
Vol State Theater Presents Agatha Christie Play

The Theater Department at Volunteer State Community College will present the play "A Daughter's a Daughter" written by Agatha Christie. It was Christie’s fifth novel to be published under the pseudonym Mary Westmacott. The plot focuses on the relationship between a mother and her daughter. Ann Prentice falls in love with Richard Cauldfield and hopes for new happiness. Her only child, Sarah, cannot contemplate the idea of her mother marrying again and wrecks any chance of her remarriage.

City Mouse-Country Mouse Theater for Kids

City living versus the country lifestyle is an age-old debate for humans and in classic literature, also for mice. The children’s theater production of City Mouse-Country Mouse will be staged by the Volunteer State Community College Theater students in October. The Aesop fable gets a modern reworking as the City Mouse visits his cousin in the country. City Mouse isn’t thrilled with rural life and invites Country Mouse to live with him in the city. Plenty of humorous problems arise. In the end, both mice find that home is where you make it.

Junie B. Jones Comes to the Vol State Stage in October

Someone has stolen Junie B. Jones’ new furry mittens. So when Junie B. finds a wonderful pen of many colors, she should be allowed to keep it, right? Thus begins another episode in the famous kindergartner’s life. The story comes to the stage at Volunteer State Community College in the production “Junie B. Jones, I am not a Crook.” It’s a night of fun for kids and parents presented by the Vol State Theater Department. Junie B. is the creation of New York Times bestselling author Barbara Park. The chapter book series is known for humor and insight.

California Suite Comedy Theater Production

A suite in the Beverly Hills Hotel is the setting for the classic Neil Simon comedy California Suite. The play will be presented by the Volunteer State Community College theater program as part of the Spring 2018 Visual and Performing Arts Series. The production uses the same suite as the location for each of four parts, with different characters in each act. Couples visiting Los Angeles sort through marriage problems, mid-life complications, and in one case, a dilemma involving an unconscious prostitute.