Division Of Humanities Faculty & Staff

Adkins, Heather

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
Adkins, Heather

Alexander, Chris

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Alexander, Chris

Assante, Len

Communication Studies Faculty/Assistant Dean
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 206 E
Assante, Len

Babiarz-Lira, Allen

Communication Studies Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 206 D
Babiarz-Lira, Allen

Barnett, Mark

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
Barnett, Mark

Benfield, Jesse

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
Benfield, Jesse

Berresheim, Catherine

English Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 372
Berresheim, Catherine

Bishir, Steve

Entertainment Media Industry Faculty / Director
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 106 A
Bishir, Steve

Black, Laura

English Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 321
Black, Laura

Black, Melva

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Black, Melva

Blomgren, Nancy

English Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 319
Blomgren, Nancy

Bohr, Leslie

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Cookeville Center
Bohr, Leslie

Bowie, Pamela

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Bowie, Pamela

Boyle, Kathleen

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
Boyle, Kathleen

Bradford, Erin

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Bradford, Erin

Brassell, Brendan

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
Brassell, Brendan

Britton, MJ

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Britton, MJ

Brown, Karla

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Brown, Karla

Brunson, Cory

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Brunson, Cory

Caldwell, Victor

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
Caldwell, Victor

Casey, Richard

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Casey, Richard

Cawthon, Julia

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
Cawthon, Julia

Christian, Victoria

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Christian, Victoria

Clark, Richard

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
Clark, Richard

Cocita, Jessica

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 361
Cocita, Jessica

Coel, Crystal

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Coel, Crystal

Collins, Kathleen

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Collins, Kathleen

Cook, Kelly

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts

Cook, Kelly

Crace, Benjamin

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Crace, Benjamin

Custer, Rhonda

Senior Administrative Assistant
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
Custer, Rhonda

Dawson, Lynn

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Cookeville Center
Dawson, Lynn

Dove, Michael

Entertainment Media Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 206 G
Dove, Michael

Drapeau, Jaclyn

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Drapeau, Jaclyn

Duggan, Emmet

Art Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 315
Duggan, Emmet

Eades, Renee

English Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 323
Eades, Renee

Easley, Kyle

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
Easley, Kyle

Ernst, Allison

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Ernst, Allison

Fitzhugh, William

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
Fitzhugh, William

Flatt, Lucas

English Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
931-520-0551 ext. 4632
Cookeville Center 136
Flatt, Lucas

Gates, Erica

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Gates, Erica

Gibbons, Jacqueline

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
Gibbons, Jacqueline

Gilligan, Katherine

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Gilligan, Katherine

Goad, Seth

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
Goad, Seth

Godwin-Smith, Jemmie

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
Godwin-Smith, Jemmie

Gomez, Shirley

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
Gomez, Shirley

Gorczyca, Jamie

English Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 325
Gorczyca, Jamie

Gorgie, Jean

Reading Faculty/Department Chair
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 327
Gorgie, Jean

Graves, Benjamin

Music Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 206 F
Graves, Benjamin

Gray, Sarah

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
Gray, Sarah

Green, Patrick

Art Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 206 A
Green, Patrick

Gupta, Kiran

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Gupta, Kiran

Hall, Rachael

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Hall, Rachael

Harvey, Sara

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
Harvey, Sara

Hatcher, David

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Springfield Center
Hatcher, David

Hendricks, Shawn

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Hendricks, Shawn

Herzberg, Abigail

Art Faculty/Department Chair
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 260
Herzberg, Abigail

Highers, Patricia

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
Highers, Patricia

Hill, Karen

Communication Studies Faculty/Department Chair
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 206 H
Hill, Karen

Hotchkiss, Sheila

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
Hotchkiss, Sheila

Huber, Hannah

English Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 328
Huber, Hannah

Hulsey, Olivia

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
Hulsey, Olivia

Hutson, Karen

Reading/ESOL Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 335
Hutson, Karen

Hutton, Clark

English and Philosophy Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 366
Hutton, Clark

James, Jennifer

Communication Studies Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 326
James, Jennifer

Jean Francois, Joan

English Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 329
Jean Francois, Joan

Jett, Heather

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
Jett, Heather

Jobe, Ben

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
Jobe, Ben

Johnson, Megan

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
Johnson, Megan

Joiner, Melissa

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
Joiner, Melissa

Judd, Katherine

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts

Judd, Katherine

Karr, Stanley

Division of Humanities and Fine Arts

Ramer 145
Karr, Stanley

Klein Hudson, Natalie

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
Klein Hudson, Natalie

Langford, Kathryn

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
Langford, Kathryn

LaPointe, Kristen

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
LaPointe, Kristen

Lascu, Jason

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Lascu, Jason

Lesh, Andrew

English Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 316
Lesh, Andrew

Mandeville, Betty

English Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 324
Mandeville, Betty

Mann, Erin

Dean of Humanities and Fine Arts
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208 A
Mann, Erin

