Have a Great Semester: Three Tips for Success

Students studying at the Vol State campus in Gallatin

We hope everyone has a great Spring Semester. Here are three tips for doing well in your classes and getting closer to your graduation goal.

  1. Attend your classes. It may seem simple, but it is the most common reason why students fall behind and get poor grades. If you do have to miss a class, email your instructor to get caught up.
  2. Get organized. If you let assignments pile up you will become overwhelmed. Every class should have a course schedule that describes due dates for the semester. Start your own personal calendar to remind you of what you should be working on and when it is due. Do this for all of your classes.
  3. Ask for help. If you don’t understand something ask the instructor. You can do that during class or after. If you want extra help with papers and assignments use the free Learning Commons services available on each campus. You can get assistance with math homework, math-heavy science homework, papers, and assignments. Visit this website for details: www.volstate.edu/learningcommons

If you run into big problems be sure to contact the Office of Advising on your campus. In Gallatin, the Office of Advising is located in the Ramer Administration Building, room 141. Or you can call them at 615-230-3702.

You can do this! We’re here to help you succeed.