I. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to provide a uniform basis upon which the Volunteer State Community College (VSCC) can regulate the use of campus property and facilities while complying with the College’s mission of supporting an educational atmosphere. The policy incorporates the guidelines established in the Tennessee Board of Regents "Access to and Use of Campus Property and Facilities.” This policy shall be implemented and construed to ensure no undue disruption of the mission, promote an educational atmosphere on campus, prevent commercial exploitation of students, and prevent use of campus property and facilities contrary to federal, state or local law, regulation, or the rules and policies of the TBR, and its institutions.
In establishing this policy, the College recognizes the importance to the educational process and environment for persons affiliated with VSCC, including officially recognized student organizations and other groups to have reasonable access to, and use of, the educational facilities at VSCC. Simultaneously, the College also makes clear that its facilities are not open public forums but are instead intended solely for use consistent with the advancement and orderly administration of its educational mission for the benefit of its students, staff, and affiliated entities. As such, VSCC does not ordinarily make its buildings or other facilities available to outside individuals or outside groups.
Exceptions may be made only if the proposed use is consistent with this policy and College policy and mission.
II. Definitions
For the purposes of these regulations, the following definitions shall apply:
- Affiliated Entities - an officially registered student group or organization funded by and/or sponsored by VSCC.
- Affiliated Individuals - persons officially connected with the College including students and employees.
- Applicant - group, organization, or individual requesting use of campus facilities.
- Campus - any land, building, or other property owned, leased, or controlled by VSCC or the TBR for specific use by the College.
- College - within this policy, college refers to VSCC. Land leased to another organization is exempt.
- Guest ‐ a person invited by a student or employee of the College to visit the campus at a specific time and place.
- Non-affiliated Entities - any person, group, or organization that is not an affiliated entity or individual.
- Normal Educational Activities - activities that occur outside of the classroom to enhance and continue student learning and project completion. Normal educational activities include but are not limited to small group study sessions (whether organized by students, tutors, supplemental instructors or faculty), review sessions, open labs, student-teacher conferences, and students working together on class projects.
- Student - a person who is registered for credit or non-credit course(s) or a program at the College, including the period between the end of an academic period the student has completed and the last day for registration for the next academic period.
III. Access to Campuses and Use of Property/Facilities
- Geographic Locations & Buildings Available for Use
Affiliated Entities and Individuals can identify spaces available on specific dates and times through the online scheduling system. Non-affiliated Entities may apply to access spaces designated free of charge as outlined in this policy or rent campus facilities as specified in VSCC Rental of Campus Property and Facilities Policy. - Access to Facilities and Prioritized Users
- Access to and use of College campuses, facilities, and property is restricted to official College functions and normal educational activities for affiliated individuals/entities, invited or sponsored College guests, or for when part or all of a campus, its buildings or facilities are open to the general public for a designated time and purpose. Individuals or groups not affiliated with the College may apply for use of designated spaces as outlined within the policy.
- Use of facilities is limited to one-time events or short term or intermittent programs where access is permitted.
- Priority for the use of College facilities is in the following order: 1) credit and non-credit classes and programs, 2) college-sponsored activities, 3) all other requests for usage.
- Use of Facilities by Affiliated Individuals and Affiliated Entities
- College employees may apply to use space for activities related to their employment with the College through the online scheduling system. The online scheduling system will send room requests to room owners and the requester will be sent an email confirmation when a decision has been made. Requests are typically reviewed within three (3) business days. Auditorium requests may take longer. Requests for specific rooms will be honored when possible; however, in order to optimize the use of space, groups may be assigned to the most appropriate space available. Disapproval of a space request will include a statement regarding the basis for the denial; Section III. F. outlines some of the reasons for denial. The applicant may appeal to the President or a designee in writing. The President will issue a determination on the appeal prior to the proposed event date.
- Students must complete an Event Proposal with the Office of Student Engagement and Support to use campus property or facilities. The Office of Student Engagement and Support will submit necessary online reservations and work orders. Student organizations utilizing campus property or facilities for activities or events are subject to the Student Disciplinary Policy (VSCC Policy III:00:05) and are encouraged to review that policy before submitting and Event Proposal.
- Faculty may invite uncompensated, unaffiliated guest speakers for regular class sessions and/or meetings without prior application or approval where attendance at the class session or meeting will be limited to members of the class and where no fee or compensation from state funds will be paid to the speaker.
- Affiliated individuals and entities who wish to hold a non-affiliated public or private event (e.g., family reunion, wedding shower, public quilting class, etc.), or reserve space for a guest speaker or host an event other than a regular class session, normal educational activity, or college-sponsored meeting, must apply through the College’s website at https://www.volstate.edu/plantoperations/event-planning to complete a “Request for Use of Space” form. Requests for Use of Space must be submitted at least 10 business days in advance.
