Body Farm Founder Bill Bass Speaks in Two Presentations

Pictured: Dr. Bass signs books for students after a Vol State lecture in 2018.

Dr. William Bass, the creator of “The Body Farm” in Knoxville, makes a return engagement to Volunteer State Community College on Thursday, October 3 for two public lectures. The forensic anthropologist is best known for his work in founding the Anthropology Research Facility at U-T Knoxville. Researchers there study the decomposition of donated bodies in various weather and burial conditions. The findings, including methods to help determine when a person died, revolutionized forensic science and criminal investigation. To expand the work, and provide expertise to the world, the Forensic Anthropology Center was opened in 1987. It curates the largest collection of contemporary human skeletons in the nation and provides professional training. Bass, now retired, became a bestselling author and inspired many fictional characters in TV and movies. His first presentation, at 11:15 a.m., will discuss “The History of the Body Farm.” His second lecture will be at 6 p.m. and is titled “The Mysterious Case of Colonel William Shy.” Both events are free and open to the public. They will be held at Caudill Hall on the Vol State campus at 1480 Nashville Pike in Gallatin.  The college encourages attendees to bring non-perishable food donations for the Feed student food bank. For more information call 615-230-3492.


Pictured: Dr. Bass signs books for students after a Vol State lecture in 2018.