
Apply Now for Spring Classes -They Start January 19

Volunteer State Community College has expanded online support for students and faculty are finding new ways to teach classes. In Nursing, one instructor uses online polling instead of traditional quizzes. It allows students to see what they know in comparison to the rest of the class and offers a new way to spark class discussion. It’s a commitment to help students succeed, even in the most trying of circumstances. The college will have hundreds of courses to choose from this spring, in more than 100 areas of study.

Federal Study Shows High Cost of a Gap Year

Students considering taking a gap year, time off from college due to the pandemic, may want to consider the eventual lost wages- up to $90,000 over their career. That’s according to a new study by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. It said that there are sizeable hidden costs in taking even just a year off from college, including a wage gap wedge that could stick with the student throughout their career.