- Requests for Use of Space can be made no more than 4 months in advance. Academic and College affiliated events will take priority over external, non-affiliated requests even when the request is made by an Affiliated Individual or Affiliated Entity.
- The applicant(s) agrees to pay in full any fees associated with the use of the College’s facilities and services provided at least 10 business days prior to the event. Fees will be listed on contracts drawn up by the Scheduler’s Office and approved by the Business Office. Requests to waive fees can be submitted on the “Request for Use of Space” form, and the College’s President or President’s designee will approve a fee waiver when appropriate.
- Payment of fees can be provided in the form of cash, check, or credit card in person to the Cashier’s Office 1480 Nashville Pike Gallatin, TN 37066 in the Ramer Administration Building Suite 105. Credit card payments can be accepted over the phone at 615-230-3585.
- Affiliates sponsoring a guest speaker or non-affiliated college event will be responsible for the conduct of both the speaker and the non-affiliated guests at the event as well as compliance with all laws, TBR and College rules and/or policies while present on campus or using campus facilities or property.
- Affiliates are responsible for submitting a work order to Maintenance a minimum of three business days before the event for rooms that require a change in set up. Selecting a set-up online is not a substitute for sending a work order.
- If media/telecommunications support for a conference call is requested online, the affiliate should enter an Online work order at: https://volstate.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1994/Portal/Requests/ServiceDet?ID=27451
- Parking permits for special events must be obtained from the Campus Police Office (615-230-3595). Parking permits are available at: https://www.volstate.edu/campuspolice/parking-decals
- If technical staff support, additional custodial set-up/take-down time, or security are needed, refer to the Rental of Campus Property and Facilities as fees may be required.
- Use of Free Facilities by Non-Affiliated Individuals and Non-Affiliated Entities
- Non-affiliated entities or individuals may apply to utilize one of the designated spaces of VSCC without associated fees.
- The activity must be held in the following areas:
- VSCC Gallatin Campus – a designated area at the intersection of the sidewalks coming from Parking Lots C, D & E going to the Steinhauer-Rogan-Black (SRB) and Wood Buildings.
- VSCC Springfield Campus – a designated area of the parking lot on the east side of the building.
- VSCC Livingston Campus – a designated area on the east side of the parking lot.
- Application Process
- Any non-affiliated entity or individual wishing to use campus property or facilities must complete a “Request for Use of Space” form on the College’s website at, www.volstate.edu/plantoperations/event-planning at least ten (10) business days in advance of the desired date of the activity.
- Approval or disapproval will be issued by the Scheduler’s office; requests will be reviewed within five business days of application, as circumstances permit. Disapproval of a space request will include a statement regarding the basis for the denial. Section III. E. outlines some of the reasons for denial. The applicant may appeal to the President or a designee in writing. The President will issue a determination on the appeal prior to the proposed event date.
- Availability
The designated space will be available Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Requests may not be granted for Saturdays, Sundays, when the College is closed, or during the last two weeks of any semester (finals week and the week prior). - Campus Notification Process
- The Scheduler will notify the President’s Cabinet of non-affiliated space usage.
- Faculty and Staff may view the non-affiliated space schedule through the online room scheduling system.
- Use of Facilities by Non-Affiliated Individuals and Non-Affiliated Entities with Associated Fees
- Non- Affiliated individuals and Non-Affiliated entities who wish to hold a non-affiliated public or private event (e.g., family reunion, wedding shower, public quilting class, etc.), or reserve space for a guest speaker or host an event other than a regular class session, normal educational activity, or college- sponsored meeting must apply through the College’s website at: https://www.volstate.edu/plantoperations/event-planning to complete a “Request for Use of Space” form.
- Requests for Use of Space must be submitted at least 10 business days in advance of the requested event date. Requests for Use of Space can only be made up to 4 months in advance. Academic and College affiliated events will take priority over external, non-affiliated requests.
- Approval or disapproval will be issued by the Scheduler’s office; ordinarily requests will be reviewed within five business days of application, as circumstances permit. Disapproval of a space request will include a statement regarding the basis for the denial; Section III. F. outlines some of the reasons for denial. The applicant may appeal to the President or a designee in writing. The President will issue a determination on the appeal prior to the proposed event date.
- The applicant(s) agree to pay in full any fees associated with the use of the College’s facilities and services provided at least 10 business days prior to the event. Fees will be listed on contracts drawn up by the Scheduler’s Office and approved by the Business Office. Requests to waive fees can be submitted on the “Request for Use of Space” form, and the College’s President or President’s designee will approve a fee waiver when appropriate.
