III:00:04 Visitors/Guest Speakers on Campus Policy


In recognition of the special relationship that exists between Volunteer State Community College and the academic community it seeks to serve, the administration is obligated to maintain a safe campus environment for all constituents. To accomplish that goal, with respect for our visitors, this policy is established.


For purposes of this policy:

  • Visitors include all people who are not registered as current students or who are not employed by Volunteer State Community College.
  • Guest Speakers include those who have been invited by a student, official, or employee of the College to visit the campus at a specific time and place for speaking at an institutional function.
  • Campus includes any building/grounds/facilities where administrative, instructional, or service activities of Volunteer State Community College are conducted.

Visitors & Guest Speakers

In accordance with TBR policy, the campus and facilities of Volunteer State Community College are restricted to students, faculty, staff, and visitors/guests of the institution except when the campus, its buildings or facilities are open to the general public for a designated time and purpose. Visitors, including relatives and other guests who come to campus to conduct official College business, are discouraged from attending and/or disrupting classes. Prior to extending an invitation to guests to visit the campus for a special College activity, club/organization officers must obtain approval from the club/organization’s advisor, Director of Student Life & Diversity Initiatives, Coordinator of Student Activities, or the Vice President for Student Services and, in some instances, from the President of the College.

Guest Speakers, invited by a faculty member to speak in a classroom, do not require special approval to be on campus. The faculty member that invites the speaker should ensure that the speaker is provided a parking pass in advance of the speaking arrangement.


TBR Source: TBR Meetings, December 8, 1978; March 10, 1979; March 18, 1983; September 30, 1983; September 18, 1987; March 16, 1990; September 21, 1990

VSCC Source: November 24, 2008, President's Cabinet