Professional Staff Council


To promote professional staff participation, to facilitate communication throughout the college community, to facilitate the expression of the collective opinion of the professional staff and be a representative voice to the President and the President’s Cabinet of the Volunteer State Community College.

The primary objectives of this council are to:

  • Promote active participation in college decision making and positive leadership of professionals.
  • Champion the College mission, goals, core values and other initiatives critical to the mission of the college.
  • Provide the dissemination of information pertinent to all professional staff/exempt employees.


The Officers will consist of a: Chair (serving 2 years), Co-Chair (serving 1 year) and Recorder (serving 1 year.) The Officers will be nominated by, and elected from, within the Professional Staff membership.

In addition, the Council will consist of members representing each Grand Division from the campus. These members will be nominated by, and elected from, all Professional Staff. The membership will include two (2) Members-at-Large, and representation from each grand division: Academic Affairs (2); Business and Finance (2); Institutional Effectiveness, Research, Planning and Assessment (1); Economic and Community Development (1); Resource Development (1); and Student Services (3), for a total of twelve (12) members. Members must have at least one year of service with the college.

Length of Service

Each member shall be elected for a term of three (3) years. There will be an election every year, in the month of April. Representation shall be on a staggered term basis. In the event that any elected council member shall be unable to complete his or her term of appointment, the chair shall initiate the election of a representative to complete the term. The mode of election shall be the same as the method observed in the election of the original members.


A call for nominations will go out to all Professional Staff in the month of April to replace any member rolling off the Council. Current members will be eligible for nominations to office on the Council at this time. The call for nominations will be sent out via email. A time of one week will be allowed for nominations to be received. Once nominations are received, they will then go out to the Professional Staff, for a term of one week, for voting. New members will start their seat on the Cabinet in June. New officers will take their office for the term of June to May.


The Professional Staff Council will meet 6 times per academic year, or more frequently as needed. Meetings are open to all Professional Staff. Professional Staff wishing to bring ideas, comments and/or issues to the attention of the Council for discussion and possible action should do so in writing.

Communication will be via the Professional Staff email distribution list. Minutes of meetings will be publicly available on the V drive under “Committees.”