- Payment of fees can be provided in the form of cash, check, or credit card in person to the Cashier’s Office 1480 Nashville Pike Gallatin, TN 37066 in the Ramer Administration Building Suite 105. Credit card payments can be accepted over the phone at 615-230-3585.
Denial of Request for Use of Space
Denial of a request to access/use campus facilities and/or property shall be based solely on factors related to reasonable regulations considering the College’s mission and the nature of the facility or property requested and rendered in a content/viewpoint neutral manner.
Any affiliate whose application for use of property or facilities is denied shall have the right to appeal to the President or a designee. Notice of appeal shall be made in writing during normal business hours of the College no later than five (5) business days prior to the time of the proposed event and the decision of the President or a designee shall be made at least three (3) business days before the time of the event.
Reasons for request denial may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- The property or facilities have been previously reserved by another group, organization, or individual with equal or higher priority.
- Frequency of previous use during an academic semester in comparison to that of a contemporaneous applicant.
- Use of the property or facilities requested would be impractical due to scheduled usage prior to or following the requested use.
- The applicant or sponsor of the activity has not provided accurate or complete information required on the application for registration.
- The applicant or sponsor of the activity has been responsible for violation of College or TBR policy during a previously registered use of campus property or facilities.
- The applicant has previously violated any conditions or assurances specified in a previous registration application.
- The anticipated size or attendance for the event will exceed building/fire codes, established safety standards, and/or the physical or other limitations for the facility or property requested.
- The activity is of such nature or duration that it cannot reasonably be accommodated in the facility or area for which application is made.
- A determination that the size and/or location of the requested use would cause substantial disruption or interference with the normal activities of the College, the educational use of other facilities or services on campus or the flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
- The activity conflicts with existing contractual obligations of the College.
- The activity presents a clear and present danger for physical harm, coercion, intimidation, or other invasion of lawful rights of the College's officials, faculty members, or students, the damage or destruction, or seizure and subversion, of the College's or school's buildings, other property, or for other campus disorder of a violent or destructive nature.
- A determination that the requested use would be contrary to local, state, or federal law, regulation, or the policies or regulations of the TBR, or the College.
General Conditions for Use of Property or Facilities
Once permission to use College property or facilities has been granted, the requirements put forth in this policy must be met. Violation of, or failure to comply with, the requirements set forth in this policy, other College policies, or state or federal law and regulations may result in the immediate revocation of previously granted approval for access/use of campus facilities or property. Employees and students may be subject to disciplinary sanctions.
- Building fire codes and safety standards applicable to facilities and/or property must be met.
- All College and TBR rules and/or policies must be followed.
- Buildings, facilities, and property, not specifically identified as available for use are specifically unavailable for use other than for normal administrative or educational purposes.
- Sound amplification equipment may be used only when prior approval has been requested. The College official will consider the College mission and the nature of the facility or property requested, location, and time of day.
- College equipment may not be utilized or moved from its original location without prior approval from College officials.
- All persons operating motor vehicles in conjunction with an approved use/access of campus facilities and/or property shall be subject to College and TBR rules, regulations, policies and procedures regarding traffic and parking.
- Users of facilities or property and/or their sponsor(s) are responsible for all activities associated with the event.
- Use of the requested facility and/or property shall be limited to the declared purpose in the application for use/access to campus facilities and/or property.
- Access to, or use of, campus facilities shall not be permitted overnight unless specifically requested and approved pursuant to the requirements of this policy and/or other applicable College policies. Such use shall be limited to the specific time and location set forth in the notice of approval/registration document.
- All persons on campus in conjunction with an approved Use of Campus Property application shall provide adequate identification upon request to appropriate officials and Campus Police. Persons or groups who refuse to provide such identification may be subject to immediate removal from campus and/or disciplinary action. In appropriate circumstances, such persons may become subject to arrest and/or prosecution, and students will be subject to disciplinary sanctions.
- College property and facilities may not be used by any non-affiliated entity/individual for the conduct of profit-making activities except when engaged in a business relationship, pursuant to a contract, with the College and/or when a rental or lease agreement is in place specifically for such temporary purpose.
- Participants in the activity must remain in the assigned area.
- The activity may not block the flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
- Participants may not make physical contact with others.
- Participants must leave the area free of debris and litter.
- The activity must not interfere with scheduled College-sponsored activities.
- Children under the age of 18, who are not students of VSCC, are not permitted to participate in the activity without being accompanied by an adult.
- The College is not responsible for equipment used by the participants in the activity.
- Insurance/Indemnity
- All non-affiliated individuals/entities agree, by making application for registration of an activity and by subsequent use after approval by the College, to indemnify the College and hold it harmless from any and all liabilities arising out of use of the property and/or facilities, including, but not limited to, personal injury, property damage, court costs and attorneys’ fees.