Matthews, Robert

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
Matthews, Robert

McCaskill, Lori

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
McCaskill, Lori

McCoin, Charles

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
McCoin, Charles

McGuffey, Patrick

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
McGuffey, Patrick

McKinney, Jessie

English Faculty/Assistant Chair
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 334
McKinney, Jessie

McKinzie, Ruth

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
McKinzie, Ruth

McMillion, Jennifer

English Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 314
McMillion, Jennifer

Michael, Shellie

Communication Studies / English Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 318
Michael, Shellie

Miller, Natasha

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Miller, Natasha

Mitchell, Toy

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
Mitchell, Toy

Monk, Dianna

Communication Studies Faculty / WVCP Manager
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Ramer 147
Monk, Dianna

Moore, Deborah

English Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 330
Moore, Deborah

Moore, Lacey

Administrative Assistant
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
Moore, Lacey

Morgan, Vickie

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
Morgan, Vickie

Neal, Karen

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
Neal, Karen

Nixon, Shanique

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Nixon, Shanique

O'Rourke, Kirsten

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
O'Rourke, Kirsten

Odegaard, David

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Odegaard, David

Ormsby, Kelly

English Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 361
Ormsby, Kelly

Park, Johnny

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Park, Johnny

Petrovic Garcia, Ines

Communication Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 206 I
Petrovic Garcia, Ines

Phillips, Steven

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Phillips, Steven

Pouncy, Jess

Art Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 206 B
Pouncy, Jess

Previte, Suzanne

English Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 206 C
Previte, Suzanne

Price, Ami

English Faculty/Upper Cumberland Assistant Chair
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Cookeville Center 147
Price, Ami

Radke, Lyn

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Radke, Lyn

Redfield, Bonnie

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Redfield, Bonnie

Reid, Reaghan

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Reid, Reaghan

Roberts, Marie

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Roberts, Marie

Roller, Olilvia

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
Roller, Olilvia

Sadler, Melody

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Sadler, Melody

Sanchez, Jaime

English and Spanish Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 313
Sanchez, Jaime

Sanderson, Rachel

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Sanderson, Rachel

Schrader, Angela

English Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Cookeville Center 142
Schrader, Angela

Shafer, Brandee

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Shafer, Brandee

Shipley, Jeremy

Philosophy Faculty/Department Chair
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 369
Shipley, Jeremy

Simmons, Kara

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
Simmons, Kara

Slaughter, Nancy

Music Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 106 D
Slaughter, Nancy

Smyth, Nathaniel

Art Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 261
Smyth, Nathaniel

Stafford, Maria

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Stafford, Maria

Theodorou-Shapiro, Agapi

English Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 360
Theodorou-Shapiro, Agapi

Thibodeaux, Jason

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Thibodeaux, Jason

Thomas, Edmon

Communication Studies/Theater Faculty / Performing Arts Chair
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 358
Thomas, Edmon

Tolf, Mark

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
Tolf, Mark

Vandiver, Michelle

Foreign Language Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 357
Vandiver, Michelle

Waltz, Sheri

Communication Studies Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 359
Waltz, Sheri

Webb, Stephanie

English Faculty/Department Chair
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 317
Webb, Stephanie

Wells, Jacob

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
Wells, Jacob

Williams-Wyant, Matthew

Philosophy Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 368
Williams-Wyant, Matthew

