Vol State Student tops in Microsoft Word

Jordyn Houghton Vol State student picture

Volunteer State Community College graduate Jordyn Houghton was recently notified that she ranked fourth in the state of Tennessee on the Microsoft Office Specialist (M.O.S.) exam in Word for the 13-22 age bracket. The International Data Corporation says that Microsoft Office skills rank third as the top skills employers are looking for.

“I knew I passed, but I had no idea that I had done that well. I didn’t even know this test was an option until it was given to me as the final exam for a computer class I was taking,” said Houghton. “I had a lot of experience with Word, so the classes were kind of like a review for me … students need to know that this is an option. It’s free and it’s something great to add on to your resume.”

“A lot of people in job interviews will say that they’re proficient in Microsoft Office, and that’s pretty subjective. But to say that you are Microsoft certified, that’s taking it to another level - its confirmation from Microsoft,” said Lisa Borre, assistant director of Advising and Testing.

The Vol State Testing Center offers many other free tests for students, faculty, and staff, such as career and personality assessments, CLEP, and much more. For more information about Vol State testing, visit https://www.volstate.edu/testing