Connecting with Other Students

College can be difficult to navigate. It is important to build a support system of other students, faculty, and staff at the college. A good support system can provide support and be a resource as questions arise. Attending campus events is a great way for you to get connected to other students, staff, and faculty at the college. 

Posters, eLearn announcements, campus signs, and word of mouth are all great ways to hear about campus happenings. But there are two places you should check out when you are looking to connect with others, the Vol State Events Calendar and the Clubs & Organizations page.

Campus Events

The Campus Events calendar is a great page to bookmark and visit often. On the campus events page, you will find a wide variety of events like art exhibitions, sporting events, movie nights, trivia events, plays, concerts, and more. There is something for everyone!

Clubs & Organizations

Clubs & Organizations can help you connect with others around an area that interests you. Check out the current list of Clubs & Organizations. But don’t worry, if you don’t find one that interests you, consider starting a new club! At the bottom of the Clubs & Organizations page, you will find information about creating or reactivating a club.