Ricky Capps' Journey to his Master's Degree

Wed, Oct 05, 2022

Ricky Capps is an adult student with many talents. Not only is he enrolled full-time in the Business Administration program at Vol State, but he is also a personal trainer, a nutritionist, a coach for his son’s little league football team, a Director of Operations at Coca-Cola, and an amateur powerlifter.

“I’m not a traditional student,” he said. “I'm 33 and I'm back in school. I already have an established career in logistics at Coca-Cola, but I ultimately have to have a master’s degree to move up in the company.” Ricky decided that continuing his education at Vol State was the next best step on his journey to get his master’s degree.

Aside from his classes and his full-time job, Ricky is passionate about fitness and even has his own personal training business. Ricky has a motto that he tells his clients that he thinks can also apply to college students. “Consistency and discipline is the key to future success,” he said.

Even in his busy life, Ricky wouldn’t change a thing. “Honestly, the best feeling is waking up every single morning and being dog-tired, but going into my kids’ room and looking at them lying in bed and knowing everything I'm doing in my life to improve myself as a husband and father is for them,” he said. Ricky plans to 

Learn more about Vol State's Business Administration program

Blog Author
Chloe Duvall
Ricky Capps with his family
profile photo of Ricky Capps