Vol State Virtual Event Features Nelson Mandela Jailer

Mandela and Brand

Christo Brand, former prison warden and friend of Nelson Mandela, will share a living testimonial of Mandela’s time in prison and his release. Brand is one of a select few who can offer authentic insights into Mandela’s thoughts, reflections, and hope for humanity. It’s part of International Education Week at Volunteer State Community College and the public is invited to attend.

Brand was Mandela’s warden for twelve years and became a close friend of his – right up until his death in 2013.  At Mandela’s insistence, Brand co-wrote his autobiography titled Doing Life with Mandela: My Prisoner, My Friend.  Mandela chose the title of the book. The presentation features slides showing personal letters, notes, and pictures. Participants will then have the opportunity to ask questions. The free event will be held via Zoom on Tuesday, November 17 at 11 a.m. at www.bit.ly/3kZWrbn. The International Education program at Vol State includes student study abroad opportunities and special events.