There was a standing-room-only crowd today as Vol State hosted a kick-off celebration for a new partnership between UT Martin and Vol State Springfield that is slated to begin in January 2024. This agreement is pending THEC and SACSCOC approval with an anticipated finalization date of December 2023. Students would begin taking classes on this pathway Spring Semester 2024.
Nicholas Bishop, Vol State Community College vice president of workforce development and regional centers states, “We’re excited to partner with the UT System and the addition of the UT Martin Campus as our new university partner to serve as a regional center for Middle Tennessee.”
The partnership will focus on agriculture, health care, and technology sector pathways with agriculture business degrees being the first phase focus. Vol State will focus on delivering technical certificates and associate degrees, while UTM will focus on bachelor's and master's degrees. The concept is aimed at creating the ability for individuals to earn their associate up to a graduate level degree without having to leave Robertson County or the surrounding communities.
Bishop further adds, “We think this partnership will be a positive boost for Northern Middle Tennessee and Robertson County’s economic and workforce development progress. UTM and Vol State are finalizing a dual admissions agreement that will allow students to be enrolled in both institutions simultaneously and receive support from both as they progress through multiple degree and training levels.”