statistics, perform data analytics, manage the HIM department operational and human resource functions. Graduates of this program will be prepared for a variety of positions in the health information services market. The program is designed to offer a wide variety of learning experiences including classroom and online instruction, use of computers and software designed for Health Information Management, and directed clinical practice in various medical settings. The Health Information Management program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education (CAHIIM).

    In order to be eligible for admission into the HIM program, students must successfully complete all of the general education courses as outlined below, as well as the following core course requirements, HIMT 1301, AHC 115 and INFS 1010 with a grade of “C” or higher. Students pursuing this degree are not eligible to take the Computer Competency Exam (CCE) to fulfill the INFS 1010 requirement.  A cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better is required along with a screening interview.  Students interested in screening for official acceptance into the HIM program must contact the HIM Program Director and request an HIM application packet in January. Interviews are conducted in March.  After formal acceptance into the program, three consecutive semesters of study are required for graduation. The VSCC HIM Program includes the Data Management (DM) specialty track competencies and the Revenue Management (RM) specialty track competencies. For more information refer to the Health Sciences Associate of Applied Science Degrees section in the catalog.  For more information on how to apply to this program, contact the HIM Program Director.

    The Medical Coding Technical Certificate is embedded within the Associate of Applied Science in Health Information Management.  Courses in the certificate may be used to award this degree.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    Program​ Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge, and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. Evaluate policies, regulations, and standards to the management of Health Information Management as they relate to data structure, content, and information governance.
    2. Apply privacy and security strategies throughout the health information life cycle as they relate to information protection, access, use, disclosure, privacy, and security.
    3. Manage standards and data for exchange of health information as they relate to informatics, analytics, and data use.
    4. Evaluate revenue cycle processes and methodologies as they relate to revenue cycle management.
    5. Apply legal processes in health information management as they relate to health law and compliance.
    6. Assess management and leadership including multiple populations and ethical standards of practice as they relate to organizational management and leadership.
    7. Apply knowledge of pathophysiology, pharmacology, anatomy and physiology, medical terminology, computer concepts and computer applications as they relate to health information management.

    CIP Code: (31) 51.0707.00

    General Education Requirements - Credits (20)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • PHIL 1040 - ^Introduction to Ethics Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3)
    • BIOL 2010 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology I Credits: (4)
    • BIOL 2020 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology II Credits: (4)
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3)

    Major Core Course Requirements - Credits (46)

    • AHC 115 - *Medical Terminology Credits: (3)
    • HIMT 1202 - *HIM Legal Aspects Credits: (2)
    • HIMT 1301 - *Introduction to Health Information Management Credits: (3)
    • HIMT 1303 - *Basic ICD Coding I Credits: (3)
    • HIMT 1305 - *Computer Applications in Health Information Credits: (3)
    • HIMT 1401 - *Disease Processes Credits: (4)
    • HIMT 2211 - *Quality Improvement Credits: (2)
    • HIMT 2212 - *Seminar in Health Information Management Credits: (2)
    • HIMT 2301 - *CPT Coding Credits: (3)
    • HIMT 2302 - *Basic ICD Coding II Credits: (3)
    • HIMT 2303 - *Advanced Coding Credits: (3)
    • HIMT 2304 - *HIM Management Principles Credits: (3)
    • HIMT 2305 - *Revenue Cycle Management Credits: (3)
    • HIMT 2307 - *Professional Practice Experience I Credits: (3)
    • HIMT 2309 - *Data Analysis and Statistics Credits: (3)
    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (66)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    Degree Works, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the Degree Works audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • BIOL 2010 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology I Credits: (4)
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • AHC 115 - *Medical Terminology Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3)
    • HIMT 1301 - *Introduction to Health Information Management Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (13)

    • BIOL 2020 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology II Credits: (4)
    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)
    • PHIL 1040 - ^Introduction to Ethics Credits: (3)
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3)

    First Year - Summer Semester - Credits (9)

    • HIMT 1202 - *HIM Legal Aspects Credits: (2)
    • HIMT 1305 - *Computer Applications in Health Information Credits: (3)
    • HIMT 1401 - *Disease Processes Credits: (4)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • HIMT 1303 - *Basic ICD Coding I Credits: (3)
    • HIMT 2302 - *Basic ICD Coding II Credits: (3)
    • HIMT 2304 - *HIM Management Principles Credits: (3)
    • HIMT 2307 - *Professional Practice Experience I Credits: (3)
    • HIMT 2309 - *Data Analysis and Statistics Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (13)

    • HIMT 2211 - *Quality Improvement Credits: (2)
    • HIMT 2212 - *Seminar in Health Information Management Credits: (2)
    • HIMT 2301 - *CPT Coding Credits: (3)
    • HIMT 2303 - *Advanced Coding Credits: (3)
    • HIMT 2305 - *Revenue Cycle Management Credits: (3)
  • Health Sciences, A.A.S. - Dental Assisting View in Catalog Preview

    Health Sciences, A.A.S. - Dental Assisting

    Degree: Associated of Applied Science
    Major: Health Sciences
    Concentration: Dental Assisting

    For more information, contact the Health Sciences division at 615-230-3330.

    The College offers an Associate of Applied Science degree as a career ladder for persons who have successfully completed their program of study in Dental Assisting. A total of 36 hours from the certificate may be applied to the required degree hours.  This degree is designed to assist Health Sciences workers with their general and continuing education.  For more information, refer to the Health Sciences Associate of Applied Science Degrees section in the catalog. Specific core credits may be earned by current enrollment in appropriate health sciences courses.  In addition to the 15 credit hours of General Education core courses currently required for an A.A.S degree, students will complete three required courses and two elective courses from those listed in the institution’s catalog.

    The Dental Assisting Technical Certificate is embedded within the Associate of Applied Science in Health Sciences, Dental Assisting concentration.  Courses in this certificate may be used to award this concentration.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    Program​ Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge, and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. Students will demonstrate the basic skills to be a competent dental assistant.

    2. Students will define the terminology unique to dental assisting. 

    3. Students will illustrate comprehension of professional, ethical standards for dental assisting. 

    4. Students will apply and demonstrate critical thinking, problem-solving and decision-making skills within the parameters of dental assisting.

    CIP Code: (31) 51.9999.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (15 - 17)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences /Mathematics  (BIOL 2010  Preferred - See Advisor) Credits: (3-4)
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3)
    • OR PSYC 2130 - ^Lifespan Development Psychology  Credits: (3)

    • One additional General Education course from any of the following categories: Communication , Humanities/Fine Arts , Mathematics , Natural Sciences  or Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (3-4)

    Professional Core Course Requirements - Credits (15)

    • ALHS 2312 - *Contemporary Issues in Healthcare Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 1380 - *Supervisory Management Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 2370 - *Legal Environment of Business Credits: (3)
    • Dental Assisting Electives (Choose from the following list or from a MATH, AHC, ALHS, Natural Sciences  course or the student may apply Dental Assisting Technical Certificate credits earned in excess of 30 credit hours as electives Credits: (6)
    • AHC 115 - *Medical Terminology  Credits: (3)

      BIOL 2020 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology II  Credits: (4)

      MATH 1130 - ^College Algebra  Credits: (3)

      PHYS 1030 - ^Survey of Physics  Credits: (4)

    Major Core Course Requirements - Credits (30)

    • DAST 1550 - *Dental Science II Credits: (3)
    • DAST 1560 - *Clinical Chairside II Credits: (4)
    • DAST 1570 - *Clinical Practicum I Credits: (1)
    • DAST 1580 - *Dental Office Management Credits: (3)
    • DAST 1590 - *Clinical Practicum II Credits: (3)
    • DAST 1600 - *Fundamentals of Dental Assisting Credits: (1)
    • DAST 1610 - *Advanced Radiology Credits: (3)
    • DAST 1620 - *Preventive Dental Assisting Credits: (3)
    • DAST 1630 - *The Compromised Patient Credits: (2)
    • DAST 1640 - *Capstone Course Credits: (3)
    • DAST 1650 - *Special Topics in Dental Assisting Credits: (3)
    • DAST 1660 - *Clinical Practice Credits: (1)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60-62)

    Recommended Schedule

    Students should follow the recommended schedules for the technical certificate and work with their advisor to schedule the remaining required courses.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

  • Health Sciences, A.A.S. - Diagnostic Medical Sonography View in Catalog Preview

    Health Sciences, A.A.S. - Diagnostic Medical Sonography

    Degree: Associate of Applied Science
    Major: Health Sciences
    Concentration: Diagnostic Medical Sonography

    For more information, contact the Health Sciences division at 615-230-3330.

    The College offers an Associate of Applied Science degree as a career ladder for persons who have successfully completed their program of study in Diagnostic Medical Sonography. A total of 36 hours from the certificate may be applied to the required degree hours.  This degree is designed to assist Health Sciences workers with their general and continuing education.  For more information, refer to the Health Sciences Associate of Applied Science Degrees section in the catalog. Specific core credits may be earned by current enrollment in appropriate health sciences courses.  In addition to the 15 credit hours of General Education core courses currently required for an A.A.S degree, students will complete three required courses and two elective courses from those listed in the institution’s catalog.

    The Diagnostic Medical Sonography Technical Certificate is embedded within the Associate of Applied Science in Health Sciences, Diagnostic Medical Sonography concentration.  Courses in this certificate may be used to award this concentration.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    Program​ Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. Demonstrate knowledge in appropriate didactic areas.

    2. Integrate knowledge into competency-based clinical experience.

    3. Apply skills to exceed the standards of the profession.

    4. Analyze clinical data.

    5. Write effectively in more than one format as part of the writing across the professional curriculum initiative.

    6. Provide excellent quality care to enrich and support the community through active engagement.

    7. Engage and maintain personal professional relationships.

    CIP Code: (31) 51.9999.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (15 - 17)


    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences /Mathematics  (BIOL 2010  Preferred) - See Advisor Credits: (3-4)
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3)
    • OR PSYC 2130 - ^Lifespan Development Psychology  Credits: (3)

    • One additional course from any of the following categories: Communication , Humanities/Fine Arts , Mathematics , Natural Sciences  or Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (3-4)

    Professional Core Course Requirements - Credits (15)

    • ALHS 2312 - *Contemporary Issues in Healthcare Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 1380 - *Supervisory Management Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 2370 - *Legal Environment of Business Credits: (3)
    • Diagnostic Medical Sonography Electives (Choose from the following list or from a MATH, AHC, ALHS, Natural Sciences  course or the student may apply Diagnostic Medical Sonography Technical Certificate credits earned in excess of 30 credit hours as electives Credits: (6)
    • AHC 115 - *Medical Terminology  Credits: (3)

      BIOL 2020 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology II  Credits: (4)

      MATH 1130 - ^College Algebra  Credits: (3)

      PHYS 1030 - ^Survey of Physics  Credits: (4)

    Major Core Course Requirements - Credits (30)

    • SONO 2004 - *Vascular I Credits: (4)
    • SONO 2010 - *Professional Research Inquiry Credits: (2)
    • SONO 2011 - *Physics and Instrumentation II Credits: (2)
    • SONO 2014 - *Vascular II Credits: (4)
    • SONO 2016C - *Clinical Education II Credits: (4)
    • SONO 2020 - *Sonography Seminar Credits: (2)
    • SONO 2021 - *Physics and Instrumentation III Credits: (2)
    • SONO 2026C - *Clinical Education III Credits: (4)
    • SONO 2033 - *Breast Sonography Credits: (2)
    • SONO 2036C - *Clinical Education IV Credits: (4)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60-62)

    Recommended Schedule

    Students should follow the recommended schedules for the technical certificate and work with their advisor to schedule the remaining required courses.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

  • Health Sciences, A.A.S. - Paramedic View in Catalog Preview

    Health Sciences, A.A.S. - Paramedic

    Degree: Associate of Applied Science
    Major: Health Sciences
    Concentration: Paramedic

    For more information, contact the Health Sciences division at 615-230-3330.

    The College offers an Associate of Applied Science degree as a career ladder for persons who have successfully completed their Paramedic program of study.  A total of 36 hours from the Paramedic Technical certificate may be applied to the required degree hours.  This degree is designed to assist Health Sciences workers with their general and continuing education.  For more information, refer to the Health Sciences Associate of Applied Science Degrees section in the catalog. Specific core credits may be earned by current enrollment in appropriate health sciences courses.  In addition to the 15 credit hours of General Education core courses currently required for an A.A.S degree, students will complete three required courses and two elective courses from those listed in the institution’s catalog.

    The Paramedic Technical Certificate is embedded within the Associate of Applied Science in Health Sciences, Paramedic concentration.  Courses in this certificate may be used to award this concentration.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    Program​ Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. The student will integrate and synthesize the multiple determinants of professional roles and responsibilities of the emergency medical services system as well as emergency medical services system operations as a paramedic in the pre-hospital emergency care setting.

    2. The student will integrate and synthesize the multiple determinants of medical and legal considerations of operating as a paramedic in the pre-hospital emergency care setting. 

    3. The student will integrate and synthesize the multiple determinants of pharmacological interventions available to treat patients as a paramedic in the pre-hospital emergency care setting.

    4. The student will recognize, classify and translate the multiple determinants of public health as a paramedic in the pre-hospital emergency care setting. 

    5. Students will safely and effectively perform the psychomotor skills relative to medical and trauma care of age-related patients associated with care as a paramedic in the pre-hospital emergency care setting.  

    CIP Code: (31) 51.9999.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (15-17)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences /Mathematics  (BIOL 2010  Preferred) - See Advisor Credits: (3-4)
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3)
    • OR PSYC 2130 - ^Lifespan Development Psychology  Credits: (3)

    • One additional course from any of the following categories: Communication , Humanities/Fine Arts , Mathematics , Natural Sciences  or Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (3-4)

    Professional Core Course Requirements - Credits (15)

    • ALHS 2312 - *Contemporary Issues in Healthcare Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 1380 - *Supervisory Management Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 2370 - *Legal Environment of Business Credits: (3)
    • Paramedic Electives (Choose from the following list or from a MATH, AHC, ALHS, Natural Sciences  course or the student may apply Paramedic Technical Certificate credits earned in excess of 30 credit hours as electives) Credits: (6)
    • AHC 115 - *Medical Terminology  Credits: (3)

      BIOL 2020 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology II  Credits: (4)

      MATH 1130 - ^College Algebra  Credits: (3)

      PHYS 1030 - ^Survey of Physics  Credits: (4)

    Major Core Course Requirements - Credits (30)

    • EMSP 1311 - *Paramedic Clinical I Credits: (3)
    • EMSP 1401 - *Paramedic Skills Lab I Credits: (4)
    • EMSP 2303 - *Paramedic Practicum Credits: (3)
    • EMSP 2402 - *Paramedic Skills Lab II Credits: (4)
    • EMSP 2403 - *Paramedic Capstone Credits: (4)
    • EMSP 2412 - *Paramedic Clinical II Credits: (4)
    • EMSP 2802 - *Fundamentals of Paramedic II Credits: (8)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60-62)

    Recommended Schedule

    Students should follow the recommended schedules for the technical certificate and work with their advisor to schedule the remaining required courses.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

  • Health Sciences, A.A.S. - Sleep Diagnostics Technology View in Catalog Preview

    Health Sciences, A.A.S. - Sleep Diagnostics Technology

    Degree: Associate of Applied Science
    Major: Health Sciences
    Concentration: Sleep Diagnostic Technology

    For more information, contact the Health Sciences division at 615-230-3330.

    The College offers an Associate of Applied Science degree as a career ladder for persons who have successfully completed their program of study in Sleep Diagnostics. A total of 31 hours from the certificate are applied to the required degree hours.  This degree is designed to assist Health Sciences workers with their general and continuing education.  For more information, refer to the Health Sciences Associate of Applied Science Degrees section in the catalog. Specific core credits may be earned by current enrollment in appropriate health sciences courses.  In addition to the 15 credit hours of General Education core courses currently required for an A.A.S degree, students will complete three required courses and two elective courses from those listed in the institution’s catalog.

    The Sleep Diagnostic Technology Technical Certificate is embedded within the Associate of Applied Science in Health Sciences, Sleep Diagnostic Technology concentration.  Courses in this certificate may be used to award this concentration.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    Program​ Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. Graduates will become competent polysomnographic technologists with training in the fundamentals of polysomnographic technology, laboratory fundamentals, and clinical skills as outlined in, but not limited to, the American Association of Sleep Technologists (AAST) Curriculum Outline.

    2. Graduates will have achieved both academic and clinical competency in cognitive, psychomotor, and affective learning domains using the following organizations as sources of standards: American Association of Sleep Technologists, Board of Registered Polysomnographic Technologists, and the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

    3. The students’ accomplishments of their academic and clinical objectives will prepare them with entry level skills as Polysomnographic Technicians.

    4. Successful completion of the program will qualify and help prepare the graduate to take the Board of Registered Polysomnographic Technologists Registry Exam.

    CIP Code: (31) 51.9999.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (15 - 17)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences /Mathematics  (BIOL 2010  Preferred - See Advisor) Credits: (3-4)
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3)
    • OR PSYC 2130 - ^Lifespan Development Psychology  Credits: (3)

    • One additional course from any of the following categories: Communication , Humanities/Fine Arts , Mathematics , Natural Sciences  or Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (3-4)

    Professional Core Course Requirements - Credits (14)

    • ALHS 2312 - *Contemporary Issues in Healthcare Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 1380 - *Supervisory Management Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 2370 - *Legal Environment of Business Credits: (3)
    • Sleep Diagnostic Electives (Choose from the following list) Credits: (5)
      MATH, AHC, ALHS, or Natural Sciences  course - Credits: (1-5)
    • AHC 115 - *Medical Terminology  Credits: (3)

      BIOL 2020 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology II  Credits: (4)

      MATH 1130 - ^College Algebra  Credits: (3)

      PHYS 1030 - ^Survey of Physics  Credits: (4)

    Major Core Course Requirements - Credits (31)

    • PSG 101 - *Anatomy and Physiology of Sleep Disorders Credits: (3)
    • PSG 102 - *Classification of Sleep Disorders Credits: (3)
    • PSG 110 - *Sleep Polysomnography Instrumentation Credits: (3)
    • PSG 120C - *Clinical Practice I Credits: (4)
    • PSG 130 - *Data Management in Polysomnography Credits: (4)
    • PSG 131 - *Sleep Scoring Credits: (4)
    • PSG 132 - *Sleep Registry Review Credits: (4)
    • PSG 133C - *Clinical Practice II Credits: (6)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60-62)

    Recommended Schedule

    Students should follow the recommended schedules for the technical certificate and work with their advisor to schedule the remaining required courses.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.


  • Hospitality Management Technical Certificate View in Catalog Preview

    Hospitality Management Technical Certificate

    For more information, contact the Business and Technology division at 615-230-3301 or at

    This Hospitality Management Technical Certificate offers the opportunity for formal study in the growing field of hospitality management and tourism management. Study in this certificate is designed to provide career growth. This certificate is intended to provide basic industry knowledge and business management skills with a focus on gaining real-world experience. 

    The Hospitality Management Technical Certificate is embedded within the Associate of Applied Science in Business, Management Concentration.  Courses in this certificate may be used to award the concentration.

    Program​ Learning Outcomes

    1. Contribute to a positive team performance in a hospitality/tourism business environment
    2. Model the behaviors of effective, ethical leaders by demonstrating the fundamental principles of leadership in the hospitality industry
    3. Create favorable guest experiences in the hospitality/tourism industry
    4. Organize, analyze, and interpret information to plan events
    5. Demonstrate effective listening and communication skills to interact with customers and staff in a positive, professional, and ethical manner

    CIP Code: 32.52.0904.00 SOC Code: 11-9081.00

    Certificate Requirements - Credits (18)

    • ACCT 1010 - Principles of Accounting I Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 1305 - *Introduction to Business Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 2380 - *Principles of Marketing Credits: (3)
    • HMGT 1030 - *Introduction to Hospitality Management Credits: (3)
    • HMGT 1250 - *Service Management Credits: (3)
    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)

    Total Certificate Requirements - Credits (18)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites, and other academic factors may impact this schedule. See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning. Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    Fall Semester - Credits (9)

    • BUSN 1305 - *Introduction to Business Credits: (3)
    • HMGT 1030 - *Introduction to Hospitality Management Credits: (3)
    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)

    Spring Semester - Credits (9)

    • HMGT 1250 - *Service Management Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 2380 - *Principles of Marketing Credits: (3)
    • ACCT 1010 - Principles of Accounting I Credits: (3)
  • Mechatronics Technology Technical Certificate View in Catalog Preview

    Mechatronics Technology Technical Certificate

    For more information, contact the Business and Technology division at 615-230-3301 or at

    The certificate program is offered for students interested in employment as a technician in an integrated multidisciplinary environment. Instruction in mechatronics provides students with the knowledge and hands-on training in electronics, mechanics, and computers to work in a variety of industrial and manufacturing related businesses. The certificate offers opportunities for employment preparation and skills enhancement.

    The Mechatronics Technology Technical Certificate is embedded within the Associate of Applied Science in Mechatronics Technology and within the Associate of Arts and the Associate of Science, General Studies areas of emphasis.  Courses in this certificate may be used to award these degrees.

    Program​ Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. The graduate will have demonstrated a basic understanding of the electrical and mechanical components in a mechatronics system.

    2. The graduate will demonstrate a basic understanding of pneumatic, electro pneumatic and hydraulic control circuits in a mechatronics system.

    3. The graduate will demonstrate a basic understanding of digital logic and programmable logic controllers (PLCs) in a mechatronics system. 

    4. The graduate will have demonstrated a basic ability to use troubleshooting techniques, correct malfunctions, and apply safety rules with respect to electrical, mechanical, pneumatic, and hydraulic components used in a mechatronics system.

    CIP Code: (09) 15.0403.00     SOC Code: 17-3024

    Certificate Requirements - Credits (18)

    • MECH 1310 - *Electrical Components Credits: (3)
    • MECH 1320 - *Mechanical Components and Electric Motors Credits: (3)
    • MECH 1330 - *(Electro) Pneumatic and Hydraulic Control Circuits Credits: (3)
    • MECH 1340 - *Digital Fundamentals and Programmable Logic Controllers Credits: (3)
    • Mechatronics Electives (Choose from the following list) Credits: (6)
      ​ENGR 101 - *Engineering Graphics with CAD I  Credits: (3)
      ENGR 102 - *Engineering Graphics with CAD II  Credits: (3) 
      ENST 1350 - *Industrial Safety  Credits: (3)
      INFS 1010 - Computer Applications  Credits: (3)
      MATH 1130 - ^College Algebra  Credits: (3)
      OR MATH 1710 - ^Precalculus Algebra  Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
      MECH Prefix Elective Credits: (3)

    Total Certificate Requirements - Credits (18)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, prerequisites, and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    All courses required for completion of this certificate are offered at both the Gallatin and the Cookeville Campuses during the day and all 1000 level MECH courses are also offered at the Gallatin campus during the evening.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (9)

    • MECH 1310 - *Electrical Components Credits: (3) Gallatin Campus Students
    • OR MECH 1320 - *Mechanical Components and Electric Motors  Credits: (3) ​Gallatin and Cookeville Campus Students

    • MECH 1330 - *(Electro) Pneumatic and Hydraulic Control Circuits Credits: (3) Gallatin and Cookeville Campus Students
    • OR MECH 1340 - *Digital Fundamentals and Programmable Logic Controllers  Credits: (3) Gallatin Campus Students​

    • Mechatronics Electives (Choose from list above ENST 1350  Preferred) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (9)

    • MECH 1320 - *Mechanical Components and Electric Motors Credits: (3) Gallatin Campus Students
    • OR MECH 1310 - *Electrical Components  Credits: (3) Gallatin and Cookeville Campus Students

    • MECH 1340 - *Digital Fundamentals and Programmable Logic Controllers Credits: (3) Gallatin and Cookeville Campus Students
    • OR MECH 1330 - *(Electro) Pneumatic and Hydraulic Control Circuits  Credits: (3) Gallatin Campus Students

    • Mechatronics Electives (Choose from list above ENGR 101  Preferred) Credits: (3)
  • Mechatronics Technology, A.A.S. View in Catalog Preview

    Mechatronics Technology, A.A.S.

    Degree: Associate of Applied Science
    Major: Mechatronics Technology

    For more information, contact the Business and Technology division at 615-230-3301 or at

    This career pathway provides the academic knowledge and practical experience necessary to prepare students for employment as highly-skilled Mechatronics technicians. The concentration is specifically provided for students who are interested in working as a technician in an integrated multidisciplinary environment.  This program is designed for students interested in getting into the workforce quickly with the technical skills employer’s demand. Students must successfully complete a minimum of 12 credits of MECH classes at VSCC in order to graduate.

    The Mechatronics Technology Technical Certificate is embedded within the Associate of Applied Science in Mechatronics.  Courses in the certificate may be used to award this degree.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements.  More information can be found at 

    Program​ Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. The graduate will have demonstrated a thorough understanding of the electrical components, electric motors, and mechanical components in a mechatronics system.
    2. The graduate will demonstrate a thorough understanding of basic pneumatic, electro pneumatic and hydraulic control circuits in a mechatronics system.
    3. The graduate will demonstrate a thorough understanding of basic digital logic and programmable logic controllers (PLCs) in a mechatronics system. 
    4. The graduate will have demonstrated the ability to use troubleshooting techniques, correct malfunctions, perform systematic preventive maintenance and apply safety rules with respect to electrical components, mechanical components, electric motors, pneumatic and hydraulic controls, and PLCs used in a mechatronics system.
    5. The graduate will have demonstrated the ability to install, implement and modify software tools used in mechatronic systems.
    6. The graduate will demonstrate the ability to apply written, oral, and graphical communication skills and identify and use appropriate technical literature.
    7. The graduate will demonstrate the ability to use mathematical and scientific principles to solve technical problems.

    CIP Code: (09) 15.0403.00    SOC Code: 17-3024

    General Education Requirements - Credits (16)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1130 - ^College Algebra Credits: (3)
    • OR MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics  Credits: (3) OR HIGHER 1

    • Natural Science  (CHEM, PHYS, or PSCI Courses Preferred) Credits: (4) 2
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (ECON 2200  Preferred) Credits: (3)

    Major Core Course Requirements - Credits (44)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • MECH 1310 - *Electrical Components Credits: (3)
    • MECH 1320 - *Mechanical Components and Electric Motors Credits: (3)
    • MECH 1330 - *(Electro) Pneumatic and Hydraulic Control Circuits Credits: (3)
    • MECH 1340 - *Digital Fundamentals and Programmable Logic Controllers Credits: (3)
    • MECH 2320 - *Motor Control Credits: (3)
    • MECH 2425 - *Mechanics and Machine Elements Credits: (4)
    • MECH 2440 - *Process Control Technologies Credits: (4)
    • MECH 2441 - *Introduction to Totally Integrated Automation Credits: (4)
    • MECH 2480 - *Automation Systems Credits: (4)
    • MECH 2490 - *Manufacturing Applications Credits: (4)
    • OR MECH 2495 - *Internship in Mechatronics II  Credits: (4)

    • Mechatronics Electives (Choose from the following list) Credits: (6) 3
      CISP 1010 - Computer Science I   Credits: (4)
      ENGR 101 - *Engineering Graphics with CAD I  Credits: (3)
      ENGR 102 - *Engineering Graphics with CAD II  Credits: (3)
      ENGR 2110 - Statics  Credits: (3)
      ENGR 2120 - Dynamics  Credits: (3)
      ENST 1350 - *Industrial Safety  Credits: (3)
      INFS 1010 - Computer Applications  Credits: (3)
      MECH 1195 - *Internship in Mechatronics I  Credits: (1)
      MECH 1295 - *Internship in Mechatronics I  Credits: (2)
      MECH 1395 - *Internship in Mechatronics I  Credits: (3)
      MECH 1991 - *Special Topics in Mechatronics I  Credits: (1-4)
      MECH 2195 - *Internship in Mechatronics II  Credits: (1)
      MECH 2295 - *Internship in Mechatronics II  Credits: (2)
      MECH 2395 - *Internship in Mechatronics II  Credits: (3)
      MECH 2410 - *Electrical Control Systems  Credits: (4)
      MECH 2991 - *Special Topics in Mechatronics II  Credits: (1-4)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1 Articulation to a four-year university requires higher-level mathematics choices. Consult your academic advisor.

    2 Articulation to a four-year university may require specific natural science courses. Consult your academic advisor.

    3 Articulation to a four-year university may require specific electives. Consult your academic advisor.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    All courses required for completion of this degree are offered at both the Gallatin and the Cookeville campuses during the day and all 1000 level MECH courses are also offered at the Gallatin campus during the evening.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • MECH 1310 - *Electrical Components Credits: (3) Gallatin Campus Students
    • OR MECH 1320 - *Mechanical Components and Electric Motors  Credits: (3) Gallatin and Cookeville Campus Students

    • MECH 1330 - *(Electro) Pneumatic and Hydraulic Control Circuits Credits: (3) Gallatin and Cookeville Campus Students
    • OR MECH 1340 - *Digital Fundamentals and Programmable Logic Controllers  Credits: (3) Gallatin Campus Students

    • MATH 1130 - ^College Algebra Credits: (3)
    • OR MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics  Credits: (3) OR HIGHER 1

    • Mechatronics Electives (Choose from list above - ENST 1350  Preferred) Credits: (3)3
    • Mechatronics Electives (Choose from list above - ENGR 101  Preferred) Credits: (3)3

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)


    • MECH 1320 - *Mechanical Components and Electric Motors Credits: (3) Gallatin Campus Students
    • OR MECH 1310 - *Electrical Components  Credits: (3) Gallatin and Cookeville Campus Students

    • MECH 1340 - *Digital Fundamentals and Programmable Logic Controllers Credits: (3) Gallatin and Cookeville Campus Students
    • OR MECH 1330 - *(Electro) Pneumatic and Hydraulic Control Circuits  Credits: (3) Gallatin Campus Students 

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Natural Science  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog - CHEM, PHYS, or PSCI Preferred) Credits: (4) 2
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (14)

    • MECH 2320 - *Motor Control Credits: (3)
    • MECH 2441 - *Introduction to Totally Integrated Automation Credits: (4) Gallatin Campus Students
    • OR MECH 2480 - *Automation Systems  Credits: (4) Cookeville Campus Students

    • MECH 2440 - *Process Control Technologies Credits: (4)
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • MECH 2441 - *Introduction to Totally Integrated Automation Credits: (4) Cookeville Campus Students
    • OR MECH 2480 - *Automation Systems  Credits: (4) Gallatin Campus Students

    • MECH 2425 - *Mechanics and Machine Elements Credits: (4)
    • MECH 2490 - *Manufacturing Applications Credits: (4)
    • OR MECH 2495 - *Internship in Mechatronics II  Credits: (4)

    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog ECON 2200  Preferred) Credits: (3)
  • Medical Coding Technical Certificate View in Catalog Preview

    Medical Coding Technical Certificate

    For more information, contact the Health Sciences division at 615-230-3330.

    This technical certificate is designed to meet the needs of individuals currently working in health care or related fields who need to obtain or upgrade their coding skills for career advancement or certification.  A thorough knowledge and understanding of human anatomy and physiology are needed to pursue this certificate.  The Medical Coding Technical Certificate is fully integrated into the Volunteer State Community College Associate of Applied Science degree in Health Information Management for those students who wish to continue their studies.  Students obtaining the HIM degree after completing the Medical Coding Technical Certificate must update their coding knowledge prior to sitting for the national Registered Health Information Technology (RHIT) Exam. All courses in the Medical Coding Certificate apply toward the HIM degree requirements.  This is a three-semester certificate which only begins summer semester of each year.  Courses must be taken in sequence. 

    The Medical Coding Technical Certificate is embedded within the Associate of Applied Science in Health Information Management and within the Associate of Arts and the Associate of Science, General Studies areas of emphasis.  Courses in this certificate may be used to award these degrees.

