Commit to Completion

Set a tone for the coming school year and remind yourself why you are here.

Committing to Completion means that you will earn your degree or certificate. It's most important to remember that commitment when times get tough, as they inevitably will. We'll have boards on all of the campuses this week that you can sign to show your commitment.

Here are a few ideas to help you do well in your classes:

- Attend all of your class meetings. College courses move quickly and skipping classes will cause you to fall behind.

- Keep looking ahead on the course schedule for each class you take. Work ahead on assignments if you can.

- Talk to your instructor if you don't understand something or if you need help. They're not here to give you extensions or allow you to get out of work. They are here to help you learn and succeed. Don't be embarrassed about not understanding something....that's why you're here and that's why we're here.

- Get extra help. We have a number of free academic support services available to all students. Those services will really help you as the semester piles up with assignments and papers. We've collected the services in one list that we call the "College Success Zone." You can view the list of free services here:

You can do this. We will help. Commit to college completion.