Wilson, Keya

Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 208
Wilson, Keya

Yeargin, Kevin

English Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 370
Yeargin, Kevin

Young, April

English Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
SRB 373
Young, April
Name Department Contact
Adkins, Heather Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3200 SRB 208
Alexander, Chris Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Assante, Len Communication Studies Faculty/Assistant Dean
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3727 SRB 206 E
Babiarz-Lira, Allen Communication Studies Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3361 SRB 206 D
Barnett, Mark Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3200 SRB 208
Benfield, Jesse Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3200 SRB 208
Berresheim, Catherine English Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3242 SRB 372
Bishir, Steve Entertainment Media Industry Faculty / Director
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3523 SRB 106 A
Black, Laura English Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3392 SRB 321
Black, Melva Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Blomgren, Nancy English Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3208 SRB 319
Bohr, Leslie Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
931-520-0551 Cookeville Center
Bowie, Pamela Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Boyle, Kathleen Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3200 SRB 208
Bradford, Erin Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Brassell, Brendan Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3200 SRB 208
Britton, MJ Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Brown, Karla Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Brunson, Cory Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Caldwell, Victor Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3200 SRB 208
Casey, Richard Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Cawthon, Julia Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3200 SRB 208
Christian, Victoria Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Clark, Richard Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3200 SRB 208
Cocita, Jessica Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3395 SRB 361
Coel, Crystal Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Collins, Kathleen Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Cook, Kelly Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Crace, Benjamin Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Custer, Rhonda Senior Administrative Assistant
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3545 SRB 208
Dawson, Lynn Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
931-520-0551 Cookeville Center
Dove, Michael Entertainment Media Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3216 SRB 206 G
Drapeau, Jaclyn Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Duggan, Emmet Art Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3512 SRB 315
Eades, Renee English Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3217 SRB 323
Easley, Kyle Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3200 SRB 208
Ernst, Allison Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Fitzhugh, William Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3200 SRB 208
Flatt, Lucas English Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
931-520-0551 ext. 4632 Cookeville Center 136
Gates, Erica Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Gibbons, Jacqueline Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3200 SRB 208
Gilligan, Katherine Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Goad, Seth Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3200 SRB 208
Godwin-Smith, Jemmie Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3200 SRB 208
Gomez, Shirley Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3200 SRB 208
Gorczyca, Jamie English Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3391 SRB 325
Gorgie, Jean Reading Faculty/Department Chair
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-4784 SRB 327
Graves, Benjamin Music Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-4886 SRB 206 F
Gray, Sarah Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3200 SRB 208
Green, Patrick Art Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-4852 SRB 206 A
Gupta, Kiran Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Hall, Rachael Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Harvey, Sara Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3200 SRB 208
Hatcher, David Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-433-7032 Springfield Center
Hendricks, Shawn Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Herzberg, Abigail Art Faculty/Department Chair
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3207 SRB 260
Highers, Patricia Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3200 SRB 208
Hill, Karen Communication Studies Faculty/Department Chair
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3782 SRB 206 H
Hotchkiss, Sheila Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3200 SRB 208
Huber, Hannah English Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-4855 SRB 328
Hulsey, Olivia Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3200 SRB 208
Hutson, Karen Reading/ESOL Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3383 SRB 335
Hutton, Clark English and Philosophy Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3728 SRB 366
James, Jennifer Communication Studies Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3421 SRB 326
Jean Francois, Joan English Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3205 SRB 329
Jett, Heather Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3200 SRB 208
Jobe, Ben Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3200 SRB 208
Johnson, Megan Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3200 SRB 208
Joiner, Melissa Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3200 SRB 208
Judd, Katherine Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Karr, Stanley Temporary
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Ramer 145
Klein Hudson, Natalie Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3200 SRB 208
Langford, Kathryn Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3200 SRB 208
LaPointe, Kristen Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Lascu, Jason Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Lesh, Andrew English Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3527 SRB 316
Mandeville, Betty English Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3781 SRB 324
Mann, Erin Dean of Humanities and Fine Arts
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3214 SRB 208 A
Matthews, Robert Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3200 SRB 208
McCaskill, Lori Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
McCoin, Charles Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3200 SRB 208
McGuffey, Patrick Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3200 SRB 208
McKinney, Jessie English Faculty/Assistant Chair
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-4077 SRB 334
McKinzie, Ruth Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3200 SRB 208
McMillion, Jennifer English Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3403 SRB 314
Michael, Shellie Communication Studies / English Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3769 SRB 318
Miller, Natasha Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Mitchell, Toy Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3200 SRB 208
Monk, Dianna Communication Studies Faculty / WVCP Manager
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3218 Ramer 147
Moore, Deborah English Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-4820 SRB 330
Moore, Lacey Administrative Assistant
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3201 SRB 208
Morgan, Vickie Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3200 SRB 208
Neal, Karen Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3200 SRB 208
Nixon, Shanique Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
O'Rourke, Kirsten Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3200 SRB 208
Odegaard, David Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Ormsby, Kelly English Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3381 SRB 361
Park, Johnny Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Petrovic Garcia, Ines Communication Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3203 SRB 206 I
Phillips, Steven Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Pouncy, Jess Art Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3212 SRB 206 B
Previte, Suzanne English Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3397 SRB 206 C
Price, Ami English Faculty/Upper Cumberland Assistant Chair
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
931-520-4642 Cookeville Center 147
Radke, Lyn Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Redfield, Bonnie Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Reid, Reaghan Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Roberts, Marie Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Roller, Olilvia Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3200 SRB 208
Sadler, Melody Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Sanchez, Jaime English and Spanish Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3379 SRB 313
Sanderson, Rachel Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Schrader, Angela English Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-4637 Cookeville Center 142
Shafer, Brandee Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Shipley, Jeremy Philosophy Faculty/Department Chair
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-4033 SRB 369
Simmons, Kara Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3200 SRB 208
Slaughter, Nancy Music Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3286 SRB 106 D
Smyth, Nathaniel Art Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3220 SRB 261
Stafford, Maria Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Theodorou-Shapiro, Agapi English Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3255 SRB 360
Thibodeaux, Jason Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Thomas, Edmon Communication Studies/Theater Faculty / Performing Arts Chair
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3226 SRB 358
Tolf, Mark Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3200 SRB 208
Vandiver, Michelle Foreign Language Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3528 SRB 357
Waltz, Sheri Communication Studies Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3536 SRB 359
Webb, Stephanie English Faculty/Department Chair
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3661 SRB 317
Wells, Jacob Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3200 SRB 208
Williams-Wyant, Matthew Philosophy Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3395 SRB 368
Wilson, Keya Adjunct Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3200 SRB 208
Yeargin, Kevin English Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-4034 SRB 370
Young, April English Faculty
Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
615-230-3537 SRB 373