    Program​ Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. Describe health care organizations from the perspective of key stakeholders.  

    2. Apply policies, regulations, and standards to the management of information.  

    3. Identify policies and strategies to achieve data integrity.  

    4. Determine compliance of health record content within the health organization. 

    5. Explain the use of classification systems, clinical vocabularies, and nomenclatures. 

    6. Apply privacy strategies to health information. 

    7. Apply security strategies to health information.  

    8. Identify compliance requirements throughout the health information life cycle.  

    9. Describe the concepts of managing data. 

    10. Determine diagnosis and procedure codes and groupings according to official guidelines. 

    11. Evaluate revenue cycle processes. 

    12. Evaluate compliance with regulatory requirements and reimbursement methodologies. 

    13. Apply legal processes impacting health information. 

    14. Demonstrate compliance with external forces. 

    15. Identify the components of risk management related to health information management. 

    16. Identify the impact of policy on health care. 

    17. Demonstrate fundamental leadership skills. 

    CIP Code: (31) 51.0707.00     SOC Code: 29-2072

    Certificate Requirements - Credits (25)

    • AHC 115 - *Medical Terminology Credits: (3)
    • HIMT 1301 - *Introduction to Health Information Management Credits: (3)
    • HIMT 1303 - *Basic ICD Coding I Credits: (3)
    • HIMT 1401 - *Disease Processes Credits: (4)
    • HIMT 2301 - *CPT Coding Credits: (3)
    • HIMT 2302 - *Basic ICD Coding II Credits: (3)
    • HIMT 2303 - *Advanced Coding Credits: (3)
    • HIMT 2305 - *Revenue Cycle Management Credits: (3)

    Total Certificate Requirements - Credits (25)

    Recommended Schedule

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Vol State.

    First Year - Summer Semester - Credits (7)

    • AHC 115 - *Medical Terminology Credits: (3)
    • HIMT 1401 - *Disease Processes Credits: (4) (Medical Coding students must contact the HIM Program Director to request to take AHC 115 and HIMT 1401 in the same semester.)

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (9)

    • HIMT 1301 - *Introduction to Health Information Management Credits: (3)
    • HIMT 1303 - *Basic ICD Coding I Credits: (3)
    • HIMT 2302 - *Basic ICD Coding II Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (9)

    • HIMT 2301 - *CPT Coding Credits: (3)
    • HIMT 2303 - *Advanced Coding Credits: (3)
    • HIMT 2305 - *Revenue Cycle Management Credits: (3)
  • Medical Laboratory Technology, A.A.S. View in Catalog Preview

    Medical Laboratory Technology, A.A.S.

    Degree: Associate of Applied Science
    Major: Medical Laboratory Technology

    For more information, contact the Health Sciences division at 615-230-3330.

    This program is designed to provide general education, natural science, and medical laboratory science education courses necessary for entry-level professional preparation in Medical Laboratory Technology (MLT). Medical Laboratory Technicians perform laboratory tests used to diagnose, treat and monitor patients. Program graduates are eligible to take national certification examinations and make application for Tennessee Licensure as Medical Laboratory Technicians. 

    Admission to the program is limited and on a competitive basis. In order to be eligible for admission into the MLT program, students must successfully complete all the required 16 hours of general education courses, MLAB 1301, BIOL 2020, BIOL 2230 (or CHEM 1030 or higher), and one of the elective options listed below with a cumulative GPA of 2.7 or higher. Applications for the full-time program must be received by March 15th. Part-time program applications are due by October 15th.  All MLT in-person courses except clinical practicums are taught at the Gallatin campus in Gallatin, Tennessee.  The full-time recommended schedule is listed below and the part-time schedule is located on the Medical Laboratory website. For more information, refer to the Medical Laboratory website.

    Program accreditation has been granted through the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS, 5600 N River Rd, Suite 720, Rosemont, IL 60018 (847) 939-3597).

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    Program​ Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. Demonstrate critical thinking skills for inquiry and analysis, assimilation of facts and knowledge, and problem-solving.

    2. Demonstrate the ability to comprehend, apply, analyze, and evaluate clinical information relevant to their role as a Medical Laboratory Technician.

    3. Demonstrate entry-level technical competency in all skills necessary to fulfill their role as a Medical Laboratory Technician.

    4. Demonstrate proficiency in written and oral communication and mathematical reasoning.

    5. Demonstrate personal behaviors consistent with professional and employer expectations of an entry-level Medical Laboratory Technician.

    6. Demonstrate the necessary knowledge to pass national certification examinations and meet the criteria for licensure established by the Tennessee Medical Laboratory Board.

    7. Render professional and personal service to patients, physicians, other laboratory professionals, and the community.

    CIP Code: (31) 51.1004.00    SOC Code: 29-2012

    General Education Requirements - Credits (16)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • BIOL 2010 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology I Credits: (4)
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3)

    Major Core Course Requirements - Credits (51)

    • BIOL 2020 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology II Credits: (4)
    • BIOL 2230 - Microbiology Credits: (4)
    • OR CHEM 1030 - ^Fundamentals of Chemistry  Credits: (4) OR HIGHER

    • MLAB 1301 - *Introduction to Medical Laboratory Technology Credits: (3)
    • MLAB 1510 - *Clinical Practicum I Credits: (5)
    • MLAB 1520 - *Clinical Practicum II Credits: (5)
    • MLAB 2130 - *Seminar I Credits: (1)
    • MLAB 2201 - *Clinical Immunology Credits: (2)
    • MLAB 2202 - *Urinalysis and Body Fluids Credits: (2)
    • MLAB 2270 - *Seminar II Credits: (2)
    • MLAB 2301 - *Immunohematology/Blood Bank Credits: (3)
    • MLAB 2401 - *Clinical Chemistry Credits: (4)
    • MLAB 2402 - *Hematology & Hemostasis Credits: (4)
    • MLAB 2403 - *Clinical Microbiology Credits: (4)
    • MLAB 2510 - *Clinical Practicum III Credits: (5)
    • Medical Laboratory Electives (Choose from the following list) Credits: (3)
      AHC 115 - *Medical Terminology   Credits: (3)
      COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication   Credits: (3)
      OR  COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)
      HED 120 - ^Introduction to Wellness   Credits: (3)
      INFS 1010 - Computer Applications   Credits: (3)
      POLS 1030 - ^American Government   Credits: (3)
      SOCI 1010 - ^Introduction to Sociology   Credits: (3)

    Total Degree Requirements Credits: (67)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule.  Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • BIOL 2010 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology I Credits: (4)
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Medical Laboratory Elective (Choose from list above) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • BIOL 2020 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology II Credits: (4)
    • BIOL 2230 - Microbiology Credits: (4)
    • OR CHEM 1030 - ^Fundamentals of Chemistry  Credits: (4) OR HIGHER

    • MLAB 1301 - *Introduction to Medical Laboratory Technology Credits: (3)

    First Year - Summer Semester - Credits (12)

    • MLAB 2401 - *Clinical Chemistry Credits: (4)
    • MLAB 2402 - *Hematology & Hemostasis Credits: (4)
    • MLAB 2403 - *Clinical Microbiology Credits: (4)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (13)

    • MLAB 1510 - *Clinical Practicum I Credits: (5)
    • MLAB 2130 - *Seminar I Credits: (1)
    • MLAB 2201 - *Clinical Immunology Credits: (2)
    • MLAB 2202 - *Urinalysis and Body Fluids Credits: (2)
    • MLAB 2301 - *Immunohematology/Blood Bank Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (12)

    • MLAB 1520 - *Clinical Practicum II Credits: (5)
    • MLAB 2270 - *Seminar II Credits: (2)
    • MLAB 2510 - *Clinical Practicum III Credits: (5)
  • Nursing, A.A.S. View in Catalog Preview

    Nursing, A.A.S.

    Degree:  Associate of Applied Science
    Major: Nursing

    For more information, contact the Nursing division at 615-230-4760.

    The Associate of Applied Science degree in Nursing prepares students for a career as a registered nurse. Nursing and pre-nursing education courses provide the student with the foundation for skills, attitudes, and knowledge for professional nursing. Graduates are prepared to provide holistic nursing care to persons from various cultures across the lifespan in a variety of healthcare delivery settings. Graduates will be eligible to apply to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN) for licensure as a Registered Nurse.

    Admission to the program is limited and selection of students is competitive. Meeting the minimum program requirements for application does not assure acceptance into the nursing program. A point system is used to rank each applicant. There will be a cohort of students admitted to the Gallatin and Livingston campuses each summer. There will be a cohort admitted to Springfield each fall. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure all application materials are received in the Nursing Office by April 1st prior to the term in which they are applying. Applicants who meet the deadline will be notified in writing of their admission status. All general education, sciences, and elective courses required for the Associate of Applied Science degree in Nursing must be completed or in progress at the time of application with a minimum GPA of 2.9. Any courses in progress at the time of application must be completed before the nursing program courses begin. The Nursing program application is available year round. 

    LPNs: When accepted into the AASN program, LPNs with a current, unencumbered Tennessee license, may waive out of Fundamentals of Nursing (NRSG 1710) upon successful completion of assigned prior learning assessments (PLAs).  Prior learning assessments include successful completion of the following:  Care plan, physical assessment lab checkoff, medication administration lab checkoff, Foley catheter insertion lab checkoff, intravenous catheter insertion lab checkoff, a dosage calculation exam, and completion of a fundamentals review packet.  All other AASN admission requirements apply.  Contact the nursing division for specific details.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    For more information about Vol State’s Nursing program, visit or contact the division office at (615) 230-4760.

    Program​ Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. Professional Behavior: Perform within the ethical, legal and regulatory frameworks of nursing and standards of professional nursing practice.

    2. Communication: Communicate effectively using verbal, nonverbal, and written techniques including information technology.

    3. Assessment: Use subjective and objective data to identify actual or potential health alterations.

    4. Clinical Decision Making: Evaluate outcomes of clinical decisions implemented to provide safe and effective evidenced-based nursing care.

    5. Caring Interventions: Practice the effectiveness of caring interventions that incorporate principles of dignity, multiple populations, safety, and knowledge.

    6. Teaching and Learning: Evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented teaching plan to meet the learning needs of patients, families and/or groups.

    7. Collaboration: Collaborate when planning, implementing, and evaluating care.

    8. Managing Care: Manage care through effective use of prioritization, delegation, informatics, and resources.

    CIP Code: (31) 51.3801.00

    General Education - Credits (16)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3)
    • BIOL 2010 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology I Credits: (4)
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3)

    Major Nursing Core Requirements - Credits (50)

    • BIOL 2020 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology II Credits: (4)
    • BIOL 2230 - Microbiology Credits: (4)
    • Nursing Guided Elective: (Choose from the following list ) Credits: (3)
      COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication  Credits: (3)
      ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II  Credits: (3)
      HED 220 - Principles of Nutrition  Credits: (3)
      PSYC 2130 - ^Lifespan Development Psychology  (Credits: 3)
    • NRSG 1320 - *Women’s Health and Childbearing Family Credits: (3)
    • NRSG 1330 - *Pediatric Nursing Credits: (3)
    • NRSG 1340 - *Mental Health Nursing Credits: (3)
    • NRSG 1710 - *Fundamentals of Nursing Credits: (7)
    • NRSG 1720 - *Medical-Surgical Nursing I Credits: (7)
    • NRSG 2240 - *Professional Practice in Nursing Credits: (2)
    • NRSG 2730 - *Medical-Surgical Nursing II Credits: (7)
    • NRSG 2740 - *Medical-Surgical Nursing III Credits: (7)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (66)

    Gallatin & Livingston Campus Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (13)

    • BIOL 2010 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology I Credits: (4)
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3)
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • BIOL 2020 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology II Credits: (4)
    • BIOL 2230 - Microbiology Credits: (4)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirement in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Nursing Guided Elective: (Choose from list above) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Summer Semester - Credits (7)

    • NRSG 1710 - *Fundamentals of Nursing Credits: (7)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (13)

    • NRSG 1320 - *Women’s Health and Childbearing Family Credits: (3)
    • NRSG 1340 - *Mental Health Nursing Credits: (3)
    • NRSG 1720 - *Medical-Surgical Nursing I Credits: (7)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (12)

    • NRSG 1330 - *Pediatric Nursing Credits: (3)
    • NRSG 2240 - *Professional Practice in Nursing Credits: (2)
    • NRSG 2730 - *Medical-Surgical Nursing II Credits: (7)

    Second Year - Summer Semester - Credits (7)

    • NRSG 2740 - *Medical-Surgical Nursing III Credits: (7)

    Springfield Campus Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites, and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (13)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3)
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3)
    • BIOL 2010 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology I Credits: (4)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts   (See General Education Requirement in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Nursing Guided Elective: (Choose from list above) Credits: (3)
    • BIOL 2020 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology II Credits: (4)
    • BIOL 2230 - Microbiology Credits: (4)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (7)

    • NRSG 1710 - *Fundamentals of Nursing Credits: (7)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (13)

    • NRSG 1320 - *Women’s Health and Childbearing Family Credits: (3)
    • NRSG 1340 - *Mental Health Nursing Credits: (3)
    • NRSG 1720 - *Medical-Surgical Nursing I Credits: (7)

    Third Year - Fall Semester - Credits (10)

    • NRSG 1330 - *Pediatric Nursing Credits: (3)
    • NRSG 2730 - *Medical-Surgical Nursing II Credits: (7)

    Third Year - Spring Semester - Credits (9)

    • NRSG 2740 - *Medical-Surgical Nursing III Credits: (7)
    • NRSG 2240 - *Professional Practice in Nursing Credits: (2)
  • Ophthalmic Technician, A.A.S. View in Catalog Preview

    Ophthalmic Technician, A.A.S.

    Degree: Associate of Applied Science
    Major: Ophthalmic Technician

    For more information, contact the Health Sciences division at 615-230-3330.

    This program is designed to prepare the student to act as an entry level ophthalmic technician. Duties of the ophthalmic technician generally include, but are not limited to: recording of case histories, visual acuity measurement, visual field testing, refractometry, contact lenses, caring for and maintaining ophthalmic instruments, and assisting the doctor in the setup and performance of minor ophthalmic surgery. This program has received accreditation through the International Council of Accreditation (ICA).

    Admission to the program is limited and on a competitive basis. Screening for fall entry will take place in the summer. Admission into the program is contingent upon completion of all general education course requirements in addition to AHC 115*, COMM 2025 or COMM 2045, and OPHT 1205, with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher in the required general education and pre-requisite courses.  Once students are admitted to the program, three consecutive semesters of intensive full-time study are required for graduation.  For more information refer to the Health Sciences Associate of Applied Science Degrees section in the Catalog.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    Program​ Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. Graduates will utilize and apply their knowledge of ophthalmic technology to solve problems in a clinical setting.

    2. Graduates of the program will assume positions as entry-level technicians in a variety of eye-care settings.

    3. Graduates will perform ophthalmic skills at the technician level with competency and safety as defined by national certification and accreditation standards set forth by JCAHPO and ICA.

    4. Graduates of the program will be able to perform patient testing and demonstrate proper documentation in the patient record.

    5. Graduates will demonstrate proficiency with the terminology and abbreviations used within the field of ophthalmic technology.

    6. Graduates will demonstrate and apply their knowledge of the rules and regulations of the boards and agencies involved in the field of ophthalmic technology.

    CIP Code: (31) 51.1803.00    SOC Code: 31-9092

    General Education Requirements - Credits (16)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • BIOL 2010 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology I Credits: (4)
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3)

    Major Core Course Requirements - Credits (44)

    • AHC 115 - *Medical Terminology Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • OPHT 1205 - *Introduction to Ophthalmic Technology Credits: (2)
    • OPHT 2202 - *Ocular Anatomy and Physiology Credits: (2)
    • OPHT 2221 - *Basic Ophthalmic Pharmacology Credits: (2)
    • OPHT 2223 - *Introduction to Ophthalmic Diseases Credits: (2)
    • OPHT 2310 - *Clinical Applications I Credits: (3)
    • OPHT 2320 - *Clinical Applications II Credits: (3)
    • OPHT 2230 - *Clinical Applications III Credits: (1-3)
    • OPHT 2312 - *Ophthalmic Optics Credits: (3)
    • OPHT 2326 - *Ocular Motility Credits: (3)
    • OPHT 2327 - *Retinoscopy/Refractometry Credits: (3)
    • OPHT 2350 - *Ophthalmic Procedures I Credits: (3)
    • OPHT 2351 - *Ophthalmic Procedures II Credits: (3)
    • OPHT 2352 - *Ophthalmic Procedures III Credits: (3)
    • OPHT 2353 - *Ophthalmic Procedures IV Credits: (3)

    Total Degree Requirements Credits - (60)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (12)

    • BIOL 2010 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology I Credits: (4)
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • AHC 115 - *Medical Terminology Credits: (3)
    • OPHT 1205 - *Introduction to Ophthalmic Technology Credits: (2)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (12)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (13)

    • OPHT 2202 - *Ocular Anatomy and Physiology Credits: (2)
    • OPHT 2223 - *Introduction to Ophthalmic Diseases Credits: (2)
    • OPHT 2310 - *Clinical Applications I Credits: (3)
    • OPHT 2312 - *Ophthalmic Optics Credits: (3)
    • OPHT 2350 - *Ophthalmic Procedures I Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • OPHT 2221 - *Basic Ophthalmic Pharmacology Credits: (2)
    • OPHT 2320 - *Clinical Applications II Credits: (3)
    • OPHT 2326 - *Ocular Motility Credits: (3)
    • OPHT 2327 - *Retinoscopy/Refractometry Credits: (3)
    • OPHT 2351 - *Ophthalmic Procedures II Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Summer Semester (9)

    • OPHT 2230 - *Clinical Applications III Credits: (1-3)
    • OPHT 2352 - *Ophthalmic Procedures III Credits: (3)
    • OPHT 2353 - *Ophthalmic Procedures IV Credits: (3)
  • Paramedic Technical Certificate View in Catalog Preview

    Paramedic Technical Certificate

    For more information, contact the Health Sciences division at 615-230-3330.

    The Paramedic Technical Certificate Program is designed to prepare competent entry level graduates in emergency medical care to serve in emergency care settings such as an ambulance service. Using the most current National Emergency Medical Services Education Standards, discussions include the application of advanced patient assessment, problem recognition, and advanced treatment modalities for medical, trauma, and environmental emergencies. Clinical exposures in local hospitals and EMS Services assure appropriate experience in dealing with emergencies for all age groups including pediatrics and geriatrics.

    Students must have a current Tennessee Advanced EMT (AEMT) license.

    The program is CLOSED to general enrollment, and students are competitively selected. Individuals wishing to be selected must complete the following application process:

    1. Application to the College submitted by April 30
    2. Application to the Paramedic Program by March 31
    3. ACT/SAT scores submitted (students under 21 years of age) or take the College Placement Examination (Compass)
    4. Basic EMT Knowledge Examination (see Paramedic Applicant Letter for important dates) 
    5. Psychological Profile (see Paramedic Applicant Letter for important dates)
    6. Personal Interview

    Forms are on-line at

    The Paramedic Technical Certificate is embedded within the Associate of Applied Science in Health Sciences, Paramedic concentration and within the Associate of Arts and the Associate of Science, General Studies areas of emphasis.  Courses in this certificate may be used to award these degrees.

    Program​ Learning Outcomes

    1. The student will integrate and synthesize the multiple determinants of professional roles and responsibilities of the emergency medical services system as well as emergency medical services system operations as a paramedic in the pre-hospital emergency care setting.
    2. The student will integrate and synthesize the multiple determinants of medical and legal considerations of operating as a paramedic in the pre-hospital emergency care setting.
    3. The student will integrate and synthesize the multiple determinants of the general pathophysiology of the human body relative to patient assessment, critical thinking and treatment.
    4. The student will integrate, synthesize, and evaluate the multiple determinants of the skills associated with advanced level management of age-related patient airway presentations as associated with respiratory emergencies for care as a paramedic in the pre-hospital emergency care setting.
    5. The student will integrate and synthesize the multiple determinants of pharmacological interventions available to treat patients as a paramedic in the pre-hospital emergency care setting.
    6. The student will recognize, classify and translate the multiple determinants of age-related patient cardiovascular emergencies associated with care as a paramedic in the pre-hospital emergency care setting.
    7. The student will recognize, classify and translate the multiple determinants of workforce safety and wellness as a paramedic in the pre-hospital emergency care setting.
    8. The student will recognize, classify and translate the multiple determinants of public health as a paramedic in the pre-hospital emergency care setting.
    9. The student will recognize, classify and translate the multiple determinants of emergency medical care communications associated with care as a paramedic in the pre-hospital emergency care setting.
    10. The student will recognize, classify and translate the multiple determinants of patient care documentation as a paramedic in the pre-hospital emergency care setting.
    11. The student will recognize, classify and translate the multiple determinants of age-related patient anatomy and physiology as associated with care as a paramedic in the pre-hospital emergency care setting.
    12. The student will recognize, classify and translate the multiple determinants of age-related patient care associated with life span development as a paramedic in the pre-hospital emergency care setting.

    CIP Code: (31) 51.0904     SOC Code: 29-2043

    Certificate Requirements - Credits (43)

    • EMSP 1311 - *Paramedic Clinical I Credits: (3)
    • EMSP 1401 - *Paramedic Skills Lab I Credits: (4)
    • EMSP 1801 - *Fundamentals of Paramedic I Credits: (8)
    • EMSP 2303 - *Paramedic Practicum Credits: (3)
    • EMSP 2402 - *Paramedic Skills Lab II Credits: (4)
    • EMSP 2403 - *Paramedic Capstone Credits: (4)
    • EMSP 2412 - *Paramedic Clinical II Credits: (4)
    • EMSP 2513 - *Paramedic Field Internship Credits: (5)
    • EMSP 2802 - *Fundamentals of Paramedic II Credits: (8)

    Total Certificate Requirements - Credits (43)

    Recommended Schedule

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • EMSP 1311 - *Paramedic Clinical I Credits: (3)
    • EMSP 1401 - *Paramedic Skills Lab I Credits: (4)
    • EMSP 1801 - *Fundamentals of Paramedic I Credits: (8)

    Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • EMSP 2402 - *Paramedic Skills Lab II Credits: (4)
    • EMSP 2412 - *Paramedic Clinical II Credits: (4)
    • EMSP 2802 - *Fundamentals of Paramedic II Credits: (8)

    Summer Semester - Credits (12)

    • EMSP 2303 - *Paramedic Practicum Credits: (3)
    • EMSP 2403 - *Paramedic Capstone Credits: (4)
    • EMSP 2513 - *Paramedic Field Internship Credits: (5)
  • Physical Therapist Assistant, A.A.S. View in Catalog Preview

    Physical Therapist Assistant, A.A.S.

    Degree: Associate of Applied Science
    Major: Physical Therapist Assistant

    For more information, contact the Health Sciences division at 615-230-3330.

    Physical therapist assistant (PTA) programs in Tennessee’s state community college system are accredited two-year associate degree programs that prepare graduates to perform selected components of patient treatment and assessment under the direction and supervision of the physical therapist in an ethical, legal, safe, and effective manner. These PTA programs combine general education courses, physical therapy lecture, and laboratory courses, and clinical education to produce competent, caring, quality-oriented physical therapist assistants who are prepared for taking the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE) and for entering the field of physical therapy with the required knowledge, skills, and behaviors of an entry-level PTA. The Vol State program meets the guidelines for accredited curricula and is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education, 3030 Potomac Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22305. Telephone: 703-706-3245

    Admission to the program is limited. Applicants must complete all 17 hours general education courses required for the Associate of Applied Science Degree in the Physical Therapist Assistant curriculum and maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA in these courses.  A grade of C or higher is required for transfer of credits into the program.  A grade of B or higher is required in the Math and Sciences to be considered for the program.  Students must also complete AHC 101*, AHC 115*, AHC 1100*, and MATH 1130 or MATH 1710. Once students are admitted into the second year of the PTA program, three semesters of continuous full-time intensive study are required for completion. The program begins with the Summer Session. The Summer Semester generally begins in May.  For more information, refer to the Health Sciences Associate of Applied Science Degrees  section in the catalog.

    Please go to for information regarding application deadlines.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    Program​ Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. Support the diverse physical therapy healthcare needs of Tennessee communities through employment as physical therapist assistants working under the supervision of physical therapists.

    2. Demonstrate entry-level competence as physical therapist assistants as evidenced by successful completion of the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE) and qualification for state licensure.   

    3. Identify career development and lifelong learning opportunities as physical therapist assistants in contemporary physical therapy practice.  

    CIP Code: (31) 51.0806.00    SOC Code: 31.2021

    General Education Requirements - Credits (17)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (PHIL 1040  Preferred) Credits: (3)
    • BIOL 2010 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology I Credits: (4)
    • BIOL 2020 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology II Credits: (4)
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3)

    Major Core Course Requirements - Credits (52)

    • AHC 101 - *Career Exploration in Physical Therapy Credits: (1)
    • AHC 115 - *Medical Terminology Credits: (3)
    • AHC 1100 - *Physical Science for the PTA Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1130 - ^College Algebra Credits: (3)
    • OR MATH 1710 - ^Precalculus Algebra  Credits: (3)

    • PTAT 2100 - *Introduction to Physical Therapy Credits: (1)
    • PTAT 2210 - *Kinesiology for the PTA I Credits: (2)
    • PTAT 2220 - *Kinesiology for the PTA II Credits: (2)
    • PTAT 2280 - *Seminar for the PTA Credits: (2)
    • PTAT 2440 - *Biophysical Agents for the PTA Credits: (4)
    • PTAT 2460 - *Patient Care Skills for the PTA Credits: (4)
    • PTAT 2492 - *Integrated Clinical Education Credits: (4)
    • PTAT 2493 - *Terminal Clinical Education I Credits: (4)
    • PTAT 2494 - *Terminal Clinical Education II Credits: (4)
    • PTAT 2510 - *Musculoskeletal Conditions and Treatment for the PTA Credits: (5)
    • PTAT 2520 - *Neuromuscular Conditions and Treatment for the PTA Credits: (5)
    • PTAT 2530 - *Medical Surgical Conditions and Treatment for the PTA Credits: (5)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (69)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (13)

    • AHC 115 - *Medical Terminology Credits: (3)
    • BIOL 2010 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology I Credits: (4)
    • MATH 1130 - ^College Algebra Credits: (3)
    • OR MATH 1710 - ^Precalculus Algebra  Credits: (3)

    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • AHC 101 - *Career Exploration in Physical Therapy Credits: (1)
    • AHC 1100 - *Physical Science for the PTA Credits: (3)
    • BIOL 2020 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology II Credits: (4)
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (PHIL 1040  Recommended) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Summer Semester (12)

    • PTAT 2100 - *Introduction to Physical Therapy Credits: (1)
    • PTAT 2210 - *Kinesiology for the PTA I Credits: (2)
    • PTAT 2460 - *Patient Care Skills for the PTA Credits: (4)
    • PTAT 2530 - *Medical Surgical Conditions and Treatment for the PTA Credits: (5)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • PTAT 2220 - *Kinesiology for the PTA II Credits: (2)
    • PTAT 2440 - *Biophysical Agents for the PTA Credits: (4)
    • PTAT 2492 - *Integrated Clinical Education Credits: (4)
    • PTAT 2510 - *Musculoskeletal Conditions and Treatment for the PTA Credits: (5)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • PTAT 2280 - *Seminar for the PTA Credits: (2)
    • PTAT 2493 - *Terminal Clinical Education I Credits: (4)
    • PTAT 2494 - *Terminal Clinical Education II Credits: (4)
    • PTAT 2520 - *Neuromuscular Conditions and Treatment for the PTA Credits: (5)
  • Radiologic Technology, A.A.S. View in Catalog Preview

    Radiologic Technology, A.A.S.

    Degree: Associate of Applied Science
    Major: Radiologic Technology

    For more information, contact the Health Sciences division at 615-230-3330.

    The Radiologic Technology Program prepares students to become Radiologic Technologists (Radiographers). Radiographers work in a variety of Medical Imaging settings, including hospitals, clinics, and physician’s offices. Medical Imaging represents the second-largest Health Science profession in the nation.

    The program has limited enrollment due to size restraints. Applicants must meet specific criteria to qualify for the program’s annual selection process and interview in May. Selected participants begin the program in August. Not including general education courses, the program is five semesters of full-time study including an extensive clinical experience.

    To be eligible for the selection process, students must successfully complete all required general education courses with a minimum GPA of 3.0 in the courses and submit three program reference forms. For more information, refer to the Health Sciences Associate of Applied Science Degrees  section in the catalog, visit the Radiologic Technology Program web site, or contact the program faculty.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    Program​ Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. Students will demonstrate proper patient positioning.

    2. Students will properly determine technical factors to be used for radiographic procedures.

    3. Students will apply knowledge of anatomy to accurately demonstrate desired anatomical structures on a patient diagnostic procedure.

    4. Students will be able to evaluate radiographic images.

    5. Students will be able to exercise judgment in the technical performance of medical imaging procedures.

    6. Students adapt appropriately to changing needs of patients.

    7. Students will demonstrate professionalism.

    8. Students will practice desirable customer service skills.

    9. Students will show compassion and concern towards the patient.

    10. Students present a professional appearance in the clinical setting.

    11. Upon completion of the radiography program our students / graduates will have successfully completed a number of goals and student learning outcomes.

    12. Students will demonstrate competency in the skills required of entry level radiologic technologists.

    13. Students will demonstrate effective problem solving and critical thinking skills.

    14. Students will exhibit professionalism for the patients by delivering high quality care with concern and compassion.

    15. Students will establish effective communication skills.

    16. Students will use acceptable communication with patients and other professionals.

    17. Students will use effective oral and written communication. 

    CIP Code: (31) 51.0907.00

    General Education Requirements - Credits (16)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • BIOL 2010 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology I Credits: (4)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Major Core Course Requirements - Credits (59)

    • AHC 115 - *Medical Terminology Credits: (3)
    • BIOL 2020 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology II Credits: (4)
    • RADT 1200 - *Introduction to Medical Imaging Credits: (2)
    • RADT 1310 - *Radiographic Image Critique Credits: (3)
    • RADT 1320 - *Radiation Biology and Safety Credits: (3)
    • RADT 1330 - *Radiographic Procedures I Credits: (3)
    • RADT 1340 - *Radiographic Procedures II Credits: (3)
    • RADT 1350 - *Radiographic Digital Imaging Credits: (3)
    • RADT 1360 - *Radiographic Practicum I Credits: (3)
    • RADT 1370 - *Radiographic Practicum II Credits: (3)
    • RADT 1380 - *Principles of Radiographic Physics Credits: (3)
    • RADT 1385 - *Radiographic Equipment Operation Credits: (3)
    • RADT 1390 - *Principles of Image Acquisition Credits: (3)
    • RADT 2260 - *Radiographic Practicum III Credits: (2)
    • RADT 2310 - *Radiographic Pathology Credits: (3)
    • RADT 2330 - *Radiographic Procedures III Credits: (3)
    • RADT 2350 - *Advanced Patient Care Credits: (3)
    • RADT 2370 - *Radiographic Practicum IV Credits: (3)
    • RADT 2380 - *Radiographic Practicum V Credits: (3)
    • RADT 2385 - *Radiographic Capstone Credits: (3)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (75)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (13)

    • AHC 115 - *Medical Terminology Credits: (3)
    • BIOL 2010 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology I Credits: (4)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (12)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • BIOL 2020 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology II Credits: (4)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • RADT 1200 - *Introduction to Medical Imaging Credits: (2)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (12)

    • RADT 1330 - *Radiographic Procedures I Credits: (3)
    • RADT 1360 - *Radiographic Practicum I Credits: (3)
    • RADT 1385 - *Radiographic Equipment Operation Credits: (3)
    • RADT 2350 - *Advanced Patient Care Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (12)

    • RADT 1340 - *Radiographic Procedures II Credits: (3)
    • RADT 1370 - *Radiographic Practicum II Credits: (3)
    • RADT 1380 - *Principles of Radiographic Physics Credits: (3)
    • RADT 2310 - *Radiographic Pathology Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Summer Semester - Credits (2)

    • RADT 2260 - *Radiographic Practicum III Credits: (2)

    Third Year - Fall Semester - Credits (12)

    • RADT 1350 - *Radiographic Digital Imaging Credits: (3)
    • RADT 1390 - *Principles of Image Acquisition Credits: (3)
    • RADT 2330 - *Radiographic Procedures III Credits: (3)
    • RADT 2370 - *Radiographic Practicum IV Credits: (3)

    Third Year - Spring Semester - Credits (12)

    • RADT 1310 - *Radiographic Image Critique Credits: (3)
    • RADT 1320 - *Radiation Biology and Safety Credits: (3)
    • RADT 2380 - *Radiographic Practicum V Credits: (3)
    • RADT 2385 - *Radiographic Capstone Credits: (3)
  • Respiratory Care Technology, A.A.S. View in Catalog Preview

    Respiratory Care Technology, A.A.S.

