III:00:02 Appeal for Late Drop or Withdrawal Policy


After a certain date each semester, a drop or withdrawal is not permitted with a grade of “W”. The academic calendar in the College Catalog lists the last day to withdraw with a grade of “W”. Unusual and verifiable circumstances, such as documented evidence of personal serious illness or death in the immediate family or employer-mandated transfer or military obligations are the only exceptions in granting permission to withdraw and receive a “W” after the date specified in the catalog publications. A student who stops attending class and does not follow the published withdrawal procedures will remain on the class roll and the grade may be reported as “F”.


When a student experiences unusual and verifiable circumstances which compel the student to discontinue enrollment after the published last date to withdraw, the student must submit an appeal in writing with proper documentation to the Vice President for Student Services. Appeals to drop or withdraw from a course(s) will not be accepted after the date grades are posted for the term. Any appeals received after the date grades are posted for the term will be directed to the Academic Integrity Committee for consideration. After grades have been posted, the Academic Integrity Committee will make decisions on appeals for a retroactive drop or withdrawal for up to one (1) year past the end of the term for which the drop or withdrawal is sought. The effective date of drop or withdrawal will be established by the College based on available documentation provided by the student.


VSCC Source: Former III:00:05, February 24, 1999, President; November 27, 2007, President; January 28, 2019, President’s Cabinet; December 21, 2020, President’s Cabinet; September 20, 2022, President