Vol State announces $1.3 Million TRIO Grant Renewal

2019 Vol State TRIO students and staff.

Extensive mentoring, counseling, and tutoring are just a few of the services that are provided in the TRIO Student Support Services program at Volunteer State Community College. The program has been awarded $1.375 million in funding by the U.S. Department of Education for another five-year cycle: 2020-2025. Vol State has served students with TRIO services since 2005. 

“I’m a first-generation college student, which means my parents didn’t attend college,” said LaBryian Scharklett of Gallatin. “I didn’t have anyone to help me. TRIO staff were like my parents. They helped me to register for classes and fill out the financial aid forms. They even helped me with transfer applications and university visits. I honestly believe that without them I would not be where I am in my academic career.” Scharklett is now a transfer student at TN Tech University.

“I have worked with the TRIO program here at Vol State since the beginning in 2005 and became the director in 2006,” said Andrea Boddie. “Having amazing staff and the support of the campus have been factors in the continued success of the program. Over the years, we have seen students reach their academic goals, some even with master’s degrees now.”

This year, the program is funded to serve 200 Vol State students in the areas of academic support, graduation planning, four-year college transfer planning, career planning, laptop checkout, and cultural enrichment. TRIO Retention Awards may available for eligible TRIO students. Eligibility for TRIO includes first-generation college students and those who may have other challenges. Space is limited. For more information on the criteria and the online application visit www.volstate.edu/trio

Pictured: 2019 TRIO students and staff.