    Degree: Associate of Applied Science
    Major: Respiratory Care Technology

    For more information, contact the Health Sciences division at 615-230-3330.

    This program prepares students to become Registered Respiratory Therapists. Respiratory Therapists work under the supervision of a physician to assess, treat, and manage all patient populations who have cardiopulmonary-related issues. Therapists are typically employed within the hospital, clinic and home-care setting, and may also be employed within diagnostic labs with further training. 

    After fulfilling the college admission requirements, students are required to complete all of the general education courses as outlined, with the exception of Anatomy and Physiology II, with a GPA of 2.5 or higher, prior to beginning the program in the spring. Students may complete AHC 115* as a recommended optional course. Students are required to submit an application to the Respiratory Care program by the October 1st deadline.  Formal screening for program admission is conducted in November. Classes begin in the spring and seating is limited. The RESP program consists of a total of four full-time semesters. The last semester meets one day a week in addition to clinical rotations. 

    Interested students should contact the Program Director for an information packet. For more information about the program, refer to the Health Sciences Associate of Applied Science Degrees section for Respiratory Care at

    Licensure requirements for respiratory therapists vary according to state statutes. In Tennessee, practitioners are required to pass the national examinations for certified and/or registered respiratory therapist respectively.

    Students must complete the general education courses prior to acceptance into the program.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    Program​ Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. Demonstrate the ability to comprehend, apply, and evaluate clinical information relevant to their role as a Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT). 

    2. Demonstrate the technical proficiency in all skills necessary to fulfill the role as a Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT). 

    3. Demonstrate personal behaviors consistent with professional and employer expectations as a Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT). 

    4. Successfully meet employer expectations by competently performing skills required of a Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT). 

    CIP Code: (31) 51.0908.00    SOC Code: 29-1126

    General Education Requirements - Credits (17)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • BIOL 2010 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology I Credits: (4)
    • BIOL 2020 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology II Credits: (4)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (Choose any except Geography) Credits: (3)

    Major Core Course Requirements - Credits (54)

    • RESP 1225 - *Cardiopulmonary Pharmacology Credits: (2)
    • RESP 1310 - *Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology Credits: (3)
    • RESP 1399 - *Clinical Internship I Credits: (3)
    • RESP 1410 - *Fundamentals of Respiratory Care I Credits: (4)
    • RESP 1420 - *Fundamentals of Respiratory Care II Credits: (4)
    • RESP 1430 - *Arterial Blood Gas Analysis and Diagnostic Procedures Credits: (4)
    • RESP 2290 - *Special Topics in Respiratory Care Credits: (2)
    • RESP 2299 - *Clinical Internship III Credits: (2)
    • RESP 2300 - *Neonatal Respiratory Care Credits: (3)
    • RESP 2305 - *Advanced Modalities in Respiratory Care Credits: (3)
    • RESP 2440 - *Mechanical Ventilation Credits: (4)
    • RESP 2445 - *Advanced Concepts of Mechanical Ventilation Credits: (4)
    • RESP 2446 - *Comprehensive Review I Credits: (4)
    • RESP 2456 - *Comprehensive Review II Credits: (4)
    • RESP 2480 - *Special Projects Credits: (4)
    • RESP 2499 - *Clinical Internship II Credits: (4)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (71)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (13)

    • BIOL 2010 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology I Credits: (4)
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (Any except Geography - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • BIOL 2020 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology II Credits: (4)
    • RESP 1410 - *Fundamentals of Respiratory Care I Credits: (4)
    • RESP 1430 - *Arterial Blood Gas Analysis and Diagnostic Procedures Credits: (4)
    • RESP 2440 - *Mechanical Ventilation Credits: (4)

    First Year - Summer Semester - Credits (14)

    • RESP 1310 - *Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology Credits: (3)
    • RESP 1399 - *Clinical Internship I Credits: (3)
    • RESP 1420 - *Fundamentals of Respiratory Care II Credits: (4)
    • RESP 2445 - *Advanced Concepts of Mechanical Ventilation Credits: (4)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • RESP 1225 - *Cardiopulmonary Pharmacology Credits: (2)
    • RESP 2290 - *Special Topics in Respiratory Care Credits: (2)
    • RESP 2300 - *Neonatal Respiratory Care Credits: (3)
    • RESP 2446 - *Comprehensive Review I Credits: (4)
    • RESP 2499 - *Clinical Internship II Credits: (4)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (13)

    • RESP 2299 - *Clinical Internship III Credits: (2)
    • RESP 2305 - *Advanced Modalities in Respiratory Care Credits: (3)
    • RESP 2456 - *Comprehensive Review II Credits: (4)
    • RESP 2480 - *Special Projects Credits: (4)
  • Sleep Diagnostics Technology Technical Certificate View in Catalog Preview

    Sleep Diagnostics Technology Technical Certificate

    For more information, contact the Health Sciences division at 615-230-3330.

    This technical certificate program is a three-semester (twelve-month) program and is composed of didactic and clinical instruction. The Program format includes six lecture courses offered online and clinical training during the Summer and Fall terms.  The clinical training will be performed at various hospitals and clinics in Middle Tennessee and surrounding areas.  The Program is designed to prepare the student for employment in a Sleep Disorder Center, as well as lessen the training period required to sit for the national BRPT credentialing examination. After completing and successfully passing the BRPT examination, the sleep lab technologist will receive the RPSGT credentialing (Registered Polysomnography Technologist).

    Students are required to take all program courses in succession. Therefore, each cohort of students will begin together and take the program courses in the same order. For those students entering the program with prior Sleep, Respiratory or Nursing backgrounds, the advisor may allow the transfer of college credit or credit by examination.

    For those wishing to pursue an associate degree, this technical certificate may be applied towards the A.A.S. Health Sciences Option.

    Students desiring entrance into the Sleep Diagnostic Technology program must have the following on file:

    1. Meet admission requirements for the College based on the admission or readmission status the applicant is seeking
    2. Though there are no course prerequisites to apply, selection preference will be given to applicants for the following:
      1. Completion of AHC 115* Medical Terminology and consideration will also be given to grades in any previous mathematics or science courses taken
    3. Interview or screening documentation

    The application deadline to the Sleep Diagnostic Program is October 1 for the class beginning in January.  Applicants are strongly encouraged to apply early.  Any questions about the program or the admissions procedure should be directed to the Program Director.

    The Sleep Diagnostics Technology Certificate is embedded within the Associate of Applied Science in Health Sciences, Sleep Diagnostics Technology concentration and within the Associate of Arts and the Associate of Science, General Studies areas of emphasis.  Courses in this certificate may be used to award these degrees.

    Program​ Learning Outcomes

    1. Students will become competent polysomnographic technologists with training in the fundamentals of polysomnographic technology, laboratory fundamentals, and clinical skills as outlined in, but not limited to, the Association of Polysomnographic Technologists Curriculum Outline.
    2. Students will have achieved both academic and clinical competency in cognitive, psychomotor, and affective learning domains using the following organizations as sources of standards: Association of Polysomnographic Technologists, Board of Registered Polysomnographic Technologists, and the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.
    3. The students’ accomplishments of their academic and clinical objectives will prepare them with entry-level skills as Polysomnographic Technicians.
    4. Successful completion of the program will help prepare the graduate to take the Board of Registered Polysomnographic Technologists Registry Exam.

    CIP Code: (31) 51.0917.00     SOC Code: 29-2099

    Certificate Requirements - Credits (31)

    • PSG 101 - *Anatomy and Physiology of Sleep Disorders Credits: (3)
    • PSG 102 - *Classification of Sleep Disorders Credits: (3)
    • PSG 110 - *Sleep Polysomnography Instrumentation Credits: (3)
    • PSG 120C - *Clinical Practice I Credits: (4)
    • PSG 130 - *Data Management in Polysomnography Credits: (4)
    • PSG 131 - *Sleep Scoring Credits: (4)
    • PSG 132 - *Sleep Registry Review Credits: (4)
    • PSG 133C - *Clinical Practice II Credits: (6)

    Total Certificate Requirements - Credits (31)

    Recommended Schedule

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    Spring Semester - Credits (6)

    • PSG 101 - *Anatomy and Physiology of Sleep Disorders Credits: (3)
    • PSG 102 - *Classification of Sleep Disorders Credits: (3)

    Summer Semester - Credits (7)

    • PSG 110 - *Sleep Polysomnography Instrumentation Credits: (3)
    • PSG 120C - *Clinical Practice I Credits: (4)

    Fall Semester - Credits (18)

    • PSG 130 - *Data Management in Polysomnography Credits: (4)
    • PSG 131 - *Sleep Scoring Credits: (4)
    • PSG 132 - *Sleep Registry Review Credits: (4)
    • PSG 133C - *Clinical Practice II Credits: (6)
  • Teaching, A.S.T. - Early Childhood Education (Pre K-3) (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    Teaching, A.S.T. - Early Childhood Education (Pre K-3) (TTP)

    Degree:  Associate of Science in Teaching
    Major: Teaching
    Area of Emphasis: Early Childhood Education (Pre K-3)

    For more information, contact the Social Science and Education division at 615-230-3231 or

    This pathway is for students planning to complete a bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education. Students pursuing careers in early childhood education with a 4-year bachelor’s degree may follow the career of a preschool teacher as well as a teacher in grades K-3. A bachelor’s degree or higher is required for teaching licensure by the state.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit, Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with an Associate of Science in Teaching degree from VSCC are required to take the PRAXIS Exam and the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    Additional AST Degree Requirements:

    1. Attainment of a 2.75 cumulative grade point average (GPA).
    2. ACT composite score of 21 (or SAT score of 1080) or higher or successful completion of approved standardized examination (Praxis Core) for admission to the university’s College of Education.
    3. Satisfactory ratings on an index of suitability for the teaching profession (3 disposition forms).

    Note: Students transferring to a public university in Tennessee may need to meet additional requirements to gain admittance to the university.

    Program Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. Explain how historical, political, social, economic factors, diverse cultures, special education and integrating technology currently affect American education.
    2. Create his/her own philosophy of teaching including current issues, trends, legal liabilities/responsibilities and reform in public education.
    3. Develop a lesson plan including the alignment of curriculum standards, educational outcomes, and adaptations for disabilities, predominant theorists, and assessment.
    4. Compare and contrast a variety of K-12 classroom settings by observing and conferring to pursue a career in education.
    5. Identify characteristics of exceptional children, multi-disciplinary teaming, special education laws and legislation, accommodations, and modifications to address classroom needs.

    CIP Code: (08)13.0101.00

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature and one Fine Arts Course)Credits: (9)1
    • History  Credits: (6)3
    • Mathematics  Credits: (3)4
    • Natural Sciences   Credits: (4) (Any General Education BIOL courses)
    • Natural Sciences   Credits: (4) (Any General Education ASTR, CHEM, GEOL, PHYS, PSCI courses)
    • Social/Behavioral Science  Credits: (3) 2
    • Social/Behavioral Science  (GEOG 1012  or GEOG 2010  Preferred) Credits: (3) 

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (21)

    • ECED 1310 - Introduction to Early Childhood Education Credits: (3)
    • ECED 2320 - Infant, Toddler, Child Development Credits: (3)
    • ECED 2340 - Family Dynamics and Community Involvement Credits: (3)
    • ECED 2360 - Development of Exceptional Children Credits: (3)
    • OR EDUC 2220 - Introduction to the Exceptional Learner/Special Education  Credits: (3) 5 

    • EDUC 2000 - Introduction to Education Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1410 - Number Concepts for Teachers Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1420 - Geometry Concepts for Teachers Credits: (3) 6

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (62)


    1. Students who plan to transfer to the UM must complete at least one fine arts under the Humanities & Fine Arts general education requirement.
    2. Students who intend to transfer to TSU are encouraged to take a Political Science course.
    3. Students who intend to transfer to UTK are encouraged to complete one U.S History course and one non-U.S. History course to fulfill the History requirement. Students who intend to transfer to UTM should take a U.S. History sequence to fulfill the History requirement. Students who intend to transfer to TSU may take U.S. History or Tennessee History.
    4. Students who intend to transfer to APSU, ETSU, UM, UTC, and UTK, MATH 1530 is required. At UTM, MATH 1130 College Algebra is required. Students who intend to transfer to TSU are required to take Math 1130 College Algebra or Math 1710 Pre-Calculus Algebra.
    5. Check with your advisor for recommended courses when selecting an Introduction to Special Education course.
    6. Students who plan to transfer to ETSU can take EDUC 2210 Educational Psychology instead of MATH 1420.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.

    See your advisor to create a degree plan.  DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • ECED 1310 - Introduction to Early Childhood Education Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog)Credits: (3) 1
    • Mathematics  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 4
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 2

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Natural Science  (Any General Education BIOL course - see General Education Requirements in Catalog)) Credits: (4) 
    • EDUC 2000 - Introduction to Education Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • MATH 1410 - Number Concepts for Teachers Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • ECED 2320 - Infant, Toddler, Child Development Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • Natural Science  (Any General Education ASTR, CHEM, GEOL, PHYS, PSCI course - see General Education Requirements in Catalog)) Credits: (4)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 3
    • ECED 2340 - Family Dynamics and Community Involvement Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • ECED 2360 - Development of Exceptional Children Credits: (3)
    • OR  EDUC 2220 - Introduction to the Exceptional Learner/Special Education  Credits: (3) 5

    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 3
    • Humanities and/ or Fine Arts  (Literature - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • Social/Behavioral Science   (See General Education Requirements in Catalog - GEOG 1012  or GEOG 2010  Preferred) Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1420 - Geometry Concepts for Teachers Credits: (3) 6
  • Teaching, A.S.T. - Elementary Education (K-5) (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    Teaching, A.S.T. - Elementary Education (K-5) (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Science in Teaching
    Major: Teaching
    Area of Emphasis: Elementary Education (K-5)

    For more information, contact the Social Science and Education division at 615-230-3231 or

    This pathway is for students planning to complete a bachelor’s degree in elementary education.  Students pursuing careers as elementary teachers should consider this pathway. A Bachelor’s degree or higher is required for teaching licensure by the state.

    Transfer Option
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    Additional AST Degree Requirements:

    1. Attainment of a 2.75 cumulative grade point average.
    2. Minimum ACT cumulative score of 21 (SAT 1080) or higher or successful completion of approved standardized examination (Praxis Core) for admission to the university’s College of Education.
    3. Satisfactory ratings on an index of suitability for the teaching profession (three disposition forms.) 

    Note: Students transferring to a public university in Tennessee may need to meet additional requirements to gain admittance to the university.

    All students graduating with an Associate of Science in Teaching degree from VSCC are required to take the PRAXIS Exam and the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    Program Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. Explain how historical, political, social, economic factors, diverse cultures, special education and integrating technology currently affect American education.
    2. Create his/her own philosophy of teaching including current issues, trends, legal liabilities/responsibilities and reform in public education.
    3. Develop a lesson plan including the alignment of curriculum standards, educational outcomes, and adaptations for disabilities, predominant theorists, and assessment.
    4. Compare and contrast a variety of K-12 classroom settings by observing and conferring to pursue a career in education.
    5. Identify characteristics of exceptional children, multi-disciplinary teaming, special education laws and legislation, accommodations, and modifications to address classroom needs.

    CIP Code: (08)13.0101.00

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include one Literature course) Credits (9)
    • History  Credits: (6) 2
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • Natural Sciences  (Any BIOL General Education Course with lab) Credits: (4) 3
    • Natural Sciences  (Non-Biology course with lab (Any ASTR, CHEM, GEOL, ISCI, PHYS, PSCI General Education Course with lab) Credits: (4) 3
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (3) 1
    • GEOG 2010 - ^World Regional Geography Credits: (3)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • EDUC 2000 - Introduction to Education Credits: (3)
    • EDUC 2210 - Educational Psychology Credits: (3)
    • OR PSYC 2130 - ^Lifespan Development Psychology  Credits: (3) 4

    • EDUC 2220 - Introduction to the Exceptional Learner/Special Education Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1410 - Number Concepts for Teachers Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1420 - Geometry Concepts for Teachers Credits: (3)
    • Physical Science Course in Earth Science, Geology or Astronomy (with lab) (Choose any ASTR, GEOL, or PSCI Course) Credits: (4) 5

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1. Students who plan to transfer to Christian Brothers University are encouraged to complete POLS 1030: American Government. Students who plan to transfer to UTK are encouraged to complete ECON 2010: Macroeconomics.
    2. Students who plan to transfer to UTK are encouraged to complete one U.S. History course as part of the requirement. Students who plan to transfer to MTSU are encouraged to complete a World History course. APSU requires students to complete one World History course. Students who plan to transfer to UofM must complete a sequence (either HIST 1110/1120 or HIST 2010/2020.
    3. UTK recommends that students complete Astronomy for the non-biology with lab requirements.
    4. Students who plan to transfer to APSU must take an Educational Psychology course. Students who plan to transfer to ETSU are encouraged to take Developmental Psychology or Educational Psychology.
    5. Students who plan to transfer to UTC are required to take a Physical Science course.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • EDUC 2000 - Introduction to Education Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • GEOG 2010 - ^World Regional Geography Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (13)

    • EDUC 2210 - Educational Psychology Credits: (3)
    • OR  PSYC 2130 - ^Lifespan Development Psychology  Credits: (3) 4

    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Natural Science  (Any BIOL General Education Course with lab) Credits: (4) 3
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • MATH 1410 - Number Concepts for Teachers Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 2 
    • Natural Science  (Non-Biology course with lab (Any ASTR, CHEM, GEOL, ISCI, PHYS, PSCI General Education Course with lab) Credits: (4) 3
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • EDUC 2220 - Introduction to the Exceptional Learner/Special Education Credits: (3)
    • Physical Science Course in Earth Science, Geology or Astronomy (with lab) (Choose any ASTR, GEOL, or PSCI Course) Credits: (4) 5
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 2
    • MATH 1420 - Geometry Concepts for Teachers Credits: (3)
  • Teaching, A.S.T. - Secondary Education (English) (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    Teaching, A.S.T. - Secondary Education (English) (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Science in Teaching
    Major: Teaching
    Area of Emphasis: Secondary Education (English)

    For more information, contact the Social Science and Education division at 615-230-3231 or

    This pathway focuses study on coursework necessary to keep students on par with other students entering their junior year majoring in Secondary Education-English at a four-year institution.  Students in this pathway typically earn their Bachelor of Science degree and teach English at the secondary level in public or private schools. A bachelor’s degree or higher is required for teaching licensure by the state.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    Additional AST Degree Requirements:

    1. Attainment of a 2.75 cumulative grade point average (GPA)
    2. Minimum ACT composite score of 21 (SAT 1080) or higher or successful completion of approved standardized examination (Praxis Core) for admission to the university’s College of Education. 
    3. Satisfactory ratings on an index of suitability for the teaching profession (three disposition forms)

    Note: Students transferring to a public university in Tennessee may need to meet additional requirements to gain admittance to the university.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    1. Explain how historical, political, social, economic factors, diverse cultures, special education and integrating technology currently affect American education.
    2. Create his/her own philosophy of teaching including current issues, trends, legal liabilities/responsibilities and reform in public education.
    3. Develop a lesson plan including the alignment of curriculum standards, educational outcomes, and adaptations for disabilities, predominant theorists, and assessment.
    4. Compare and contrast a variety of K-12 classroom settings by observing and conferring to pursue a career in education.
    5. Identify characteristics of exceptional children, multi-disciplinary teaming, special education laws and legislation, accommodations, and modifications to address classroom needs.

    CIP Code: (08)13.0101.00

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature course) Credits: (9) 1 
    • History  Credits: (6) 2
    • Mathematics  Credits: (3) 
    • Natural Sciences with lab  Credits: (8)
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (3)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • EDUC 2000 - Introduction to Education Credits: (3) 3
    • EDUC 2220 - Introduction to the Exceptional Learner/Special Education Credits: (3)
    • OR EDUC 2210 - Educational Psychology  Credits: (3) 4

    • ​Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (6)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Courses) Credits: (6)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (1)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1. Students who plan to transfer to the University of Memphis must complete at least one fine arts class under the Humanities & Fine Arts general education requirement.
    2. Students should confer with their advisor or a representative of the university to which they intend to transfer to determine the recommended history courses.
    3. Students who intend to transfer to the UTK, UTC, TSU, or ETSU secondary education program should follow the English AA/AS TTP and not the AST TTP. ETSU and TSU recommend that students take education courses after transfer.
    4. EDUC 2220 Introduction to the Exceptional Learner/Special Education transfers to MTSU as an elective.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • EDUC 2000 - Introduction to Education Credits: (3) ​3
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 2
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • EDUC 2220 - Introduction to the Exceptional Learner/Special Education Credits: (3)
    • OR  EDUC 2210 - Educational Psychology  Credits: (3) 4

    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Mathematics  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 2

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • Natural Science  with lab (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • Humanities  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • Natural Science  with lab (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • Humanities  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (1)
  • Teaching, A.S.T. - Secondary Education (Math) (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    Teaching, A.S.T. - Secondary Education (Math) (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Science in Teaching
    Major: Teaching
    Area of Emphasis: Secondary Education (Math)

    For more information, contact the Social Science and Education division at 615-230-3231 or

    This pathway focuses study on coursework necessary to keep students on par with other students entering their junior year majoring in Secondary Education-Math at a four-year institution. Students in this pathway typically earn their Bachelor of Science degree and teach Math at the secondary level in public or private schools. A bachelor’s degree or higher is required for teaching licensure by the state.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    Students who intend to transfer to MTSU’s, ETSU’s or UTK’s secondary education program should follow the Mathematics AA/AS TTP and not the AST TTP. ETSU and UTK recommend and MTSU requires that students take education courses after transfer. Students interested in transferring to UTK have two options: a degree and teaching licensure.

    Option1: BS majoring in math with a minor in Math Education - do not use this TTP; follow the Math TTP.

    Option 2: BS in Education with a concentration in Math. If you are interested in this option, follow this Secondary Education - Math TTP.

    Additional Requirements for Education Programs:

    1. Students who intend to take the Praxis Core exam are encouraged to take MATH 1420 or Math 1530 to prepare. While a C or better is not required to receive an AST, most 4-year institutions require a C or better in Math courses.

    Additional AST Degree Requirements:

    1. Attainment of a 2.75 cumulative grade point average (GPA). 
    2. ​Minimum ACT composite score of 21 (or SAT score of 1080) or higher or successful completion of approved standardized examination (Praxis Core) for admission to a university’s College of Education. 
    3. Satisfactory ratings on an index of suitability for the teaching profession (three disposition assessments).

    Note: Students transferring to a public university in Tennessee may need to meet additional requirements to gain admittance to the university.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    Program Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. Explain how historical, political, social, economic factors, diverse cultures, special education and integrating technology currently affect American education.
    2. Create his/her own philosophy of teaching including current issues, trends, legal liabilities/responsibilities and reform in public education.
    3. Develop a lesson plan including the alignment of curriculum standards, educational outcomes, and adaptations for disabilities, predominant theorists, and assessment.
    4. Compare and contrast a variety of K-12 classroom settings by observing and conferring to pursue a career in education.
    5. Identify characteristics of exceptional children, multi-disciplinary teaming, special education laws and legislation, accommodations, and modifications to address classroom needs.

    CIP Code: (08)13.0101.00

    General Education Requirements-Credits-(42)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include one Literature Course) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6) 1
    • MATH 1910 - ^Calculus I Credits: (4)
    • Natural Sciences with lab  Credits: (8) 2
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (6) 

    Area of Emphasis Requirements-Credits-(18)

    • MATH 1920 - Calculus II Credits: (4)
    • MATH 2010 - Introduction to Linear Algebra Credits: (3)
    • MATH 2110 - Calculus III Credits: (4)
    • MATH 2120 - Differential Equations Credits: (3)
    • Education Course (Any EDUC Course) Credits: (3) 
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits (1)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1. Students should confer with their advisor or a representative of the university to which they intend to transfer to determine the recommended history courses.
    2. PHYS or CHEM are recommended. Students who intend to transfer to UTC should take either a calculus-based or non-calculus-based Physics sequence. UTM requires an additional Chemistry sequence 1010/1020 and PHYS sequence. UoM also requires Intro to Biology and lab in place of PHYS 1040. 

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year-Fall Semester-Credits-(13)

    • MATH 1910 - ^Calculus I Credits: (4)
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1

    First Year-Spring Semester-Credits-(16)

    • Education Course (Any EDUC Course) Credits: (3) 
    • MATH 1920 - Calculus II Credits: (4)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year-Fall Semester-Credits-(17)

    • Natural Science with lab  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4) 2
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Science   (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 
    • MATH 2110 - Calculus III Credits: (4)

    Second Year-Spring Semester-Credits-(14)

    • MATH 2010 - Introduction to Linear Algebra Credits: (3)
    • Natural Science with lab  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4) 2
    • Social/Behavioral Science  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog)Credits: (3) 
    • MATH 2120 - Differential Equations Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (1)
  • Teaching, A.S.T. - Secondary Education (Social Studies) (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    Teaching, A.S.T. - Secondary Education (Social Studies) (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Science in Teaching
    Major: Teaching
    Area of Emphasis: Secondary Education (Social Studies)

    For more information, contact the Social Science and Education division at 615-230-3231 or

    This pathway focuses study on coursework necessary to keep students on par with other students entering their junior year majoring in Secondary Education-Social Studies at a four-year institution. Students in this pathway typically get their Bachelor of Science degree and teach Social Studies at the secondary level in public or private schools. A bachelor’s degree or higher is required for teaching licensure by the state..

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    Additional AST Degree Requirements:

    1. Attainment of a 2.75 cumulative grade point average(GPA).
    2. Minimum ACT cumulative score of 21 (or SAT 1080) or higher or successful completion of approved standardized examination (Praxis Core) for admission to university’s College of Education. 
    3. Satisfactory ratings on an index of suitability for the teaching profession (three disposition forms).
    4. Students transferring to a public university in Tennessee may need to meet additional requirements to gain admittance to the university.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    Program Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. Explain how historical, political, social, economic factors, diverse cultures, special education and integrating technology currently affect American education.
    2. Create his/her own philosophy of teaching including current issues, trends, legal liabilities/responsibilities and reform in public education.
    3. Develop a lesson plan including the alignment of curriculum standards, educational outcomes, and adaptations for disabilities, predominant theorists, and assessment.
    4. Compare and contrast a variety of K-12 classroom settings by observing and conferring to pursue a career in education.
    5. Identify characteristics of exceptional children, multi-disciplinary teaming, special education laws and legislation, accommodations, and modifications to address classroom needs.

    CIP Code: (08)13.0101.00

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • ART 1035 - ^Introduction to Art Credits: (3)
    • OR MUS 1030 - ^Introduction to Music  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 2310 - ^Early World Literature Credits: (3)
    • OR ENGL 2320 - ^Modern World Literature  Credits: (3)

    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  Credits: (3)
    • HIST 2010 - ^Early United States History Credits: (3)
    • HIST 2020 - ^Modern United States History Credits: (3)
    • Mathematics  Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences with lab  Credits: (8) 
    • GEOG 1012 - ^Cultural Geography Credits: (3)
    • OR GEOG 1015 - ^Physical Geography  Credits: (3)

      OR GEOG 2010 - ^World Regional Geography  Credits: (3)

    • SOCI 1010 - ^Introduction to Sociology Credits: (3)
    • OR POLS 1030 - ^American Government  Credits: (3) 1

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • ECON 2100 - ^Principles of Macroeconomics Credits: (3)
    • ECON 2200 - ^Principles of Microeconomics Credits: (3)
    • EDUC 2000 - Introduction to Education Credits: (3) 2
    • EDUC 2210 - Educational Psychology Credits: (3) 3
    • HIST 2310 - ^Early World History Credits: (3)
    • HIST 2320 - ^Modern World History Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Electives (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits (1)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1. Students pursuing a licensure area in Government or who plan to transfer to UTC or TTU should take POLS 1030: American Government.
    2. Because there are multiple areas of licensure in Social Studies, please read the following statement carefully: Students who plan to transfer to UT Knoxville should follow the History AS TTP for all social studies-related licensures.
    3. Students who intend to transfer to MTSU are recommended to take Tennessee History.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • EDUC 2000 - Introduction to Education Credits: (3) 2
    • Mathematics  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • HIST 2010 - ^Early United States History Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences with lab   (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4) 

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • ​Natural Sciences with lab  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4) 
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ART 1035 - ^Introduction to Art Credits: (3)
    • OR MUS 1030 - ^Introduction to Music  Credits: (3)

    • HIST 2020 - ^Modern United States History Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • EDUC 2210 - Educational Psychology Credits: (3) 3
    • ENGL 2310 - ^Early World Literature Credits: (3)
    • OR ENGL 2320 - ^Modern World Literature  Credits: (3)

    • SOCI 1010 - ^Introduction to Sociology Credits: (3)
    • OR POLS 1030 - ^American Government  Credits: (3) 1

    • HIST 2310 - ^Early World History Credits: (3)
    • ECON 2100 - ^Principles of Macroeconomics Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (13)

    • GEOG 1012 - ^Cultural Geography Credits: (3)
    • OR GEOG 1015 - ^Physical Geography  Credits: (3)

      OR GEOG 2010 - ^World Regional Geography  Credits: (3)

    • ECON 2200 - ^Principles of Microeconomics Credits: (3)
    • HIST 2320 - ^Modern World History Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Electives (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (1)
  • Teaching, A.S.T. - Special Education (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    Teaching, A.S.T. - Special Education (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Science in Teaching
    Major: Teaching
    Area of Emphasis: Special Education

    For more information, contact the Social Science and Education division at 615-230-3231 or

    This pathway is for students planning to complete a bachelor’s degree in special education. Special education teachers meet the unique needs of students with learning, mental, emotional, and physical challenges. They work to ensure that teaching strategies are designed to meet individual needs. A bachelor’s degree or higher is required for teaching licensure by the state.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    Additional AST Degree Requirements:

    1. Attainment of a 2.75 cumulative grade point average (GPA).
    2. Minimum ACT composite score of 21 (or SAT 1080) or higher or successful completion of approved standardized examination (Praxis Core) for admission to the university’s College of Education. Satisfactory ratings on an index of suitability for the teaching profession (three Disposition forms). 

