City Mouse-Country Mouse Theater for Kids

City Mouse-Country Mouse drawing

City living versus the country lifestyle is an age-old debate for humans and in classic literature, also for mice. The children’s theater production of City Mouse-Country Mouse will be staged by the Volunteer State Community College Theater students in October. The Aesop fable gets a modern reworking as the City Mouse visits his cousin in the country. City Mouse isn’t thrilled with rural life and invites Country Mouse to live with him in the city. Plenty of humorous problems arise. In the end, both mice find that home is where you make it. It’s planned as a fun evening for the whole family. The college is staging performances for schools during the week and also holding public shows on Friday, October 4 and Saturday, October 5 at 6 p.m. There is a suggested donation of $5 at the door. Proceeds go to fund student scholarships. The play will be performed at Caudill Hall on the Vol State campus at 1480 Nashville Pike in Gallatin. For more information call 615-230-3201.