Volunteer Fair Connects People with Organizations September 14


Volunteerism is ingrained in the Tennessee spirit. However, people may need help connecting with organizations that need assistance. The upcoming Volunteer Fair at Volunteer State Community College can make those connections. There will be approximately 20 local nonprofit groups on site for the Saturday, September 14 event. It's organized by the One Community Sumner County library collaborative- a partnership between the public libraries of Sumner County, Sumner County Schools, and Vol State’s Thigpen Library. It’s also an opportunity for TN Promise college students to find volunteer sites to do their required community service hours for the state scholarship program. TN Achieves will be on hand to talk to students about community service. Organizers of the event remind everyone that volunteer service is a great way for people to build social and career networks and to develop career-relevant skills. The Volunteer Fair will be held in the Wood Campus Center on the Vol State Gallatin campus at 1480 Nashville Pike from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. There will be free snacks and giveaways at the event. For more information call 615-230-3400.