    Note: Students transferring to a public university in Tennessee may need to meet additional requirements to gain admittance to the university.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    Program Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge, and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1.    Explain how historical, political, social, economic factors, diverse cultures, special education and integrating technology currently affect American education.
    2.    Create his/her own philosophy of teaching including current issues, trends, legal liabilities/responsibilities and reform in public education.
    3.    Develop a lesson plan including the alignment of curriculum standards, educational outcomes, and adaptations for disabilities, predominant theorists, and assessment.
    4.    Compare and contrast a variety of K-12 classroom settings by observing and conferring to pursue a career in education.
    5.    Identify characteristics of exceptional children, multi-disciplinary teaming, special education laws and legislation, accommodations, and modifications to address classroom needs

    CIP Code: (08) 13.0101.00

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • ART 1035 - ^Introduction to Art Credits: (3)
    • OR MUS 1030 - ^Introduction to Music  Credits: (3)

    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include one Literature course) Credits: (6)
    • History  Credits: (6) 1
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • Natural Sciences  (Any BIOL General Education Course) Credits: (4)
    • Physical Sciences (ASTR, CHEM, GEOL, PHYS, PSCI) Credits: (4)
    • GEOG 1012 - ^Cultural Geography Credits: (3)
    • OR GEOG 1015 - ^Physical Geography  Credits: (3) 

      OR GEOG 2010 - ^World Regional Geography  Credits: (3)

    • POLS 1030 - ^American Government Credits: (3)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • EDUC 2000 - Introduction to Education Credits: (3)
    • EDUC 2210 - Educational Psychology Credits: (3)
    • OR PSYC 2130 - ^Lifespan Development Psychology  Credits: (3

    • EDUC 2220 - Introduction to the Exceptional Learner/Special Education Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1410 - Number Concepts for Teachers Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1420 - Geometry Concepts for Teachers Credits: (3)
    • Science Credits (Choose from ASTR, CHEM, GEOL, ISCI, PHYS courses) Credits: (4) 

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1. Students who plan to transfer to UTK are encouraged to complete one U.S. History course and one non-U.S. History course as part of this requirement.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • EDUC 2000 - Introduction to Education Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (Any BIOL General Education Course) Credits: (4)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • History   (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • Physical Sciences (ASTR, CHEM, GEOL, PHYS, PSCI) Credits: (4)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • POLS 1030 - ^American Government Credits: (3)
    • ART 1035 - ^Introduction to Art Credits: (3)
    • OR  MUS 1030 - ^Introduction to Music  Credits: (3)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • MATH 1410 - Number Concepts for Teachers Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include one Literature course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (6)
    • EDUC 2220 - Introduction to the Exceptional Learner/Special Education Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (13)

    • EDUC 2210 - Educational Psychology Credits: (3)
    • OR  PSYC 2130 - ^Lifespan Development Psychology  Credits: (3) 

    • GEOG 1012 - ^Cultural Geography Credits: (3)
    • OR  GEOG 1015 - ^Physical Geography  Credits: (3) 

      OR  GEOG 2010 - ^World Regional Geography  Credits: (3)

    • MATH 1420 - Geometry Concepts for Teachers Credits: (3)
    • Science Credits (Choose from ASTR, CHEM, GEOL, ISCI, PHYS courses) Credits: (4) 
  • Transportation, Distribution, Warehousing, and Procurement Technical C... View in Catalog Preview

    Transportation, Distribution, Warehousing, and Procurement Technical Certificate

    For more information, contact the Business and Technology division at 615-230-3301 or at

    This technical certificate program offers the opportunity for formal study in the growing field of Logistics, Transportation and Distribution Center/Warehouse Management, Sourcing & Procurement, and Supply Chain Management. Study in the program is designed to provide career growth. Students completing the Certificate Program may apply the coursework toward the Associate of Applied Science in Business, Management concentration, and the Associate of Applied Science in Business, Logistics and Supply Chain Management concentration.

    This program is fully available for online delivery plus limited availability for on-ground delivery.

    The Transportation, Distribution, Warehousing, and Procurement Technical Certificate is embedded within the Associate of Applied Science in Business, Logistics and Supply Chain Management concentration and within the Associate of Arts and the Associate of Science, General Studies areas of emphasis.  Courses in this certificate may be used to award these degrees.

    Program​ Learning Outcomes

    1. Describe practical applications that address real-life challenges and opportunities in logistics and supply chain management.
    2. Describe the latest professional concepts of transportation management and apply them in a global supply chain environment.
    3. Demonstrate knowledge of the role warehouses and distribution centers (DCs) play in the supply chain.
    4. Recognize the impact of purchasing and supply chain management on the competitive success and profitability of modern organizations.

    CIP Code: (32) 52.0203.00     SOC Code: 11-3071

    Certificate Requirements - Credits (18)

    • BUSN 1305 - *Introduction to Business Credits: (3)
    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)
    • LOGI 1000 - *Introduction to Logistics Management Credits: (3)
    • LOGI 1010 - *Transportation Credits: (3)
    • LOGI 1030 - *Distribution Center & Warehouse Management Credits: (3)
    • LOGI 2040 - *Sourcing & Procurement Credits: (3)

    Total Certificate Requirements - Credits (18)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    Fall Semester - Credits (9)

    • BUSN 1305 - *Introduction to Business Credits: (3)
    • LOGI 1000 - *Introduction to Logistics Management Credits: (3)
    • LOGI 2040 - *Sourcing & Procurement Credits: (3)

    Spring Semester - Credits (9)

    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)
    • LOGI 1010 - *Transportation Credits: (3)
    • LOGI 1030 - *Distribution Center & Warehouse Management Credits: (3)
  • University Parallel, A.A. - Art (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.A. - Art (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Arts
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Art 

    For more information, visit the Art Department webpage or contact the Humanities division at 615-230-3200 or

    This pathway is for students planning to complete a bachelor’s degree at a four-year school.  The standard pre-professional degree for artists and designers is a Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.). Individuals majoring in art have a variety of career opportunities including, but not limited to, studio artist, graphic designer, photographer, web and/or multimedia designer, product and/or package designer, interior designer, craft artist including jewelry or textile designer, museum curator, art historian, and educator.

    Additionally, an art curriculum provides intensive education in problem-solving strategies, a skill both useful and desired in many occupations. For those students primarily interested in developing their problem-solving skills, Two-Dimensional Design, Three-Dimensional Design, and Graphic Design are recommended.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Core Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • ART 2000 - ^Art History Survey I Credits: (3)
    • ART 2020 - ^Art History Survey II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must be Literature Course) Credits: (3)
    • History  ( HIST 2310  and HIST 2320  Preferred) Credits: (6) 
    • Mathematics  Credits: (3) 
    • Natural Sciences  Credits (8)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (6)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (21)

    • ART 1045 - Drawing I Credits: (3)
    • ART 1050 - Drawing II Credits: (3)
    • ART 1340 - Foundations Studio I Credits: (3)
    • ART 1350 - Foundations Studio II Credits: (3)
    • Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (6)
    • Art Electives (Choose from the following list) Credits: (3)
    • ART 135 - Ceramics I  Credits: (3)
      ART 136 - Introduction to Printmaking  Credits: (3)
      ART 155 - Introduction to Photography and Digital Imaging  Credits: (3)
      ART 211 - Painting I  Credits: (3)
      ART 212 - Painting II  Credits: (3)
      ART 253 - Graphic Design I  Credits: (3)
      ART 260 - Special Studies in Art  Credits: (3)
      ART 280T - Individual Problems in Art  Credits: (1-6)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (62)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule.  Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • ART 1045 - Drawing I Credits: (3)
    • ART 2000 - ^Art History Survey I Credits: (3)
    • ART 1340 - Foundations Studio I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Core Requirements in Catalog -  HIST 2310  Preferred) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • ART 1050 - Drawing II Credits: (3)
    • ART 2020 - ^Art History Survey II Credits: (3)
    • ART 1350 - Foundations Studio II Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Core Requirements in Catalog - HIST 2320  Preferred) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Core Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Core Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Core Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Core Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • Mathematics  (See General Education Core Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Art Electives (Choose from list above) Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Core Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
  • University Parallel, A.A. - Communication Studies (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.A. - Communication Studies (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Arts
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Communication Studies

    For more information, contact the Humanities division at 615-230-3200 or at

    Communication studies human interaction in interpersonal, group and public settings. This pathway is for students planning to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies or related fields.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (6)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • COMM 2085 - Business and Professional Communication Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2090 - Interpersonal Communication Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2095 - Small Group Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR Any Communication Studies Course (COMM) Credits: (3)

    • Communication Electives (Choose any COMM Course) Credits: (3)
    • Foreign Language (Two-Semester Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (6)
    • University Parallel Electives (Any Non-Asterisk Course - COMM course preferred) Credits: (1)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule.  Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (13)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Electives (Any Non-Asterisk Course - COMM course preferred) Credits: (1)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • COMM 2090 - Interpersonal Communication Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog)  Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • COMM 2085 - Business and Professional Communication Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2095 - Small Group Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR Any Communication Studies Course (COMM) Credits: (3)

    • Foreign Language (Two-Semester Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • Communication Elective (Choose any COMM Course) Credits: (3)
    • Foreign Language (Two-Semester Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog)  Credits: (3)
  • University Parallel, A.A. - Criminal Justice (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.A. - Criminal Justice (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Arts
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Criminal Justice

    For more information, contact the Social Science and Education division at 615-230-3231, or visit

    This pathway is for students planning to complete a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice.  Students pursuing careers in investigations, law enforcement, probation and parole, and criminal intelligence should consider this degree.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  [Must include at least one literature course]  Credits: (9) 1
    • History  Credits: (6) 3
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER 5
    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8) 4
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3) 2
    • SOCI 1010 - ^Introduction to Sociology Credits: (3)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • CRMJ 1010 - ^Introduction to Criminal Justice Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ 1020 - Introduction to the Legal Process Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ 2010 - Introduction to Law Enforcement Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ 2020 - Introduction to Corrections Credits: (3)
    • Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (6) 6
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (1)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1. Students who plan to transfer to the UoM must complete at least one fine arts under the Humanities & Fine Arts general education requirement.
    2. Students who intend to transfer to TTU should take POLS 1030 American Government
    3. Students who intend to transfer to UTK should take 6 credit hours of a non-U.S. History sequence to fulfill the History requirement. Students who intend to transfer to UTM should take a U.S. History sequence to fulfill the History requirement.
    4. Students who plan to transfer to UTM or UTK are encouraged to take the BIOL1110/1120 sequence.
    5. Students who intend to transfer to UTK and UTM should take MATH 1530 or above to fulfill the Math requirement.
    6. Students planning to transfer to the UoM will need to complete six hours of a 2000 level or higher foreign language to earn the Bachelor of Arts degree. Students who plan to transfer to UTK will be required to demonstrate intermediate-level competency in Foreign Language before graduating from UTK. Students may demonstrate intermediate-level competence after transferring to UTK.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • CRMJ 1010 - ^Introduction to Criminal Justice Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ 1020 - Introduction to the Legal Process Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ 2010 - Introduction to Law Enforcement Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ 2020 - Introduction to Corrections Credits: (3)
    • SOCI 1010 - ^Introduction to Sociology Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 3
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog)  Credits: (3) 1
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3) 2
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3) 6
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 3
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4) 4
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3) 6
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4) 4
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (1)
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER 5
  • University Parallel, A.A. - Economics (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.A. - Economics (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Arts
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Economics

    For more information, contact the Social Science and Education division at 615-230-3231 or

    The Department of Economics, Geography, History, and Political Science is focused on developing in students an understanding of the present that is informed by an awareness of the past as well as the complex and interdependent relationships between cultures and societies.  This pathway is for students planning to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree in the field of economics, finance, or banking.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note:  Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one literature course) Credits: (9) 1
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3) 2
    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8)
    • ECON 2100 - ^Principles of Macroeconomics Credits: (3)
    • ECON 2200 - ^Principles of Microeconomics Credits: (3)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • MATH 1830 - ^Applied Calculus Credits: (3)
    • OR Advisor Approved Course 3

    • Foreign Language [One-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language] Credits: (6) 4
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) (Guided) Credits: (10) 5

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1 Students who plan to transfer to UTK should take an Introduction to Ethics course as one of their Humanities/Fine Arts courses or as an alternative guided elective.

    2 MTSU and UTK students should take MATH 1630.  Students transferring to UTC or UTM should take a college algebra course.  University of Memphis requires MATH 1710 or MATH 1830.  APSU requires MATH 1710 only.  TSU requires MATH 1830 only.  ETSU and TTU requires MATH 1530.  Johnson University requires MATH 1130 or MATH 1530.

    3 MATH 1830 is a prerequisite to MATH 2050 for UTK requirement.

    4 Students who plan to transfer to UTK will be required to demonstrate intermediate level competency in Foreign Language before graduating from UTK.  Students may demonstrate intermediate level competence after transferring to UTK.

    5 Students who plan to transfer to UTK should complete MATH 2050: Calculus-Based Probability and Statistics.  Students who plan to pursue the Accounting major or Accounting collaterals at UTK will be required to take ACCT 203 or demonstrate competency by passing an ACCT 203 proficiency exam before moving forward with upper level Accounting coursework.  Advisors are invited to contact the UTK Transfer Center to learn more about course equivalencies.

    Students who plan to transfer to UTK will be required to complete ENGL 295 at UTK if they have not completed an equivalent course at their community college.  Advisors are invited to contact the UTK Transfer Center to learn more about course equivalencies.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • ECON 2100 - ^Principles of Macroeconomics Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3) 2
    • COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication  Credits: (3)

    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3) 5

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • ECON 2200 - ^Principles of Microeconomics Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • University Parallel Electives (See Math pre-requisites in Catalog) Credits: (3) 5

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • MATH 1830 - ^Applied Calculus Credits: (3)
    • OR Advisor Approved Course3

    • ​Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3) 4
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (13)

    • Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3) 4
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (4) 5
  • University Parallel, A.A. - English (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.A. - English (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Arts
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: English

    For more information, contact the Humanities division at 615-230-3200 or at

    The English Department focuses on developing students’ ability to read critically, analyze, synthesize and evaluate ideas, and write effectively for a variety of electronic and traditional media. This pathway is for students planning to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree in English, Literature, or related fields.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • Mathematics  Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (6)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • English Credits (Choose from the following list) Credits: (6)
      ENGL 2055 - ^African American Literature  Credits: (3)
      ENGL 2110 - ^Early American Literature  Credits: (3)
      ENGL 2120 - ^Modern American Literature  Credits: (3)
      ENGL 2310 - ^Early World Literature  Credits: (3)
      ENGL 2320 - ^Modern World Literature   Credits: (3)
    • Foreign Language [Two-year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language] Credits: (12) 
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (1)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    Degree Works, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the Degree Works audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Foreign Language (Two-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3) 
    • Mathematics  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (13)


    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Foreign Language (Two-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3) 
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (1)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • Foreign Language (Two-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3) 
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • English Credits (Choose from list above) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • Foreign Language (Two-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3) 
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • English Credits (Choose from list above) Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog)  Credits: (3)
  • University Parallel, A.A. - Foreign Language (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.A. - Foreign Language (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Arts
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Foreign Language

    For more information, contact the Humanities division at 615-230-3200 or at

    This pathway explores language, culture, and communication in the Foreign Language Department. The department offers beginning and intermediate classes in French and Spanish, as well as travel and study abroad for academic credit. This pathway is for students planning to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree in foreign languages or related fields.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • Mathematics  Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (6)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • Foreign Language [Two-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language through the intermediate level or the equivalent] Credits: (12)
    • University Parallel Electives (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (7)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    Degree Works, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the Degree Works audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • Foreign Language (Two-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language through the intermediate level or the equivalent) Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Mathematics  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication  Credits: (3)

    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • Foreign Language (Two-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language through the intermediate level or the equivalent) Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • Foreign Language (Two-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language through the intermediate level or the equivalent) Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • Foreign Language (Two-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language through the intermediate level or the equivalent) Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (1)
  • University Parallel, A.A. - General Studies View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.A. - General Studies

    Degree:  Associate of Arts
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: General Studies

    For more information, contact the Humanities division at 615-230-3200 or at

    This pathway is the most flexible pathway offered for students at VSCC. Students who do not know what to major in, who are looking to advance their career, or who want a major we do not offer should pursue this option. Students should work with an advisor to customize their studies to fit their interests while completing the General Education core. This pathway is for students planning to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree. 

    All Technical Certificates are embedded within the Associate of Arts, General Studies area of emphasis.  Courses in the certificates may be used to award this area of emphasis.

    Transfer Options
    This emphasis is not currently part of a Tennessee Transfer Pathway, and, therefore, it may not be fully transferable. Since general education and major requirements vary from one transfer institution to another, it is essential that transfer students decide on a transfer institution as soon as possible and refer to the general education and major requirements in that institution’s catalog when planning a program of study. Contact your advisor for additional information.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (6)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • Electives* Credits: (13) 
    • Foreign Language [One year sequence in single foreign language] Credits: (6)

    *An elective can be any college-level course; however, they should be carefully selected in consultation with an advisor. Students should choose courses appropriate for transfer to the senior institution they have selected. Please note the section under Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the General Education section of the Catalog for course pairs not allowed to apply toward graduation. Any course designated with an asterisk (*) in the catalog is a career/technical course and is not intended for transfer. 

    Suggested Courses & Tracks

    Students may wish to pursue a suggested elective “track” of related courses depending on transfer plans.  See advisor for more information.

    Students interested in pursuing a four-year degree in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), including professional health care degrees, should pursue the Mathematics and Science pathway.  Contact the Mathematics and Science division for more information.

    Suggested Courses for Electives
    ART 1035     ART 2000    ART 2020    ART 253   
    ASTR 1030    BIOL 1030    BIOL 1050    BIOL 1060   
    CHEM 1030    COMM 1010    COMM 2045    COMM 2085   
    COMM 2090    COMM 2095    COMM 280T    ECON 2100   
    ECON 2200    ENGL - Any Literature Course ENGL 2860    FREN 1010   
    FREN 1020    GEOG 1012    GEOG 2010    GEOL 1030   
    GEOL 1050    GEOL 1060   HED 120   HIST 2010  
    HIST 2020   HIST 2030   HIST 2060   HIST 2310  
    HIST 2320    HUM 275   HUM 280T   INFS 1010  
    ISCI 1030   MATH 1530   MUS 1030   PHIL 110  
    PHIL 1030   PHIL 1040   PHYS 1030   POLS 1010  
    POLS 1030   PSCI 1030   PSYC 1030   SOCI 1010  
    SPAN 1010   SPAN 1020   THEA 1030   


    Humanities Elective Track

    For students interested in the study of society and people from a perspective that teaches skills in problem-solving, communication, and critical thinking. Choose elective credits from the following list.

    ART 253     ART 1035    ART 2000    COMM 280T   
    ENGL - Any Literature Course ENGL 2860    HUM 275    HUM 280T   
    PHIL 110    PHIL 1030    PHIL 1040    SPAN 1010   
    SPAN 1020    THEA 1030       


    Career Readiness Elective Track

    For students who wish to take courses that might be valuable in a range of programs and careers. Choose elective credits from the following list.

    COMM 1010    COMM 2025  or COMM 2045    COMM 2085    COMM 2090   
    COMM 2095    ECON 2100    ECON 2200    HUM 275   
    INFS 1010    PHIL 110       

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)


    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Electives* Credits: (3) 
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)    
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)  

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)


    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication  Credits: (3)

    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog)  Credits: (3)            
    • Electives* Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3) 
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Electives* Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3) 
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Electives* Credits: (4)
  • University Parallel, A.A. - History (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.A. - History (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Arts
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: History

    For more information, contact the Social Science and Education division at 615-230-3231 or

    The Department of Economics, Geography, History, and Political Science is focused on developing in students an understanding of the present that is informed by an awareness of the past as well as the complex and interdependent relationships between cultures and societies. This pathway is for students planning to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree in the field of history, education, or law.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9) 1
    • HIST 2010 - ^Early United States History Credits: (3)
    • HIST 2020 - ^Modern United States History Credits: (3)
    • Mathematics   Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences   Credits: (8) 2
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (6)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • HIST 2310 - ^Early World History Credits: (3)
    • HIST 2320 - ^Modern World History Credits: (3)
    • Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (6) 4
    • History  General Education Elective Credits: (3) 3
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (4) 4

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1. Students who plan to transfer to the UoM must complete at least one fine arts under the Humanities & Fine Arts general education requirement.
    2. Students who plan to transfer to UTK must complete a natural science sequence.
    3. Consult the academic catalog or an advisor at your transferring institution to determine if this History elective course may count towards your intended transfer major or as a general elective.
    4. Students who plan to transfer to UTK or UTC will be required to demonstrate intermediate-level competency in Foreign Language before graduating either institution. Students may demonstrate intermediate-level competence after transferring.  Students may take these additional foreign language courses to full the Elective category.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (13)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • HIST 2310 - ^Early World History Credits: (3) 2
    •  Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication  Credits: (3)

    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (1) 4

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • HIST 2320 - ^Modern World History Credits: (3)
    • Mathematics  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4) 2
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • HIST 2010 - ^Early United States History Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 3
    • Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3) 4
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4) 2
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • HIST 2020 - ^Modern United States History Credits: (3)
    • Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3) 4
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1 
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3) 4
  • University Parallel, A.A. - International Affairs (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.A. - International Affairs (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Arts
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: International Affairs

    For more information, contact the Social Science and Education division at 615-230-3231 or

    International Affairs offers students an opportunity to learn about the world.  It provides an opportunity to study history, geography, culture, and economics.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9) 1
    • History  Credits: (6) 2
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3) OR HIGHER 4
    • Natural Sciences   Credits: (8) 3
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (6)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • Foreign Language [Two-Semester Sequence in a Single Foreign Language] Credits: (6) 6
    • International Affairs Guided Electives (Choose from the following list) Credits: (6) 5
      ECON 2100 - ^Principles of Macroeconomics  Credits: (3)
      ECON 2200 - ^Principles of Microeconomics  Credits: (3)
      GEOG 2010 - ^World Regional Geography  Credits: (3)
      HIST 2320 - ^Modern World History  Credits: (3)
      POLS 2035 - International Relations  Credits: (3) 
    • University Parallel Electives (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (7) 6

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1. Students who plan to transfer to the UoM must complete at least one Humanities & Fine Arts class general education requirement. 
    2. Students planning to transfer to UTK should complete HIST 2010 and HIST 2320.
    3. Students planning to transfer to UTK should complete an 8-hour natural science lab sequence.
    4. Students planning to attend UTK should take MATH 1130: College Algebra or higher.
    5. Check with your advisor for recommended courses when selecting guided electives.
    6. Students planning to transfer to the UoM will need to complete six hours of a 2000 level or higher foreign language to earn the Bachelor of Arts degree. Students who plan to transfer to UTK will be required to demonstrate intermediate-level competency in Foreign Language before graduating from UTK. Students may demonstrate intermediate-level competence after transferring to UTK.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • International Affairs Guided Elective (Choose from list above) Credits: (3) 5
    • Foreign Language (Two-Semester Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3) 6
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3) OR HIGHER 4
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 2
    • Foreign Language (Two-Semester Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3) 6
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 
    • COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication  Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • International Affairs Guided Elective (Choose from list above) Credits: (3) 5
    • History  Credits: (3) 2
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4) 3
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4) 3
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (7) 6
  • University Parallel, A.A. - Journalism View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.A. - Journalism

    Degree: Associate of Arts
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Journalism

    For more information, contact the Humanities division at 615-230-3200 or at

    Communication is the study of human interaction in interpersonal, group and public settings. This pathway is for students planning to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree in journalism or related fields. 

    Transfer Options:
    The University Parallel Associate of Arts Degree is designed for transfer to universities offering a Baccalaureate degree.  Contact your advisor for additional information.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (6)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • COMM 1010 - Intro to Mass Communication Credits: (3)
    • COMM 1020 - Media Writing Credits: (3)
    • COMM 1030 - Introduction to Electronic Media Credits: (3)
    • Communication Course (Any COMM course excluding COMM 2025  and COMM 2045 ) Credits: (3)
    • Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (6)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (1)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule.  Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • COMM 1020 - Media Writing Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • COMM 1030 - Introduction to Electronic Media Credits: (3)
    • COMM 1010 - Intro to Mass Communication Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • Communication Course (Any COMM course excluding COMM 2025  and COMM 2045 ) Credits: (3)
    • Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3) 
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (1)
    • Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3) 
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
  • University Parallel, A.A. - Liberal Arts View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.A. - Liberal Arts

    Degree: Associate of Arts
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Liberal Arts

    For more information, contact the Humanities division at 615-230-3200 or at

    This pathway provides students with broad knowledge of the wider world as well as in-depth study in a specific area of interest. This pathway is for students planning to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree in Liberal Arts or related fields.

    Transfer Options:
    The University Parallel  Associate of Arts Degree is designed for transfer to universities offering a Baccalaureate degree.  Contact your advisor for additional information.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences   Credits: (6)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (6)
    • Liberal Arts Electives (Choose at least one course from four of the five following categories) Credits: (13)

    Communication and Language

    COMM 1010 - Intro to Mass Communication  Credits: (3)
    COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication  Credits: (3)
      COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)      
    COMM 2055 - Argumentation and Debate  Credits: (3)
    COMM 2090 - Interpersonal Communication  Credits: (3)
    ENGL 2300 - Creative Writing  Credits: (3)
    FREN 1010 - Beginning French I  Credits: (3)
    FREN 1020 - Beginning French II  Credits: (3)
    SPAN 1010 - Beginning Spanish I  Credits: (3)
    SPAN 1020 - Beginning Spanish II  Credits: (3)
    SPAN 2010 - Intermediate Spanish I  Credits: (3)
    SPAN 2020 - Intermediate Spanish II  Credits: (3)

    Humanities and/or Fine Arts

    ART 1035 - ^Introduction to Art  Credits: (3)
    ART 1045 - Drawing I  Credits: (3)
    ART 1050 - Drawing II  Credits: (3)
    ART 2000 - ^Art History Survey I  Credits: (3)
    ART 2020 - ^Art History Survey II  Credits: (3)
    ENGL 2110 - ^Early American Literature  Credits: (3)
    ENGL 2120 - ^Modern American Literature  Credits: (3)
    ENGL 2310 - ^Early World Literature  Credits: (3)
    ENGL 2320 - ^Modern World Literature  Credits: (3)
    ENGL 2860 - ^Introduction to Film  Credits: (3)
    MUS 1030 - ^Introduction to Music  Credits: (3)
    PHIL 110 - Logic and Critical Thinking  Credits: (3)
    PHIL 260 - Introduction to Biblical Studies  Credits: (3)
    PHIL 1030 - ^Introduction to Philosophy  Credits: (3)
    PHIL 2200 - Introduction to World Religions  Credits: (3)
    THEA 1030 - ^Introduction to Theatre  Credits: (3)


    MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics  Credits: (3)

    Natural Sciences

    ASTR 1030 - ^Astronomy  Credits: (4)
    BIOL 1030 - ^Essentials of Biology  Credits: (4)
    BIOL 1060 - ^Environmental Science  Credits: (4)
    CHEM 1030 - ^Fundamentals of Chemistry  Credits: (4)
    GEOL 1030 - ^Survey of Geology  Credits: (4)
    PHYS 1030 - ^Survey of Physics  Credits: (4)
    PSCI 1030 - ^Survey of Physical Science  Credits: (4)

    Social/Behavioral Sciences

    University Parallel (Any Non-Asterisk Course from the following: ECON, GEOG, HIST, POLS, PSYC, SOCI) Credits: (3)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits (3)

    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Liberal Arts Electives (Choose from list above) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (13)


    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Liberal Arts Electives (Choose from list above) Credits: (4)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3) 
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    •  Liberal Arts Electives (Choose from list above) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3) 
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Liberal Arts Electives (Choose from list above) Credits: (3)
  • University Parallel, A.A. - Mass Communication (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.A. - Mass Communication (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Arts
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Mass Communication

    For more information, contact the Humanities division at 615-230-3200 or at

    Communication is the study of human interaction in interpersonal, group and public settings. This pathway is for students planning to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree in mass communication or related fields.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • Mathematics  Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8)
    • Social Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (6)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • COMM 1010 - Intro to Mass Communication Credits: (3)
    • COMM 1020 - Media Writing Credits: (3)
    • Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (6)
    • University Parallel Electives - (Any non-asterisk course except (COMM) Mass Communication or Communication Studies) Credits: (1)
    • ​Mass Communication or Communication Studies Electives (COMM) Credits: (6) 

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule.  Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Mathematics  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • COMM 1020 - Media Writing Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • Mass Communication or Communication Studies Electives (COMM) Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (6)
    • COMM 1010 - Intro to Mass Communication Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • Mass Communication or Communication Studies Electives (COMM) Credits: (3)
    • Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Electives - (Any non-asterisk course except (COMM) Mass Communication or Communication Studies) Credits: (1)
  • University Parallel, A.A. - Philosophy (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.A. - Philosophy (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Arts
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Philosophy

    For more information, contact the Humanities division at 615-230-3200 or at

    This pathway studies what the best minds have thought about the questions that are most important. Questions about what we know and how we know it, about what is real, true, and good, and about how to live well. To study philosophy is to enter into a dialogue about the nature of our existence, our place in the world and the universe, and what the possibilities and limits are of our ability to know these things. Primarily, philosophy is concerned with questions, the answers to which are not readily available from science, religion, or appeals to common sense. This pathway is for students planning to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree in philosophy or related fields.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • Mathematics  Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (6)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • Foreign Language (Two-Semester Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (6)
    • Philosophy Electives (PHIL Prefix) Credits: (6)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (7)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule.  Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Mathematics  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Electives (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • Philosophy Elective (PHIL Prefix) Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Electives (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • Philosophy Elective (PHIL Prefix) Credits: (3)
    • Foreign Language (Two-Semester Sequence in Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication  Credits: (3)

    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • Foreign Language (Two-Semester Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Electives (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (1)
  • University Parallel, A.A. - Political Science (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.A. - Political Science (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Arts
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Political Science

    For more information, contact the Social Science and Education division at 615-230-3231 or

    The Department of Economics, Geography, History, and Political Science is focused on developing in students an understanding of the present that is informed by an awareness of the past as well as the complex and interdependent relationships between cultures and societies.  This pathway is for students planning to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree in the field of history, criminal justice, or law.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts   (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9) 1
    • History  Credits: (6) 3
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8) 4
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (6) 2

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • POLS 1030 - ^American Government Credits: (3)
    • Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (6)
    • Political Science Elective (POLS Prefix) Credits: (3) 5
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (7) 6

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1. Students who plan to transfer to the UoM must complete at least one fine arts under the Humanities & Fine Arts general education requirement.
    2. Students transferring to TTU should take POLS 1010: Introduction to Political Science and SOCI 1010: Introduction to Sociology.
    3. Students should confer with their advisor or a representative of the university to which they intend to transfer to determine the recommended history courses. Students who intend to transfer to UTK should take six credit hours of a non-U.S. History sequence to fulfill the History requirements. UTC requires that one of the History courses be U.S. History.
    4. Students planning to transfer to UTK should complete an 8-hour natural science lab sequence.
    5. Consult the catalog or advisor at the transferring institution to determine if this Political Science elective course may count towards the major or as a general elective.
    6. For students planning on transferring to UTK you will need a 1-year intermediate level sequence in a single foreign language.  A total of seven credit hours are unspecified; transferable electives are needed to complete the degree requirements. 