- In utilizing campus property or facilities, non-affiliated individuals/entities and affiliated individuals requesting use of college facilities not associated with their role at the College, shall provide proof of liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 with the College listed as an Additional Insured or the certificate holder with the application of use.
- All entities may be assessed the cost of providing maintenance and/or security required as a result of their use of campus property or facilities.
- All entities may be assessed a security deposit as a result of their use of campus property or facilities to cover any damage or additional cleaning that results from the entity’s event. Said deposit will be returned within 10 business days after the event providing there was no damage to College property as a result of the entity’s event. If the deposit is not refunded in full, an itemized list of costs deducted from the deposit will accompany the remainder of the deposit that is returned.
- Distribution of Leaflets, Literature, Pamphlets, Etc. - Commercial Use/Solicitation Prohibited
- Literature and/or advertisements may only be sold or distributed in conjunction with an approved application for use of campus facilities. Requests to distribute or sell literature must be included on the application to use campus facilities and/or property.
- Commercial solicitation and/or the distribution or sale of literature associated with commercial solicitations or advertising is specifically prohibited except when the entity is engaged in a contractual business relationship with the College and/or when a rental or lease agreement is in place specifically for such temporary purpose.
- Campus property and facilities may not be used by any non-affiliated entity/individual to conduct profit-making activities except when the entity is engaged in a contractual business relationship with the College and/or when a rental or lease agreement is in place specifically for such temporary purpose.
- Literature and/or advertisements may not be distributed within:
- Classroom, library or other academic buildings; or,
- Administrative and employee offices and work areas.
- Any literature which is distributed or sold or any advertisement shall comply with all applicable local, state, and, federal laws and regulations, as well as the rules and policies of the College and TBR.
- Obscene literature or material, as defined by law, shall not be distributed on any property owned or used by the College.
- No person shall cause any litter to occur on the campus; materials shall only be discarded in trash receptacles on campus.
- Bulletin Boards/Posting
- The Vice President for Student Services shall designate the locations on campus which are available for use and placement of decorations, posters, or signs.
- All posted materials must be approved through the Office of the Vice President for Student Services. If materials are denied posting by the Office of Vice President for Student Services, the individual seeking permission may appeal to the Vice President for Student Services.
- Decisions by the Vice President for Student Services regarding literature distribution may be appealed to the President.
- General Restrictions
- College equipment and supplies shall not be taken off the campus except as required to support classes and official programs conducted by College budgeted departments. College facilities, equipment and supplies shall not be used in support of an off-campus non-College budgeted event. However, with the permission of the President, the College may loan equipment, such as tables and chairs, to government and charitable organizations that serve the local community. In those instances, the organization must sign a written agreement in advance that if the property is lost, stolen, or damaged in any manner, the organization will make full and immediate restitution to the College.
- No gambling is permitted on the College campus, except if permits are obtained from the State of Tennessee and copies provided to College officials.
- Wearing of cleats will not be permitted inside College buildings.
- Gasoline engine vehicles will not be used or stored in College buildings without the specific permission of the College's Vice President for Business and Finance.
Food/Catering Policies
Currently, the contracted College food services provider is unavailable for events requiring food and/or drinks therefore the use of other catering services is permitted.
TBR Source: 3:02:02:00: TBR Meetings, December 8, 1978; March 10, 1979; March 18, 1983; September 30, 1983; September 18, 1987; March 16, 1990; September 21, 1990. Revised and renamed 1:03:02:50 Access To and Use of Campus Property and Facilities, September 22, 2011. Effective on May 30, 2012; G-030: November 12, 1985, Presidents' Meeting; August 15, 1989, Presidents' Meeting; November 8, 1995, Presidents' Meeting; May 14, 1996 Presidents' Meeting; November 12, 1996, Presidents' Meeting; August 5, 1997 Presidents' Meeting, November 5, 1997 Presidents' Meeting; February 17, 1998 Presidents' Meeting & March 27, 1998 Board Meeting; November 4, 1998 Presidents' Meeting, November 7, 2001 Presidents Meeting. August 16, 2005 Presidents’ Meeting, August 16, 2006 Presidents’ Meeting; May 15, 2007 Presidents’ Meeting, February 12, 2008 Presidents’ Meeting; Presidents Meeting, November 5, 2008; Presidents Meeting, February 17, 2009; Presidents’ Meeting, August 11, 2009; Presidents’ Meeting, August 17, 2010.
VSCC Source: March 9, 1989, President; March 26, 1999, President; January 28, 2009, President's Cabinet; April 4, 2011, President’s Cabinet; August 26, 2015, President’s Cabinet; December 21, 2022, President’s Cabinet; November 15, 2023, President’s Cabinet