Golfers can tee-up to support athletics at Vol State on Monday, August 6. Individuals and teams can compete for prizes and bragging rights at the twelfth annual Business Credit Reports Athletic Association Golf Classic, benefiting the Volunteer State Athletic Association. Registration is open now. Highlights of the event are the Volunteer State Bank Paul Warren Memorial Corporate Cup Challenge and the Business Credit Reports Four Man Scramble. The tournament will be held at Fairvue Plantation in Gallatin. Registration and warm-up begin at 10:30 a.m., followed by a light lunch and a noon shotgun start.
The Golf Classic raises money for athletic equipment and support. Businesses and individuals are encouraged to enter teams for the event. The cost for individuals is $150 and $600 per team. There will be prizes for men and women’s par 3, long drive and closest to the pin. All tickets this year will include a putting contest, mulligan, chipping contest and other fun events. The event will culminate that evening with an awards dinner.
A full range of sponsorship opportunities for the tournament are available. To register a team or for more information, call the Volunteer State College Foundation at 615-230-3526 or email