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3) 6
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 2
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4) 4
    • Social/Behavior Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 2
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (1) 6

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • Political Science Elective (POLS Prefix) Credits: (3) 5
    • Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4) 4
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 3
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • POLS 1030 - ^American Government Credits: (3)
    • Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 3
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3) 6
  • University Parallel, A.A. - Psychology (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.A. - Psychology (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Arts
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Psychology

    For more information, contact the Social Science and Education division at 615-230-3231 or

    This pathway is for students planning to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree in the field of psychology.  Professional careers in the field of psychology typically require a master’s degree or a doctoral degree, depending on the career path one is pursuing.  However, with an A.A. degree in psychology, one can often find a job in the following areas: crisis intervention, counselor’s aide or assistant, casework, and mentoring.  An A.A. degree is often used as a stepping stone to a bachelor’s degree.  For example, with that degree, one could pursue work as a case manager, career counselor, rehabilitation specialist, or psychiatric technician.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9) 1
    • History   Credits: (6) 3
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3)
    • BIOL 1010 - ^Introduction to Biology Credits: (4)
    • OR  BIOL 1110 - ^General Biology I  Credits: (4) 4

    • BIOL 1020 - ^Diversity of Life Credits: (4)
    • OR  BIOL 1120 - ^General Biology II  Credits: (4) 4

    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3) 2
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (3)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • Foreign Language (One-year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (6) 6
    • Psychology Credits (Choose from the following list) Credits: (6) 5
      PSYC 2110 - Psychology of Adjustment  Credits: (3)
      PSYC 2120 - ^Social Psychology   Credits: (3) 
      PSYC 2130 - ^Lifespan Development Psychology   Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (7)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1. Students who plan to transfer to the UoM must complete at least one fine arts class under Humanities & Fine Arts general education requirement.
    2. Students intending to transfer to UTC or APSU should complete social/behavioral science courses from two separate disciplines (e.g., SOC 1010; CRMJ 1010, etc.); It is recommended that students take PSYC 1030 at the four-year and choose another approved social/behavioral general education course.
    3. Students intending to transfer to UTK should complete a Western or World History sequence.
    4. Students who plan to transfer to ETSU must complete a natural science sequence.
    5. Students should seek the guidance of four-year advisors before choosing the area of emphasis Psychology requirement. Depending on the four-year institution you select, these courses may be applied to the major or elective requirements.
    6. Students planning to transfer to UoM will need to complete six hours of a 2000 level or higher foreign language to earn the Bachelor of Arts degree. Students who plan to transfer to UTK will be required to demonstrate intermediate-level competency in Foreign Language before graduating from UTK.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3) 2
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)



    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3)
    • Psychology Credits (Choose from list above) Credits: (3) 5
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 3
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3) 6
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 3
    • Psychology Credits (Choose from list above) Credits: (3) 5
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3)
    • BIOL 1010 - ^Introduction to Biology Credits: (4)
    • OR  BIOL 1110 - ^General Biology I  Credits: (4) 4

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3) 6
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (4)
    • BIOL 1020 - ^Diversity of Life Credits: (4)
    • OR BIOL 1120 - ^General Biology II  Credits: (4) 4

  • University Parallel, A.A. - Radio/TV View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.A. - Radio/TV

    Degree: Associate of Arts
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Radio/TV

    For more information, contact the Humanities division at 615-230-3200 or at

    Radio/TV provides a training facility for students to learn hands-on in a Radio or TV station. This pathway is for students planning to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree in Radio/TV or related fields. 

    Transfer Options
    The University Parallel Associate of Arts Degree is designed for transfer to universities offering a Baccalaureate degree.  Contact your advisor for additional information.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (6)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • COMM 1010 - Intro to Mass Communication Credits: (3)
    • COMM 1020 - Media Writing Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2010 - Production and Announcing for Radio and Podcast Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2020 - Television Production Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course - COMM 280T  Preferred) Credits: (1)
    • Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (6)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • COMM 1010 - Intro to Mass Communication Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • COMM 2010 - Production and Announcing for Radio and Podcast Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3) 
    • COMM 1020 - Media Writing Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2020 - Television Production Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3) 
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course - COMM 280T  Preferred) Credits: (1)
  • University Parallel, A.A. - Social Work (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.A. - Social Work (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Arts
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Social Work

    For more information, contact the Social Science and Education division at 615-230-3231 or

    This pathway focuses study on skills useful for work in fields of public service (community case management, substance abuse counseling, etc.), such as counseling, technology, writing and communications, client assessment, and community organizing.  With an A.A. degree, positions with social service agencies and non-profit organizations are available.  One can apply, with professional certification, for entry-level, assistant social worker positions in case management or counseling care teams. This degree can act as a springboard into a bachelor’s degrees in social work. 

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit, Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature course) Credits: (9) 1
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8) 2,4
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3)
    • SOCI 1010 - ^Introduction to Sociology Credits: (3)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • GEOG 1012 - ^Cultural Geography Credits: (3)
    • OR  ECON 2100 - ^Principles of Macroeconomics  Credits: (3)

      OR  ECON 2200 - ^Principles of Microeconomics  Credits: (3) 4

    • POLS 1030 - ^American Government Credits: (3)
    • SOCI 1040 - ^Social Problems Credits: (3)
    • SWRK 2010 - Introduction to Social Work Credits: (3) 3
    • Foreign Language (Two-Semester Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (6)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (1) 4,5

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1. Students who plan to transfer to the UoM must complete at least one fine arts under the Humanities & Fine Arts general education requirement. Students are encouraged to take an approved Ethics course, if applicable.
    2. ETSU requires a BIOL sequence: 1010 Intro to Biology and 1020 Diversity of Life or 1110/1120 General Biology I & II. TSU recommends BIOL 1010. APSU accepts MATH 1530.
    3. Students interested in transferring to TSU should take an Economics course. UM and UTC require an Anthropology course, which is not available at Vol State.
    4. Students who intend to transfer to UTM should take BIOL2010: Human Anatomy & Physiology I as an unspecified elective. Students who intend to transfer to APSU should take BIOL2010 (Human Anatomy & Physiology) as one of their natural science electives.
    5. For students planning on transferring to UTK, you will need 1-year intermediate level sequence in a foreign language. A total of 7 credit hours are unspecified, transferable electives are needed to complete the degree requirements.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, prerequisites, and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Vol State.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • SWRK 2010 - Introduction to Social Work Credits: (3)
    • SOCI 1010 - ^Introduction to Sociology Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3)
    • SOCI 1040 - ^Social Problems Credits: (3)
    • POLS 1030 - ^American Government Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4) 2,4

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • Foreign Language (Two-Semester Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4) 2,4

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (13)

    • GEOG 1012 - ^Cultural Geography Credits: (3)
    • OR  ECON 2100 - ^Principles of Macroeconomics  Credits: (3)
      ECON 2200 - ^Principles of Microeconomics  Credits: (3) 4

    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • Foreign Language (Two-Semester Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (1) 4,5
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
  • University Parallel, A.A. - Sociology (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.A. - Sociology (TTP)

    Degree:  Associate of Arts
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Sociology

    For more information, contact the Social Science and Education division at 615-230-3231 or

    This pathway is for students planning to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree in the field of sociology.  Professional careers in the field of sociology typically require a master’s degree or a doctoral degree, depending on the career path one is pursuing.  One can find careers in a variety of areas, such as criminal justice (corrections), business (consumer research), agencies (disability services), advocacy (child welfare), communications (technical writing), and in government and education.  However, with this pathway, one can often find a job in the following areas: civil service, crisis intervention, counselor aide or assistant, casework, and mentoring.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6) 1
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8) 2
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (6)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • SOCI 1010 - ^Introduction to Sociology Credits: (3)
    • SOCI 1040 - ^Social Problems Credits: (3)
    • Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (6) 4
    • Sociology Elective (SOCI Prefix) Credits: (3) 3
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (4) 4

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1. Students intending to transfer to UTK should complete a Western or World History sequence.
    2. UTK and UTM require a sequence in Natural Science general education course.
    3. Universities will determine whether the sociology elective course counts toward requirements of the sociology major or as elective credit applied to the requirements of the baccalaureate degree.
    4. Students who plan to transfer to UTK or UTC will be required to demonstrate intermediate-level competency in Foreign Language before graduating from either institution. Students may demonstrate intermediate-level competence after transferring to either institution. Students may take these additional foreign language courses to fulfill the Elective category.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • SOCI 1010 - ^Introduction to Sociology Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2025 ^Fundamentals of Communication  Credits: (3)

    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts   (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • SOCI 1040 - ^Social Problems Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog)  Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (14)

    • Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3) 4
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4) 2
    • Sociology Elective (SOCI Prefix) Credits: (3) 3
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (1) 4

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in a Single Foreign Language) Credits: (34
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts   (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4) 2
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3) 4
  • University Parallel, A.A. - Theatre Arts (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.A. - Theatre Arts (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Arts
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Theatre Arts

    For more information, contact the Humanities division at 615-230-3200 or at

    Theatre Arts is the study of theatrical performance relating to literary, physical, and historical contexts. This pathway is for students planning to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree in theatre arts or related fields.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3) 

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • THEA 1030 - ^Introduction to Theatre Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (6)
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • Mathematics  Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (6)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • THEA 1015 - Acting I Credits: (3)
    • THEA 1025 - Stage Craft I Credits: (3)
    • Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in Single Foreign Language) Credits: (6)
    • Theatre Electives (THEA Prefix - Excluding Theatre History) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Electives (Any non-asterisk course - THEA courses preferred) Credits: (4)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    Each student may be required to complete an audition or evaluation to exhibit competency in a Theatre Arts program upon transfer to a baccalaureate program.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule.  Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • THEA 1030 - ^Introduction to Theatre Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • THEA 1015 - Acting I Credits: (3)
    • Theatre Elective (THEA Prefix - Excluding Theatre History) (THEA 210 Recommended) Credits: (3)
    • Mathematics  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (13)

    • THEA 1025 - Stage Craft I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication  Credits: (3)

    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Electives (Any Non-Asterisk Course - THEA courses preferred) Credits: (1)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course- See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Electives (Any Non-Asterisk Course - THEA courses preferred) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • Foreign Language (One-Year Sequence in Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Accounting (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Accounting (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Accounting

    For more information, contact the Business and Technology division at 615-230-3301 or at

    This pathway is for students planning to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Accounting. Upon completion of the bachelor’s degree, the graduate could be expected to assume responsibilities represented by titles including accountant and auditor.

    Transfer Options

    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit, Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (At least one course in Literature) Credits: (9) 1
    • History  Credits: (6) 
    • MATH 1130 - ^College Algebra Credits: (3) 2
    • OR MATH 1630 - ^Finite Mathematics  Credits: (3) 2

      OR MATH 1710 - ^Precalculus Algebra  Credits: (3) 2

    • Natural Sciences    Credits: (8) 
    • ECON 2100 - ^Principles of Macroeconomics Credits: (3)
    • ECON 2200 - ^Principles of Microeconomics Credits: (3)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • ACCT 1010 - Principles of Accounting I Credits: (3) 3
    • ACCT 1020 - Principles of Accounting II Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 1305 - *Introduction to Business Credits: (3) 6
    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3) 4
    • MATH 1830 - ^Applied Calculus Credits: (3)
    • OR Advisor Approved Credits (3) 5

    • University Parallel Electives (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (1) 

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1 Students who plan to transfer to UTK should take an Introduction to Ethics course as one of their Humanities/Fine Arts courses or as an alternative guided elective.

    2 MTSU and UTK should take MATH 1630. Students transferring to UTC or UTM should take a college algebra course. UofM requires MATH 1710 or MATH 1830. APSU requires MATH 1710 only. TSU requires MATH 1830 only. ETSU requires MATH 1530. TTU requires MATH 1130. Johnson University requires MATH 1130 or MATH 1530.

    3 Students who plan to pursue the Accounting major or Accounting collateral’s at UTK will be required to take ACCT 203 or demonstrate competency by passing an ACCT 203 proficiency exam before moving forward with upper level Accounting coursework. Advisors are invited to contact the UTK Transfer Center to learn more about course equivalencies.

    4 Students who plan to transfer to UTK should complete MATH 2050: Calculus-Based Probability and Statistics.

    5 Applied Calculus or equivalent is NOT required at UT Martin, MTSU or TTU.  MATH 1830 is prerequisite to MATH 2050 for UTK requirement.

    6 Students who intend to transfer to UTK should take MGT 201 equivalent, if available (BUSN 2330 or BUSN 1305, if BUSN 2330 not offered), as their elective.

    Students who plan to transfer to UTK will be required to demonstrate intermediate level competency in Foreign Language before graduating from UTK. Students may demonstrate intermediate level competence after transferring to UTK.

    Students who plan to transfer to UTK will be required to complete ENGL 295 at UTK if they have not completed an equivalent course at their community college. Advisors are invited to contact the UTK Transfer Center to learn more about course equivalencies.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1130 - ^College Algebra Credits: (3) 2
    • OR MATH 1630 - ^Finite Mathematics  Credits: (3) 2

      OR MATH 1710 - ^Precalculus Algebra  Credits: (3) 2 

    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (13)

    • University Parallel Electives (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (1) 
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • ECON 2100 - ^Principles of Macroeconomics Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • ACCT 1010 - Principles of Accounting I Credits: (3) 3
    • ECON 2200 - ^Principles of Microeconomics Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1830 - ^Applied Calculus Credits: (3)
    • OR Advisor approved Credits: (3) 5

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog)  Credits: (4)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • ACCT 1020 - Principles of Accounting II Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3) 4
    • Natural Sciences (See General Education Requirements in Catalog)  Credits: (4)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • BUSN 1305 - *Introduction to Business Credits: (3) 6
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Agriculture-Business (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Agriculture-Business (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Agriculture-Business

    For more information, contact the Math and Science division at 615.230.3261 or at

    This pathway is for students who plan to transfer to the university to complete a B.S. degree in agriculture or agricultural business.   The B.S. degree in agricultural business gives a student fundamental knowledge in finance, economics, and the agricultural industry to manage a farm or work in the agricultural industry. 

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6) 1
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3)
    • OR MATH 1830 - ^Applied Calculus  Credits: (3) 2

    • Biology  (BIOL Prefix Course with a Lab) Credits: (4)
    • Chemistry  (CHEM Prefix Course with a Lab) Credits: (4)
    • ECON 2100 - ^Principles of Macroeconomics Credits: (3)
    • ECON 2200 - ^Principles of Microeconomics Credits: (3)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • AGRI 1010 - Introduction to Agribusiness Credits: (3)
    • AGRI 1020 - Introduction to Animal Science Credits: (3)
    • AGRI 1030 - Introduction to Plant Science Credits: (3)
    • AGRI 1050 - Introduction to Soil Science Credits: (4)
    • Math Elective (Any MATH Prefix Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3) 2
    • University Parallel Electives (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1 Students who intend to transfer to UTK should take three (3) credit hours of a non-US History course.  UTM does not accept TN History.

    2 Students transferring to UTK are required to take MATH 1830 Applied Calculus.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites, and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (13)

    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3)
    • OR  MATH 1830 - ^Applied Calculus  Credits: (3) 2

    • AGRI 1010 - Introduction to Agribusiness Credits: (3)
    • Biology  (BIOL Prefix Course with Lab - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • AGRI 1030 - Introduction to Plant Science Credits: (3)
    • Chemistry  (CHEM Prefix Course with Lab - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • Math Elective (Any MATH Prefix Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3) 2
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • ECON 2100 - ^Principles of Macroeconomics Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)​

    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • University Parallel Electives (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • AGRI 1020 - Introduction to Animal Science Credits: (3)
    • ECON 2200 - ^Principles of Microeconomics Credits: (3)
    • AGRI 1050 - Introduction to Soil Science Credits: (4)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Biology (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Biology (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Biology

    For more information, contact the Math and Science division at 615-230-3261 or at

    This pathway is for students who plan to transfer to the university to complete a B.S. degree in biology, genetics, microbiology, or biotechnology. The B.S. degree in biology prepares graduates to continue their education in professional (dental, medical, pharmacy, physical therapy, optometry, veterinary) or graduate programs or to enter the workforce as research scientists in university or industrial laboratories, biological consultants, or as scientists in local, state, or federal agencies. 

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (42)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • MATH 1910 - ^Calculus I Credits: (4)
    • BIOL 1110 - ^General Biology I Credits: (4)
    • BIOL 1120 - ^General Biology II Credits: (4)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (6) 1

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19-20)

    • CHEM 1110 - ^General Chemistry I Credits: (4)
    • CHEM 1120 - ^General Chemistry II Credits: (4)
    • CHEM 2010 - Organic Chemistry I Credits: (4)
    • CHEM 2020 - Organic Chemistry II Credits: (4)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3)
    • OR MATH 1920 - Calculus II  Credits: (4) 2

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (61-62)


    1 Students who select Biology TTP with the intention to concentrate in pre-med or other pre-health fields at the university are strongly recommended to take Introduction to Psychology and Introduction to Sociology.  

    2 At UT Knoxville, the math course must be MATH 1920 (Calculus II)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (14)

    • BIOL 1110 - ^General Biology I Credits: (4)
    • CHEM 1110 - ^General Chemistry I Credits: (4)
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • BIOL 1120 - ^General Biology II Credits: (4)
    • CHEM 1120 - ^General Chemistry II Credits: (4)
    • MATH 1910 - ^Calculus I Credits: (4)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16-17)

    • CHEM 2010 - Organic Chemistry I Credits: (4)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3)
    • OR  MATH 1920 - Calculus II  Credits: (4) 2

    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • CHEM 2020 - Organic Chemistry II Credits: (4)
    • COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication  Credits: (3)

    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Business Administration (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Business Administration (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Business Administration

    For more information, contact the Business and Technology division at 615-230-3301 or at

    This pathway is for students planning to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. Upon completion of the bachelor’s degree, the graduate could be expected to assume responsibilities represented by titles including Logistics Manager and Emergency Management Director.  Graduates will be able to enter numerous fields of business.

    Transfer Options

    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit, Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note:  Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking   Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (At least one course in Literature) Credits: (9) 1
    • History  Credits (6)
    • MATH 1130 - ^College Algebra Credits: (3) 2
    • OR MATH 1630 - ^Finite Mathematics  Credits: (3) 2

    • OR MATH 1710 - ^Precalculus Algebra  Credits: (3) 2

    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8)
    • ECON 2100 - ^Principles of Macroeconomics Credits: (3)
    • ECON 2200 - ^Principles of Microeconomics Credits: (3)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • ACCT 1010 - Principles of Accounting I Credits: (3)
    • ACCT 1020 - Principles of Accounting II Credits: (3)
    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3) 3
    • MATH 1830 - ^Applied Calculus Credits: (3)  4
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (4) 5

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1 Students who plan to transfer to UTK should take an Introduction to Ethics course as one of their Humanities/Fine Arts courses or as an alternative guided elective.

    2 MTSU and UTK should take MATH 1630. Students transferring to TSU, UTC, or UTM should take a college algebra course. UofM requires MATH 1710 or MATH 1830. APSU requires MATH 1710 only. ETSU requires MATH 1530. TTU requires MATH 1130. Johnson University requires MATH 1130 or MATH 1530.

    3 Students who plan to transfer to UTK should complete MATH 2050: Calculus-Based Probability and Statistics.

    4 Applied Calculus or equivalent is NOT required at UT Martin, MTSU, or TTU.  MATH 1830 is prerequisite to MATH 2050 for UTK requirement.

    5 Students who plan to transfer to UTK should take MGT 201 equivalent if available (BUSN 2330 or BUSN 1305, if BUSN 2330 not offered), as their guided elective. 

    Students who plan to transfer to UTK will be required to demonstrate intermediate level competency in Foreign Language before graduating from UTK. Students may demonstrate intermediate level competence after transferring to UTK.

    Students who plan to transfer to UTK will be required to complete ENGL 295 at UTK if they have not completed an equivalent course at their community college. Advisors are invited to contact the UTK Transfer Center to learn more about course equivalencies.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (13)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3) 3
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (1) 5
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • ECON 2100 - ^Principles of Macroeconomics Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1130 - ^College Algebra Credits: (3) 2
    • OR MATH 1630 - ^Finite Mathematics  Credits: (3) 2

      OR MATH 1710 - ^Precalculus Algebra  Credits: (32

    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3) 5

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog)  Credits: (4)
    • ACCT 1010 - Principles of Accounting I Credits: (3)
    • ECON 2200 - ^Principles of Microeconomics Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1830 - ^Applied Calculus Credits: (3) 4
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • ACCT 1020 - Principles of Accounting II Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog)  Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog)  Credits: (3) 1
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog)  Credits: (3) 1
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog)  Credits: (4)
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Chemistry (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Chemistry (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Chemistry

    For more information, contact the Math and Science division at 615-230-3261 or at

    This pathway is for students who will transfer to the university to continue studies leading to a bachelor’s degree in chemistry. Because of the fundamental role it plays in every aspect of the world around us, chemistry is often called the ‘Central Science’. A student majoring in chemistry has a deep commitment to understanding how our world exists and operates on a molecular level in accordance with the laws of nature. Chemistry is a very rigorous curriculum that involves physics and mathematics to help students understand the driving force of the chemical reaction.  Chemistry students often gravitate to specific fields like organic, inorganic, physical, biochemistry, or materials chemistry.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (42)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (At least one course in Literature) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6) 1
    • MATH 1910 - ^Calculus I Credits: (4)
    • CHEM 1110 - ^General Chemistry I Credits: (4)
    • CHEM 1120 - ^General Chemistry II Credits: (4)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (6)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (20)

    • CHEM 2010 - Organic Chemistry I Credits: (4)
    • CHEM 2020 - Organic Chemistry II Credits: (4)
    • MATH 1920 - Calculus II Credits: (4)
    • PHYS 2110 - ^Calculus-Based Physics I Credits: (4)
    • PHYS 2120 - ^Calculus-Based Physics II Credits: (4)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (62)


    1 Students transferring to UTK must also complete a non-US History Sequence.  TTU requires a US History course prior to transfer.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (14)

    • CHEM 1110 - ^General Chemistry I Credits: (4)
    • MATH 1910 - ^Calculus I Credits: (4)
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • CHEM 1120 - ^General Chemistry II Credits: (4)
    • MATH 1920 - Calculus II Credits: (4)
    • PHYS 2110 - ^Calculus-Based Physics I Credits: (4)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (17)

    • CHEM 2010 - Organic Chemistry I Credits: (4)
    • PHYS 2120 - ^Calculus-Based Physics II Credits: (4)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • CHEM 2020 - Organic Chemistry II Credits: (4)
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Civil Engineering (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Civil Engineering (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Civil Engineering

    For more information, contact the Math and Science division at 615-230-3261 or at

    This pathway is for students planning to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering or related field. A civil engineer designs and supervises construction projects such as airports, bridges, channels, dams, railroads, and highways, as well as utilities and other infrastructure projects.  Responsibilities of a civil engineer include estimating costs, determining personnel and material needs, preparing proposals, and establishing completion dates.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements.  More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (42)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (At least one course in Literature) Credits (9)
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • MATH 1910 - ^Calculus I Credits: (4)
    • PHYS 2110 - ^Calculus-Based Physics I Credits: (4)
    • PHYS 2120 - ^Calculus-Based Physics II Credits: (4) 2
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (6) 1

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (24)

    • CHEM 1110 - ^General Chemistry I Credits: (4)
    • ENGR 2110 - Statics Credits: (3)
    • ENGR 2120 - Dynamics Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1920 - Calculus II Credits: (4)
    • MATH 2010 - Introduction to Linear Algebra Credits: (3)
    • OR MATH 2050 - Calculus Based Probability/Statistics  Credits: (3) 3

    • MATH 2110 - Calculus III Credits: (4)
    • MATH 2120 - Differential Equations Credits: (3)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (66)


    1 Students transferring to UTK& UTC should take ECON 2100 (Macroeconomics) and ECON 2200 (Microeconomics). UTM should take ECON 2100 (Macroeconomics).

    2 Students transferring to LMU should take a Geology (GEOL) elective and not PHYS 2120.

    ​​​​​​​3 UTK, TSU, UOM, and LMU do not require MATH 2010: Linear Algebra but do require a 3-hour course in Probability/Statistics. Students transferring to TTU should take MATH 2010: Linear Algebra.


    Students are strongly encouraged to complete a course in Mechanics of Materials, also known as Strength of Materials, before transferring to a university.

    Courses in engineering technology do not fulfill any of the requirements for the Area of Emphasis in Civil Engineering.

    Although it is possible to complete the B. S. Degree in Civil Engineering in four semesters after earning the associate’s degree, students typically need five or six semesters to complete the requirements.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (17)

    • MATH 1910 - ^Calculus I Credits: (4)
    • CHEM 1110 - ^General Chemistry I Credits: (4)
    • COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (17)

    • MATH 1920 - Calculus II Credits: (4)
    • PHYS 2110 - ^Calculus-Based Physics I Credits: (4)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (17)

    • ENGR 2110 - Statics Credits: (3)
    • MATH 2110 - Calculus III Credits: (4)
    • PHYS 2120 - ^Calculus-Based Physics II Credits: (4) 2
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGR 2120 - Dynamics Credits: (3)
    • MATH 2010 - Introduction to Linear Algebra Credits: (3)
    • OR MATH 2050 - Calculus Based Probability/Statistics  Credits: (3) 3

    • MATH 2120 - Differential Equations Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Communication Studies (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Communication Studies (TTP)

    Degree:  Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Communication Studies

    For more information, contact the Humanities division at 615-230-3200 or at

    Communication is the study of human interaction in interpersonal, group and public settings. This pathway is for students planning to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies or related fields.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course)  Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (6)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • COMM 2085 - Business and Professional Communication Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2090 - Interpersonal Communication Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2095 - Small Group Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR Any Communication Studies Course (COMM) Credits: (3)

    • Communication Electives (Choose any COMM Course) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course - COMM courses preferred) Credits: (7)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule.  Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3) 1

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course - COMM courses preferred) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • COMM 2090 - Interpersonal Communication Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog)  Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Electives (Any Non-Asterisk Course - COMM courses preferred) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • COMM 2085 - Business and Professional Communication Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2095 - Small Group Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR Any Communication Studies Course (COMM) Credits: (3)

    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • Communication Electives (Choose any COMM Course) Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • History   (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog)  Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course - COMM course preferred)  Credits: (1)
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Computer Science (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Computer Science (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Computer Science

    For more information, contact the Math and Science division at 615-230-3261 or at

    Computer Science spans the broad range from theory through programming to cutting-edge development of computing solutions. Computer science offers a foundation that permits graduates to adapt to new technologies and new ideas. The work of computer scientists falls into three categories: 1.) designing and building software; 2.) developing effective ways to solve computing problems such as storing information in databases, sending data over networks or providing new approaches to security problems; and 3.) devising new and better ways of using computers and addressing particular challenges in areas such as robotics, computer vision, or digital forensics. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports, more IT jobs are available in the United States today than at the height of the bubble and are expected to be among the fastest-growing occupations over the next decade. Computer science requires solid preparation and study in mathematics.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit, Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (42)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature course) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • MATH 1910 - ^Calculus I Credits: (4) 3
    • Natural Science (Choose one sequence from the following list) Credits: (8)
      Sequence One
      BIOL 1110 - ^General Biology I  Credits: (4)
      BIOL 1120 - ^General Biology II  Credits: (4)
    • Sequence Two
      CHEM 1110 - ^General Chemistry I  Credits: (4)
      CHEM 1120 - ^General Chemistry II  Credits: (4)

      Sequence Three
      PHYS 2010 - ^Non-Calculus Based Physics I  Credits: (4)
      PHYS 2020 - ^Non-Calculus Based Physics II  Credits: (4)

      Sequence Four
      PHYS 2110 - ^Calculus-Based Physics I  Credits: (4) 2
      PHYS 2120 - ^Calculus-Based Physics II  Credits: (4) 2

    • Social/ Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (6) 1

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • CISP 1010 - Computer Science I Credits: (4)
    • CISP 1020 - Computer Science II Credits: (4)
    • CISP 2410 - Assembly and Computer Organization Credits: (4)
    • MATH 1920 - Calculus II Credits: (4) 3
    • MATH 2010 - Introduction to Linear Algebra Credits: (3)
    • OR  MATH 2050 - Calculus Based Probability/Statistics  Credits: (3) 4

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (61)


    1 Students transferring to UTC should enroll in ECON 2100: Macroeconomics and ECON 2200: Microeconomics for the Social/Behavioral Science general education requirement.

    2 Students transferring to UTK must complete PHYS 2110, 2120, Calculus-based Physics I & II; students transferring to UTC in Computer Engineering concentration must complete PHYS 2110, 2120, Calculus-based Physics I & II. 

    3 The Computer Science major requires completion of MATH 1910: Calculus I, MATH 1920: Calculus II, and MATH 2010: Introduction to Linear Algebra either at the community college or at the university. Students who begin the TTP at a math course below MATH 1910: Calculus may take more than four years to complete an AS and BS

    4 Students transferring to MTSU should take MATH 2050: Calculus Based Probability & Statistics. Students who transfer to TTU must complete MATH 2010, 2110, or 2120 as their third math course in the pathway.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • CISP 1010 - Computer Science I Credits: (4)
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • CISP 1020 - Computer Science II Credits: (4)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1910 - ^Calculus I Credits: (4) 3
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (14)

    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Natural Science  (Choose from Sequences listed above) Credits: (4)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1920 - Calculus II  Credits: (4) 4

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (17)

    • CISP 2410 - Assembly and Computer Organization Credits: (4)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Natural Science  (Choose from Sequences listed above) Credits: (4)
    • Social/ Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • MATH 2010 - Introduction to Linear Algebra  Credits: (3)
      OR  MATH 2050 - Calculus Based Probability/Statistics  Credits: (3) 4
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Criminal Justice (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Criminal Justice (TTP)

    Degree:  Associate of Science
    Major:  University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Criminal Justice

    For more information, contact the Social Science and Education division at 615-230-3231, or visit

    This pathway is for students planning to complete a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice.  Students pursuing careers in investigations, law enforcement, probation and parole and criminal intelligence should consider this degree.

    The Criminal Justice Technical Certificate and the Correctional Officer Technical Certificate are embedded within the Associate of Science, Criminal Justice area of emphasis.  Courses in these certificates may be used to award this area of emphasis.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit, Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature) Credits: (9) 1
    • History  Credits: (6) 3
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER 5
    • Natural Science  Credits: (8) 4
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3) 2
    • SOCI 1010 - ^Introduction to Sociology Credits: (3)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • CRMJ 1010 - ^Introduction to Criminal Justice Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ 1020 - Introduction to the Legal Process Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ 2010 - Introduction to Law Enforcement Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ 2020 - Introduction to Corrections Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ Electives (Choose from the following list or consult with a program advisor for approved course options) Credits: (6)
    • ​ CRMJ 1311 - Criminal Law  Credits: (3) 
      CRMJ 1325 - Issues and Ethics in Criminal Justice  Credits: (3) 
      CRMJ 1340 - Criminal Investigation  Credits: (3) 
      CRMJ 1341 - Physical Defensive Tactics  Credits: (4) 
      CRMJ 1355 - Understanding Terrorism  Credits: (3) 
      CRMJ 1360 - Introduction to Crime Scene Investigation  Credits: (3) 
      CRMJ 2311 - Juvenile Justice  Credits: (3) 
      CRMJ 2312 - ^Criminology  Credits: (3)  
      CRMJ 2340 - Investigative Report Writing  Credits: (3) 
      CRMJ 2381 - Selected Topics in Criminal Justice  Credits: (1-6) 
      CRMJ 2390 - Probation and Parole  Credits: (3) 
      CRMJ 2396 - Criminal Justice Internship I   Credits: (3)  

    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (1)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1. Students who plan to transfer to the UoM must complete at least one fine arts under the Humanities & Fine Arts general education requirement.
    2. Students who intend to transfer TTU should take POLS 1030 American Government.
    3. Students who intend to transfer to UTK should take 6 credit hours of a non-U.S. History sequence to fulfill the History requirement. Students who intend to transfer to UTM should take a U.S. History sequence to fulfill the History requirement.
    4. Students who plan to transfer to UTM or UTK are encouraged to take the BIOL 1110/1120 sequence.
    5. Students who intend to transfer to UTK or UTM should take MATH 1530 or above to fulfill the Math requirement.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • CRMJ 1010 - ^Introduction to Criminal Justice Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ 1020 - Introduction to the Legal Process Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ 2010 - Introduction to Law Enforcement Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ 2020 - Introduction to Corrections Credits: (3)
    • CRMJ Elective (Choose from list above) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog)  Credits: (3) 1
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3) 2
    • CRMJ Elective (Choose from list above) Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 3
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog)  Credits: (4) 4 
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog)  Credits: (3) 1
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • SOCI 1010 - ^Introduction to Sociology Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • History   (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 3
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog)  Credits: (4) 4
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (1)
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER 5
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Economics (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Economics (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Economics

    For more information, contact the Social Science and Education division at 615-230-3231 or

    The Department of Economics, Geography, History, and Political Science is focused on developing in students an understanding of the present that is informed by an awareness of the past as well as the complex and interdependent relationships between cultures and societies.  This pathway is for students planning to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree in the field of economics, finance, or banking.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9) 1
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • MATH 1630 - ^Finite Mathematics Credits: (3) 2
    • OR MATH 1130 - ^College Algebra  Credits: (3) 2

      OR MATH 1710 - ^Precalculus Algebra  Credits: (3) 2

    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8)
    • ECON 2100 - ^Principles of Macroeconomics Credits: (3)
    • ECON 2200 - ^Principles of Microeconomics Credits: (3)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • ACCT 1010 - Principles of Accounting I Credits: (3)
    • OR Advisor Approved Elective 5

    • ACCT 1020 - Principles of Accounting II Credits: (3)
    • OR Advisor Approved Elective 5

    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3) 3
    • MATH 1830 - ^Applied Calculus Credits: (3) 4
    • University Parallel Electives (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (4)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1 Students who plan to transfer to UTK should take an Introduction to Ethics course as one of their Humanities/Fine Arts courses or as an alternative guided elective.

