The Pioneer Softball Team Aims To Win

Wed, Mar 02, 2022

The Vol State Pioneer softball team has been practicing hard on the field, and they have one of the most exciting games of the season coming up. Coach Johnny Lynn has been a softball coach for 28 years, and he has a lot to say about the team. “There’s some really good talent in this league,” he said. “And they’re fun to watch.

Player Kemiah Michel said that the whole team is very close. “We’re all pretty together- a big family,” she said. “There’s not a lot of drama, which I love about this team.”

There are several things that Coach Lynn teaches players. He said that confidence is key. “Softball’s a game of failure,” he said. “So, you’ve got to be really mentally tough.”

Coach Lynn also likes to teach consistency and growth. “We don’t play our competition. We play ourselves to get better. That’s my mindset,” he said.

The team has some big goals this season. “Our main goal is to finish number one at the conference tournament because that winner goes to The Nationals,” said Coach Lynn. The tournament is happening on May 8-11 in Chattanooga, and the team aims to win.

Players have been training hard for the upcoming tournament. “We shouldn’t have finished where we did last year and I’m excited to get back at that,” said Kemiah.

The Pioneer softball team has two games happening this weekend on March 4 at 2:00 pm, and March 5 at 12:00 pm on the Gallatin campus. The games are free and open to the public. “I feel like when we have a lot of supporters, everybody’s just more hype,” said Kemiah. “And more hype wins.”

View the upcoming softball schedule.

Blog Author
Chloe Duvall
Softball Player Kemiah Michel
Softball player Grace Gregory about to throw the ball to home plate