Wanna be in Pictures and Video?

Vol State is often looking for fresh faces to use in our marketing materials. If you are ready to be in photos or videos for Vol State, we would love to have you in front of our camera.

VS students with paint on their hands
Patch with two Vol State students
Three VS students looking at cell phone

Release waivers are required by law before images are published. If you wish to chat with our team before submitting a release, we’d be more than happy to meet you! Contact us at mediateam@volstate.edu for more info.

Photo/Video Release Waiver

Photo/Video/Likeness Release Statement: I hereby give permission for myself, or any listed children I have guardianship over, to be photographed or videotaped and for the likeness to be utilized by Volunteer State Community College, hereafter referred to as Vol State. I agree to the use of such video or images to be deployed for publicity and/or promotional purposes in any publication, broadcast, or other medium chosen by Vol State, whether commercial or non‐commercial. I waive all claims for further compensation or damages that may occur regarding the use of my likeness in video or photo. I waive any right I may have to inspect or approve the finished product, or the copy, that may be used in connection with the use of such likenesses. I also give Vol State permission to reuse any photo, video, or likeness captured in the future, without need for obtaining permission indefinitely. I certify that I am of legal age, and am considered legally competent, to give consent for myself or those I have guardianship over.