    2 MTSU and UTK students should take MATH 1630.  Students transferring to UTC or UTM should take a college algebra course.  University of Memphis requires MATH 1710 or MATH 1830.  APSU requires MATH 1710 only.  TSU requires MATH 1830 only.  ETSU and TTU requires MATH 1530.  Johnson University requires MATH 1130 or MATH 1530.

    3 Students who plan to transfer to UTK should complete MATH 2050: Calculus-Based Probability and Statistics.  Students who plan to pursue the Accounting major or Accounting collateral’s at UTK will be required to take ACCT 203 or demonstrate competency by passing an ACCT 203 proficiency exam before moving forward with upper level Accounting coursework.  Advisors are invited to contact the UTK Transfer Center to learn more about course equivalencies

    4 MATH 1830 is a prerequisite to MATH 2050 for UTK requirement.

    5 MTSU and University of Tennessee, Chattanooga Students: This pathway is designed for transfer as an Economics Major, B.S., B.B.A., or B.S.B.A. degrees, in Colleges or Schools of Business at any public university in Tennessee. Students who intend to transfer into the Economics Major, B.S. Degree, in the College of Liberal Arts at Middle Tennessee State University OR the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Tennessee, Chattanooga should NOT take the Principles of Accounting I and II sequence. Consult the Economics department at MTSU or UTC for guidance on appropriate alternate courses.  An approved course substitution is required for these alternate courses to be used for graduation at VSCC.

    Students who plan to transfer to UTK will be required to demonstrate intermediate level competency in Foreign Language before graduating from UTK.  Students may demonstrate intermediate level competence after transferring to UTK.

    Students who plan to transfer to UTK will be required to complete ENGL 295 at UTK if they have not completed an equivalent course at their community college.  Advisors are invited to contact the UTK Transfer Center to learn more about course equivalencies.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • ECON 2100 - ^Principles of Macroeconomics Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3) 3
    • COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication  Credits: (3)

    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (13)

    • ECON 2200 - ^Principles of Microeconomics Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • MATH 1630 - ^Finite Mathematics Credits: (3) 2
    • OR  MATH 1130 - ^College Algebra  Credits: (3) 2

      OR  MATH 1710 - ^Precalculus Algebra  Credits: (3) 2

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • ACCT 1010 - Principles of Accounting I Credits: (3)
    • OR Advisor Approved Elective 5

    • MATH 1830 - ^Applied Calculus Credits: (3) 4
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • ACCT 1020 - Principles of Accounting II Credits: (3)
    • OR Advisor Approved Elective 5

    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (4)
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Electrical Engineering (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Electrical Engineering (TTP)

    Degree:  Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Electrical Engineering

    For more information, contact the Math and Science division at 615-230-3261 or at

    This pathway is for students planning to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering. An electrical engineer designs, tests, installs and maintains large-scale electronic equipment and machinery for use in manufacturing, power generation, or transmission. The use of computer-assisted engineering and design software is commonplace in the industry.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (42)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • MATH 1910 - ^Calculus I Credits: (4)
    • PHYS 2110 - ^Calculus-Based Physics I Credits: (4)
    • PHYS 2120 - ^Calculus-Based Physics II Credits: (4)
    • ​Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (6) 1

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (25-26)

    • CHEM 1110 - ^General Chemistry I Credits: (4)
    • ENGR 210 - C++ for Engineers Credits: (3)
    • OR  CISP 1010 - Computer Science I  Credits: (4) 2

    • ENGR 2130 - Circuits I Credits: (4) 3
    • MATH 1920 - Calculus II Credits: (4)
    • MATH 2010 - Introduction to Linear Algebra Credits: (3)
    • MATH 2110 - Calculus III Credits: (4)
    • MATH 2120 - Differential Equations Credits: (3)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (67-68)


    1 Students transferring to U of Memphis or UTM should take Macroeconomics as one of the Social/Behavioral Science general education requirements.  

    2 Students who intend to transfer to UTK or TTU are required to take 4 hours of programming. As such, a three-credit hour computer programming course will not fulfill the programming requirements.

    3 Courses in engineering technology do not fulfill any of the requirements for the Area of Emphasis in Electrical Engineering.


    Although it is possible to complete the B.S. Degree in Electrical Engineering in four semesters after earning the associate’s degree, students typically need five or six semesters to complete requirements.

    The Electrical Engineering TTP also fulfills the preparatory coursework for: (1) the BS in Mechatronics at MTSU; (2) Computer Engineering BS at UTK; (3) Computer Engineering BS at TTU; (4) Electrical Engineering BS at TTU with a concentration in Mechatronics, (5) Electrical Engineering BS at TTU with a concentration in Vehicle Engineering; (6) Engineering Physics BSE at APSU.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (17)

    • MATH 1910 - ^Calculus I Credits: (4)
    • CHEM 1110 - ^General Chemistry I Credits: (4)
    • COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (17)

    • MATH 1920 - Calculus II Credits: (4)
    • PHYS 2110 - ^Calculus-Based Physics I Credits: (4)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (17)

    • MATH 2110 - Calculus III Credits: (4)
    • PHYS 2120 - ^Calculus-Based Physics II Credits: (4)
    • ENGR 210 - C++ for Engineers Credits: (3)
    • OR  CISP 1010 - Computer Science I   Credits: (4) 2

    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • MATH 2010 - Introduction to Linear Algebra Credits: (3)
    • MATH 2120 - Differential Equations Credits: (3)
    • ENGR 2130 - Circuits I Credits: (4) 3
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Environmental Science View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Environmental Science

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Environmental Science

    For more information, contact the Math and Science division at 615-230-3261 or at

    This pathway is for students planning to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science or Environmental Studies.  This timely curriculum investigates major environmental concerns including social and economic consequences of energy production, resource consumption, over-population, pollution, sustainability and environmental stewardship.

    Transfer Options
    The University Parallel, Associate of Science Degree is designed for transfer to universities offering a Baccalaureate degree.  Contact your advisor for additional information.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6)1
    • MATH 1130 - ^College Algebra Credits: (3) 1
    • OR MATH 1710 - ^Precalculus Algebra  Credits: (3)
       MATH 1720 - ^Precalculus Trigonometry  Credits: (3)
      MATH 1730 - ^Precalculus  Credits: (3)
      OR MATH 1910 - ^Calculus I  Credits: (3)

    • BIOL 1050 - ^Introduction to Environmental Studies Credits: (4)
    • OR BIOL 1060 - ^Environmental Science  Credits: (4)

    • BIOL 1110 - ^General Biology I Credits: (4)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (GEOG 1015  and ECON 2100  Preferred) Credits: (6)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (20)

    • BIOL 1120 - ^General Biology II Credits: (4)
    • CHEM 1110 - ^General Chemistry I Credits: (4)
    • Math and Science Elective Credits (Choose 12 credits from the following list) Credits: (12)1
      CHEM 1120 - ^General Chemistry II  Credits: (4)
      CHEM 2010 - Organic Chemistry I  Credits: (4)
      GEOL 1040 - ^Physical Geology  Credits: (4)
      GEOL 1050 - ^Historical Geology  Credits: (4)
      GEOL 1060 - ^Earth’s Environments  Credits: (4)
      ISCI 1030 - ^Science, Society and Sustainability  Credits: (4)
      PHYS 2010 - ^Non-Calculus Based Physics I  Credits: (4)
      PHYS 2020 - ^Non-Calculus Based Physics II  Credits: (4)
      PHYS 2110 - ^Calculus-Based Physics I  Credits: (4)
      PHYS 2120 - ^Calculus-Based Physics II  Credits: (4)
      MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics  Credits: (3)
      AGRI 1020 - Introduction to Animal Science  Credits: (3)
      AGRI 1030 - Introduction to Plant Science  Credits: (3)
      AGRI 1050 - Introduction to Soil Science  Credits: (4)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (61)


    1 Student should check with the transfer institution and transfer program before choosing HIST, MATH, and any Math and Science Electives.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    Degree Works, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the Degree Works audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • MATH 1130 - ^College Algebra Credits: (3) 1
    • OR MATH 1710 - ^Precalculus Algebra   
      OR MATH 1720 - ^Precalculus Trigonometry   
      OR MATH 1730 - ^Precalculus   
      OR MATH 1910 - ^Calculus I   

    • BIOL 1110 - ^General Biology I Credits: (4)
    • COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog GEOG 1015  Preferred) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (17)

    • CHEM 1110 - ^General Chemistry I Credits: (4)
    • BIOL 1120 - ^General Biology II Credits: (4)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog ECON 2100  Preferred) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (14)

    • BIOL 1050 - ^Introduction to Environmental Studies Credits: (4) Fall Only
    • OR BIOL 1060 - ^Environmental Science  Credits: (4) Spring Only

    • Math and Science Electives (Choose one course from list above) Credits: (4) 1
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • Math and Science Electives (Choose two courses from list above) Credits: (8) 1
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Exercise Science (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Exercise Science (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Exercise Science

    For more information, contact the Social Science and Education division at 615-230-3231 or

    This pathway is focused on developing students understanding of exercise science as it relates to the physical and mental well-being of each individual and ways to improve the lifestyle of themselves and others. This pathway is for students planning to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree in the field of exercise science.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • Mathematics  Credits: (3) 4
    • BIOL 2010 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology I Credits: (4) 2
    • BIOL 2020 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology II Credits: (4) 3
    • HED 120 - ^Introduction to Wellness Credits: (3)
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3) 1

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • EXSC 190 - Introduction to Exercise Science Credits: (3)
    • HED 200 - First Aid and Safety/CPR Credits: (3)
    • HED 220 - Principles of Nutrition Credits: (3)
    • PHED 220 - Care of Athletic Injuries Credits: (3) 5
    • Physical Education Activity Courses (PHED Prefix) Credits: (1-4)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3-6)


    1 Students planning to attend UofM should take SOCI 1010: Intro to Sociology

    2 Students planning to attend UTC should take BIOL 1110: General Biology

    3 Students planning to attend UTC should take CHEM 1110/L: General Chemistry

    4 Students planning to attend UTC should take College Algebra or higher

    5 Students planning to attend UTC should take PE 211: Personal and Community Health

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    Degree Works, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the Degree Works audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • HED 120 - ^Introduction to Wellness Credits: (3)
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3) 1
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • EXSC 190 - Introduction to Exercise Science Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication  Credits: (3)

    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • BIOL 2010 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology I Credits: (4) 2
    • HED 200 - First Aid and Safety/CPR Credits: (3)
    • HED 220 - Principles of Nutrition Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog)  Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • BIOL 2020 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology II Credits: (4) 3
    • PHED 220 - Care of Athletic Injuries Credits: (3) 5
    • Mathematics  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 4
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Physical Education Activity Course (PHED Prefix) Credits: (1)
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Finance (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Finance (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Finance

    For more information, contact the Business and Technology division at 615-230-3301 or at

    This pathway is for students planning to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Finance.  Upon completion of the bachelor’s degree, graduates could be expected to assume responsibilities represented by titles including Personal Financial Advisor or Financial Quantitative Analyst.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit, Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9) 1
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • MATH 1130 - ^College Algebra Credits: (3) 2
    • OR  MATH 1630 - ^Finite Mathematics  Credits: (3) 2

      OR  MATH 1710 - ^Precalculus Algebra  Credits: (3) 2

    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8)
    • ECON 2100 - ^Principles of Macroeconomics Credits: (3)
    • ECON 2200 - ^Principles of Microeconomics Credits: (3)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • ACCT 1010 - Principles of Accounting I Credits: (3) 3
    • ACCT 1020 - Principles of Accounting II Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 1305 - *Introduction to Business Credits: (3) 6
    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3) 4
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Courses) Credits: (4) 5

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1 Students who plan to transfer to UTK should take an Introduction to Ethics course as one of their Humanities/Fine Arts courses or as an alternative guided elective.

    2 MTSU and UTK should take MATH 1630. Students transferring to UTC or UTM should take a college algebra course. UofM requires MATH 1710 or MATH 1830. APSU requires MATH 1710 only. TSU requires MATH 1830 only. ETSU requires MATH 1530. TTU requires MATH 1130. Johnson University requires MATH 1130 or MATH 1530.

    3 Students who plan to pursue the Accounting major or Accounting collaterals at UTK will be required to take ACCT 203 or demonstrate competency by passing an ACCT 203 proficiency exam before moving forward with upper level Accounting coursework. Advisors are invited to contact the UTK Transfer Center to learn more about course equivalencies.

    4 Students who plan to transfer to UTK should complete MATH 2050: Calculus-Based Probability and Statistics.

    5 Students who plan to transfer to UTK should complete MATH 1830. 

    6 UTK recommends students who intend to transfer take MGT 201 equivalent, if available (BUSN 2330 or BUSN 1305, if BUSN 2330 not offered), as their guided elective.

    Students who plan to transfer to UTK will be required to demonstrate intermediate level competency in Foreign Language before graduating from UTK. Students may demonstrate intermediate level competence after transferring to UTK.

    Students who plan to transfer to UTK will be required to complete ENGL 295 at UTK if they have not completed an equivalent course at their community college. Advisors are invited to contact the UTK Transfer Center to learn more about course equivalencies.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    Degree Works, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the Degree Works audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • ECON 2100 - ^Principles of Macroeconomics Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3) 4
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • ECON 2200 - ^Principles of Microeconomics Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1130 - ^College Algebra Credits: (3) 2
    • OR  MATH 1630 - ^Finite Mathematics  Credits: (3) 2

      OR  MATH 1710 - ^Precalculus Algebra  Credits: (3) 2

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • ACCT 1010 - Principles of Accounting I Credits: (3) 3
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3) 5
    • BUSN 1305 - *Introduction to Business Credits: (3) 6

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • ACCT 1020 - Principles of Accounting II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (6) 1
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (1) 5
  • University Parallel, A.S. - General Studies View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - General Studies

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: General Studies

    For more information, contact the Humanities division at 615-230-3200 or at

    This pathway is the most flexible pathway offered for students at VSCC. Students who do not know what to major in, who are looking to advance their career, or who want a major we do not offer should pursue this option. Students should work with an advisor to customize their studies to fit their interests while completing the General Education core. This pathway is for students planning to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree. 

    All Technical Certificates are embedded within the Associate of Arts, General Studies area of emphasis.  Courses in the certificates may be used to award this area of emphasis.

    Transfer Options
    This emphasis is not currently a part of a Tennessee Transfer Pathway, and, therefore, it may not be fully transferable. Since general education and major requirements vary from one transfer institution to another, it is essential that transfer students decide on a transfer institution as soon as possible and refer to the general education and major requirements in that institution’s catalog when planning a program of study. Contact your advisor for additional information.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (6)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • Electives Credits: (19) *

    An elective can be any college-level course; however, they should be carefully selected in consultation with an advisor. Students should choose courses appropriate for transfer to the senior institution they have selected. Please note the section under Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the General Education section of the Catalog for course pairs not allowed to apply toward graduation. Any course designated with an asterisk (*) in the catalog is a career/technical course and is not intended for transfer.

    Suggested Courses & Tracks

    Students may wish to pursue a suggested elective “track” of related courses depending on transfer plans.  See advisor for more information.

    Students interested in pursuing a four-year degree in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), including professional health care degrees, should pursue the Mathematics and Science pathway.  Contact the Mathematics and Science division for more information.

    Suggested Courses for Electives
    ART 253   ART 1035    ART 2000    ART 2020   
    ASTR 1030   BIOL 1030    BIOL 1050    BIOL 1060   
    CHEM 1030   COMM 1010    COMM 2045    COMM 2085   
    COMM 2090   COMM 2095    COMM 280T    ECON 2100   
    ECON 2200   ENGL - Any Literature Course ENGL 2860      FREN 1010      
    FREN 1020      GEOG 1012      GEOG 2010     GEOL 1030   
    GEOL 1050   GEOL 1060   HED 120   HIST 2010  
    HIST 2020   HIST 2030   HIST 2060   HIST 2310  
    HIST 2320   HUM 275   HUM 280T   INFS 1010  
    ISCI 1030   MATH 1530   MUS 1030   PHIL 110  
    PHIL 1030   PHIL 1040   PHYS 1030   POLS 1010  
    POLS 1030   PSCI 1030    PSYC 1030   SOCI 1010  
    SPAN 1010   SPAN 1020   THEA 1030   


    Humanities Elective Track
    ART 253    ART 1035    ART 2000    COMM 280T   
    ENGL - Any Literature Course ENGL 2860    HUM 275    HUM 280T   
    PHIL 110    PHIL 1030    PHIL 1040    SPAN 1010   
    SPAN 1020    THEA 1030       


    Career Readiness Elective Track
    COMM 1010    COMM 2025   or COMM 2045    COMM 2085    COMM 2090   
    COMM 2095    ECON 2100    ECON 2200    HUM 275   
    INFS 1010     PHIL 110       

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Electives Credits: (3) *
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication  Credits: (3)

    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog)  Credits: (3)  
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)          
    • Electives Credits: (3) *

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Electives Credits: (3) *
    • Electives Credits: (3) *

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Electives Credits: (7) *
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Geosciences (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Geosciences (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Geosciences

    For more information, contact the Math and Science division at 615-230-3261 or at

    This pathway is for students planning to continue their education at the university leading to the bachelor’s degree in geology.  Geologists study physical aspects of the Earth, including its composition, structure, and the processes that modify Earth through time.  Some of the many career options available within the field of geology include:  discovery of economic resources such as hydrocarbons, minerals, or building materials; remediation of soil and water contaminated by pollutants; application of geologic principles to engineering and construction projects; and fossil discovery and research to comprehend the evolution of plant and animal life through geologic time.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6) 1
    • MATH 1710 - ^Precalculus Algebra Credits: (3)
    • OR MATH 1130 - ^College Algebra  Credits: (3)

      OR Any approved General Education Mathematics  course Credits: (3) 3, 5

    • CHEM 1110 - ^General Chemistry I Credits: (4) 2,3
    • CHEM 1120 - ^General Chemistry II Credits: (4) ​2,3
    • GEOG 1012 - ^Cultural Geography Credits: (3)
    • OR GEOG 2010 - ^World Regional Geography  Credits: (3)

    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (3)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • GEOL 1040 - ^Physical Geology Credits: (4)
    • OR GEOL 1030 - ^Survey of Geology  Credits: (4)

    • GEOL 1050 - ^Historical Geology Credits: (4)
    • OR GEOL 1060 - ^Earth’s Environments  Credits: (4)

    • Math/Science Electives - (Choose from list below) Credits: (8) 2, 3, 4, 5
      BIOL 1110 - ^General Biology I  Credits: (4)
      MATH 1720 - ^Precalculus Trigonometry  Credits: (3)
      MATH 1910 - ^Calculus I  Credits: (4)
      MATH 1920 - Calculus II  Credits: (4)
      PHYS 2010 - ^Non-Calculus Based Physics I  Credits: (4) 
      PHYS 2110 - ^Calculus-Based Physics I  Credits: (4)
      PHYS 2120 - ^Calculus-Based Physics II  Credits: (4)​
    • University Parallel Electives (Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3) 2, 3, 4, 5

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1 Students transferring to UT Knoxville must also complete a sequence of non-US History

    2 Natural Sciences sequence required for students transferring to ETSU.

    3 Refer to transfer institution’s program and concentration for required mathematics and/or science courses

    4 Refer to transfer institution’s program and concentration for required or recommended unspecified electives

    5 Students transferring to UTK must complete MATH 1910/1920 Calculus I and Calculus II.  This sequence maybe completed at the community college or the university.  

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    Degree Works, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the Degree Works audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (14)

    • GEOL 1040 - ^Physical Geology Credits: (4)
    • OR GEOL 1030 - ^Survey of Geology  Credits: (4)

    • MATH 1710 - ^Precalculus Algebra Credits: (3)
    • OR  MATH 1130 - ^College Algebra  Credits: (3) 

      OR Any approved General Education Mathematics  course Credits: (3) 3, 5

    • CHEM 1110 - ^General Chemistry I Credits: (4) 2
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • GEOL 1050 - ^Historical Geology Credits: (4)
    • OR  GEOL 1060 - ^Earth’s Environments  Credits: (4)

    • CHEM 1120 - ^General Chemistry II Credits: (4) 2
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • GEOG 1012 - ^Cultural Geography Credits: (3)
    • OR  GEOG 2010 - ^World Regional Geography  Credits: (3)

    • Math/Science Elective (Choose from list above) Credits: (4) 2, 3, 4, 5
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • Math/Science Elective (Choose from list above) Credits: (4) 2, 3, 4, 5
    • University Parallel Elective (Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3) 2, 3, 4, 5
    • COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication  Credits: (3)

    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Health Sciences View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Health Sciences

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Health Sciences

    For more information, contact the Health Sciences division at 615-230-3330.

    This pathway is for students planning to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree in health sciences related fields.

    Important Notice:  While there are several places in this pathway where options are listed, students pursuing one of Vol State’s Health Sciences A.A.S. programs must follow the exact course requirements identified in the program-specific information packets in order to apply.  Please contact the Office of Advising at 615.230.3702 and ask to speak with a Health Sciences advisor to identify the correct general education and elective course options for the program that you are pursuing.  This is essential to ensure eligibility to apply to your selected program and to avoid unnecessary delays in your program application.

    Transfer Options:
    The University Parallel Associate of Science Degree is designed for transfer to universities offering a Baccalaureate degree.  Contact your advisor for additional information.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include one course in Literature) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • Mathematics  Credits: (3) (Program Specific)
    • BIOL 2010 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology I Credits: (4)
    • OR Advisor Approved Natural Science Credits 1

    • BIOL 2020 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology II Credits: (4)
    • OR Advisor Approved Natural Science Credits 1

    • ​Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (6)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • AHC 115 - *Medical Terminology Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (9-15)
    • Health Sciences Electives (Choose from the following list) Credits: (1-7)
    • ALHS 2312 - *Contemporary Issues in Healthcare  Credits: (3) (For Health Sciences AAS Students)
      BUSN 1380 - *Supervisory Management  Credits: (3) (For Health Sciences AAS Students)
      BUSN 2370 - *Legal Environment of Business  Credits: (3) (For Health Sciences AAS Students)
      HIMT 1301 - *Introduction to Health Information Management  Credits: (3) (For HIMT Students)
      MLAB 1301 - *Introduction to Medical Laboratory Technology  Credits: (3) (For MLT Students)
      AHC 101 - *Career Exploration in Physical Therapy  Credits: (1) (For PTA Students)
      AHC 1100 - *Physical Science for the PTA  Credits: (3) (For PTA Students)
      OPHT 1205 - *Introduction to Ophthalmic Technology  Credits: (2) (For OPH Students)
      RADT 1200 - *Introduction to Medical Imaging  Credits: (2) (For RAD Students)
      MATH 1005 - *Algebra Essentials  Credits: (3)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1 To approve an Advisor Approved Natural Science course, advisor must send email to

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    Important Notice:  While there are several places in this pathway where options are listed, students pursuing one of Vol State’s Health Sciences A.A.S. programs must follow the exact course requirements identified in the program-specific information packets in order to apply.  Please contact the Office of Advising at 615.230.3702 and ask to speak with a Health Sciences advisor to identify the correct general education and elective course options for the program that you are pursuing.  This is essential to ensure eligibility to apply to your selected program and to avoid unnecessary delays in your program application.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • BIOL 2010 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology I Credits: (4)
    • OR Advisor Approved Natural Science Course 1

    • Mathematics  (Program specific)  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • AHC 115 - *Medical Terminology Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog  PSYC 1030  Preferred) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog  PHIL 1040  Preferred) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • BIOL 2020 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology II Credits: (4)
    • OR Advisor Approved Natural Science Course 1

    • Health Science Electives (Choose from list above) Credits: (1-7)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (0-6)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • ​History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Electives (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Electives (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (6)
  • University Parallel, A.S. - History (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - History (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: History

    For more information, contact the Social Science and Education division at 615-230-3231 or

    The Department of Economics, Geography, History, and Political Science is focused on developing in students an understanding of the present that is informed by an awareness of the past as well as the complex and interdependent relationships between cultures and societies.  This pathway is for students planning to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree in the field of history, education, or law.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9) 1
    • HIST 2010 - ^Early United States History Credits: (3)
    • HIST 2020 - ^Modern United States History Credits: (3)
    • Mathematics   Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8) 2
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (6)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • HIST 2310 - ^Early World History Credits: (3)
    • HIST 2320 - ^Modern World History Credits: (3)
    • History   General Education Elective  Credits: (3) 3
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (10) 

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1. Students who plan to transfer to the UoM must complete at least one fine arts under the Humanities & Fine Arts general education requirement.
    2. Students who plan to transfer to TTU must complete a natural science sequence.
    3. Consult the academic catalog or an advisor at your transferring institution to determine if this History elective course may count towards your intended transfer major or as a general elective.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • HIST 2310 - ^Early World History Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication  Credits: (3)

    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • HIST 2320 - ^Modern World History Credits: (3)
    • Mathematics  Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4) 2
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3) 

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (13)

    • HIST 2010 - ^Early United States History Credits: (3)
    • History   General Education Elective Credits: (3) 3
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3) 
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (1) 

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • HIST 2020 - ^Modern United States History Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4) 2
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts   (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3) 
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Information Systems (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Information Systems (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Information Systems

    For more information, contact the Business and Technology division at 615-230-3301 or at

    This pathway is for students planning to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Computer Information Technology/Systems. Upon completion of the bachelor’s degree, the graduate could be expected to assume responsibilities represented by titles including computer programmer, network administrator, or web developer.

    Transfer Options:
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • MATH 1630 - ^Finite Mathematics Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8)
    • ECON 2100 - ^Principles of Macroeconomics Credits: (3)
    • ECON 2200 - ^Principles of Microeconomics Credits: (3)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • ACCT 1010 - Principles of Accounting I Credits: (3)
    • ACCT 1020 - Principles of Accounting II Credits: (3)
    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)  2
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1710 - ^Precalculus Algebra Credits: (3) 1
    • University Parallel Electives (Any Non-Asterisk Courses) Credits: (4)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1 UOM requires MATH 1710 or MATH 1830.

    2 Students who plan to transfer to APSU, ETSU, UTC or UTM must complete CISP 1010, 1020, Computer Science I and II (Programming) instead of INFS 1010: Computer Applications and electives. For these students, the total hours in the Area of Emphasis will be 20 Hours and total degree credit hours will be 61.  Students following this Information Systems Universal Transfer Path, must meet with their advisor concerning a course substitution form for the CISP 1010 and 1020 requirements.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3) 2
    • MATH 1710 - ^Precalculus Algebra Credits: (3) 1
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • ECON 2100 - ^Principles of Macroeconomics Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • ACCT 1010 - Principles of Accounting I Credits: (3)
    • ECON 2200 - ^Principles of Microeconomics Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1630 - ^Finite Mathematics Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • ACCT 1020 - Principles of Accounting II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • University Parallel Electives (Any Non-Asterisk Courses) Credits: (4)
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Journalism View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Journalism

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Journalism

    For more information, contact the Humanities division at 615-230-3200 or at

    Communication is the study of human interaction in interpersonal, group and public settings. This pathway is for students planning to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree in journalism or related fields. 

    Transfer Options:
    The University Parallel Associate of Science Degree is designed for transfer to universities offering a Baccalaureate degree.  Contact your advisor for additional information.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (6)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • COMM 201 - Media Advertising and Sales Credits: (3)
    • COMM 240 - Introduction to Public Relations Credits: (3)
    • COMM 1010 - Intro to Mass Communication Credits: (3)
    • COMM 1020 - Media Writing Credits: (3)
    • COMM 1030 - Introduction to Electronic Media Credits: (3)
    • Communication Course (Any COMM course excluding COMM 2025  and COMM 2045 ) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Elective: (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (1)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule.  Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • COMM 1020 - Media Writing Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • COMM 1030 - Introduction to Electronic Media Credits: (3)
    • COMM 1010 - Intro to Mass Communication Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • COMM 201 - Media Advertising and Sales Credits: (3)
    • Communication Course (Any COMM course excluding COMM 2025  and COMM 2045 ) Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3))

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • COMM 240 - Introduction to Public Relations Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (1)
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Liberal Arts View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Liberal Arts

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Liberal Arts

    For more information, contact the Humanities division at 615-230-3200 or at

    This pathway provides students with broad knowledge of the wider world as well as in-depth study in a specific area of interest. This pathway is for students planning to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree in Liberal Arts or related fields.

    Transfer Options:
    The University Parallel Associate of Science Degree is designed for transfer to universities offering a Baccalaureate degree.  Contact your advisor for additional information.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (6)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • Liberal Arts Electives (Choose at least one course from four of the five following categories) Credits: (19) 

    Communication and Language

    COMM 1010 - Intro to Mass Communication  Credits: (3)
    COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication  Credits: (3)
       COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)
    COMM 2055 - Argumentation and Debate  Credits: (3)
    COMM 2090 - Interpersonal Communication  Credits: (3)
    ENGL 2300 - Creative Writing  Credits: (3)
    FREN 1010 - Beginning French I  Credits: (3)
    FREN 1020 - Beginning French II  Credits: (3)
    SPAN 1010 - Beginning Spanish I  Credits: (3)
    SPAN 1020 - Beginning Spanish II  Credits: (3)
    SPAN 2010 - Intermediate Spanish I  Credits: (3)
    SPAN 2020 - Intermediate Spanish II  Credits: (3)

    Humanities and/or Fine Arts

    ART 1035 - ^Introduction to Art  Credits: (3)
    ART 1045 - Drawing I  Credits: (3)
    ART 1050 - Drawing II  Credits: (3)
    ART 2000 - ^Art History Survey I  Credits: (3)
    ART 2020 - ^Art History Survey II  Credits: (3)
    ENGL 2110 - ^Early American Literature  Credits: (3)
    ENGL 2120 - ^Modern American Literature  Credits: (3)
    ENGL 2310 - ^Early World Literature  Credits: (3)
    ENGL 2320 - ^Modern World Literature  Credits: (3)
    ENGL 2860 - ^Introduction to Film  Credits: (3)
    MUS 1030 - ^Introduction to Music  Credits: (3)
    PHIL 110 - Logic and Critical Thinking  Credits: (3)
    PHIL 260 - Introduction to Biblical Studies  Credits: (3)
    PHIL 1030 - ^Introduction to Philosophy  Credits: (3)
    PHIL 2200 - Introduction to World Religions  Credits: (3)
    THEA 1030 - ^Introduction to Theatre  Credits: (3)


    MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics  Credits: (3)

    Natural Sciences

    ASTR 1030 - ^Astronomy  Credits: (4)
    BIOL 1030 - ^Essentials of Biology  Credits: (4)
    BIOL 1060 - ^Environmental Science  Credits: (4)
    CHEM 1030 - ^Fundamentals of Chemistry  Credits: (4)
    GEOL 1030 - ^Survey of Geology  Credits: (4)
    PHYS 1030 - ^Survey of Physics  Credits: (4)
    PSCI 1030 - ^Survey of Physical Science  Credits: (4)

    Social/Behavioral Sciences

    University Parallel ( Any Non-Asterisk Course from the following: ECON, GEOG, HIST, POLS, PSYC, SOCI) Credits: (3)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Liberal Arts Elective (Choose from the list above) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)


    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Liberal Arts Elective (Choose from Area of Emphasis Elective list above) Credits: (6)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Liberal Arts Elective (Choose from the list above) Credits: (6)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Liberal Arts Elective (Choose from the list above) Credits: (4)
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Management (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Management (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Management

    For more information, contact the Business and Technology division at 615-230-3301 or at

    This pathway is for students planning to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Management.  Upon completion of the bachelor’s degree, graduates could be expected to assume responsibilities represented by titles including Marketing Manager or Financial Manager.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit, Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9) 1
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3) 2
    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8)
    • ECON 2100 - ^Principles of Macroeconomics Credits: (3)
    • ECON 2200 - ^Principles of Microeconomics Credits: (3)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • ACCT 1010 - Principles of Accounting I Credits: (3)
    • ACCT 1020 - Principles of Accounting II Credits: (3)
    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1130 - ^College Algebra Credits: (3) 3
    • OR  MATH 1630 - ^Finite Mathematics  Credits: (3) 3

      OR  MATH 1710 - ^Precalculus Algebra  Credits: (3) 3

    • MATH 1830 - ^Applied Calculus Credits: (3)
    • OR Advisor Approved Credits 4

    • University Parallel Electives (Any Non-Asterisk Courses) Credits: (4) 5

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1 Students who plan to transfer to UTK should take an Introduction to Ethics course as one of their Humanities/Fine Arts courses or as an alternative guided elective.

