IV:11:01 Externally Funded Grants and Contracts Policy

This policy applies to all externally funded grants or contracts of the College. It provides for a stringent review and monitoring process to ensure the College maintains control over institutional activities and does not become dependent on such funds for normal operations.

The principal investigator (PI) or project director (PD), the PI’s immediate supervisor, the applicable vice president, the Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness, Research, Planning and Assessment, and the President have the responsibility of reviewing each grant application (other than for Title IV student financial aid and other scholarships) to ensure that:

  • The grant or contract is related to the mission and purpose of the College.
  • There is an appropriate balance between the grant and contract activity and instruction.
  • The institution can maintain control over the project and instruction.
  • Appropriate parties, including the faculty member, have agreed to the faculty member’s division of obligation between the grant/contract activity and other academic activities. This agreement would include issues such as release time or additional compensation.
  • The principal investigator’s freedom to investigate and report results is preserved and is not compromised by the terms of the grant or contract.
  • Control of the administration of the project rests with the College and the College safeguards control over its own activities.
  • Funding and continuity of support for general instructional activities will not be endangered by the acquisition of the grant or contract.
  • The grant will not cause the College to become dependent on such external funding to support its regular operating budget in the form of direct or indirect costs.
  • The grant or contract is made for a specified period of time.
  • Matching funds and required facilities are available.

The review and approval will be documented on the attached “External Grant or Contract Review Sheet”. 

Grant applications not meeting these criteria will not be approved or submitted by the College.


VSCC Source: August 31, 1999, President; October 20, 2008, President’s Cabinet


Volunteer State Community College
External Grant or Contract Review Sheet

Name of Project/Program: ___________________________________________

Principal Investigator(s) or Project Director(s): ___________________________________________

Source of Funds (Federal, State, or Private): ___________________________________________

Granting or Contracting Agency: ___________________________________________

Full Proposal_____Letter of Request_____Letter of Intent_____Multiple Projects in One Grant_____

As principal investigator or project director, I have reviewed the grant application or contract and have by reasonable means determined that:

  • The grant or contract is related to the mission or the purpose of the College.
  • There is an appropriate balance between the grant or contract activity and instruction, and that the institution can maintain control over the project and instruction.
  • Appropriate parties, including the faculty member, have agreed to the faculty member’s division of obligation between the grant or contract activity and other academic activities. This agreement would include issues such as release time and/or additional compensation.
  • The principal investigator’s freedom to investigate and report results is preserved and is not compromised by the terms of the grant or contract.
  • Control of the administration of the project rests with the College and the College safeguards control over its own activities.
  • Funding and continuity of support for general instructional activities will not be endangered by the acquisition of the grant or contract.
  • The grant will not cause the College to become dependent on such external support for its regular operating budget in the form of direct or indirect costs.
  • The grant or contract is made for a specified period of time.
  • Matching funds and required facilities are available.
Principal Investigator or Project Director Date
Immediate Supervisor Date
Vice President of Grant Unit Date
Vice President of Business and Finance Date
Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness, Research, Planning, and Assessment Date
Vice President for Resource Development & Executive Director of the Foundation Date
President Date