Vol State Student Receives Full-Ride to Lipscomb University

Tue, Apr 19, 2022

Chloe Espinosa is a Vol State student and President’s Ambassador who is graduating this semester with an Associate’s Degree in Visual Arts. Chloe recently landed a full-ride scholarship to Lipscomb University, where she will transfer this fall.

“I was not very involved at my high school,” she said. “Then when I came to Vol State, I just really took advantage of all the opportunities given to me, whether it was the Ambassador program, or an Honors Program, or a Work Study. And I think because of that, I grew as a leader.”

Chloe describes the President’s Ambassadors program as, ‘really fun.’ “The friends that I've made over there have been people that I will remember for the rest of my life, and being an Ambassador in itself really pushed me while I’ve been at Vol State,” she said.

“I applied to Lipscomb as a transfer student, and then once I had been accepted, I wasn't really seriously considering it just because I knew how expensive Lipscomb would be,” she said.

After reaching out to an advisor with her concerns, Chloe was told about a scholarship opportunity. Chloe applied for the scholarship, participated in an interview, and was awarded a full-ride to Lipscomb University as a transfer student. “I honestly couldn’t believe it,” said Chloe.

Paying for college has always been one of Chloe’s biggest priorities. “The finances of college have always been just so important to me because no one wants to graduate with debt,” she said. “I was just so adamant about just trying my best to find as many scholarships as I could.”

Chloe plans to eventually earn her Master’s degree. Her dream job is to be an art teacher. Chloe is also interested in becoming ESL certified.

“I’m very excited. I’m also very sad because I’ve loved Vol State, but I’m very ready for the next chapter,” said Chloe.

Blog Author
Chloe Duvall
Chloe Espinosa, who is a Vol State student and President’s Ambassador