Reclassification of Non-Faculty Personnel Policy

Policy Number

It is the intent of Volunteer State Community College that the compensation systems attract and retain competent and well-qualified employees. Reclassification as used in this policy pertains only to professional and non-exempt employees. Executive-level employees are not subject to reclassification.

Reclassifications for EEO 4-7 less than $3,500 and for EEO 1-3 less than $4,500 and an annual salary of less than $100,000 do not require Tennessee Board of Regents approval. The titles and corresponding level of all clerical and support positions shall be consistent with the Tennessee Board of Regents System.

A. Exempt/Non-Exempt Status

  1. It is the intent of the Volunteer State Community College to conform to the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act as amended to apply to public employers and also to conform to the policies and guidelines of the Tennessee Board of Regents.
  2. Exempt employees (executive, administrative, and professional) are not covered by the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act, whereas non-exempt employees (clerical and support) are. Each status is distinguished from the other by such factors as salary level, supervisory responsibilities, discretionary authority, and specialized skills and training.
  3. Changes in the exempt/non-exempt status of jobs are the responsibility of the employee’s supervisor in consultation with the Office of Human Resources. Such changes, when determined, shall be reported promptly to the Tennessee Board of Regents.

B. Procedure for Reclassification

  1. Reclassifications of non-faculty positions can occur if justified by the level of work being performed and if permanent funding is identified for any associated compensation increase. The steps required for reclassification of a non-faculty position are:
    1. The Supervisor and/or Department Head will prepare a letter requesting reclassification of the non-faculty position along with a proposed Job Description/Analysis and then forward it to their appropriate Vice President. The request prepared by the immediate Supervisor and/or Department Head shall provide as much detail as possible, stating the significant changes along with the reasons for the change along with any other pertinent documentation available.
    2. The Department/Division Head must identify baseline/ongoing funds for the reclassification. When funding has been identified, a Personnel Action Form will be prepared noting the account number or funding strategy and forwarded to the Office of Human Resources along with the Letter of Request and proposed Job Description/Analysis. Once the information has been received with an appropriate funding source, the Office of Human Resources will schedule time to conduct the study.
    3. The Office of Human Resources will review and discuss with the employee, his/her supervisor, and the appropriate Vice President, the completed Job Description/Analysis, Personnel Action Form, and other documentation.
    4. If reclassification is recommended by the Office of Human Resources, final funding will be coordinated with the Vice President for Business and Finance so that funds can be reallocated. The Letter of Request, Job Description/Analysis, and Personnel Action Form will then be submitted to the President for approval. The President will submit the reclassification information to the Tennessee Board of Regents for review and approval if required according to Tennessee Board of Regents Policy 5:01:00:00.
    5. Notice of final action will be sent to the appropriate Vice President who will notify the immediate supervisor and the employee.
  2. An employee has the right to request a reclassification study for his/her position. The employee must submit a written request to the appropriate Vice President for the review. In such cases, the same procedures outlined in the six steps above will be followed.
  3. It is the intent of this policy to allow reclassification requests by employees. Even if there are disagreements with the request, it should always be forwarded to the Office of Human Resources which will act as an impartial third party and conduct the review. An employee’s job will not be reviewed within three years of the last review unless a significant change in position responsibility and duties has occurred and been documented in writing by the supervisor.


TBR Source: 5:01:00:00: TBR Meetings: June 25, 1976; March 4, 1977; June 26, 1981; September 18, 1981; September 30, 1983; September 16, 1988; March 17, 1989; September 21, 1990; December 7, 1990; March 19, 1993; September 20, 1996; December 6, 1996; June 20, 1997; June 29, 2001; March 15, 2002; December 5, 2003; September 24, 2004; March 29, 2007; June 29, 2007; September 25, 2008; Special Called Meeting January 14, 2009; June 19, 2009 to take effect July 1, 2009; June 24, 2010; September 23, 2011.

TBR Source P-043: TBR Meetings: Presidents’ Meeting May 16, 2006; Presidents’ Meeting November 8, 2006; Presidents’ Meeting February 13, 2007; Presidents’ Meeting May 12, 2009

VSCC Source: December 8, 1999, President; January 23, 2009, President's Cabinet; July 13, 2012, President