Junie B. Jones Comes to the Vol State Stage in October


Someone has stolen Junie B. Jones’ new furry mittens. So when Junie B. finds a wonderful pen of many colors, she should be allowed to keep it, right? Thus begins another episode in the famous kindergartner’s life. The story comes to the stage at Volunteer State Community College in the production “Junie B. Jones, I am not a Crook.” It’s a night of fun for kids and parents presented by the Vol State Theater Department. Junie B. is the creation of New York Times bestselling author Barbara Park. The chapter book series is known for humor and insight. The stage show will be held on Friday & Saturday, October 19 and 20, at 7:30 p.m. in Caudill Hall on the Vol State campus, 1480 Nashville Pike in Gallatin. Admission is $5 at the door and free for students, faculty and staff with Vol State ID. All proceeds go to fund student scholarships. For more information call 615-230-3201.