Three Tips For New Students

Tue, Jun 29, 2021

I’m a sophomore at Vol State, but I remember what it felt like to be an upcoming freshman, unsure and overwhelmed. It can be scary going to college, and sometimes students don’t know what to expect. To help new students get ready for college, I talked to Galylea Villagrana, a COMPLETE coach from TNAchieves to ask her about some of her top advice for upcoming students.

Meet With Your Advisor

“I feel like a lot of students go off and register themselves which I don’t recommend because your advisor really has the best degree plan. I’ve been one to register for what I thought I needed and I passed it on to my advisor and she completely rearranged my whole schedule.”

Connect With Your Instructors

“Even if you’re not a social person, I highly recommend getting to know your professors. I’ve had so many opportunities and internships just because I was nice and attentive in class.”


“My best advice would be to know that it’s a big adjustment coming to college. It’s very different from high school. It’s a whole different environment and it just takes time to adjust. Just be patient.”

It took me several weeks into my first semester to feel comfortable at college, so don't worry if you're feeling overwhelmed at first. Stay tuned for more tips on making the most of your college experience.

Blog Author
Chloe Duvall
Students walking around campus