    2 Students who plan to transfer to UTK should complete MATH 2050: Calculus-Based Probability and Statistics.

    3 MTSU and UTK should take MATH 1630. Students transferring to TSU, UTC or UTM should take a college algebra course. UofM requires MATH 1710 or MATH 1830. APSU requires MATH 1710 only. ETSU requires MATH 1530. TTU requires MATH 1130. Johnson University requires MATH 1130 or MATH 1530.

    4 Applied Calculus or equivalent is NOT required at UT Martin, MTSU or TTU.  MATH 1830 is prerequisite to MATH 2050 for UTK requirement.

    5 Students who plan to transfer to UTK should take MGT 201 equivalent, if available (BUSN 2330 or BUSN 1305, if BUSN 2330 not offered), as their guided elective. 

    Students who plan to transfer to UTK will be required to demonstrate intermediate level competency in Foreign Language before graduating from UTK. Students may demonstrate intermediate level competence after transferring to UTK.

    Students who plan to transfer to UTK will be required to complete ENGL 295 at UTK if they have not completed an equivalent course at their community college. Advisors are invited to contact the UTK Transfer Center to learn more about course equivalencies.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • ECON 2100 - ^Principles of Macroeconomics Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3) 2
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog)  Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • ECON 2200 - ^Principles of Microeconomics Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1130 - ^College Algebra Credits: (3) 3
    • OR  MATH 1630 - ^Finite Mathematics  Credits: (3) 3

      OR  MATH 1710 - ^Precalculus Algebra  Credits: (3) 3

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • ACCT 1010 - Principles of Accounting I Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)1
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • MATH 1830 - ^Applied Calculus Credits: (3)
    • OR Advisor Approved Credits 4

    • University Parallel Electives (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3) 5

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • ACCT 1020 - Principles of Accounting II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog)  Credits: (6) 1
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog)  Credits: (4)
    • University Parallel Electives (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (1) 5
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Marketing (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Marketing (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Marketing

    For more information, contact the Business and Technology division at 615-230-3301 or at

    This pathway is for students planning to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Marketing.  Upon completion of the bachelor’s degree, graduates could be expected to assume responsibilities represented by titles including Marketing Manager or Marketing Strategists.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking   Credits: (3) 

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9) 1
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • MATH 1130 - ^College Algebra Credits: (3) 2
    • OR  MATH 1630 - ^Finite Mathematics  Credits: (3) 2

      OR  MATH 1710 - ^Precalculus Algebra  Credits: (3) 2

    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8)
    • ECON 2100 - ^Principles of Macroeconomics Credits: (3)
    • ECON 2200 - ^Principles of Microeconomics Credits: (3)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • ACCT 1010 - Principles of Accounting I Credits: (3)
    • ACCT 1020 - Principles of Accounting II Credits: (3)
    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3) 3
    • MATH 1830 - ^Applied Calculus Credits: (3)
    • OR Advisor Approved Credits: (3) 4

    • University Parallel Electives (Any Non-Asterisk Courses) Credits: (4) 5

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1 Students who plan to transfer to UTK should take an Introduction to Ethics course as one of their Humanities/Fine Arts courses or as an alternative guided elective.

    2 MTSU and UTK require MATH 1630. Students transferring to TSU, UTC or UTM should take a college algebra course. UofM requires MATH 1710 or MATH 1830. APSU requires MATH 1710 only. ETSU requires MATH 1530. TTU requires MATH 1130. Johnson University requires MATH 1130 or MATH 1530.

    3 Students who plan to transfer to UTK should complete MATH 2050: Calculus-Based Probability and Statistics.

    4 Applied Calculus or equivalent is NOT required at UT Martin, MTSU or TTU.  MATH 1830 is prerequisite to MATH 2050 for UTK requirement.

    5 Students who plan to transfer to UTK should take MGT 201 equivalent, if available (BUSN 2330 or BUSN 1305, if BUSN 2330 not offered), as their guided elective.  

    Students who plan to transfer to UTK will be required to demonstrate intermediate level competency in Foreign Language before graduating from UTK. Students may demonstrate intermediate level competence after transferring to UTK.

    Students who plan to transfer to UTK will be required to complete ENGL 295 at UTK if they have not completed an equivalent course at their community college. Advisors are invited to contact the UTK Transfer Center to learn more about course equivalencies.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • ECON 2100 - ^Principles of Macroeconomics Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3) 3
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • ECON 2200 - ^Principles of Microeconomics Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1130 - ^College Algebra Credits: (3) 2
    • OR  MATH 1630 - ^Finite Mathematics  Credits: (3) 2

      OR  MATH 1710 - ^Precalculus Algebra  Credits: (3) 2

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog)  Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • ACCT 1010 - Principles of Accounting I Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • MATH 1830 - ^Applied Calculus Credits: (3)
    • OR Advisor Approved Credits: (3) 4

    • University Parallel Electives (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3) 5

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • ACCT 1020 - Principles of Accounting II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog)  Credits: (6) 1
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog)  Credits: (4)
    • University Parallel Electives (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (1) 5
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Mass Communication (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Mass Communication (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Mass Communication

    For more information, contact the Humanities division at 615-230-3200 or at

    Communication is the study of human interaction in interpersonal, group and public settings. This pathway is for students planning to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree in mass communication or related fields.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • Mathematics  Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (6)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • COMM 1010 - Intro to Mass Communication Credits: (3)
    • COMM 1020 - Media Writing Credits: (3)
    • Mass Communication or Communication Studies Electives (COMM) Credits: (6)
    • University Parallel Electives (Any non-asterisk course except (COMM) Mass Communication or Communication Studies) Credits: (7)​

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule.  Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication  Credits: (3)

    • Mathematics   (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • COMM 1020 - Media Writing Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Mass Communication or Communication Studies Electives (COMM) Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (6)
    • COMM 1010 - Intro to Mass Communication Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • Mass Communication or Communication Studies Electives (COMM) Credits: (3) 
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Electives (Any non-asterisk course except (COMM) Mass Communication or Communication Studies) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Electives (Any non-asterisk course except (COMM) Mass Communication or Communication Studies) Credits: (4)
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Mathematics (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Mathematics (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Mathematics

    For more information, contact the Math and Science division at 615-230-3261 or at

    This pathway is for students planning to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree in mathematics or a closely related field such as Actuarial Science or Statistical Analysis. Mathematics majors take a core collection of classes in calculus, mathematical reasoning, linear algebra, computer programming, probability, statistics, and mathematical modeling. These courses introduce students to a solid foundation of mathematics and provide content knowledge, problem-solving skills, and logical reasoning skills.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (42)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6) 2
    • MATH 1910 - ^Calculus I Credits: (4)
    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8) 3
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (6) 1

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (18)

    • ENGR 210 - C++ for Engineers Credits: (3) 4
    • MATH 1920 - Calculus II Credits: (4)
    • MATH 2010 - Introduction to Linear Algebra Credits: (3)
    • MATH 2110 - Calculus III Credits: (4)
    • MATH 2120 - Differential Equations Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (1)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1 Students who wish to pursue a concentration in actuarial science available at UTK, UTC, MTSU or TSU should complete ECON 2100 and ECON 2200 to fulfill the requirement in social/behavioral sciences.

    2 Students transferring  to UTK must complete a non-U.S. History Sequence

    3 TSU requires PHYS 2110/2120 Calculus-based Physics sequence; Industrial track of the Professional Mathematics Concentration at MTSU requires PHYS2110/2120 Calculus-based Physics sequence; UOM requires either PHYS 22210/2120 Calculus-based Physics sequence or CHEM 1110/1120 sequence.  TTU requires a two-semester computer science lab sequence but not including PHYS 2010/2020 as an option.

    4 Students transferring to UoM must earn at least a C in this course.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (14)

    • MATH 1910 - ^Calculus I Credits: (4)
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4) 3
    • COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2025 ^Fundamentals of Communication  Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • MATH 1920 - Calculus II Credits: (4)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4) 3
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 2
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (1)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • MATH 2110 - Calculus III Credits: (4)
    • ENGR 210 - C++ for Engineers Credits: (3) 4
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 2
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • MATH 2010 - Introduction to Linear Algebra Credits: (3)
    • MATH 2120 - Differential Equations Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Mathematics and Science View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Mathematics and Science

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Mathematics and Science

    For more information, contact the Math and Science division at 615-230-3261 or at

    This pathway is for students planning to transfer to a university to earn a bachelor’s degree within the mathematics and science arena.  This degree plan permits greater flexibility than other published curriculum guides may offer.  Area of emphasis courses are chosen from university parallel courses within the Math and Science division including ASTR, BIOL, CHEM, ENGR (130 or higher), GEOL, ISCI, MATH (1720 or higher), PHYS, and/or PSCI.  Courses can also be chosen from select Vocational courses after consultation with an advisor.

    Transfer Options
    The University Parallel Associate of Science Degree is designed for transfer to universities offering a Baccalaureate degree.  Contact your advisor for additional information.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • MATH 1710 - ^Precalculus Algebra Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • Natural Sciences   Credits: (8)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (6)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • Math and Science Electives Credits: (19)
      Mathematics and Natural Sciences courses chosen from: ASTR, BIOL, CHEM, ENGR (ENGR 130 or higher), GEOL, ISCI 1030, MATH (MATH 1720 or higher), PHYS, PSCI, VTA (up to 9 hours), AHC 115, HED 200, and HED 220.* Students should choose courses appropriate for transfer to the senior institution they have selected. Any course designated with an asterisk (*) in the catalog is a career/technical course and is not intended for transfer.

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • MATH 1710 - ^Precalculus Algebra Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences   (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Math and Science Electives (Choose from list above) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (14)

    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Math and Science Electives (Choose from list above) Credits: (4)
    • Math and Science Electives (Choose from list above) Credits: (4)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Math and Science Electives (Choose from list above) Credits: (4)
    • Math and Science Electives (Choose from list above) Credits: (4)
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Mechanical Engineering (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Mechanical Engineering (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Mechanical Engineering

    For more information, contact the Math and Science division at 615-230-3261 or at

    This pathway is for students planning to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering.  A mechanical engineer designs, develops and tests all aspects of mechanical components, equipment, and machinery. Mechanical engineers apply knowledge of engineering principles to design products such as engines, instruments, controls, robots, machines, etc. They are also routinely involved in fabrication, operation, application, installation, and/or repair of mechanical products.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (42)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6) 2
    • MATH 1910 - ^Calculus I Credits: (4)
    • PHYS 2110 - ^Calculus-Based Physics I Credits: (4)
    • PHYS 2120 - ^Calculus-Based Physics II Credits: (4)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (6) 1

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (24)

    • CHEM 1110 - ^General Chemistry I Credits: (4)
    • ENGR 2110 - Statics Credits: (3)
    • ENGR 2120 - Dynamics Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1920 - Calculus II Credits: (4)
    • MATH 2010 - Introduction to Linear Algebra Credits: (3) 3
    • MATH 2110 - Calculus III Credits: (4)
    • MATH 2120 - Differential Equations Credits: (3)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (66)


    1 Students transferring to UTK or UoM should take ECON 2100:  Macroeconomics as one of their Social/Behavioral Science general education courses.

    2 Students transferring to UTC will need to to complete at least one course in non-Western Cultures.

    3 Students transferring to UTC will need to take an Introductory Statistics Course.  MATH 2010:  Introduction to Linear Algebra is not required at UoM, UTC, or UTK.  


    Students are strongly encouraged to complete a course in Mechanics of Materials, also known as Strength of Materials, before transferring to a university.

    Courses in engineering technology do not fulfill any of the requirements for the Area of Emphasis in Mechanical Engineering.

    Although it is possible to complete the B.S. Degree in Mechanical Engineering in four semesters after earning the associate degree, students typically need five or six semesters to complete requirements.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (17)

    • MATH 1910 - ^Calculus I Credits: (4)
    • CHEM 1110 - ^General Chemistry I Credits: (4)
    • COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (17)

    • MATH 1920 - Calculus II Credits: (4)
    • PHYS 2110 - ^Calculus-Based Physics I Credits: (4)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 2

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (17)

    • MATH 2110 - Calculus III Credits: (4)
    • PHYS 2120 - ^Calculus-Based Physics II Credits: (4)
    • ENGR 2110 - Statics Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts   (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGR 2120 - Dynamics Credits: (3)
    • MATH 2010 - Introduction to Linear Algebra Credits: (3) 3
    • MATH 2120 - Differential Equations Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 2
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Philosophy (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Philosophy (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Philosophy

    For more information, contact the Humanities division at 615-230-3200 or at

    This pathway studies what the best minds have thought about the questions that are most important. Questions about what we know and how we know it, about what is real, true, and good, and about how to live well. To study philosophy is to enter into a dialogue about the nature of our existence, our place in the world and the universe, and what the possibilities and limits are of our ability to know these things. Primarily, philosophy is concerned with questions, the answers to which are not readily available from science, religion, or appeals to common sense. This pathway is for students planning to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree in philosophy or related fields.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • Mathematics  Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (6)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • Philosophy Electives (PHIL Course) Credits: (6)
    • University Parallel Electives (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (13)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule.  Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Mathematics  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Electives (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • Philosophy Elective (PHIL Course) Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Electives (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • Philosophy Elective (PHIL Course) Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication  Credits: (3)

    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Electives (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts   (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Electives (Any Non-Asterisk Courses) Credits: (4)
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Physical Education (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Physical Education (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Physical Education

    For more information, contact the Social Science and Education division at 615-230-3231 or

    This pathway focuses on enhancing students’ understanding of physical education and its impact on individuals’ physical and mental well-being. It also promotes healthier lifestyles for themselves and others. It is designed for students planning to continue their education and pursue a bachelor’s degree in physical education.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3) 

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include one Literature course) Credits: (9)1
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3)
    • HED 120 - ^Introduction to Wellness Credits: (3)
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8)2
    • Mathematics  Credits: (3)3

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • EDUC 2000 - Introduction to Education Credits: (3)
    • EXSC 190 - Introduction to Exercise Science Credits: (3)
    • HED 200 - First Aid and Safety/CPR Credits: (3)
    • PHED 220 - Care of Athletic Injuries Credits: (3) 4
    • Physical Education Course (Any PHED course) Credits: 44
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course - PHED Course Preferred) Credits: (3)4

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1. Students who intend to transfer to UTM or UoM should take one fine arts class and one humanities class. Students transferring to APSU can refer to their undergraduate catalog for specific Humanities & Fine Arts options.
    2. TTU recommends BIOL 1010/1020 or BIOL 1110/1111; UTS requires BIOL 1110/1120.
    3. Students who intend to transfer to UTS are required to take MATH 1530: Introduction to Statistics.
    4. Students transferring to UoM should take an additional physical education or teacher education elective course. Students who intend to transfer to TTU should take Educational Psychology and 2010: Human Anatomy and Physiology I. Students transferring to UTS should take BIOL 2010: Human Anatomy and Physiology I. Students transferring to UTC are recommended to take MATH 1530 and Personal Health.

    UTK does not offer Physical Education as a teacher licensure program.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits 15

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • HED 120 - ^Introduction to Wellness Credits: (3)
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course - PHED Course Preferred) Credits: (3)4

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits 15

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • EXSC 190 - Introduction to Exercise Science Credits: (3)
    • Physical Education Course (Any PHED course) Credits: (3)4
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits 14

    • HED 200 - First Aid and Safety/CPR Credits: (3)
    • EDUC 2000 - Introduction to Education Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences   (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)2
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)1
    • ​​Physical Education Course (Any PHED course) Credits: (1)4

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits 16

    • PHED 220 - Care of Athletic Injuries Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)2
    • Mathematics  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)3
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (6)1
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Physics (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Physics (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Physics

    For more information, contact the Math and Science division at 615-230-3261 or at

    The Associate of Science (Physics) is a two-year program for students planning to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree in Physics or a closely related field such as Astronomy. Physics is the study of the underlying properties of nature from the absolutely mind-bogglingly huge, like galactic super clusters, to the unimaginably small, like the fundamental constituents of matter.  It is the foundation of every other science and is responsible for some of the greatest discoveries and inventions of our time, such as lasers, solar cells, and hybrid cars. A degree in physics teaches the analytical problem-solving and technical skills necessary to be competitive in today’s market.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (42)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6) 2
    • MATH 1910 - ^Calculus I Credits: (4)
    • PHYS 2110 - ^Calculus-Based Physics I Credits: (4)
    • PHYS 2120 - ^Calculus-Based Physics II Credits: (4)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (6) 1

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (18)

    • ENGR 210 - C++ for Engineers Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1920 - Calculus II Credits: (4)
    • MATH 2010 - Introduction to Linear Algebra Credits: (3)
    • MATH 2110 - Calculus III Credits: (4)
    • MATH 2120 - Differential Equations Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (1)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1 Students who transfer to ETSU will be required to complete PHIL 2460 (Science and the Modern World)

    2 Students transferring to UTK will need to complete two-course sequence in Non-US History

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • MATH 1910 - ^Calculus I Credits: (4)
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication  Credits: (3)

    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 2
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • PHYS 2110 - ^Calculus-Based Physics I Credits: (4)
    • MATH 1920 - Calculus II Credits: (4)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 2
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (1)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (14)

    • PHYS 2120 - ^Calculus-Based Physics II Credits: (4)
    • MATH 2110 - Calculus III Credits: (4)
    • ENGR 210 - C++ for Engineers Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • MATH 2010 - Introduction to Linear Algebra Credits: (3)
    • MATH 2120 - Differential Equations Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Political Science (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Political Science (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Political Science

    For more information, contact the Social Science and Education division at 615-230-3231 or

    The Department of Economics, Geography, History, and Political Science is focused on developing in students an understanding of the present that is informed by an awareness of the past as well as the complex and interdependent relationships between cultures and societies. This pathway for students planning to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree in the field of history, criminal justice, or law.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9) 1
    • History   Credits: (6) 3
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8)
    • Social/Behavioral Science  Credits: (6) 2

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • POLS 1030 - ^American Government Credits: (3)
    • Political Science Elective (POLS Prefix) Credits: (3) 4
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (13) 5

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1. Students who plan to transfer to the UoM must complete at least one fine arts under the Humanities & Fine Arts general education requirement.
    2. Students transferring to TTU should take POLS 1010: Introduction to Political Science and SOCI 1010: Introduction to Sociology.
    3. Students should confer with their advisor or a representative of the university to which they intend to transfer to determine the recommended history courses. Students who intend to transfer to UTK should take six credit hours of a non-U.S. History sequence to fulfill the History requirements. UTC requires that one of the History courses be U.S. History.
    4. Consult the catalog or advisor at transferring institution to determine if this Political Science elective course may count towards the major or as a general elective.
    5. A total of 13 credit hours are unspecified, transferable electives are needed to complete the degree requirements.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 2
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3) 5
    • COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication  Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 2
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (1) 5

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • Political Science Elective (POLS Prefix) Credits: (3) 4
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 3
    • Natural Sciences   (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3) 5

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • POLS 1030 - ^American Government Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 3
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3) 5
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3) 5
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Pre-Clinical Laboratory Sciences (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Pre-Clinical Laboratory Sciences (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Pre-Clinical Laboratory Sciences

    For more information, contact the Math and Science division at 615-230-3261 or at

    Students will learn to conduct chemical analysis of body fluids, including blood, urine, or spinal fluid, to determine the presence of normal or abnormal components.  They also analyze laboratory findings to check the accuracy of the results and operate, calibrate, or maintain equipment used in quantitative or qualitative analysis, such as spectrophotometers, calorimeters, flame photometers, or computer-controlled analyzers.  They may also collect and study blood samples to determine the number of cells, their morphology, or their blood group, blood type, or compatibility for transfusion purposes, using microscopic techniques.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • MATH 1710 - ^Precalculus Algebra Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • BIOL 2010 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology I Credits: (4)
    • BIOL 2020 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology II Credits: (4)  1
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3)
    • SOCI 1010 - ^Introduction to Sociology Credits: (3)
    • OR SOCI 1040 - ^Social Problems  Credits: (3)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (20)

    • BIOL 2230 - Microbiology Credits: (4)  2
    • CHEM 1110 - ^General Chemistry I Credits: (4)
    • CHEM 1120 - ^General Chemistry II Credits: (4)
    • CHEM 2010 - Organic Chemistry I Credits: (4)
    • CHEM 2020 - Organic Chemistry II Credits: (4)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (61)


    1 Students transferring to UTHSC and MTSU should take BIOL 1110, 1120 sequence; one of these can be substituted for BIOL 2020.

    2 May satisfy upper level course requirement at four-year institution.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (17)

    • MATH 1710 - ^Precalculus Algebra Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • CHEM 1110 - ^General Chemistry I Credits: (4)
    • BIOL 2010 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology I Credits: (4)
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (17)

    • CHEM 1120 - ^General Chemistry II Credits: (4)
    • BIOL 2020 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology II Credits: (4)  1
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication  Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (13)

    • CHEM 2010 - Organic Chemistry I Credits: (4)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • SOCI 1010 - ^Introduction to Sociology Credits: (3)
    • OR SOCI 1040 - ^Social Problems  Credits: (3)

    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • CHEM 2020 - Organic Chemistry II Credits: (4)
    • BIOL 2230 - Microbiology Credits: (4)  2
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Pre-Dental Hygiene (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Pre-Dental Hygiene (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Pre-Dental Hygiene

    For more information, contact the Math and Science division at 615-230-3261 or at

    A Dental Hygienist will clean teeth and examine oral areas, head, and neck for signs of oral disease.  A Dental Hygienist may educate patients on oral hygiene, take and develop x-rays, or apply fluoride or sealants.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9)
    • HIST 2010 - ^Early United States History Credits: (3)
    • HIST 2020 - ^Modern United States History Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3)
    • OR MATH 1130 - ^College Algebra  Credits: (3)

    • BIOL 2010 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology I Credits: (4)
    • BIOL 2020 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology II Credits: (4)
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3)
    • SOCI 1010 - ^Introduction to Sociology Credits: (3)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • BIOL 1110 - ^General Biology I Credits: (4)
    • BIOL 2230 - Microbiology Credits: (4)  1
    • CHEM 1110 - ^General Chemistry I Credits: (4)
    • CHEM 1120 - ^General Chemistry II Credits: (4)
    • HED 220 - Principles of Nutrition Credits: (3)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1 May satisfy upper level course requirement at four-year institution.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • BIOL 2010 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology I Credits: (4)
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3)
    • OR MATH 1130 - ^College Algebra  Credits: (3)

    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts   (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • BIOL 2020 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology II Credits: (4)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • BIOL 1110 - ^General Biology I Credits: (4)
    • COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication  Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (14)

    • BIOL 2230 - Microbiology Credits: (4) 1
    • CHEM 1110 - ^General Chemistry I Credits: (4)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • HIST 2010 - ^Early United States History Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • CHEM 1120 - ^General Chemistry II Credits: (4)
    • HED 220 - Principles of Nutrition Credits: (3)
    • HIST 2020 - ^Modern United States History Credits: (3)
    • SOCI 1010 - ^Introduction to Sociology Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Pre-Health Professions (Dentistry, Medicin... View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Pre-Health Professions (Dentistry, Medicine, Optometry, Pharmacy, Veterinary Medicine) (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Pre-Health Professions (Dentistry, Medicine, Optometry, Pharmacy, Veterinary Medicine)

    For more information, contact the Math and Science division at 615-230-3261 or at

    This pathway is for students planning to continue their education in a bachelor’s degree curriculum at the university, or transfer directly into a professional program.  Two years of study are taken at Vol State to complete the Associate of Science and the last two years are completed at the university to complete the Bachelor of Science.  Admission into medical professional programs is highly competitive and is based on the student’s overall grade point average and their score on a nationally-normed exam (such as the MCAT or DAT) among other criteria.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • MATH 1830 - ^Applied Calculus Credits: (3) OR HIGHER CALCULUS COURSE 1, 2
    • CHEM 1110 - ^General Chemistry I Credits: (4)
    • CHEM 1120 - ^General Chemistry II Credits: (4)
    •  Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (6)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3)
    • Pre-Health Professions Credits (Choose two sequences from the following list) Credits: (16)

    ​Sequence One
    BIOL 1110 - ^General Biology I  Credits: (4)
    BIOL 1120 - ^General Biology II  Credits: (4)

    Sequence Two
    CHEM 2010 - Organic Chemistry I  Credits: (4)
    CHEM 2020 - Organic Chemistry II  Credits: (4)

    Sequence Three
    PHYS 2010 - ^Non-Calculus Based Physics I  Credits: (4)
    PHYS 2020 - ^Non-Calculus Based Physics II  Credits: (4)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1  Students who plan to transfer to APSU and MTSU should take MATH 1910: Calculus I

    2  Students who plan to major in one of TTU’s Chemistry or Engineering Programs of Study should take MATH 1910:  Calculus I.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (17)

    • CHEM 1110 - ^General Chemistry I Credits: (4)
    • Pre-Health Professions Credits (Choose from sequences above) Credits: (4)
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication  Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (17)

    • CHEM 1120 - ^General Chemistry II Credits: (4)
    • Pre-Health Professions Credits (Choose from sequences above) Credits: (4)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1830 - ^Applied Calculus Credits: (3)

    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (13)

    • Pre-Health Professions Credits (Choose from sequences above) Credits: (4)
    • History   (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Courses - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (13)

    • Pre-Health Professions Credits (Choose from sequences above) Credits: (4)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3)
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Pre-Nursing View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Pre-Nursing

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Pre-Nursing

    For more information, contact the Math and Science division at 615-230-3261 or at

    This pathway is designed to provide students continuing study to complete the bachelor’s degree in Nursing at most institutions within Tennessee or neighboring states.  Some flexibility is provided in the area of emphasis courses allowing the student and advisor to customize the program of study tailored to the curriculum at the institution of interest. 

    It is important that students identify their intended transfer nursing program early in their college career, preferably the first or second semester.  Students are strongly advised to carefully research transfer institution requirements and work closely with their advisor in planning the program of study, preparing for graduation, and applying to the institution and school of nursing. Students who plan to apply for a two-year Nursing A.A.S. degree program should work with an advisor on a course of study designed to meet the specific Nursing A.A.S. entrance requirements. 

    Students who plan to apply for Volunteer State’s Nursing A.A.S. program should follow the first two semesters specified by that program. 

    Transfer Options

    This area of study has been created to permit some flexibility in the curriculum to meet the requirement of most nursing programs.  Because nursing school entrance requirements can change without notice, students are strongly advised to contact the senior institution for specific program of study requirements for admission to the nursing program. All nursing programs are extremely competitive, and students are directed to consult their advisor each semester before registering for classes and planning for graduation.  Completion of all pre-requisite courses and the A.S. degree does not guarantee admission, as each school of nursing has its own admissions requirements, standards, and criteria for selection. Some schools of nursing require that their introductory nursing course or other courses not specified by this area of study be taken prior to admission.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    Students are STRONGLY advised to carefully research transfer institution requirements and work closely with their advisor BEFORE enrolling in the following general education courses. Closely review the footnotes for each requirement.

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3) 1
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • ​Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9) 2
    • History  Credits: (6) 5
    • Mathematics (In addition to consulting an advisor, review footnotes 1 & 6 to select the appropriate course from the following four courses) Credits: (3) 1, 6
      ​MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics   Credits: (3)
      MATH 1130 - ^College Algebra  Credits: (3)
      MATH 1710 - ^Precalculus Algebra  Credits: (3)
      MATH 1730 - ^Precalculus  Credits: (5)
    • BIOL 2010 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology I Credits: (4) 1, 3, 8
    • BIOL 2020 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology II Credits: (4) 1, 3
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3) 1, 4
    • SOCI 1010 - ^Introduction to Sociology Credits: (3) 4

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19-20)

    Students are STRONGLY advised to carefully research transfer institution requirements and work closely with their advisor BEFORE enrolling in the following courses or selecting electives from the approved list. Closely review the footnotes for each requirement.

    • BIOL 2230 - Microbiology Credits: (4) 1, 7
    • CHEM 1030 - ^Fundamentals of Chemistry Credits: (4)
    • OR  CHEM 1110 - ^General Chemistry I  Credits: (4)

      OR Advisor Approved Elective for transfer to institutions not requiring Chemistry Credits: (3-4) 8

    • Pre-Nursing Electives: (Choose from the following list) Credits: (12)
    • AHC 115 - *Medical Terminology  Credits: (3) 10
      HED 220 - Principles of Nutrition  Credits: (3) 9
      INFS 1010 - Computer Applications  Credits: (3) 10
      MATH 1130 - ^College Algebra  Credits: (3) 6
      MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics  Credits: (3) 6
      MATH 1710 - ^Precalculus Algebra  Credits: (3) 6
      MATH 1730 - ^Precalculus  Credits: (5) 6
      PHED (Any Physical Education Activity) Credits: (1-2)
      PHIL 260 - Introduction to Biblical Studies  Credits: (3) 10
      PHIL 1040 - ^Introduction to Ethics  Credits: (3)
      PSYC 243 - Psychology of Death and Dying  Credits: (3) 4
      PSYC 244 - Alcohol and Drug Abuse  Credits: (3) 4
      PSYC 2110 - Psychology of Adjustment  Credits: (3) 4
      PSYC 2120 - ^Social Psychology  Credits: (3) 4
      PSYC 2130 - ^Lifespan Development Psychology  Credits: (3) 4, 9
      SOCI 1040 - ^Social Problems  Credits: (3) 4
      Advisor Approved Elective

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60-61)


    1 The VSCC Nursing A.A.S.   program requires credit or enrollment in courses indicated by this footnote prior to application to the Nursing A.A.S. program. The Humanities/Fine Arts requirement is 3 credits and MATH 1530 is the math course required in the A.A.S. program. Review the Nursing A.A.S. program guide for the 3 credit Guided Elective options. 

