TN Promise

Tennessee Promise Milestone Celebrated at Vol State

Since 2015, tnAchieves has served as the TN Promise partnering organization for students attending Volunteer State Community College.  As a partner in the work, Vol State supports students by providing an exceptional post-secondary pathway and creating a supportive environment for students.  Today’s milestone celebration recognized the more than 10,000 tnAchieves students enrolled at Vol State.

High School Seniors - Apply for TN Promise Now

High School Seniors- it’s time to fill out the TN Promise application to give you access to your tuition-free college education next fall. You may have not made a decision on where to attend yet. Filling out the application by the deadline of Nov. 1 gives you the option to attend Vol State tuition-free. Students can also now fill out their FAFSA. Visit our web page for a list of dates and links to apply: TN Promise

High School Seniors

High school seniors should apply for their TN Promise tuition-free education opportunity now, even if they don’t have their university or college plans set yet. Applying for TN Promise now gives you the option to attend Vol State tuition-free next fall. However, if you don’t apply by November 2 at midnight, you won’t be able to use TN Promise at all. The application is open now. Visit:

Use Your TN Promise at Vol State

It’s time for high school seniors to apply for TN Promise and explore where to use it. We have hundreds of TN Promise students join us each year. Here are five reasons to attend Vol State with TN Promise:

-Student support: from orientation and through advising, we will make your college experience as smooth and efficient as possible.

Volunteer Fair Connects People with Organizations September 14

Volunteerism is ingrained in the Tennessee spirit. However, people may need help connecting with organizations that need assistance. The upcoming Volunteer Fair at Volunteer State Community College can make those connections. There will be approximately 20 local nonprofit groups on site for the Saturday, September 14 event. It's organized by the One Community Sumner County library collaborative- a partnership between the public libraries of Sumner County, Sumner County Schools, and Vol State’s Thigpen Library.