    2 Some senior institutions have specific humanities/fine arts requirements.

    3 Many senior institutions require credit to be earned in the 5 years prior to admission.  Some do not accept for credit BIOL 2010/2020 taken online.

    4 Some senior institutions have requirements other than or in addition to PSYC 1030 and SOCI 1010.

    5 Some senior institutions require World History; some require US History; some will accept either.

    6 Some senior institutions require Statistics; some require College Algebra or higher; some require both.

    7 Some senior institutions require or will accept BIOL 2100.

    8 The VSCC Anatomy and Physiology faculty strongly recommend completing a chemistry course as preparation for BIOL 2010.  Some senior institutions require a chemistry course. 

    9 Recommended.  Required by most schools of nursing.

    10 Required by a few schools of nursing.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • CHEM 1030 - ^Fundamentals of Chemistry Credits: (4)
    • OR CHEM 1110 - ^General Chemistry I  Credits: (4)

      OR Advisor Approved Elective for transfer to institutions not requiring Chemistry Credits: ( 3-4) 8

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Mathematics (Choose from list above - MATH 1530  Preferred) Credits: (3) 1,6
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3) 1, 4
    • Pre-Nursing Elective (Choose from list above) Credits: (3) 4, 6, 9, 10

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • BIOL 2010 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology I Credits: (4) 1, 3, 8
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 2
    • Pre-Nursing Elective (Choose from list above) Credits: (3) 4, 6, 9, 10
    • COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication  Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • BIOL 2020 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology II Credits: (4) 1, 3
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 5
    • SOCI 1010 - ^Introduction to Sociology Credits: (3) 4
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 2
    • Pre-Nursing Elective (Choose from list above) Credits: (3) 4, 6, 9, 10

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (13)

    • BIOL 2230 - Microbiology Credits: (4) 1, 7
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 5
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 2
    • Pre-Nursing Elective (Choose from list above) Credits: (3) 4, 6, 9, 10
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Pre-Occupational Therapy (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Pre-Occupational Therapy (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Pre-Occupational Therapy

    For more information, contact the Math and Science division at 615-230-3261 or at

    This pathway is for students planning to transfer to the university for completion of the bachelor’s degree in Occupational Therapy. An occupational therapist plans and conducts individualized occupational therapy programs to help patients develop, regain, or maintain their ability to perform daily activities. The OT teach patients skills/techniques and how to use adaptive equipment for participating in activities while evaluating patient progress.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3)
    • BIOL 1110 - ^General Biology I Credits: (4)
    • BIOL 1120 - ^General Biology II Credits: (4)
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (3) 1

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • BIOL 2010 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology I Credits: (4)
    • BIOL 2020 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology II Credits: (4)
    • CHEM 1110 - ^General Chemistry I Credits: (4)
    • MATH 1720 - ^Precalculus Trigonometry Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • PHYS 2010 - ^Non-Calculus Based Physics I Credits: (4)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1 Students transferring to TTU, SOCI 1010: Introduction to Sociology is recommended to fulfill this prerequisite requirement. Students who intend to transfer to APSU should take PSYC 2130: Lifespan Development Psychology.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (14)

    • MATH 1720 - ^Precalculus Trigonometry Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • CHEM 1110 - ^General Chemistry I Credits: (4)
    • BIOL 2010 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology I Credits: (4)
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • BIOL 2020 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology II Credits: (4)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • PHYS 2010 - ^Non-Calculus Based Physics I Credits: (4)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • BIOL 1110 - ^General Biology I Credits: (4)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • BIOL 1120 - ^General Biology II Credits: (4)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

  • University Parallel, A.S. - Pre-Physical Therapy (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Pre-Physical Therapy (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Pre-Physical Therapy

    For more information, contact the Math and Science division at 615-230-3261 or at

    This pathway is for students planning to transfer to the university for completion of the bachelor’s degree in Physical Therapy. A Physical Therapist is responsible for evaluating/assessing the needs of referred patients and formulating treatment plans.  The PT provides therapy services defined in treatment plans while working cooperatively with physicians, case managers, physical therapy assistants and auditors.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts   (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6) 1
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3)
    • BIOL 1110 - ^General Biology I Credits: (4)
    • BIOL 1120 - ^General Biology II Credits: (4)
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences   Credits: (3)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • MATH 1720 - ^Precalculus Trigonometry Credits: (3) OR HIGHER 3
    • Pre-Physical Therapy Credits (Choose two sequences from the following list) Credits: (16) 2
    • ​Sequence One
      BIOL 2010 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology I  Credits: (4)
      BIOL 2020 - ^Human Anatomy and Physiology II  Credits: (4)

      Sequence Two
      CHEM 1110 - ^General Chemistry I  Credits: (4)
      CHEM 1120 - ^General Chemistry II  Credits: (4)

      Sequence Three
      PHYS 2010 - ^Non-Calculus Based Physics I  Credits: (4)
      PHYS 2020 - ^Non-Calculus Based Physics II  Credits: (4)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1 UTK requires a non-U.S.History sequence

    2 Check with your advisor or transfer institution for specific recommendations about the 2 sequences you should complete (16 hrs. total)

    3 Check the pre-requisites at the 4-year institution. Students who intend to transfer to APSU should complete MATH 1730: Precalculus

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (14)

    • MATH 1720 - ^Precalculus Trigonometry Credits: (3) OR HIGHER3
    • BIOL 1110 - ^General Biology I Credits: (4)
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Pre-Physical Therapy Credits (Choose from list above) Credits: (4) 2

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • BIOL 1120 - ^General Biology II Credits: (4)
    • Pre-Physical Therapy Credits (Choose from sequences above) Credits: (4) 2
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • Pre-Physical Therapy Credits (Choose from sequences above)Credits: (4) 2
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • Pre-Physical Therapy Credits (Choose from sequences above) Credits: (4) 2
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences   (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

  • University Parallel, A.S. - Psychology (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Psychology (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Psychology

    For more information, contact the Social Science and Education division at 615-230-3231 or

    This pathway is for students planning to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree in the field of psychology.  Professional careers in the field of psychology typically require a master’s degree or a doctoral degree, depending on the career path one is pursuing.  However, with an A.S. degree in psychology, one can often find a job in the following areas: crisis intervention, counselor’s aide or assistant, casework, and mentoring.  An A.S. degree is often used as a stepping stone to a bachelor’s degree.  For example, with that degree, one could pursue work as a case manager, career counselor, rehabilitation specialist, or psychiatric technician.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9) 1
    • History  Credits: (6) 3
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3)
    • BIOL 1010 - ^Introduction to Biology Credits: (4)
    • OR  BIOL 1110 - ^General Biology I  Credits: (4) 4

    • BIOL 1020 - ^Diversity of Life Credits: (4)
    • OR  BIOL 1120 - ^General Biology II  Credits: (4) 4

    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3) 2
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences   Credits: (3)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • Psychology Credits (Choose from the following list) Credits: (6) 5
      PSYC 2110 - Psychology of Adjustment  Credits: (3)
      PSYC 2120 - ^Social Psychology  Credits: (3) 4
      PSYC 2130 - ^Lifespan Development Psychology  Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (13)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1. Students who plan to transfer to the UoM must complete at least one fine arts class under Humanities & Fine Arts general education requirement.
    2. Students intending to transfer to UTC or APSU should complete social/behavioral science courses from two separate disciplines (e.g., SOC 1010; CRMJ 1010, etc.). It is recommended that students take PSYC 1030 at the four-year and choose another approved social/behavioral general education course.
    3. Students intending to transfer to UTK should complete a Western or World History sequence.
    4. Students who plan to transfer to ETSU must complete a natural science sequence.
    5. Students should seek the guidance of four-year advisors before choosing area of emphasis Psychology requirement. Depending on the four-year institution you select, these courses may be applied to the major or to elective requirements.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3) 2
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)



    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3)
    • Psychology Credits (Choose from list above) Credits: (3) 5
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (14)

    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 3
    • Psychology Credits (Choose from list above) Credits: (3) 5
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (4)
    • BIOL 1010 - ^Introduction to Biology Credits: (4)
    • OR  BIOL 1110 - ^General Biology I  Credits: (4) 4

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 3
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (6)
    • BIOL 1020 - ^Diversity of Life Credits: (4)
    • OR  BIOL 1120 - ^General Biology II  Credits: (4) 4

  • University Parallel, A.S. - Radio/TV View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Radio/TV

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Radio/TV

    For more information, contact the Humanities division at 615-230-3200 or at

    Radio/TV provides a training facility for students to learn hands-on in a Radio or TV station. This pathway is for students planning to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree in Radio/TV or related fields. 

    Transfer Options:
    The University Parallel Associate of Science Degree is designed for transfer to universities offering a Baccalaureate degree.  Contact your advisor for additional information.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (6)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • COMM 287 - Cooperative Work Experience in Communication Credits: (3) (Preferred)
    •  OR COMM 201 - Media Advertising and Sales  Credits: (3) 

    • COMM 240 - Introduction to Public Relations Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 250 - Introduction to Social Media  Credits: (3)

    • COMM 1010 - Intro to Mass Communication Credits: (3)
    • COMM 1020 - Media Writing Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2010 - Production and Announcing for Radio and Podcast Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2020 - Television Production Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course - COMM 280T  Preferred) Credits: (1)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • COMM 1020 - Media Writing Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • COMM 2010 - Production and Announcing for Radio and Podcast Credits: (3)
    • COMM 240 - Introduction to Public Relations Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 250 - Introduction to Social Media  Credits: (3)

    • COMM 1010 - Intro to Mass Communication Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • COMM 287 - Cooperative Work Experience in Communication Credits: (3) (Preferred)
    • OR  COMM 201 - Media Advertising and Sales  Credits: (3)

    • COMM 2020 - Television Production Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course - COMM 280T  Preferred) Credits: (1)
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Recording Industry Management View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Recording Industry Management

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Recording Industry Management

    For more information, contact the Humanities division at 615-230-3200 or at

    This pathway gives students a solid background in audio recording techniques. Students learn fundamentals of audio, acoustics, and recording. They can take that theory into studio courses where they record bands and other musical groups in our on-campus Recording Studio. Advanced students have the opportunity to participate in internships with studios such as Blackbird Studio, Starstruck Studios, and Soundstage Studios. This pathway is for students planning to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree in recording industry management or related fields.

    Transfer Options:
    The University Parallel Associate of Science Degree is designed for transfer to universities offering a Baccalaureate degree.  Contact your advisor for additional information.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • MUS 1030 - ^Introduction to Music Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature course) Credits: (6)
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • MATH 1130 - ^College Algebra Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • BIOL 1030 - ^Essentials of Biology Credits: (4)
    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (4) 1
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (Two courses with different prefixes) Credits: (6)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • ACCT 1010 - Principles of Accounting I Credits: (3)
    • OR ACCT 1020 - Principles of Accounting II  Credits: (3)

    • EMPR 1270 - *Audio for Media Credits: (3)
    • COMM 1010 - Intro to Mass Communication Credits: (3)
    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)
    • MUS 222 - History of Recording Industry Credits: (3)
    • MUS 223 - Survey of Recording Industry Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (1)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1 Natural Sciences Survey “1030” course.  Consult advisor and senior institution requirement.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule.  Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • EMPR 1270 - *Audio for Media Credits: (3)
    • MUS 1030 - ^Introduction to Music Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1130 - ^College Algebra Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • INFS 1010 - Computer Applications Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences   (Two courses with different prefixes - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • MUS 222 - History of Recording Industry Credits: (3)
    • BIOL 1030 - ^Essentials of Biology Credits: (4)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (Two courses with different prefixes - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • MUS 223 - Survey of Recording Industry Credits: (3)
    • COMM 1010 - Intro to Mass Communication Credits: (3)
    • ACCT 1010 - Principles of Accounting I Credits: (3)
    • OR ACCT 1020 - Principles of Accounting II  Credits: (3)

    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4) 1
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (1)
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Secondary Education View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Secondary Education

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Secondary Education

    For more information, contact the Social Science and Education division at 615-230-3231 or

    This pathway focuses study on coursework necessary to keep students on par with other students entering their junior year majoring in Secondary Education at a four-year institution.  Students in this pathway typically earn their Bachelor of Science degree and teach one or more subjects at the secondary level in public or private schools.  Also, Secondary Educators may be designated to teach only their subject matter specialty. 

    Transfer Options
    The University Parallel Associate of Science Degree is designed for transfer to universities offering a Baccalaureate degree.  Contact your advisor for additional information.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8)
    • HED 120 - ^Introduction to Wellness Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (3)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • EDUC 2000 - Introduction to Education Credits: (3)
    • EDUC 2210 - Educational Psychology Credits: (3)
    • HED 100 - Personal Health Credits: (3)
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3)
    • OR SOCI 1010 - ^Introduction to Sociology  Credits: (3)

    • Physical Education Activity (PHED Course) Credits: (1)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (6)1

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1Transfer institution requirements must be considered. 

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • EDUC 2000 - Introduction to Education Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • HED 120 - ^Introduction to Wellness Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2025 ^Fundamentals of Communication  Credits: (3)

    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • EDUC 2210 - Educational Psychology Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3)
    • OR SOCI 1010 ^Introduction to Sociology  Credits: (3)

    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3) 1

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (13)

    • HED 100 - Personal Health Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3)¹
    • History   (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Physical Education Activity (PHED Course) Credits: (1)
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Social Science and Education View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Social Science and Education

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Social Science and Education

    For more information, contact the Social Science and Education division at 615-230-3231 or

    This is an interdisciplinary pathway for students who are looking for a broad preparation encompassing the disciplines of sociology, psychology, history, economics, political science, education, and more. This plan permits greater flexibility than other published curriculum guides may offer, while the area of emphasis courses are primarily chosen from within the Social Science and Education division.  Courses with a vocational designation (designated with an asterisk*) may also be chosen after consultation with an advisor.

    This pathway is for students looking to advance their careers or are planning to transfer to a university to earn a bachelor’s degree in a related field.  Students should work with an advisor to customize their studies to fit their interests.

    Transfer Options
    The University Parallel Associate of Science Degree is designed for transfer to universities offering a Baccalaureate degree.  Contact your advisor for additional information.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences   Credits: (6)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • Social Science and Education Electives (Choose any course from the Social Science and Education Division ) Credits: (12) 1
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (7)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1 Students should choose courses appropriate for transfer to the senior institution they have selected.  Any course designated with an asterisk (*) in the catalog is a career/technical course and is not intended for transfer.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • MATH 1010 - ^Math for General Studies Credits: (3) OR HIGHER
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2025 ^Fundamentals of Communication  Credits: (3)

    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (1)

    Second Year -Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • Social Science and Education Electives (Choose any course from the Social Science and Education Division ) Credits: (9)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • Social Science and Education Electives (Choose any course from the Social Science and Education Division ) Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (6)
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Social Work (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Social Work (TTP)

    For more information, contact the Social Science and Education division at 615-230-3231 or

    This pathway focuses study on skills useful for work in fields of public service (community case management, substance abuse counseling, etc.), such as counseling, technology, writing and communications, client assessment, and community organizing.  With an A.S. degree, positions with social service agencies and non-profit organizations are available.  One can apply, with professional certification, for entry-level, assistant social worker positions in case management or counseling care teams. This degree can act as a springboard into bachelor’s degrees in social work. 

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit, Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note:  Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature course) Credits: (9) 1
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3) 3
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3)
    • SOCI 1010 - ^Introduction to Sociology Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8) 2,5

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • GEOG 1012 - ^Cultural Geography Credits: (3)
    • OR  ECON 2100 - ^Principles of Macroeconomics  Credits: (3)
      ECON 2200 - ^Principles of Microeconomics  Credits: (3) 4

    • POLS 1030 - ^American Government Credits: (3)
    • SOCI 1040 - ^Social Problems Credits: (3)
    • SWRK 2010 - Introduction to Social Work Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (7) 5

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1. Students who plan to transfer to the UoM must complete at least one fine arts under the Humanities & Fine Arts general education requirement. Students are encouraged to take an approved Ethics course, if applicable.
    2. ETSU requires a BIOL sequence: 1010: Intro to Biology and 1020 Diversity of Life or 1110/1120 General Biology I & II. TSU recommends any Biology sequence.
    3. APSU accepts MATH 1510 or MATH 1530.
    4. Students interested in attending TSU are required to take an Economics course.
    5. Students who intend to transfer to UTM should take BIOL 2010: Human Anatomy and Physiology I as an unspecified elective. Students who intend to transfer to APSU should take BIOL 2010 (Human Anatomy and Physiology) as one of their natural science electives.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, prerequisites, and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • SOCI 1010 - ^Introduction to Sociology Credits: (3)
    • SWRK 2010 - Introduction to Social Work Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3) 3
    • POLS 1030 - ^American Government Credits: (3)
    • SOCI 1040 - ^Social Problems Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (4) 2,5

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4) 2,5
    • University Parallel (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3) 5

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (13)

    • GEOG 1012 - ^Cultural Geography Credits: (3)
    • OR ECON 2100 - ^Principles of Macroeconomics  Credits: (3)
        ECON 2200 - ^Principles of Microeconomics  Credits: (3) 4

    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Cours) Credits: (4) 5
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Sociology (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Sociology (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Sociology

    For more information, contact the Social Science and Education division at 615-230-3231 or

    This pathway is for students planning to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree in the field of sociology.  Professional careers in the field of sociology typically require a master’s degree or a doctoral degree, depending on the career path one is pursuing.  One can find careers in a variety of areas, such as criminal justice (corrections), business (consumer research), agencies (disability services), advocacy (child welfare), communications (technical writing), and in government and education.  However, with this pathway, one can often find a job in the following areas: civil service, crisis intervention, counselor aide or assistant, casework, and mentoring.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6) 1
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8) 2
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (6)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • SOCI 1010 - ^Introduction to Sociology Credits: (3)
    • SOCI 1040 - ^Social Problems Credits: (3)
    • Sociology Elective (SOCI Prefix) Credits: (3) 3
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (10) 

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1. Students intending to transfer to UTK should complete a Western or World History sequence.
    2. UTK and UTM require a sequence in Natural Science general education course.
    3. Universities will determine whether the sociology elective course counts toward the requirements of the sociology major or as elective credit applied to the requirements of the baccalaureate degree.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • SOCI 1010 - ^Introduction to Sociology Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2025 ^Fundamentals of Communication  Credits: (3)

    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • SOCI 1040 - ^Social Problems Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog)  Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4) 2
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences   (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Sociology Elective (SOCI Prefix) Credits: (3) 3
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)

    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3) 1
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4) 2
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences   (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (1)
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Sports and Leisure Management (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Sports and Leisure Management (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Sports and Leisure Management

    For more information, contact the Social Science and Education division at 615-230-3231 or

    Sports and Leisure Management provides a broad-based education in sports and leisure management designed to prepare students for a successful career in the sports and recreational industry, helping individuals, families, and communities through recreation.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.  

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (9)
    • History  Credits: (6)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8)
    • HED 120 - ^Introduction to Wellness Credits: (3)
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • BUSN 1300 - Personal Finance Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 1305 - *Introduction to Business Credits: (3)
    • ECON 2100 - ^Principles of Macroeconomics Credits: (3)
    • OR  ECON 2200 - ^Principles of Microeconomics  Credits: (3)

    • EXSC 190 - Introduction to Exercise Science Credits: (3)
    • SOCI 250 - Sociology of Sport Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (4) 1

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    1. ETSU and UTK require ACCT 1010, Trevecca and Freed Hardeman require ACCT 1020 only.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • BUSN 1305 - *Introduction to Business Credits: (3)
    • HED 120 - ^Introduction to Wellness Credits: (3)
    • EXSC 190 - Introduction to Exercise Science Credits: (3)
    • PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology Credits: (3)
    • MATH 1530 - ^Introductory Statistics Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication  Credits: (3)

    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • SOCI 250 - Sociology of Sport Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)

    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • ECON 2100 - ^Principles of Macroeconomics Credits: (3)
    • OR  ECON 2200 - ^Principles of Microeconomics  Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (13)

    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 1300 - Personal Finance Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Elective (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (4) 1
  • University Parallel, A.S. - Theatre Arts (TTP) View in Catalog Preview

    University Parallel, A.S. - Theatre Arts (TTP)

    Degree: Associate of Science
    Major: University Parallel
    Area of Emphasis: Theatre Arts

    For more information, contact the Humanities division at 615-230-3200 or at

    Theatre Arts is the study of theatrical performance relating to literary, physical, and historical contexts. This pathway is for students planning to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree in theatre arts or related fields.

    Transfer Options
    Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university or select regionally accredited, non-profit Tennessee private colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTPs also constitute an agreement between community colleges and four-year colleges/universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution.  Note: Due to the transferability to a four-year institution, there are to be no course substitutions where a specific course is required in the TTP curriculum guide.   

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    CIP Code: (16) 24.0101.01

    General Education Requirements - Credits (41)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • THEA 1030 - ^Introduction to Theatre Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Must include at least one Literature Course) Credits: (6)
    • History   Credits: (6)
    • Mathematics  Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  Credits: (8)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  Credits: (6)

    Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)

    • THEA 1015 - Acting I Credits: (3)
    • THEA 1025 - Stage Craft I Credits: (3)
    • Theatre Electives (THEA Prefix - Excluding Theatre History) Credits: (7)
    • University Parallel Electives (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (6)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)


    Each student may be required to complete an audition or evaluation to exhibit competency in a Theatre Arts program upon transfer to a baccalaureate program.

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule.  Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)

    • THEA 1030 - ^Introduction to Theatre Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • THEA 1015 - Acting I Credits: (3)
    • Theatre Elective (THEA Prefix - Excluding Theatre History, THEA 210  Preferred) Credits: (3)
    • Mathematics  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)

    • THEA 1025 - Stage Craft I Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1020 - ^English Composition II Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication  Credits: (3)

    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Theatre Elective (THEA Prefix - Excluding Theatre History) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (14)

    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (Literature Course - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • History   (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • Theatre Electives (THEA Prefix - Excluding Theatre History) Credits: (1)
    • University Parallel Electives (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • Natural Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
    • Social/Behavioral Sciences  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • History  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • Humanities and/or Fine Arts  (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
    • University Parallel Electives (Any Non-Asterisk Course) Credits: (3)
  • Veterinary Assistant Technical Certificate View in Catalog Preview

    Veterinary Assistant Technical Certificate

    For more information, contact the Math and Science division at 615-230-3261 or at

    This technical certificate is a two semester program designed to prepare students to enter the workforce as animal handlers/veterinary assistants or laboratory animal caregivers.  This certificate is the first step for many students to become Certified Assistant Laboratory Animal Technicians (ALAT) or Certified Veterinary Practice Managers (CVPM).

    A formal application is not required for admission to this program. Enrollment for all VTA courses is managed by the Program Director.  Interested students should schedule an advising appointment to plan a course of study.

    Enrollment in Veterinary Assistant Certificate courses requires the following:

    1. Admission to the college
    2. Acceptable placement scores or completion of all Learning Support Competencies in Reading and Writing or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 0810 and READ 0810 as determined by placement
    3. Advising meeting with Veterinary Technology advisors prior to registration
    4. Students who wish to complete the certificate program in two sequential semesters must submit a graduation application packet to the college at the beginning of the first semester in which they are enrolled.

    The Veterinary Assistant Technical Certificate is embedded within the Associate of Arts, and the Associate of Science, General Studies area of emphasis.  Courses in this certificate may be used to award these areas of emphasis.

    Program​ Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. Demonstrate interpersonal and interprofessional communication skills with the clients and veterinary team.

    2. Demonstrate knowledge of office and hospital procedures appropriate to the veterinary assistant. 

    3. Properly assess and evaluate needs of patients as they relate to animal care. 

    4. Demonstrate ability to assist with common veterinary procedures involving companion animals. 

    CIP Code: (01) 01.0504.00

    Certificate Requirements - Credits (22)

    • AHC 115 - *Medical Terminology Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 1305 - *Introduction to Business Credits: (3)
    • OR INFS 1010 - Computer Applications  Credits: (3)

    • VTA 100 - *Introduction to Veterinary Anatomy Credits: (3)
    • VTA 120 - *Veterinary Assistant Nursing Credits: (3)
    • VTA 130 - *Veterinary Economics Credits: (3)
    • VTA 140 - *Clinical Procedures Credits: (3)
    • VTA 145 - *Assistant Clinical Practicum Credits: (1)
    • VTA 151 - *Veterinary Assistant Seminar Credits: (3)

    Total Certificate Requirements - Credits (22)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (12)

    • VTA 100 - *Introduction to Veterinary Anatomy Credits: (3)
    • VTA 140 - *Clinical Procedures Credits: (3)
    • AHC 115 - *Medical Terminology Credits: (3)
    • BUSN 1305 - *Introduction to Business Credits: (3)
    • OR INFS 1010 - Computer Applications  Credits: (3) 

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (10)

    • VTA 120 - *Veterinary Assistant Nursing Credits: (3)
    • VTA 130 - *Veterinary Economics Credits: (3)
    • VTA 145 - *Assistant Clinical Practicum Credits: (1)
    • VTA 151 - *Veterinary Assistant Seminar Credits: (3)
  • Veterinary Technology, A.A.S. View in Catalog Preview

    Veterinary Technology, A.A.S.

    Degree: Associate of Applied Science
    Major: Veterinary Technology

    For more information, contact the Math and Science division at 615-230-3261 or at

    This two-year program provides preparation and training in Veterinary Technology. Vol State has initial accreditation through the American Veterinary Medical Association Committee on Veterinary Technician Education and Activities (AVMA-CVTEA). Students graduating from this program are eligible to sit for the National Veterinary Technology Exam required for licensure in Tennessee. Admission to the program is limited and competitive. Applications for admission are due in the Fall for the Spring semester.

    Check the Veterinary Technology website for specific due dates. 

    The following are required for consideration and selection into the program: admission to the college, acceptable placement scores or completion of all learning support, application to the Veterinary Technology Program with required documentation including observation hours completed with a veterinarian or licensed veterinary technician, personal interview, clear background check, and proof of health insurance prior to final selection.

    All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to meet graduation requirements. More information can be found at

    Program​ Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this program, the graduate will have developed the skills, knowledge and abilities to accomplish the following:

    1. Demonstrate knowledge of hospital procedures, communicate in all formats and recognize applicable laws.

    2. Calculate and administer prescribed drugs and communicate necessary client information.

    3. Assess patient and demonstrate care under the following: husbandry, therapeutics, and dentistry for companion animals, farm animal, laboratory animals and exotic species.

    4. Formulate an anesthesia plan and demonstrate ability to implement the plan and maintain anesthesia during all phases, including utilizing appropriate equipment.

    5. Recognize routine surgical procedures, manage patient preparation and surgical environment accurately.

    6. Manage laboratory specimens, operate equipment to analyze specimens and evaluate validity of results.

    7. Create diagnostic radiographs and recognize non-radiographic imaging modalities.

    CIP Code: (01) 01.8301.00

    General Education Requirements - Credits (16)

    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • PHIL 1040 - ^Introduction to Ethics Credits: (3)
    • BIOL 1010 - ^Introduction to Biology Credits: (4)
    • OR BIOL 1030 - ^Essentials of Biology  Credits: (4)

      OR BIOL 1110 - ^General Biology I  Credits: (4)

    • ECON 2200 - ^Principles of Microeconomics Credits: (3)
    • OR  PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology  Credits: (3)

    Major Core Course Requirements - Credits (54)

    • AHC 115 - *Medical Terminology Credits: (3)
    • CHEM 1030 - ^Fundamentals of Chemistry Credits: (4)
    • OR CHEM 1110 - ^General Chemistry I  Credits: (4)

    • VET 101 - *Introduction to Veterinary Technology Credits: (3)
    • VET 105 - *Large Animal Medical Nursing Credits: (3)
    • VET 110 - *Applied Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology Credits: (4)
    • VET 125 - *Laboratory Animal Care Credits: (3)
    • VET 130 - *Pharmacology and Therapeutics Credits: (4)
    • VET 150 - *Clinical Practicum I Credits: (4)
    • VET 205 - *Microbiology for Veterinary Technicians Credits: (4)
    • VET 210 - *Veterinary Imaging Credits: (3)
    • VET 215 - *Small Animal Medical Nursing Credits: (3)
    • VET 220 - *Veterinary Anesthesia and Surgery Credits: (4)
    • VET 230 - *Veterinary Clinical Pathology Credits: (3)
    • VET 251 - *Clinical Practicum II Credits: (4)
    • VET 261 - *Clinical Practicum III Credits: (4)
    • VET 265 - *VTNE Review Credits: (1)

    Total Degree Requirements - Credits (70)

    Recommended Schedule

    This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule.  See your advisor to create a degree plan.

    DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning.  Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate.

    First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (14)

    • BIOL 1010 - ^Introduction to Biology Credits: (4)
    • OR  BIOL 1030 - ^Essentials of Biology  Credits: (4)

      OR  BIOL 1110 - ^General Biology I  Credits: (4)

    • CHEM 1030 - ^Fundamentals of Chemistry Credits: (4)
    • OR  CHEM 1110 - ^General Chemistry I  Credits: (4)

    • AHC 115 - *Medical Terminology Credits: (3)
    • COMM 2025 - ^Fundamentals of Communication Credits: (3)
    • OR  COMM 2045 - ^Public Speaking  Credits: (3)

    First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (16)

    • VET 101 - *Introduction to Veterinary Technology Credits: (3)
    • VET 110 - *Applied Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology Credits: (4)
    • VET 125 - *Laboratory Animal Care Credits: (3)
    • ENGL 1010 - ^English Composition I Credits: (3)
    • ECON 2200 - ^Principles of Microeconomics Credits: (3)
    • OR  PSYC 1030 - ^Introduction to Psychology  Credits: (3)

    First Year - Summer Semester - Credits (14)

    • VET 130 - *Pharmacology and Therapeutics Credits: (4)
    • VET 150 - *Clinical Practicum I Credits: (4)
    • VET 210 - *Veterinary Imaging Credits: (3)
    • PHIL 1040 - ^Introduction to Ethics Credits: (3)

    Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (14)

    • VET 205 - *Microbiology for Veterinary Technicians Credits: (4)
    • VET 215 - *Small Animal Medical Nursing Credits: (3)
    • VET 230 - *Veterinary Clinical Pathology Credits: (3)
    • VET 251 - *Clinical Practicum II Credits: (4)

    Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (12)

    • VET 105 - *Large Animal Medical Nursing Credits: (3)
    • VET 220 - *Veterinary Anesthesia and Surgery Credits: (4)
    • VET 265 - *VTNE Review Credits: (1)
    • VET 261 - *Clinical Practicum III Credits: (4)

A.A. A.A.S. A.F.A. A.S. A.S.T. Accelerated Accounting Administration Administrative Advanced Affairs Agriculture-Business Art Arts Assistant Assisting Biology Business Care Certificate Chain Chemistry Childhood Civil Coding Communication Computer Correctional Criminal Cyber Defense Dental Dentistry Diagnostic Diagnostics Distribution Early Economics Education Electrical Elementary Emergency Engineering English Entertainment Entrepreneurship Environmental Exercise Finance Fine Fire Foreign General Geosciences Health History Hospitality Hygiene Industry Information International Journalism Justice K-3 K-5 Laboratory Language Leisure Liberal Logistics Management Marketing Mass Math Mathematics Mechanical Mechatronics Media Medical Medicine Music Networking Nursing Officer Ophthalmic Optometry Parallel Paramedic Pharmacy Philosophy Physical Physics Political Pre Pre-Clinical Pre-Dental Pre-Health Pre-Nursing Pre-Occupational Pre-Physical Procurement Production Professional Professions Programming Psychology RadioTV Radiologic Recording Respiratory Science Sciences Secondary Sleep Social Sociology Sonography Special Sports Studies Supply Systems TTP Teaching Technical Technician Technology Theatre Therapist Therapy Transportation University Veterinary Warehousing Work